I’m The King

Chapter 1309: : Carrying on the Past (One Hundred Ninety-Nine) Joy

In Jicheng Palace, in the lofty study room, the sound of Shuanglang's laughter came out through the glass, and even the guards outside could clearly feel the joy of the king.

I can’t help being displeased. He started to develop the navy since he was still conquering the Eastern Army. Now he can truly be called a navy. Although he hasn’t gone far, it can already be rampant in Asia. Wuji. The huge ocean-going ship can already ignore the seasonal restrictions and sail freely on the ocean. The fleet equipped with artillery is above the sea, and there is basically no opponent that can compete with it, and it corresponds to the powerful combat power. Yes, the island nation of Fusang, which has been hanging on for a long time, finally succumbed and surrendered to Dahan under the threat of Dahan Navy’s huge cannons.

The Battle of Fusang, because the navy that is not well-known in Dahan’s country was fought. Although the money invested was large, the personnel were small, and the entire fleet was added together. There are no more than five thousand people, and for domestic battles of more than 100,000 people, it is indeed not worth mentioning, but for Gao Yuan, the actual significance of this battle is far greater than any domestic battle.

Fuso, in the future Japan, was rich in gold and silver, and was also a big sulphur deposit. Although the island country was poor and the country was full of lords and chaotic, the big man was limited by the manpower, and has always occupied only some of the coastal areas. The stronghold did not have the ability to deepen, and it started to deepen gradually as the strength gradually increased over the past year or so.

However, the gradual deepening also caused a backlash in this island country. Many local forces in Fusang united and began to fight against the Han army. It was a headache for the Han army until the newly equipped artillery of the Han army was on the ship, and the firearms such as grenades were among the Marine Corps. A large number of applications in the game, this powerful weapon that the opponent has never seen before, finally completely destroyed the opponent's will, just yesterday. Gao Yuan got the latest report of the expeditionary force.

Fuso surrendered.

From a high point of view, Fusang’s kneeling is not only a major victory for the Han Kingdom overseas, but more importantly, he feels that he has finally breathed a sigh of anger. As a guy with a second life, the memory of his previous life has already begun. It is vague, but whenever I see this country on the map like a small bug, Gao Yuan feels a little uncomfortable. Some unpleasant memories will come to mind.

Humph, Japan! He sneered in his heart. From now on, I want you to wear Hanfu, speak Chinese, and read Chinese books, and you will always be vassals of the Great Han Kingdom. As for the disgusting flag, there will be no chance to appear in the sun again.

"Yang Qingyi really did a great job this time. Knowing that his troops were insufficient, he lured his opponents to gather the main force to fight against him. The poor Fusang man saw Yang Qingyi's solitary division's expedition, and he moved away from the coast and lost the navy. The support of, actually assembled almost all the forces to defeat him. It is a pity, they are never counted, this time Yang Qing brought weapons that they could not imagine, in the roar of cannons. Those ebony rivers. The samurai who rushed up thought it was the thunder from the sky! Tens of thousands of people fell on the battlefield. This battle completely chilled the courage of the opponents. They no longer have the strength to fight us. They can only kneel and surrender." Kou Shuguang smiled. The eyes are almost out of sight. Yang Qingyi took over him as the commander of the navy. Although Yang Qingyi got the credit, he is also indispensable here, and he will get the biggest share, because the navy is based on him. After he came to the political affairs hall, he was also responsible for the navy.

After this battle, his weight in the political affairs hall will greatly increase, and, from then on, the navy can allocate more resources from the army.

"Majesty, the navy needs to be strengthened. After taking Fusang, we have a good port overseas and a better springboard for going to the sea. You said that the outside world is very big. We must let the sun Wherever it shines, the Yellow Dragon flag of our big man is flying, so it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the navy, build more ships, train more sailors, and build more marines." Kou Shuguang struck while the iron was hot. All the members of the political affairs hall in the study, as well as the ministers of several ministries, said loudly.

"The navy is not the focus now." The first person who jumped out was naturally the Minister of National Defense Ye Zhong. Now the Ministry of National Defense is in charge of the army, and the navy is basically under the direct jurisdiction of the king, and Kou Shuguang is in charge of specific affairs. Now the annual military expenditures approved by the Great Council are only so much. If the navy takes more, the army will naturally be less. And as Ye Zhong, he has to worry about the allocation of these military expenditures. If the amount is small, the bowl of water will be even greater. The difficulty is settled, so naturally let go. "Domestic Qin Chu is still standing, especially Chu State, whose strength still exists. In recent years, Chu people have worked hard to govern under our threats. Although economic conditions are deteriorating, their military strength is growing steadily. There are so many people that they still outperform our country. It is the people of Qin, who is also a hundred-legged bug. It is not dead but not stiff. It is not without a fight. The top priority is to strengthen the construction of the army and level the land. Only after the enemy did we talk about marching overseas."

