I’m The King

Chapter 1339: : Conflict between the Han Qi Tianxia (29)

Wang Jian didn't guess wrong. The trivial things that Zhao Xilie said were not trivial in the Third War Zone. From another aspect, they could be very big, which made He Lanxiong have to deal with this unexpected incident himself.

The cause of the incident has to be talked about from the Huyan tribe of the Xiongnu tribe that Helanjie brought back.

At the end of last year, He Lanjie brought thousands of people from the Huyan Department back to the territories of the Third Military Region across the desert. This time, because of a clear route and adequate material preparations given by Wang Jian, the team of thousands of people was basically complete. The members who died on the road were only dozens of old and weak. For the Huyan Tribe, it was already a great miracle. You must know that Hu Yanzhuo, the patriarch of the Huyan Tribe, had already done half of the deaths and injuries. .

Hu Yanzhuo is very *pig*pig*dao*xiao* and said that ww.huzu is happy, but the tragic situation when they arrived in the third military region still shocked He Lanxiong. What kind of team is this, it's not a good thing to describe them as a beggar. However, their appearance reminded He Lanxiong of how he was when he wandered on the grassland, but at that time, he did not seem to be so miserable.

Wang Jian had prepared supplies for them, but these supplies could only support them not to starve to death. Anyway, Wang Jian was still very annoyed that he had put down these bandits. This caused Huyan Department to have nothing left when it walked out of the desert.

The tribe of the Huns back then has successfully integrated into the Han tribe and became a member of the Han tribe. The small life is extremely comfortable. Compared with these exiles, it really feels like living in paradise. In general, He Lanxiong was so sad that he almost shed tears when he saw these tattered robes that were almost like beggars.

He Lanxiong delineated a site for the Huyan area under the Yinshan Mountains in the northwest. There are mountains, waters, and lush vegetation. It is a good place for the Huyan area to retreat. Hu Yanzhuo was also extremely satisfied with this site. With the brand-new tent allocated by He Lanxiong, thousands of cattle and sheep went to the place called Changji with joy.

After calming down for only three months, a major event happened. Hu Yanzhuo's son Hu Yanping robbed a woman who was the wife of a soldier from a farm less than ten miles away.

The Huyan tribe crossed the desert after the Xiongnu was attacked and defeated by the Qin people. When they fled, their way of thinking and life basically stayed in that era. On the other side of the desert, they basically live by robbery. In their minds, robbery is as natural as eating and drinking, not only robbery. Things, but also rob people.

For the first few months, everything was fine. The Huyan Ministry had just arrived, and of course they lacked everything. The soldiers in a farm near them took out some of their unnecessary things to trade in Changji. According to the court’s policy to the Third Military Region, starting from the third year, The salary of irregular soldiers in the Third Military Region will be reduced by one third, and then they will be completely decoupled from the military for the next two years. This year happens to be the first year, and these former soldiers who have lost a third of their military pay will naturally expand their financial resources. The Huyan Department is their first transaction partner. It happened in a sale three months later.

The guard’s wife, as usual, took some home-grown chickens and ducks outside the Huyanbu camp, and was seen by Hu Yanping. Although the woman was already a wife and a mother, she still did not lose her color and was very beautiful. Compared with those women who have experienced years of suffering in Huyanbu, they are naturally much more attractive.

Hu Yanping, who was accustomed to grabbing, had a big heart. In his opinion, he was a nobleman and a young patriarch of the Huyan tribe. It was nothing to grab a woman. He didn't hesitate to **** this woman into the big camp, and everyone in the Huyan Department felt that it was not a big deal.

Conflicts happened naturally. Under the leadership of the company commander, the farm that received the news had more than 100 people armed to the dignitaries in Changji. The man was about to arrive, but it was a corpse. The woman committed suicide after being insulted by Hu Yanping.

The soldiers of the farm were very angry. Fortunately, the company commander of the farm was still sane at the time. He forcefully stopped the soldiers' impulse to go in. There were thousands of cavalrymen in the Huyan Department. They were definitely at a disadvantage when they clash. After bringing the people back to the farm, they immediately reported to the camp and then to the regiment. Changji, from a territorial perspective, is also under the management of the 59th regiment of the Third Military Region.

The 59th Regiment immediately dispatched the Military Justice Department to Changji. Several days have passed. When the Military Justice Department officials arrived, Hu Yanzhuo did not deny it, and he readily admitted the matter, but in the military justice department officials. When he asked to take Hu Yanping away, Hu Yanzhuo said that Hu Yanping knew he was guilty and escaped. Now he didn't know where the rebellious son had gone, and said that the entire camp could be searched by officials of the Military Justice Department.

The Military Judicial Department did search, and indeed no one was found. This is a bit helpless. Not only Hu Yanping could not find it, but the other two Huyan members who accompanied him to grab people were also gone.

