I’m The King

Chapter 1314: : Hanqi Tianxia (4) Charity Foundation

The famous painters in Jicheng are worth a hundred times their wealth during this period of time. A large number of advertising signs need to be drawn by them, and then they are set up against the clock. Now the construction team has set up iron shelves one by one and is waiting for them. Come out!

While Jicheng was still talking about this grand auction, another more shocking news spread quickly among the political and business circles of Jicheng.

The three princesses set up a charitable foundation. As the name suggests, this organization, which is still new to the ears of the Han people, is naturally doing charity. In the past few years, the three princesses have used their private money to do good deeds. Normally, it’s not surprising to set up a special organization to do this kind of thing. Over the years, the Han Dynasty under Gaoyuan’s rule has been immune to novel organizations that they have never heard of before. Don't blame the novel.

What makes Jicheng enough to be crazy is that the charity foundation is set to be established on the first night of the ceremony. It will be held in the form of a banquet, but there are only two hundred invitations. There are more than two thousand people who want to attend this banquet. Because of the ceremony, almost all the people with status from all counties of Han Dynasty gathered here. The invitation card is a symbol of status. A very simple assumption, if two A businessman engaged in the same industry, one got the invitation, but the other did not. In the years to come, the other will inevitably be a lot higher.

The person who handed out the invitation was Mei Pu, the eldest son of the governor of the Central Bank of the Han Dynasty, who is now in charge of all the businesses of the three princesses.

Immediately, the mansion of Mei Pu's Jicheng also suffered the same fate as Huo Xiaolin, the Minister of the Propaganda Department some time ago, and it was even worse than Huo Xiaolin. People who have the courage to go to Huo Xiaolin's gate are naturally the top figures of the big man, but there are many people who have the courage to come to Mei Pu.

In those few days, among certain people in Jicheng, the greetings when they met each other were no longer eating. But did you get the invitation? Of course, those giants don't have to worry about this, and servants of Mei will naturally send invitations to them, and the ones who really fight are those who can't get better.

Outside fighting for invitations, he was beaten up, but inside the palace was too busy, Gao Yuan smiled bitterly and sat at the small table, watching his three ladies ruining cabinets in the room, and finding everything they thought was meaningful. thing.

"Brother, you won't have a chance to fight on the battlefield anyway, sell that armor at all? Rather than put it in the palace. Why not sell some money to do some good deeds?" Ye Jing'er asked.

"Okay, okay!" Gao Yuan nodded. The armor was his first armor, and it was given to him by Zhang Shubao, the second son of the prefect of western Liaoning. It had been with him for several years, and the armor was scarred, although it was not what it looked like. , But it has always been treasured by Gao Yuan.

"Wei Yuan, bring the armor here." Ye Jing'er waved her hand. Shouted loudly.

"The big sword and army stab are also sold!"

"Okay, I'll sell it. Anyway, I won't be able to see the battlefield anymore. I don't even bother to see and heart." Gao Yuan waved his hand again and again.

Ye Jinger pursed her mouth and smiled. With a wave of his hand, these two things immediately joined the ranks of being auctioned. In the past two years, under Gao Yuan's suggestion. She started to do some charity, in her view, this is also a contribution to the high reputation. But there is a big problem bothering her, that is, not enough money.

She used to think that the light of the big man has spread to every corner, because now the big man is showing outside, it is the flourishing world, but when she started to come into contact with the charity industry, when she walked out of the palace gate, walked in When she was among the people who needed help, she really discovered that no matter how bright the sun was, there were dark corners that could not be illuminated. Even if she just walked around Jicheng, she was shocked by what she saw.

This is also one of the reasons why she is really determined to devote herself to charity, and when she wanted to solve these problems with her own efforts, she realized that even if she is the princess, the mistress of this kingdom, many problems are not hers. What she can do is to help these people to the best of her ability.

Not having enough money is Ye Jinger's most intuitive feeling.

When Xiang Gaoyuan talked about this problem very distressedly, Gaoyuan told her that the power of a person is limited. If you can set up an organization to reunite more people around you, the big guys will do it together. This matter can solve more problems.

Dahan's first charitable foundation was born under this situation.

"Brother, the invitation will be sent to those people? Well, I think we should give Minister Wang Wudi. He is the Minister of Finance, and we have to ask him for more support in the future!" Ye Jinger asked.

