I’m The King

Chapter 1306: : Carrying on the Past (One Hundred and Ninety-Six) ​​Disaster

After reaching the most basic agreement with Wang Jian, Niu Ben did not delay the slightest, and the next day he set off for Almaty, the Huyan tribe of the Huyan tribe who escaped from the chase of the Qin people and crossed the desert. Places of residence.

The one who led Niu Ben was a former ordinary soldier of the Qin army. The reason why he said he used to pass is because he is now also a manor owner with hundreds of slaves. He is the owner of hundreds of slaves in his own manor. Here, he has an armed force of fifty people. These people are naturally made up of his slaves. Usually, these people usually help him manage the manor. If the general is called, he will take this fifty-man force with him. The small army joined the big army to fight.

These fifty slave soldiers are fairly well equipped, all leather armor, helmets, waist swords and spears are all available. The team leader is also dressed in iron armor, and he looks like a soldier when he marches. *Pig*Pig*Island*Small *It is said that ww.huzu can be regarded as an elite group. According to Niu Ben, the Qin army also applied their training methods to these slaves.

"Yu Jiang, your soldiers are pretty good!" Niu Ben smiled and said to the young slave master beside him.

"On this land, it's not bad." Yu Jiang smiled. "When we first came to this land, the original people in power here had a lot of money, but they refused to take it. The soldiers who came to arm them, those who fought with us, rarely have armor, and the weapons are also varied. How could they be our opponents? Now that we are in charge, we will naturally not follow their mistakes."

"It's a good point. Only if you are willing to invest can you have a big harvest." Niu Ben nodded repeatedly. "Yu Jiang, are you homesick?"

Yu Jiang was stunned for a while, and then he realized that the home Niu Ben said should be his hometown in the distant Daqin. He pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't want to!"

"Don't even want your relatives? It depends on your age. There should be relatives in your hometown, right?" Niu Ben looked at the young man in surprise.

There were some sad expressions on Yu Jiang’s face that did not match his age, “General Niu, my hometown is in Yunzhong County of Daqin, and I have three brothers. I am the oldest one. When I came out, I was only ten. At the age of six, because the family really can’t make ends meet, I can only go out and serve as a soldier. In my memory, all that is left to me from my hometown is hunger, and those officials come to my house to force me to pay. The picture of taxation. When we walked into the desert, I never thought that I would survive. If the relatives who wanted to come to my hometown were still alive, they would have thought that I would have died a long time ago. I am now living with the general. Well, I married a wife and gave birth to a son this year. I have a very good life. My hometown has only painful memories for me. I naturally miss my relatives in my hometown, but I can’t help them. If one day, we won’t fight. I will go back to find them, take them over, and let them enjoy the blessing. But now, I can't miss it, so I can only force myself not to miss it."

Niu Ben nodded. "Yes, one day there will be no war, you can go back and find your relatives freely."

Yu Jiang suddenly smiled bitterly: "General Niu, you will definitely go to Daqin soon. My two brothers will be eighteen and sixteen this year. If there is a big battle, they will definitely be called up. The army, if possible, if you run into them, save their lives."

Niu Ben sighed: "Although I really want to promise you, I don't want to hide it from you. I am not a general with troops. Even if I were, I can't do this."

Yu Jiang's face dimmed, "Yes, people in troubled times are like dogs, who can save who, I hope they can survive."

"Tell me about the big food in black, I think your general is very worried?" Niu Ben changed the subject.

"In that battle, no people near Shule were recruited, but later I heard some from the brothers who came back." A worried look appeared on Yu Jiang's face. "They are very powerful and they fought very hard. It is a pity that we had 30,000 at the time. There are only thousands of brothers left. Otherwise, you won’t necessarily lose to them, but now..." He pointed to his own slave soldiers in the team, "They are still a lot worse. In that battle, we There is a good location, there are people and there are people who deal with the defeated generals, but the loss is so great that the general is also very sad to hear that the old brothers have lost a lot."

"Don't worry, you will beat them, because our big guy will help you." Niu Ben smiled.

"But we are also enemies!" Yu Jiang said half-heartedly, "Although from the bottom of my heart, I don't hate you, but it's because you guys defeated us. We fled here, and now I am here. Life, if we won the battle back then, we returned to the Qin country, or I was still my soldier, I’m great as a sentry commander, with a little poor military salary, let alone marrying a wife, just feed myself Not bad, so speaking of it, everything I have now depends on you."

