I’m The King

Chapter 1292: : Carrying on the Past (One Hundred and Eighty Two) Election

Gao Yuan and his party did not enter through the main entrance of the parliament building, but under the leadership of He Weiyuan, from the corner door on one side, quietly stepped into a room on the second floor of the parliament building. Here, they were right. The situation in the lobby on the first floor is unobstructed.

Wu Qi had just finished his campaign speech, bowed to all the congressmen. After getting up, he nodded slightly to Yan Shenghao on the other side. Both competitors kept smiles and demeanor, at least on the surface, All are confident.

As an advisor to the Great Council, He Dayou is participating in the election. This time, the general election is extraordinarily extraordinary. Because he has resigned from his post as a councillor, he will lose the right to vote. However, Gao Yuan will be summoned to take charge of voting and In the vote-counting session, the two chief assistants finished their competitive speeches. He limply walked to the middle of the hall with a box in his hand.


Standing on the podium, he opened one side of the box and unfolded the inside to all the congressmen. The box was empty. After displaying it for a week, He Dayou put the box on the podium and closed the lid.

The congressman glanced around, and Dayou Ho cleared his throat: "Congressmen, Mr. Ho is entrusted by the king to preside over the vote-counting session this time. Has anyone raised an objection that He should not be here to preside Or he needs to avoid suspicion?"

The hall was quiet. It was really a joke. He Dayou just said that he was commissioned by the king. Who else would dare to have a tooth? Or in a long, long time later, there will be such voices of doubt, but now, the reputation of the founding monarch is soaring, and the members of the congress have long been accustomed to unconditional obedience to the king.

"Lao He, you are taking off your pants and farting. You would do nothing." Chen Fang from Jishi County yelled from the seat, "Hurry up!"

"This is a procedural issue." He Dayou said sternly: "The king said that the result is very important, but the procedure and process are also very important. Since no one has raised any questions, then we will officially start."

He waved his hand, and a row of young guards came out from the passages on both sides. These soldiers held a stack of ballots in their hands, and they began to distribute the ballots in the hands of the members of Parliament.

"Dear Members, the ballot papers you hold in your hand are all blank. There are pens and inks in front of you. What you have to do now is to bring up your pen and write the first and second candidates you think are suitable on the ballots. I Remind everyone, you can only write one. If two names appear on a ballot, then this ballot will be invalidated. This is the supreme right granted to you by the king. Please cherish your vote. Right. He Dayou said loudly."

This time, no one in the hall made any more voices. Most of the MPs who got the ballots picked up their pens and got them done overnight. Only a few of them were holding pens in their hands, but their eyes swept over Yan Shengxu and Wu Qi. Sweeping around, it seems that he did not make up his mind.

"Now we will start voting. All members of the legislature are invited to take the stage one by one in order, and cast this sacred vote in your hand into the box beside me." He Dayou said.

Members of the front row began to vote in turn. Those parliamentarians who were still hesitating finally brought up their pens and wrote down their first assistant candidates.

On the second floor, Gao Yuan looked at the ministers who had just come upstairs to meet him. They did not have the right to vote. They all became spectators at this time. Gao Yuan looked at these people, and saw them watching the lively scenes one by one with great interest. He couldn't help but laugh a little. Now the first assistant election he has done is still a bit unconventional. These ministers naturally do not think that this election has anything to do with them, and they are interested in watching the excitement. But after a few years, they won't have such a mood. Because the election of the first auxiliary will also affect their position.

Now is just the beginning. In the future, what Gao Yuan wants to do is to let the chief assistant organize the cabinet by himself. After the chief assistant is elected, the chief assistant will have the right to nominate candidates for ministers, and then submit the candidates to the Great Council for approval. Only at this time will the real electoral era begin.

"Who do you think will win the election?" Gao Yuan asked casually, squinting as he watched the councillors who were voting downstairs.

"Is there anything else to say? It must be a strict discussion of politics!" Wu Kai stood at the first place among the officials, and the place closest to Gaoyuan. Hearing Gaoyuan's questions, he didn't even think about it, and said directly, "No matter what. Whether it’s qualifications, connections, or credit, Lao Yan is not comparable to Wu Yizheng. Your Majesty, I would like to say that this kind of voting is just a cutscene."

"I don't see it!" Cao Tianci behind him shook his head and said, "I know that Wu Yizheng has also worked hard in the past two days, and there are a lot of people who have expressed their support for him. Who will die is still unknown. "

Gao Yuan glanced at Cao Tianci. Cao Tiangang bowed his head with some guilty conscience. As the head of the state secret police, he certainly knows more than ordinary people. , The order was also given to Cao Tianci, but whether this guy has completely implemented it, Gao Yuan felt that he still had to put a question mark in his heart, now that he looked like he was discounted.

