I’m The King

Chapter 1317: : Hanqi Tianxia (7) News from afar

The report letter from Niu Ben was full of dozens of pages. Gao Yuan looked at it carefully one by one. After reading one, he passed one to Yan Shenghao. The study fell silent for a while, but Gao Yuan raised his head occasionally. Come, ask He Lanjie some questions.

In a blink of an eye, the drum has already struck the third watch, Gao Yuan has only finished reading the thick report materials, frowned and thought for a moment, muttering to himself: "I didn't expect to get in touch with it so soon?"

Yan Shenghao also finished reading the materials, "What the king is talking about is this black-clothed food? It doesn't seem to be that powerful. Since even the king's scissors can block it, it doesn't necessarily have much strength."

"No, you don't know them. This is a terrible nation. They have a unity of politics and religion, and the head of government is also the head of the sect. They have a fanatical support for the [猪_猪_岛] novel w.zhhuo.m religion. After the war started, it was a headache."

Yan Shenghao looked at Gao Yuan in amazement: "My lord, our big man has never contacted them before, and we haven't even heard of them before. How do you know this?"

Gao Yuan smiled, did not answer Yan Shenghao's question, but looked at He Lanjie and said, "Wang Jian has decided to formally establish the country and become a king, right?"

"Yes, he hadn't made up his mind yet, but after seeing the letter of credence given to him by the king, he finally decided to abandon Daqin completely and set himself up as a king. The area he now controls is thousands of miles away, and there are also people who rule under his command. There are millions of soldiers capable of fighting. If the whole people are mobilized, more than 100,000 is a force that should not be underestimated. Although the economic situation is good, it is not satisfactory in terms of ordnance, and the soldiers are relatively simple." He Lan Quick way.

"Yeah!" Gao Yuan nodded, "Wang Jian, what do you think?"

"Wang Jian wants to form a brotherly alliance with our great man, and sign a treaty that will never violate each other. Under this treaty, he is willing to do something for our great man." Helan said quickly.

Yan Shenghao sneered, "He had a good idea. He didn't want to think about forming an alliance with brothers. Is he qualified? Isn't even his former master, King Qin, not qualified? It's so whimsical, it's really funny."

"No, no, no!" Gao Yuan shook his head and said, "At this moment and at another moment, if there is no threat of black clothes, I would really not put him in my eyes, but now, his existence, he is also a good one. The choice. Let him block these crazy black food for us. With him, our big guy can breathe a sigh of relief."

"My lord, are you trying to promise him?" Yan Shenghao asked urgently.

"Yes, promise him." Gao Yuan smiled and said: "After he established the country, our big man is willing to sign an alliance treaty with him, and give him strong economic and military assistance. Let him block those ambitious Guy. It's also a good choice to erect a strong barrier outside of our big guy."

"The King!" Yan Shenghao also wanted to continue to raise objections.

"Shoufu, that area is too far apart from us, and there is a desert in the middle. With our current strength, it is indeed possible to cross the desert, but it is a big problem for logistics and supplies. If we can fight quickly It’s okay to tie it up, but you have also read Niu Ben’s letter and He Lanjie’s account that Wang Jian has already established a firm foothold. If you go to fight, it will definitely not be able to be taken in a short time. Cai, what is even more worrying is that the land taken down is still a piece of hot potato. Now that the black-clothed food has discovered such a fertile land, they must not give up. People like them? Hey, now I I don't want to face them. Anyway, look at it. It won't take a few years. That place will be full of flames and there will not be a peaceful life. Instead of that, let Wang cut where they are." Gao Yuan shook his head. "Even if we want to take this piece of land, we have to wait for us to clear all the obstacles in the Central Plains, to accumulate enough strength, and to be able to beat those black-clothed eater so much that we dare not look at it again."

"The King values ​​them so much?" Yan Shenghao was a little shocked.

"The outside world is huge." Gao Yuan stood up and said slowly: "Not only are there these big cannibals, but there are more powerful enemies. Our territory is getting bigger and bigger, and the navy on the sea is horizontal, one day. , Will run into them, now, I don’t want to get in touch with them prematurely. Let’s talk about it later."

"Understood, the king wants to settle down first, then distract outsiders, diligently repair the internal affairs, accumulate strength, not move, it is the momentum of the thunder." Yan Shenghao suddenly realized, "In this case, let Wang cut the top first. It's also a good choice. If Wang Jian can fight the opponent and both lose, it's also a good choice."

"With our strong support, I think Wang Jian will not lose at least. The more lively he plays with his opponent, the easier we will be in the future." Gao Yuan laughed.

"Then Wang Jian proposed 3617 to meet you, how do you respond?" Yan Shenghao shook the material in his hand and asked.

"See, how can you not, Shoufu, you wrote back and told this Wang Jian that in March next year, I will be waiting for a big ride in Jishi County." Gao Yuan smiled.

"I'm afraid he doesn't have the guts to come." Yan Shenghao smiled.

