I’m The King

Chapter 1289: : Carrying Forward the Past (One Hundred Seventy-Nine) Parliament Building

On December 15th, Jicheng, which was covered by heavy snow, woke up much earlier. Just as the bell of the five watch ring rang, every county in Jicheng Guild Hall was lit up almost at the same time. The quiet hall. It became lively in an instant. Yesterday, the councillors who went to bed early would be neatly dressed and energized to gather in the lobby on the first floor, where a rich breakfast has been prepared for them. After eating this meal, They will set off to the Great House.

The annual large council is the time when all regions clash with each other, especially those states and counties that are economically underdeveloped and more remote, they appear to be full of combat effectiveness. The central court gives such a big pie every year, although every year. Growth, but growth is also limited. Who doesn't want to get a little bit more from this big pie? Even in a county with a rich crown like Jishi County, thinking about getting a bigger slice of the pie, no one thinks too much money, right? With more money, we can naturally do more for the local people, so that the people will be more grateful for their senators' Xin `Pig`Pig Island` novel `www`huzud`bitterness. The people of Jishi County have solved their food and clothing problems a long time ago. Now the whole county is striding straight towards a well-off society. The chiefs of the county and the councillors are all thinking to do more for the people, like Fang Shuzai. Yingshui took the lead in granting allowances to the elderly over 60 years of age, such a showy thing, so that Jishi County regretted not falling. Why didn't she think of such a famous thing? Even if you keep up now, that's second!

The first place has a prize, and the second place can only have soup.

But the first two days should be lighter. According to the previous year’s agenda, the first day was the Zhengjitang’s annual government work report for the deputies to consider, and then the top officials of the various ministries summarized the achievements and mistakes of this year. From the beginning of the second day, we began to review the budgets submitted by various regions. But this year, an agenda has been added, and all the councillors will vote to elect the first assistant of the next term. This is the first time that this is the first time for these councillors. With a single vote in their hands, it is possible to decide who the next congressman will be. Why not let them get excited?

When the sky was light, everyone was full of food and drink, and the carriage outside the door was already ready. Everyone went out one by one, boarded the carriage, and went straight to the place where the Great Council was.

The new parliament building was just completed this year. Compared with the previous conference hall, it is completely independent from the previous government office group. Far away from the palace, but compared to the lofty palace, this parliament building is much taller.

The new parliament building with the latest reinforced concrete structure is up to five floors, and the nearly 20-meter-high building is like a group of chickens. Standing on the top of the building, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Jicheng. When it was first constructed, the old Shangshu of the Ministry of Li Xun Xiu Also strongly opposed, Xun Lao Shangshu believes that it is in Jicheng. There can be no building higher than the main hall of the Great Han Palace, but this proposal was rejected by Gao Yuan, who did not save face, and Xun Lao Shang Shu became ill with anger. Afterwards, Gao Yuan felt cold and asked. Even the queen was asked to visit the house in person, but the building grew taller day by day, and finally appeared in front of the whole Jicheng people.

On the top of the building, the four one-meter-sized characters "Parliament Building" are extremely conspicuous. From a long distance, you can see this building and the big characters on it at a glance, which has become a landmark building in Jicheng. Before the building. It was a huge square. At this time, there were already many carriages parked there. The soldiers of the Young Guards were instructing the carriage drivers to park these carriages one by one to the designated places.

It was late in winter, and the sky was still very dark at this time, but before the parliament building, two beams of light directly shot up from the ground, illuminating the four characters of the parliament building in detail. This peculiar sight immediately attracted the front. All the parliamentarians who came to the meeting flocked to the two light sources emitting light beams. They were two boxes installed in the flower bed. Railings were erected in front of the flower bed and guards stood on both sides. Look far and can't play with it.

Before the railing was crowded with curious members, they walked to the front, and they could see more clearly. There was only a candle burning in the box, but when the light that should have been very weak came out of the box, Has it become so radiant?

"What kind of invention is this?" someone among the members asked loudly.

In Dahan, weird and strange inventions appear every day, and every day someone becomes rich because of their own inventions. Now seeing this peculiar sight, Dahan people would not think that this is another manifestation of heaven, demon and ghost, naturally. I would think that this is another peculiar invention.

Ordinary Han people are like this, let alone these well-informed congressmen.

