I’m The King

Chapter 1300: : Carry on the past and open the future (one hundred and ninety) division of labor

In Zhao Xilie’s view, whether He Lanxiong or he, came to the Third Military Region to take up a post. To put it bluntly, Dahan Chaotang is not 3617/\'>I hope that the two of them have strong military power in their hands, and their situation is better. After Zhao Di was completely integrated into the Dahan, Dahan Chaotang digested this huge piece of cake, and no longer had to worry about his influence, he might return to the regular army one day, but He Lanxiong was different. He Lanxiong is the king's eldest brother-in-law and the current banner of the Huns. In any way, he has little chance of regaining military power. From now on, this fierce tiger will be circled in a fixed circle, surrounded by the civil affairs work that he is irritating.

"Commander, we don't have any enemies in the Northwest anymore. Those who dared to resist us have been turned into bones. There is no need to invest too much military force on the military?" Zhao Xilie said.

He Lanxiong glanced at the (Pig-Pig-Island) novel .zud. Zhao Xilie looked at Zhao Xilie and laughed. Zhao Xilie felt guilty, knowing that his mind had been seen through by this seemingly rough guy in front of him.

"The area controlled by our Third Military Region is too large, with a wide area and sparsely populated areas. All farms are scattered in various places. It is indeed unnecessary to build an infantry unit, but it is not necessary to maintain a cavalry with sufficient strength. Now we have all the cavalry in our hands. In total, there are less than 5,000 people. Such a unit is still incapable of controlling such a large area. If nothing happens, it will be regrettable. Besides, our northwest is not enough. It's not that there are no hidden dangers and no enemies." He Lanxiong walked to the wall where the map was hung, and looked up at the huge map.

"Where does our enemy come from?" Zhao Xilie was a little confused.

He Lanxiong pointed at the yellow on the map.

"Desert?" Zhao Xilie was dumbfounded.

"Not the desert, but the other side of the desert." He Lanxiong said solemnly. "Old Zhao, do you remember the battle Li Xin Wang Xiao fought against us on the prairie a few years ago?"

"Of course, although I am not a participant, I also know that the battle was earth-shattering and thrilling." Of course, Zhao Xilie knew, because Li Xin passed through the valley controlled by Zhao at that time. Suddenly attacked Daijun, leaving the Han army in an unprecedented predicament.

"Wang Jian disappeared, with more than 30,000 Zhao Jun disappeared into the vast desert." He Lanxiong stared at the dazzling yellow on the map. "Wang Xiao, Wang Jian, I hate them."

Turning around, He Lanxiong sat down slowly, "Ten years ago, in the Horan Mountains, the father and son massacred tens of thousands of Huns who had surrendered to me. At that time, I was not far from the massacre. When I hurried there, I saw a hell-like scene. My fellow robes had their hands tied behind their backs, people stacked and people pressed. They just lay down like that. They have already surrendered!"

Zhao Xilie sat down in silence, and of course he knew about it, afterwards. Although Wang Xiao was punished by Qin Ting on the bright side, everyone knew that this was just a trick of Qin Ting.

"In the first battle on the grassland, I thought I could avenge them. But in the end, I only killed Wang Xiao, but Wang Jian disappeared into the desert with the main force of the Qin army. Since then, there is no news. I will not forget him. of."

Zhao Xilie heard He Lanxiong's fists creaked.

"But that is the vast desert. For so many years, I have never heard of anyone who can pass through the desert and survive." Zhao Xilie said: "Or, they have been buried in the desert."

"No. No!" He Lanxiong shook his head and said, "In the past, occasionally there were sporadic merchants crossing this desert. In the catastrophe of our Huns more than ten years ago, there was also a Huns tribe. In the end they chose to cross the desert, although they also lost their whereabouts. On the other side of the desert, there is another world."

Zhao Xilie took a deep breath, "Even if there is another world, if it is suitable for human survival, there must be forces controlling them there. Even if the king is cut, life will not be better, or they have already It was wiped out by local forces."

"Years ago, there were sporadic businessmen who arrived here. We also got some information, but very few, but we also sketched out the specific form of the desert based on these pitiful information. But in the past two years, Not even a merchant on the opposite side can cross this vast sea of ​​sand to reach us. Do you know what this means?"

Zhao Xilie shook his head.