Officials of the Military Justice Department could only express to Hu Yanzhuo that they would go to sea to arrest the documents. Hu Yanzhuo also tried to bribe this member of the Military Justice Department, but the military justice officer refused to enter. In desperation, Hu Yanzhuo expressed his willingness to compensate. This suffering master, if the suffering master does not pursue it, the matter can be over. This is not the case, but considering that the Huyan tribe belongs to the Huns, and the commander also took care of it, this military judicial officer was willing to be a peacemaker, but he did not expect that the suffering master would not take it at all. , Let Hu Yanzhuo increase the amount of compensation all the way to one thousand taels, as long as Hu Yanping pays his life. At this time, the officers of the Military Law Department could not do anything.

The original matter ended here. If Hu Yanping really flees, the Military Law Department will look at He Lanxiong’s face, or he will not make great efforts to hunt down, the matter will pass, and the price will only be lost for Hu Yanping. Up. But Hu Yanping didn’t think so. In his mind, he was a Hun aristocrat and robbed a commoner woman. He had to pay such a high price. He couldn’t come back in a fair manner. What he had lost was too much. Too much, not to mention anything else, just the patriarch of this Huyan First Division, he definitely can't be considered. In shame, this person actually came up with a unique method, took the two helpers, sneaked into the farm, and killed the suffering master with a single blow, even killing the child who was less than five years old.

After all, the farm in the Third Military Region is still an army establishment. Even if the people in Zhuangzi are not regular troops, they are always from the guards. Hu Yanping came here for the first time. I don’t know the details. Although he succeeded in killing people, he wanted to do it without knowing it. Difficult.

After alarming the people in Zhuangzi, Hu Yanping took advantage of the soldiers in Zhuangzi before he had time to surround him and rushed out with a knife. He rushed out, but the two helpers were left behind.

This immediately stabbed the hornet's nest. The entire company of Zhuangzi's guards took up their weapons and rushed towards Changji, contacting several nearby companies along the way.

After the 59th Regimental Headquarters received the report, they were shocked. The number of Zhuangzis combined was no more than three to five hundred people. If there was a conflict with the Huyan Department, wouldn't it be their own destruction with the strength of the Huyan Department's thousands of cavalry? While reporting the emergency to the division headquarters, he informed all the troops belonging to the 59th regiment to rush to Changji together. After receiving the emergency report, the 7th Division of the 3rd Army reported to the military region and gathered the 7th Division’s men and rushed to Changji. Meng Zhuang came from a regular army. It is clear that with the personnel of the 59th Regiment, It's impossible to beat the Huyan cavalry. If there is a conflict, it will be a big deal. Only by going by oneself can they be restrained, and only by concentrating the forces with an absolute advantage can the Huyan Department dare not commit any crimes.

As a result, in just over ten days, the Huyanbu camp in Changji was surrounded by water. This time, the murderer Hu Yanping who escaped was also trapped in the Changji camp in Huyanbu.

Ma Zhuang, the commander of the 7th Division, asked Hu Yanzhuo to hand over the murderer Hu Yanping. Hu Yanzhuo naturally refused. The two sides were in a stalemate. By this time, Meng Zhuang was also riding a tiger. If he withdrew his troops, I'm afraid that his soldiers would mutiny on the spot. I can only bite the bullet and surround this place, just waiting for the high-level military region to deal with the matter.

When the news reached Mengchi, He Lanxiong was shocked, and immediately rushed to Changji, and to greet Wang Jian and the others, naturally he could only be handed over to Zhao Xilie. Changji is naturally more important than welcoming Wang Jian.

When Wang Jian stepped into Mengchi, He Lanxiong also went to Changji~www.wuxiaspot.com~Commander. "Meng Zhuang looked terrified. He was originally a commander of Xu Yuan's Northern Field Army. He was seriously injured during the battle against Donghu. He was no longer suitable for the battlefield and transferred to the local guards. Later, he came voluntarily. The third military region was promoted to one level, and he was not familiar with He Lanxiong's temper. His subordinates made such a big incident in front of him, I was afraid that the commander could not spare him.

"You don't need to say anything. I already know the specific situation. You did a good job. If there are fewer people, I'm afraid Huyan will be killed. You have restrained your subordinates from rushing in. It is already very rare." Helan Xiongdao.

"Commander Xie is considerate!" Meng Zhuang's eyes were sour, and he almost shed tears. This period of time, he was worried, for fear that someone who didn't know what to do would cause the trouble, it would be a spark falling into the brazier. I can't hold it anyhow. "But what should I do now? Hu Yanping is Hu Yanzhuo's only son."

He Lanxiong looked at the Huyanbu Laoying in the distance and sighed, "You are here to restrain your subordinates, I will go to see Hu Yanzhuo."


"Since the Huyan Department is attached to my big man, it should naturally abide by the laws of the big man." (To be continued...)

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