"Building the navy is not incapable of attacking Qin Chu, at least we can do a lot more than attacking Chu. There are many rivers in Chu, which is the time when our navy is playing a role." Kou Shuguang retorted.

Ye Chong hummed a few times: "Kou discusses politics, your navy ships can see the inland river of Chu State, I'm afraid they will stay there if they can't go far!"

Kou Shuguang laughed, "I don't know what Minister Ye knows. When our navy was developing the ocean-going fleet, the inland navy was always under construction. Li Quan's inland navy is already quite large now."

"Regardless of what the navy is, the army will finally solve the problem. Majesty, I suggest that the artillery be equipped with the army immediately, at least now to the first military region. In my opinion, there is no need to fight with the Qin people. Directly set up a cannon and bombard him, leaving his city as solid and blasting him into powder."

"Minister Ye, are you so easy to build as a gun? Last year's two-year output was only equipped with one of our navy!" Kou Shuguang said.

"It's not easy!" Ye Zhong said with a cold face, "Is it enough to unload the artillery from the ship? After the Qin is beaten, I will return it to you."

Not only could Kou Shuguang's face turn green, but Gao Yuan couldn't help but cough and gargle loudly.

"Director Ye, this won't work." Gao Yuan shook his head repeatedly: "The artillery made now is too heavy. Do you know how heavy the artillery on the navy ship is? It weighs thousands of kilograms. It’s okay to be installed on ships or on cities. It’s almost impossible to equip the army to move with the army. In our country, it’s better to say something. After all, the extensive transportation network has begun to harden with cement. Can move fast, really fight with the Qin people, the bad road conditions in their country, these artillery can move, I'm afraid they can't go far, so you have to lie down, bring such a slow-moving guy to fight the Qin people, then you It’s only for being beaten. Besides, don’t think that the army equipped with artillery is invincible. The artillery we developed now has many shortcomings and may not be able to defeat the enemy. The victory in Fusang is also because the enemy is too weak. But Qin people are not like that."

Speaking of this, Gao Yuan couldn't help but think of the history of his previous life. At that time, the firearms of the Ming Dynasty were already very developed, at least much stronger than their own now, but in the end, they lost to those Manchu cavalry outside the Guan. Thus began the centuries of degeneration of Chinese civilization, which directly led to the Chinese nation's bullying in the following hundreds of years.

"My lord, can't these artillery be made lighter and easier to carry?" Ye Zhong asked unwillingly.

"Of course it can. It is currently being developed, but this is at the expense of the power of the artillery. The small artillery made now is not much stronger than the grenade, but it can be played farther, far from it. Shang can use him to defeat the enemy. For a long time in the future, we will still need to use crossbows, spears and swords to solve the battle." Gao Yuan smiled and said, "Furthermore, whether the battle with the Qin is good, it is with Chu. Regardless of the war between people, I don’t want to kill or kill. These are all of our Chinese people, and they will be my fellow citizens in the future. It is my biggest wish to calm them at the least cost, even for this. Pay a longer time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am willing to wait too. Now, the Qin people are about to be worn down by us?"

"The king is really kind." Yan Shenghao calmly flattered, "A soldier who fails to fight is of course the best strategy of the military strategist."

"Qin’s civil strife, I’m afraid it’s on the verge of an outbreak." Central Bank President Mei Yipo also smiled and said: "This year, local branches reported that many tycoons in Qin State secretly used various channels to transfer their money. The silver was smuggled to our great man and stored there, and many people also secretly obtained the descendants of the family in our Han country. These people were registered as refugees from the Qin country and obtained the household registration of our great man. Speaking, It's already a citizen of our big man."

"This is a good thing!" Gao Yuan laughed and said, "For these people, the relevant departments should not investigate too strictly. Open one eye, close one eye, and let them come with a large amount of gold and silver. You control them strictly. , They will still use underground channels to sneak in."

Gao Yuan said these words to Cao Tianci next to him, and Cao Tianci nodded slightly: "These people have been investigated more strictly, because they are worried that the spies from the Qin people will come in. As long as there is nothing wrong with the inspection, we have never been in trouble."

"Very well, it seems that Qin is already full of rumors, and the grass and trees are all soldiers." (To be continued...)

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