"Wang Jian still has the courage." Gao Yuan smiled: "This person was born at an untimely time. He met my nemesis, otherwise he would definitely be able to make a great career. Of course, he is not bad now. He will definitely come. Besides, isn't the body of his father Wang Xiao still buried beside Dayan Lake in Jishi County? This time he comes, and he can also pay homage to his father by the way."


Gao Yuan looked at Helan Jie and said, "You have been traveling for thousands of miles. You have worked hard along the way. Let's go back and take a good rest for a while. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. If you wait for the New Year to leave, I'm afraid you will have to go.

"Sharing the worries for the king, working for the big man, there is nothing hard but not hard." He Lanjie stood up, "The final general is used to running, and I don't feel hard for a long time. When Yan Shoufu writes a reply, I So I went back. During the New Year, I still want to spend time with the commander and the brothers in the northwest, and the big guys will have fun together."

Gao Yuan laughed, "It's okay. Don't ride a horse when you go back. I asked Ye Zhong to allocate a carriage for you, so that it will be more comfortable. Now the road from Jicheng to Jishi County has been well built. Now, when you arrive at Jishi County, you can change your horse back to Mengchi!"

"Thank you, King." He Lanjie stood up, said goodbye to the two and retreated.

"Lao Yan. After the beginning of the year, some additional funds will be allocated to the Third Military Region. The road connecting the Third Military Region to Jishi County must be completed next year. This road will be busy in the future."

"Now that Wang Jian's whereabouts have been ascertained, and this person is not weak, is it necessary to dispatch some regular troops to the Third Military Region? Commander He, although there are hundreds of thousands of people, they can really fight on the battlefield. . But only a few thousand people, in case something goes wrong, the distant water will not be able to save the nearby fire.” Yan Shenghao suggested.

Gao Yuan paced back and forth a few times in the room, "It is not used for the time being. Helan's thousands of brave and proficient cavalry, Zhao Xilie still has one or two thousand foot soldiers in his hand. These strengths are almost enough to defend the northwest. Coming across the desert again. Not to mention that his home is about to be attacked by a powerful enemy. Besides, since Helan already knows the situation on the opposite side, how can he do nothing, even if it is the general from the dwarf. He is also He will train another soldier. At the central side, he only needs to give him a certain policy tilt on the ordnance and supplies."

"In that case, the minister will retreat. Go back and draft a reply to Wang Jian." Yan Shenghao stood up and bowed.

"Shoufu has worked hard." Gao Yuan smiled and got up to see him off.

All the way to the door, looking at the back of Yan Shenghao away. Gao Yuan turned his head and asked He Weiyuan, "Is the matter at Langya Pavilion finished?"

"Back to the king, it's over. The princess sent someone to ask before, and saw that the king was still discussing things, so she left, leaving a message to the king, saying that it was over here, and then went back. It looks like Very happy." He Weiyuan smiled.

"Of course I'm happy. I just made a lot of money today. Can I be upset? Let's go and see. How many tyrants did we knock on today?" Gao Yuan laughed.

It was already past three shifts, but in the backyard of the palace, the lights were still brightly lit. Several women sat together, chatting with excitement, and when Gao Yuan appeared in front of them, He Lanyan jumped. stand up.

"Big brother, got rich, got rich!"

"This money is not yours. It belongs to the charity foundation. It is used to do business. Why are you excited?" Gao Yuan said with a smile.

"Even if it's not mine, you can still be happy!" He Lanyan shook her pigtail and said with a grin: "Big brother, how much do you think my scimitar and whip are selling?"

"Well, your knife and steel are good, it should be worth a few hundred dollars, and the horse whip is relatively rare, so it's worth a thousand dollars." Gao Yuan touched his chin and smiled.

"Hmph, ignore you." He Lanyan pursed her mouth and said angrily: "Zhiyuan sold a knife for ten thousand."

"Oh, so, your knives and whips are at a good price?"

He Lanyan opened her eyebrows and smiled suddenly, raised two fingers, and shook her in front of Gao Yuan, "Guess, guess."

"Okay, okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Stop making trouble." Ye Jinger came over, "Swallow’s knife and riding whip were sold for 200,000 yuan, which was bought by a Huns merchant from Jishi County. Said to be taken back to be the treasure of the town house."

"I also know the goods. I don't know how many people were slaughtered by Yanzi's knife, and he kept it at home. It is indeed a sacred and ghost." Gao Yuan said. "How much did you get this evening?"

"Unexpectedly, elder brother, do you know how much your armor, broadsword, and army stabs have sold in total?" Ye Jinger asked with a smile.

Gao Yuan shook his head: "It won't surpass the swallow's knife and whip, right? Even if there are more, it won't be much, right?"

"Wrong, your set of competition is the fiercest, and you almost don’t give up. Wu, Mei, and Cao’s family are all better, but in the end it was the Ocean Shipping Company from Cangzhou. The transaction price was 1.5 million yuan. ."

With a scream, he just drank a sip of tea and squirted it all out. He Lanyan, who was standing in front of Gao Yuan, was immediately affected by the fish, screaming and jumping away.

"One and a half million, are they crazy?" Gao Yuan muttered. (To be continued...)

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