I’m The King

Chapter 1344: : Han Qi Tianxia (34) Sharp Weapon (Part 2)

Several iron cages covered with black cloth were dragged in. Several cavalry mounted horses and stood nearby. In the distance, crossbowmen of dozens of magic crossbows were finally inspecting the crossbow machine, which had a base. , The crossbow can move left and right and up and down. This kind of magic crossbow is very high and far away. It has no dead spots when shooting, and it can adjust the shooting angle during the shooting process. The continuous firing ability reminds Gao Yuan of machine guns in his previous life.

Seeing that the inspection below has been completed and the formation is ready, the cavalry on the opposite side stretched out their spears and provoked the black cloth on the iron cages. There were a dozen wild wolves, large and small, inside. The black cloth went away. The wolf immediately shrugged and stood up, grinning at the cavalry nearby, with a low roar in his throat.

"It's really not easy to catch so many wild wolves in Dayan County now." Gao Yuan laughed at Wang Gu and cut and said: "The cavalry ran for a few days. Only a dozen of them were caught after the huge circle was cast."

"Are they to be the targets?" Wang Jian asked.

"Well, the general will wait and see!" Gao Yuan smiled.

In the distance, several cavalry horses rushed towards this side, holding a thin rope in their hands. With a crisp sound, the front railings of several iron cages fell all together, and the wild wolves inside roared and galloped. Going out, chasing a few cavalry.

Immediately, the cavalry screamed and teased the wild wolves to chase them. After running for tens of meters, they suddenly turned and turned to the side. However, a dozen wild wolves were exposed before they could turn around. Within the range of the crossbow.

The sound of the morpholine sounded immediately, and the crossbow arrows were controlled by the crossbowmen and shot at the wild wolves. In an instant, there were wailing waves, and the seven or eight wild wolves immediately fell to the ground. The few heads escaped the previous round by chance and turned their heads to flee to the other side, but the magic crossbow flexibly turned to the crossbow, chasing their buttocks and shot them all the way, after shooting a few arrows, finally Shoot them one by one in the open space.

"Good guy." Wang Jian looked at the shooting speed and flexibility of the Shenji crossbow. He couldn't help but change his expression, "With this weapon in hand, the cavalry is only going to be history." At this time, he was thinking of the cavalry that was attacked by the black clothes, if it were placed on the defensive front. With this kind of magic crossbow, no matter how many cavalry come, they can only hold hatred in front of the formation.

"Not all." Gao Yuan shook his head slightly: "This thing is amazing, but it costs too much to build, and there are too many parts to make it. It's too delicate, and it's very easy to damage. Unless it's too much money, it's too big. Large-scale equipment is not realistic. Maintenance and repair alone are not a small amount every year."

Wang Jian took a deep breath. "Majesty, this kind of magic crossbow. Is it one of the weapons we can buy?"

"Of course it is, but General, if you want to buy this weapon, I'm afraid we will have to send some technicians to help you repair it, and the required parts will have to be shipped from Dahan. The cost is not low."

"Can your technicians teach maintenance techniques?" Wang Jian then asked.

"Of course there is no problem. It can be taught." Gao Yuan said cheerfully.

"That's fine, I'll buy this magic crossbow. It's fine to buy a thousand in the first batch." Wang Jian stretched out a finger.

"A thousand units?" Gao Yuan was also taken aback. "General. As I said before, this stuff is delicate and too much is not good for the army. Besides, our arsenal can't produce one in a year. Thousands of units, the first batch, I will give you up to 100 units, and at the same time send two technicians there, one is to facilitate the maintenance, and the other is to teach the maintenance technology?"

"Thank you, King." Wang Jian was overjoyed. "But I also heard that the big man has a weapon that uses gunpowder. It is so powerful that Wang Jiandao can't expect to buy this kind of weapon. But can the king let the king open his eyes?"

"Why not? And this weapon is also in the list of weapons that General Wang can buy." Gao Yuan smiled: "The gunpowder weapon was originally developed by my big man. In order to get this, our researchers have paid a lot. Afterwards, Qin and Chu both used some disgraceful means to steal this achievement, but the thieves are nothing but thieves. In the development of this weapon, they are still far behind us. Gao Quan! "

Gao Quan came up with a plate in his hand, and two chubby things were placed on the plate. Wang Jian reached out and picked up one, and his hand sank slightly. The thing was actually made of iron. Looking at the pattern of the petals, it turned out to be quite beautiful.

Gao Yuan also picked up one, "This thing is called a grenade. We have set up a team called grenadiers to throw this. The tail of this grenade is a fuse. When fighting, we light the fuse and then throw it. When he reached the enemy cluster, he blew into the sky with a bang, and no matter how thick armor he wore, he couldn't stop the explosion."