"Longevity, what do you say?" Gao Yuan looked back at Zhou Changshou.

Zhou Changshou smiled and said: "This time I think Yan Yizheng won, but Wu Yizheng is not a vegetarian. In the eyes of his ministers, Wu Yizheng regarded this election as a military training. His focus should be on the next one. Didn’t the king say that it will be elected every five years! This time, Wu Yizheng just doesn’t want to lose too ugly, and then he just made some preparations."

"Shuguang, how about you?" His eyes turned to another minister of discussion. As a rising star, Kou Shuguang has always remained silent in the political affairs hall. Except for the maritime affairs that he is responsible for, all other affairs are concerned with more things. It's better to be less, and try not to talk.

"Senior Wang, in his speech just now, Wu Yizheng strongly emphasized the need to develop overseas trade, expand overseas markets, and establish a large number of overseas farms. With our technical advantages, we will use a small amount of troops to control the vast number of overseas Land, grab more wealth for my big man." Kou Shuguang said.

Gao Yuan's eyes flashed: "Wu Qi went to find you? Want your support?"

Kou Shuguang's face blushed, "Yes, Wu Yizheng went to me and said that he wanted to hear some of my views on maritime affairs, so I told him some things in this respect and told him that the vastness of the ocean beyond, wealth The abundance of goods, but now we have limited power, knowing it, but unable to get it."

Gao Yuan chuckled: "It seems that Wu Qi has indeed made a lot of effort. In terms of domestic affairs, he really can't compete with Lao Yan, so he set his sights overseas, and even the colonial method made him think of it. After his speech this time, I am afraid that the big members of Yanhai will all vote for him."

Kou Shuguang bowed his head and remained silent. Wang Shang was well expected. After Wu Qi approached him, he promised that he would vigorously develop overseas trade in the future and establish a number of farming sites. For him, this was naturally undesirable. So he helped Wu Qi get a lot of votes. Just as Gao Yuan said, he got votes from the congressmen of Yihaizhou County. In this regard, Kou Shuguang has unique conditions.

In this regard, Yan Shenghao was misguided. I am afraid he did not expect that the members of the political affairs hall would clearly support Wu Qi to compete with him.

"Ye Zhong, you are the Minister of National Defense and represent the military. Who do you support?" Gao Yuan looked at Ye Zhong.

Ye Zhong smiled slightly: "The king, the minister has no position. The army is the army of the king and the army of the Han Kingdom. It does not matter who is the chief assistant. Just as the king does not allow the army to intervene in the local civil affairs, the minister also treats the chief assistant. The election is not biased."

Gao Yuan smiled, the army, this is the biggest problem in the political reform in the future, and it is also a problem that he scratches his head. He is only taking a small step to prevent the army from interfering in politics, and he is cautiously changing the political system. To completely change the situation of the monarch’s eloquence, the army is a problem that cannot be avoided. From the question and answer of Ye Zhong, it can be heard that the army is still loyal to the king, and he is in power. There is a problem, but the problem is that in the future, if the big man has a mediocre monarch, but still controls the army, then all his current reforms are just empty talk. Once the parliament appears that is not in the interests of the monarch, he will give a big hand. In front of the army's steel swords, all democracy is empty talk.

But under the current social conditions, it is impossible for him to take a big step forward. I can only slowly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ step by step. After I have cleared Qin Chu, I have some basic conditions, and then I can solve this problem step by step.

"You are right, the army should be loyal to the country!" He said indifferently.

This sentence may not be wrong in most people's ears, but for Ye Zhong, it is quite different. He opened his eyes and looked at Gao Yuan, his heart was full of surprise. Ye Zhong came from Old Yan. , Has been following Ye Tiannan to walk between the court and the nobles. He is much more familiar with the game between nations than the others here. Gao Yuan mentioned the country but not the king, which shocked him a bit.

"Now let's sing the votes!" Next, He Dayou's loud voice began to roar again.

Several soldiers of the Guards appeared in the hall carrying a large white board. Two bookkeepers stood with pens. On the white board, two names were already written, Yan Shenghao on the left and Wu Qi on the right.

He Dayou picked up a ballot from the box, opened it, glanced at it, and said loudly, "Yan Shenghao."

The book official on the left lifted the pen and made a heavy stroke under Yan Shenghao's name on the whiteboard. (To be continued...)

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