I’m The King

Chapter 1303: : Carrying on the Past (One Hundred and Ninety-Three) The King on the New Land

A black palace stands in the very center of Shule City, and its height even exceeds the wall in the distance. His architectural style is completely different from other houses in the city. It is in its own style, but it looks down on the entire Shule City like a flock of chickens. .

Wang Jian stood at the highest point of the palace, looking down at the city below him. All of this now belongs to him. Not only Shule, but with Shule as the center, the area thousands of miles around is now under his control. A few years ago, he was forced into the desert by the Han army. Tens of thousands of troops struggled all the way in the desert. Only more than 10,000 people set foot on this land. What greeted them was not flowers and wine, but the attacks of countless aliens. After **** battles, these Qin troops who had earned their lives from the desert used blood. And sacrifices established their status as kings on this land, so that the city-states on this land had to admit their existence, but it was only the poorest area on the most fringe of the desert.

A year of breathing has allowed Wang Jian to regain his vitality. Using this year’s time, he vigorously purged other races in this area and brought them under his own rule. A powerful army appeared, and after another year, he marched aggressively, defeating other surrounding city-states, and gradually extended his rule to the current area.

At the beginning, the Qin Army who had crossed the desert with him had only five or six thousand people, but they are now Wang Jian's powerful arms to control this area.

The slave system that was originally practiced in this area was still more backward. In Qin, slaves were nothing new. Many of those who committed crimes would be reduced to slaves, but like this, except for the nobles. It was the situation of slaves, but Wang Jian was very surprised, but he had no intention to change this situation. For him, this situation was more conducive to his rule.

Those farmers, artisans, and slaves with slave status are really too tame, as long as they kill their masters and claim the rights to them. These slaves will lie down at your feet, and if you treat them a little bit better, they will be grateful to you.

The remaining five thousand Qin troops are now the slave owners of this vast area. Even the wounded and dilapidated soldiers will own a piece of land and have a different number of slaves. They are the kings who control this. The most effective tool for the slice area.

The current Wang cut. Able to gather tens of thousands of heavily armed soldiers in a very short period of time. In addition to the 30,000 standing army under their control, the newly promoted slave owners can prepare their own weapons in wartime. War horses, leading their slave soldiers, appeared under their command.

For this area, Wang Jian is their heaven. The former rulers, under his steel knife, all became dead. The leftovers also fled far away, seemingly no longer a threat to Wang Jian, but Wang Jian did not feel relieved at all, because he knew very well that there was a sharper knife behind him. Threatening his safety all the time.

This knife is the Great Han Kingdom on the other side of the desert.

If they can cross the desert, they can naturally too. Compared with the end of the road at the time, if the Han Kingdom wants to come, it must be prepared. Wang Jian, who has fought with the Han for many years, is very aware of the powerful mobilization ability of the Han Kingdom. , The unparalleled logistics supply capacity, it seems that only this vast desert can be relied on by oneself, but will the desert really become an obstacle to the other party?

Driven by this kind of psychology, Wang Jian’s most important generals and the most powerful forces are all placed on the edge of the desert. Under his 30,000 standing army, there are 20,000 Niya and Yi gathered on the border. The purpose of the two places in Ning was to resist the Han army who might pounce over there at any time.

Another year has passed, and my control of this area is already very stable. The arrival of the Qin people has brought advanced farming techniques. Most of the Qin army under his command was a farmer before joining the army. , They became slave owners and owned large tracts of fertile land, so they would naturally devote themselves to this land. Advanced farming techniques and hardworking slaves created a lot of wealth.

But the trouble finally came this year. To Wang Jian’s surprise, the trouble did not come from the Great Han Kingdom in the south, but from the north. Groups of people dressed in black like locusts, riding war horses or camels, Enemies wielding a machete rushed towards their own territory. There were not many people at the beginning, and they were easily wiped out. However, after eliminating these people, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest. More such enemies began to gather from the north. , Launched an attack on his own territory.