"This is just developed by Mingbo Company." Chen Fang whispered to a member of the councilor around him. As people from Jishicheng, they have a natural sensitivity to new technologies, and they have already inquired clearly. "You all know the glass they produce?"

"Of course I know. I just installed it in my house. Not to mention, this winter is really good. You can enjoy the snow when sitting in the house. It's not as cold as before. But it's really expensive. "The person next to him said, shaking his head again and again.

"Any good thing just came out is naturally expensive." Chen Fang smiled: "Like Procter & Gamble, what was the price of a piece of soap three years ago? But now, there are more people doing it, and his price It will naturally come down. I heard that this thing is made of this kind of glass, which can amplify the faint light."

"This thing is transparent, how can you make such a trick?"

Chen Fangsi laughed, "If everyone knows, how can others get rich? Naturally there are special techniques here, but we don't know it."

"Professor Chen, since you know so much, you must think about it if you want to participate in a share or simply buy him? If there is such a good thing, don't forget to give the brother a hand." A person behind him squeezed over, Chen Fang Turning his head, he saw that he was a member of Tianhe County. This old man, like himself, was also a rich man of the workshop.

"Of course I asked, but I persuaded you to stop making this idea, right?" Chen Fang smiled, "The owner of Mingbo Company is called Wang Kang."

"Wang Kang, I have never heard of it!" The businessman shook his head.

Chen Fang chuckled again: "Brother, then first go to find out who this Wang Kang is, and then think about it, can this work?" Abandoning this sentence, he put his hands on his back and swayed. Then left.

"Speaker, who is this Wang Kang?" behind him, a member of Jishi County asked in a low voice.

"This Wang Kang used to be a personal soldier next to the king." Chen Fang lowered his voice, "So you think about it. Isn't it self-evident that this Mingbo company is behind? At first, I also thought about buying this Mingbo. , But as soon as I inquired about the origin of Wang Kang, he immediately died down."

"It turned out to be the company of the king." The congressman stuck his tongue out. "It seems that our king was really anxious by Minister Wang. He actually asked his soldiers to come out to do business and dare not put it under his own name."

Chen Fang laughed. The king was chasing Wang Wudi because he couldn't ask for a salary. It was spread all over the world because of the Dahan Weekly. After everyone read it, after laughing wildly, he had to sigh with emotion. You are really a rare encounter in a thousand years. Looking at the history books, when can you see that the master of a country can't ask for a salary from his men. This king is not a mere hand, but the founding prince of the world's strongest kingdom!

The bell rang, and the door of the parliament building slowly opened in the midst of the bell. Hundreds of parliamentarians climbed up the steps and filed into the parliament building. As the door squeaked and closed, the inside and the outside were isolated, and a team was fully equipped. The armed young guards stood upright in front of the gate.

The lobby on the first floor is very high. I am afraid that it is more than five meters. The layout of the lobby is also very distinctive. It is high around and low in the middle. Rows of desks and chairs are neatly arranged. The area is marked with a place, and each chair has a name affixed to it. Obviously, they have done enough work. When everyone saw the inside, they just glanced at it and they knew it. Everyone found the area where he was. Sit down in his chair.

The lower middle ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ only has a table, but no chairs. That is for people who make government reports or propose motions. All the members can look down at the middle speaker from a condescending position. This arrangement inexplicably gave these congressmen more confidence.

Point out the mistakes in government work. In the past few years, they have developed a habit. Some people have even done their homework a long time ago. They are ready to raise questions on the spot after speaking from various departments. Last year, officials from several departments were caught The question was sweaty, and even caused a major earthquake in the Ministry of Industry. One attendant lost his head, and another attendant was also implicated. He worked so hard to resume his original post this year. He should have taken over the post of Minister of Engineering. , Up to now, Wu Kai is still holding the post.

On one side of the building, a passage connects a row of small rooms. Inside, at this time, Jiang Jiaquan is dressed in a new official uniform and sits in distress. This is the last time he has summed up the gains and losses of a year's government work in front of hundreds of parliamentarians. After finishing this government work report, he will step down as the first assistant and return to the general public from the position of one person and above ten thousand people. In front of him, Gao Yuan also had a solemn expression.

Kou Shuguang walked in with the door gently pushed open, "The King, Shoufu, the outside is already in place."

Gao Yuan stood up, walked to Jiang Jiaquan's side, gently supported Jiang Jiaquan, "Sir, let's go!" (To be continued...)

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