"Why do you ask him? A poor ghost!" Gao Yuan smiled and said: "This charity dinner is called a treat, but the guests invited are all bleeding. If this guy comes, he will take a seat for nothing. I can't get a penny and eat me for nothing, so naturally he won't be invited."

Ye Jing'er was amused by Gao Yuan and laughed, "You don't want to see him so much, and you don't see you withdraw his official?"

"It's one thing whether I like him or not, but it's another thing to say that he is incompetent. As a finance minister, he is the most suitable candidate." Gao Yuan shook his head and said, "You can't choose an official according to your own preferences. It depends on whether he is suitable for this position. At least until now, I have not found a more suitable candidate for the Minister of Finance."

"That's true." Ye Jing'er nodded, "I don't know how much money we can raise this time? Brother, I used to think that everyone of our big guys had a very happy life, but after walking some places, I found out that it was not at all. Such a thing, this is still around Jicheng, there are so many poor people, you can imagine the situation in those remote areas." Thinking of some of the things she saw, Ye Jing'er was deeply moved. .

"Yes, no matter how hard we try, it is impossible to take care of everyone. There will always be people who have been forgotten. You, the charity foundation, will check the gaps in the future."

"But even with this charity foundation, there are only a few people who can help. We are such a big man." Ye Jing'er shook her head and sighed.

"You are just the beginning. I believe that more people will come to do this in the future." Gao Yuan stroked Ye Jing'er's fragrant shoulder, "Although you can only help some people, you can serve as an example. "

"Yes, there are so many rich people in our big man." Ye Jinger nodded and agreed, "I really didn't expect that you can sell the naming rights for 1.02 million yuan. Those sea merchants are really rich. This time, Mei Pu You should have invited them too, right?"

"Of course, I will definitely please." Gao Yuan smiled: "In the future, Haishang will become the richest group of people in this country. But I am looking forward to how much money you can raise this time."

The couple were talking, Zhiyuan ran in all the way, holding a few objects in his hands, "Father, mother." Gao Zhiyuan put the things in his hands on the table, "Er Niangniang said we are going to take some things out. Sell ​​it, and the money from the sale will be used to relieve the poor. This is my share."

Gao Yuan glanced at it, good fellow, Zhiyuan brought some of his most precious things, one of which was a scimitar inlaid with a huge gemstone that Kou Shuguang brought back to him when he went overseas. Normally it is his favorite thing.

"Are you willing to use the knife?" Gao Yuan laughed while playing with the knife.

"My mother is often troubled by insufficient money, and once I went out with my mother and saw that some people were so pitiful, so I have to contribute to the Great Han Kingdom." The eight-year-old Gao Zhiyuan looked up and looked. Said to his father.

Gao Yuan laughed and hugged his son, "Good son, he can even think about sharing the worries for his parents. It seems that you have made some progress in studying now, yes, yes, this knife will definitely sell for a good price. ."

"Of course!" Gao Zhiyuan said proudly, then glanced at the dark and unremarkable army thorn high on the table, disdainfully said: "Father, you are really stingy, isn't this just an ordinary knife? How much money can you sell? Who would want it? And this tattered armor, father, are you embarrassed to take it out?"

This sentence made everyone in the room laugh.

"Son, believe it or not, this army stab you look down on will be sold for at least ten times the price of your knife." Gao Yuan smiled.

"I don't believe it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gao Zhiyuan shook his head.

"Son, you have to remember that sometimes the preciousness of a thing is not the thing itself, but other values ​​attached to it." Gao Yuan said with a smile. "For example, your knife may be worth a thousand taels of silver, but because you have played with it since childhood, it may be worth 5,000 taels, because you are the prince of the Great Han Kingdom. Do you understand?"

Gao Zhiyuan nodded without understanding.

Gao Yuan stood up and stroked the tattered armor next to him, "This armor is the first armor that I had when my father was not developed. I have been with me through the most difficult years. Every scar on it is It is his medal. If it weren't for your mother’s charity fund, I would not bear it! Because he contains my memory, my son, this is the most valuable, because he is the only one and cannot be copied."

"Big brother, you are so reluctant, even if I don't want it." Looking at Gao Yuan's expression, Ye Jing'er suddenly became a little bit sad, and Gao Yuan's words reminded her of the difficult years.

"No, sell, let them use their residual heat again. They can make a little more contribution to the people of Dahan. If they are really enlightened, they will be happy too." Gao Yuan waved his hand and said loudly. (To be continued...)

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