Three months ago, he assembled 20,000 troops and fought a battle in Kangju City. Although he won the battle, he still feels shocked by the horror of the war. These black knights are like crazy monsters. Waves pounced on their own battlefield, even if their corpses were stacked into a wall of corpses before their arrows, these people threw their lives into their own array, and then there was fierce melee. After the war, the tens of thousands of people in black who had committed the crime were all wiped out outside of Kangju City, but their losses also reached tens of thousands.

Although he won the final victory, this battle also hurt Wang's vitality, and what worries him even more is the details of these enemies.

From the captured prisoners, he knew that these black knights came from a country called the Great Eater. Their highest leader was called the Caliph. They were just a group of people who had failed to compete for the highest leader in the Great Eater country. Those who come out, they are homeless, they can only come all the way south, and they accidentally discovered this fertile territory. They originally wanted to occupy this land as their new territory, but they didn't want Wang Jian to come one step earlier than them. .

The information he received made Wang Jian a little shocked. When he was in Da Qin before, he had never imagined that the world was so big and there were so many forces outside their imagination. This group of black knights that made him tricky is just a group of bereaved dogs, and it has already made him feel difficult to deal with. If those victors are captured in their mouths, what caliphs are coming, how can they resist?

As a similarly ambitious general, Wang Jian naturally knew that a broader territory was the endless pursuit of every superior, and no king would be satisfied with his current achievements. If they didn't know their territory before, then these people in black who fled back will inevitably bring back this information. Maybe soon, more black knights will come to pick up Zhong.

The madness of these people's fighting made Wang Jian, who has experienced many battles, also felt a little trembling. Even if there was only one person left, this person would frantically wield a scimitar, howling out a language they did not understand, and launching to them. Desperate attack.

This is a bunch of lunatics.

In the following days, Wang Jian sent countless spies to the north, and the news brought back made Wang Jian even more alarmed. It was a country where politics and religion were united. It was not as powerful as Da Qin in its heyday, but for politics and religion. Unity is no stranger to Wang Jian. When Li Ru was in power, the Qin State strictly forbids religious interference in royal power. Anyone like this has become a ghost under the sword. Religion can make people look like people. This is Wang Jian's cognition.

With his current ability, it is absolutely impossible to resist this massive attack. If you want to keep your current fruits, the only possibility is to seek foreign aid.

But I have no foreign aid to look for.

It was at this time that Lu Chao’s messenger finally found himself. From the messenger’s mouth, Wang Jian knew the general trend of the Central Plains now. What made him cool was that the Han Kingdom became stronger and stronger, and his native country Daqin , But getting weaker and weaker, and is about to fall into the brink of civil war.

Laizhi did not conceal Lu Chao's current thoughts and what Lu Chao wants to do.

Although the three-year period is not long, to Wang Jian, it seems to be a century. It is so long that he almost forgets the appearance of his homeland. In the past three years, what he has to do every year is how to make himself in this place. Struggling to survive and live better on the land, the memory of the past has long been blurred.

Back to Qin country? This idea has long since disappeared. If I can hold this territory, I will have a better life here, Da Qin, what else can I give myself? Or, what did they give themselves?

However, the arrival of this messenger made Wang Jian catch a straw or a life-saving straw at a certain moment. If Lu Chao succeeds, if he can resuscitate a powerful Qin country in his hands, then~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Or he can become a powerful foreign aid for himself. At that time, he can use their power to keep his own territory.

Instead of rejecting the envoy, he gave a warm reception and full of promises, but he hasn't made up his mind about what to do until now. When it comes time to support Lu Chao, even if it is just to contain the Han army, it will provoke the big man, the giant, is it really worth it?

The powerful neighbor in the north has just won the highest position in the country. It takes two or three years to sort out internal affairs and fully control power, and he has only two or three years to breathe. But his current strength, no matter how meticulously prepared it was, it was impossible to withstand the black cavalry who would rush in at that time.

Wang Jian sighed, stood up, and closed the window.

In the empty hall behind him, rapid footsteps sounded.

"General, General Niyahuang Pegasus sent a message. They captured the messenger from the Great Han Kingdom." A guard hurried over and responded loudly.

Wang turned around sharply. Dahan Kingdom, Gaoyuan, you finally know my existence, are you finally here? (To be continued...)

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