Niu Ben laughed and patted Yu Jiang's shoulder vigorously, "Brother, there are no permanent enemies. Don't forget, we are all people from the Central Plains. We are all people who have come out of that piece of land. You don't feel like Will there be a pleasant surprise to see me here?"

"Don't say it really feels like this!" Yu Jiang also laughed, "I can't understand the people here. After we got here, the general forced them to learn our language, and all the generals were literate. The people here are all transferred out to teach the people here to speak our words. It is stipulated that those who can’t speak our words are not qualified to be officials. After two years of hard work, some people are finally able to say some of our words, although it sounds strange. Awkward."

"That's it, so although we have been enemies before, we still share the same roots, say the same things, and write the same words. When you encounter enemies outside, we will naturally help you." Niu Ben sighed. Tao.

"Speaking of it, it's the same reason." Yu Jiang nodded. "A literate brother once said, what kind of wall is this brother..."

"Brothers and brothers fought against the wall and guard against their insults!" Niu Ben added.

"Yes, that's what it means. Brothers usually fight to the death, but if an outsider bullies us, we have to deal with others together. That's what it means!" Yu Jiang said.

"Yes, that's what it means." Niu Ben laughed, looking at the guy in front of him, but a little in love with him, this is a guy who looks open, but has a few ideas.

Sometimes things in the world are really strange. Qin’s defeat caused Qin’s decline from prosperity to decline, step by step, but for those who participated in it, it’s really a blessing and misfortune. The big loser Wang Jian is now the king of these thousands of square kilometers, and the little guy in front of him, from a little soldier with nothing, into a slave owner with hundreds of slaves, is the standard of the Central Plains. In other words, he can be regarded as a rich man.

All the way to talk and laugh with this little slave owner who likes to talk, it is also very enjoyable. The originally boring journey has also become interesting. The only boring thing is He Lanjie and his party, who have always been a bitter and bitter. Niu Ben also understood them very well. After all, Wang Jian and his son were once big enemies who slaughtered their tens of thousands of Huns.

"General Niu, the front is Almaty. This place has entered the control area of ​​the Huyan Department. They are barbarians who burn, kill, loot and do everything. We have to be careful." Yu Jiang said to the group of people in Niu Ben and immediately led him. He Lanjie and others glared at each other.

"Don't be afraid, the Huns are your enemies here, but in our big man, they are all our brothers." Niu Ben smiled and said, while looking at He Lanjie and others, implying that they could suppress their anger. As a result, the king’s major event was broken. He Lanjie and his party were all suffocated and their faces flushed, but they were speechless. Before leaving, He Lanxiong exhorted him and asked him to listen to everything on this trip. Niu Ben, He Lan Jie and the others are good at war, but when it comes to these matters, they are hopeless.

As soon as Yu Jiang's voice fell, there was a stern sound of screaming, and the sound of hoofs rumbling. About a hundred cavalrymen rushed toward them in a galloping direction, hearing the familiar yelling sound, Helan Jie and others all showed joy. Turning their heads together, they looked at Niu Ben.

Niu Ben waved his hand, "Go ahead, be careful, now they don't know whether you are friends or enemies."

With the permission of Niu Ben~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He Lanjie ran forward, galloping, and shouting loudly on the horse.

"What are they shouting?" Yu Jiang looked a little frightened, and the fifty soldiers under him were also a little flustered. Under the command of the squad leader, they were hurriedly deploying an array. A phalanx of fifty people was quickly formed. , The spear is outside, the sword is in the center, and several archers have already taken off their bows and put their arrows on the strings. It is the standard tactics of riding a foot on the horse, which is quite a Qin soldier's charm.

"They speak the Huns language, and I don't understand either." Niu Ben smiled and said, "The dozen or so people who just ran past are also Huns. You have walked such a long journey with them. It can be seen that they are not barbaric. Don’t do anything evil, right?"

Yu Jiang flushed suddenly, "Are they also Huns?"

"Yes, I told you that you and the Huns are enemies, but in our big man, the Huns are brothers to us!" Niu Ben smiled.

Ahead, Yu Jiang had a hunch that the battle did not break out. The two sides stopped tens of meters away. He saw the dozen people who had come from Shule with him jumped off their horses and opened up. With both arms, strode towards the people of the Huyan tribe. (To be continued...)

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