"So amazing?" Wang Jian had been away from the Central Plains for several years, and he really didn't know much about it.

"Take General Wang to watch." Gao Quan smiled and retreated. After a while, the experimental field in the distance was filled with grass men in armor, and several grenadiers were flexing their hands. .

"Start!" With an order, the fuse cord of the grenade was ignited, and several grenades were accurately thrown into the scarecrow by the grenadiers. With a few throbs, Wang Jian's heart jumped and tried to stabilize his mind, but behind him Several of the soldiers were frightened and their faces were shaky.

The scarecrow that had been blown up by the grenade was quickly presented. Unlike the previous strawman who hit the arrow, the appearance of these strawmen wearing helmets and armor is much worse. Basically, they lack arms or legs. The miserable one, his lower body was missing, and the remaining torso was also full of shrapnel.

"What a powerful grenade." Wang Jian stood up and looked at the two grenade in the tray in front of him. "I understand, these patterns are not for good looks, but because when the gunpowder explodes, they can be bounded by these patterns. , Divide it into iron pieces to hurt people."

"The general is really smart, you can tell at a glance." Gao Yuan smiled.

"Can we buy this grenade?"

"Why not? What I showed you today is all you can buy. Moreover, this is also a good thing at the bottom of my box. Of course, there is another good thing below, but our technology is still good for this thing. It is immature and cannot be supplied on a large scale, but only in small quantities." Gao Yuan laughed.

"Is there a weapon more powerful than a grenade?" Wang Jian was a little surprised.

"Of course there are, but the number is very small. If it wasn't for the enemy that General Wang was facing, it would be a bit tricky. I would really not bear it." Gao Yuandao.

"That big food in black, so powerful?"

"What's more powerful is the religion they believe in." Gao Yuan sighed, "This kind of religious belief can make people crazy, General Wang, the reason why I am willing to sell you these weapons is because I am 3617/\ '>I hope you can stop them outside the territory and never let them step into the land of my big man. This is my selfishness too!"

Wang Jian nodded, "I understand, but they are still far away from the king, but now they are in front of me. Regardless of whether the king sells me these weapons, I will fight them to the end."

Gao Yuan nodded, "Okay, let's take a look at this thing next, but this thing is too heavy and can only be used to guard the city, but it is impossible to fight with the army."

Four horses dragged the carriage slowly. Wang Jian saw that the wheels of the carriage left deep marks on the ground. The wheels of the big man were covered with what they called rubber. They were very flexible. Wang The carriage that has been sitting from Mengchi to Dayan County is this kind of carriage. On the concrete pavement, you can hardly feel the bumps, but now you see the mark, you know the weight of the thing dragged on the carriage.

The felt cloth on the carriage was removed, and two dark metal bumps appeared in front of Wang Jian.

"We call this weapon a cannon, which is also driven by gunpowder, but the range and destructive power are not comparable to crossbows and grenade." Gao Yuan said.

Wang Jian's breathing was a little short, and the grenade had already shocked him. He couldn't think that there was a weapon even more powerful than the grenade in this world.

"Gao Quan, what project did you perform for us today?"

"Majesty, today we mainly test three kinds of projectiles, one is solid rounds, used to break through walls, one is shot rounds, used to kill pawns, and the other is chain rounds."

"Let's start!" Gao Yuan waved his hand.

A few miles away from the observation station, there was already a building like a city wall made of earth and stone. Two cannons were unloaded, and a dozen gunners were busy surrounding them. After a while, the gunner raised his head~www. wuxiaspot.com~Looking at Gao Quan: "Report to your lord, everything is ready."

On the stage, Gao Yuan handed a few **** of cotton to Wang Jian. He also took two **** and stuffed them into his ears. Just after finishing all this, the cannon below had already roared.

A cloud of smoke rose up, concealing the entire cannon and the crew members. The strong smell of gunpowder came in and the smoke dissipated. The two crew members cheered in unison. Today, they played perfectly. After the cannon, the wall-like building on the opposite side ceased to exist.

The next shot bullet and chain bullet's damage to the pawns made Wang Jian even more stunned. The grass man in armor could hardly find a complete one, and completely turned into a fragmented section.

"Artifact!" For such a weapon, Wang Jian can only give such an evaluation.

"It's not a magic weapon." Gao Yuan shook his head, "We can't mass produce this thing now. These two pieces are not sold to you, but are given away. Used to defend the city, it is the best weapon. Great. Don’t worry, General, we will also prepare enough ammunition for this cannon."

"Thank you, the king." Wang cut his body, clasped his fist and slammed deeply to the ground. (To be continued...)

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