"In the information we got before, on the other side of the desert, the area is also vast, but it’s not like we have a strong state control here, where there are many powers and they are in chaos. Some small countries near the desert, Daring businessmen crossed the desert, both as an expedition and wanting to open up a business route, but now, there are none. The National Security Bureau has actually been sending out spies to which side for several years, but unfortunately, one by one. There is no return."

Zhao Xilie became a little nervous, "So, now you are already deliberately controlling to prevent people from flowing here?"

"Yes, someone is consciously controlling, what, who would this person be?" He Lanxiong waved his arm, "If I were to say it, it must be Wang Jian. Where did he go, he survived, and he still Established a force sufficient to control the border. He was afraid that we would leak his whereabouts from the merchants who occasionally arrived at us, causing us to chase and kill us. Therefore, he banned any merchants from passing to our side."

"This is just a guess." Zhao Xilie said.

"Yes, it's just a guess, but I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Wang Jian has a deep hatred with us. Now he is weak and can't be our enemy, but if one day he becomes stronger, will he? Attack us across the desert? To take precautions, we must be prepared."

"Does the king know about this?" Zhao Xilie asked.

He Lanxiong laughed and said, "Brother Zhao, do you really think that our Third Military Region is just to reclaim and open up wasteland? We develop the northwest, so why not to guard against them, of course, not just for Wang Jian, he is just the enemy in the plan Among the insignificant ones."

"So this is the case?" Zhao Xilie exclaimed.

"We want to develop the Northwest. This is the first step. The most practical role now is that we will become a barrier to important cities in the Han Dynasty such as Jishi County behind us. Without us, if an enemy really crossed the desert, we would be the first to suffer. It was Jishi County that was hit. You know the importance of Jishi County to my fellow. This is the military and industrial town of our fellow. It is the core driving force of our fellow’s advancement."

"Now that we have basically completed the first step, the next step is to enter the second step, to develop the Northwest, so that it can become a base for us to attack, retreat and defend. After we have cleaned up Qin Chu, we will finally One day, we will cross this desert and take a look at the scenery over there."

He Lanxiong turned around and looked at Zhao Xilie with scorching eyes, "So Brother Zhao, don't think that we were sent here. We bear on our shoulders the direction that the big man will be heading ten years later, or decades later, of course. , Or when the time comes, it is not the two of us who will enjoy this achievement, but it will be the strong foundation that both of us have laid today. When that day comes, this northwest will be our forward base."

Zhao Xilie only felt that all his blood was burning. It turned out that Han had already begun to outline a strategic plan ten or even decades later, and he had always thought that this was just a move to resettle He Lanxiong and himself!

"Don't underestimate the great king's heart." He Lanxiong said with a smile.

Zhao Xilie was a bit impressive.

"Then what shall we do next?"

"The foundation has been laid. In two years, we have taken root here. Next, we will naturally develop. The northwest will not only become a barrier for the Hans, but also a forward base for the Hans to advance. Civil affairs and military. You are in charge of civil affairs. This is the most important one. If you want to come, you have to understand that the first step we have to do is to feed these hundreds of thousands of people, food, water conservancy, and transportation. It’s a major town in the northwest. Well, I focus on the military. First, I plan to expand the number of cavalry to about 10,000, and then use one to two years to turn them into a brave and capable force. Before the king is ready to enter the army. , Our army must be able to defend our achievements in the northwest."

"The commander is saying that before this, the enemy is likely to attack?"

"Who knows this accurately? For example, Wang Jian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he can really control the area opposite and sit down, then he has no idea of ​​going back to his homeland? Besides, Wang Shang was vaguely in the past. Yudi mentioned a nose, saying that there are many powerful regimes in the opposite and far away place. Will they cross the desert to invade us? These are all uncertain things, so we have to think about the good side. , But we must prepare for the worst."

Zhao Xilie nodded: "The commander said yes." After thinking about it, he exclaimed: "When our eyes are still limited to this small place in front of us, the vision of the king has been placed where we did not even think about it. , Or, this is the reason why the big man can rise quickly and be proud of the world!"

"Yes, sometimes I simply doubt whether this person is a **** under heaven or earth, otherwise, how can he know so many things that we never even thought of." He Lanxiong said with emotion: "For example, our navy, Zhao Brother, now that our navy is so powerful, I'm afraid you would never have thought of it."

"How does it compare to Chu people?" Zhao Xilie asked.

He Lanxiong laughed loudly, "What is the navy of the Chu people? If our navy is a sea dragon, the navy of the Chu people is a little loach at best!" (To be continued...)

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