I’m The King

Chapter 1353: : Han Qi Tianxia (43) 4 Fang Yundong (3)

The contention for Tianjiaping Fortress became intense in a very short period of time. After all, Gou Xin was from a well-known family and a family of generals. He made the most correct decision. Within a short period of time when the Han army launched an offensive, he Knowing the situation that oneself is facing, if the opponent is allowed to fight like this, soon the wall that oneself wants to rely on will be completely destroyed by the opponent, and it will also cause a serious blow to one's own soldiers. The only chance of victory is Fighting with the opponent, making the opponent's most powerful weapon impossible to use. After sending a team of soldiers to try to kill the opponent's engineers and successfully attracting the opponent, he immediately abandoned the soldiers who went out of the city and closed the city gate. In the city, he used bows and crossbows, or used trebuchets to throw gravel bullets to cause damage to the enemy. Once the opponent retreats, he immediately sent soldiers to chase him, attracting the opponent back again, and repeated such killings.

Although Jiang Fu fought a lot of battles, as a battalion-level commander, he commanded such a battle for the first time. After being hooked by the `Pig`Pig Island` novel `www`huzud` Gouxin, he counted consecutively. The impact of the second time has suffered a big loss, and the loss is not small. But this also inspired the blood in Jiang Fu's bones.

Seeing that although his subordinates killed the Qin soldiers who had rushed out of the city, but the covering shooting from the city also caused his subordinates to lie down under the city, Jiang Fu's eyes were red.

"Cannon, three volleys. Guard platoon, follow me." He shouted loudly.

Amid the roar of the artillery, Jiang Fu jumped out from the position with a big knife in his hand, and ran forward, with the cannonballs flying above his head. Jiang Fu was running wild on the ground, accompanied by the sound of loud noises, and the gravel above the city. Splashing, another wall was smashed, Jiang Fu had already rushed to the city.

"Ladder!" he roared.

With a bang, a ladder was erected and leaned against the blasted gap in the wall. Jiang Fu held the knife in his mouth, used his hands and feet together, and quickly climbed up.

Two push rods in the city against the top of the ladder, tried their best to push the ladder away, the Han army under the city firmly held the ladder, and Qin Jun leaned out. Arrows shot down the soldiers. At such a distance, even if they were wearing armor, they could not withstand the arrow's attack. Several soldiers were shot like hedgehogs. The armor was soaked with blood, and they followed their bodies all the way. It flowed to the ground, but as long as there was a breath, these soldiers grabbed the ladder firmly with both hands. Hang on the ladder with your own weight to prevent the ladder from being pushed away.

In the second round of cannonball shooting, the landing point was still at the position just now. The ladder that was pushed away fell back with a bang. Above the city, the broken arms and limbs of the soldiers of the Qin Army were flying, and Jiang Fu had climbed to the top of the ladder. , His head came out from the gap, and he saw it at first glance. A dozen Qin Jun was getting up from the ground, roaring towards his position.

Jiang Fu himself was also caught by the explosion of the artillery just now. His head was buzzing, and his hands and feet were sore for a while, struggling to climb the city wall. He took a grenade from his arms and lit the fuse with a burning fire beside him, and waited for a while. He chopped his hand and threw the grenade out.

With a roar, the dozen or so Qin Jun who wanted to plug the gap suddenly fell into a pool of blood.

Rolling from the wall to the inside, Jiang Fu finally recovered some strength, roared, and rushed towards Qin Jun with a sharp knife. Behind him, one by one Han army climbed up. Behind him, a dozen or so Han troops gathered in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that one part of the city wall was breached, Gou Xin couldn't help being shocked. As long as one point of the city wall was breached, if the loophole was not quickly blocked, it would be a long embankment that could also be collapsed in an ant's nest.

"Come with me and kill the Han dog." He roared and rushed towards Jiang Fu's location. Behind him, hundreds of Qin troops rushed towards him shouting, they were all veterans, knowing the priorities.

The third round of artillery began to sound again, but this time the impact point was tens of meters on each side of the wall that just broke through. Amidst the roar, Gouxin only felt the world spin, his legs were soft, and he immediately pounced. Falling to the ground, he turned his head laboriously on the ground, and the shell just fell on the Qin soldiers behind him, causing huge damage. The spinning, scorching fireball took away countless lives in an instant.

The Qin army on the city was dumbfounded by such an attack. In a moment of daze, more Han troops had already rushed onto the city wall.

Jiang Fu turned his head, looked at the still smoky gun position, and loudly praised: "It's a good one. If this gun is beaten crookedly, Lao Tzu will go to see King Yama, and I will ask you for credit when you turn around. "

He got up from the ground, the explosion of the explosion still made him dizzy, but he still rushed towards the nearest Qin soldier.

"Kill!" Jiang Fu roared, "Brother Crab, let me see my brother give you revenge!"

The city was smashed into one piece, and the city gate was blown open by the Han army engineers under the city. More Han army soldiers rushed in. Gou Xin looked at his fortress desperately. From the beginning of the war to the present, less than an hour, once The Tianjiaping Fortress, which seems solid and golden, will fall.

"General, go quickly, or you won't be able to go!" His soldiers dragged the desperate letter and left.

The battle started in the early hours of the morning, and before noon, the battlefield had returned to calm, the Tianjiaping Fortress was no longer in shape, and there were blasted gaps everywhere, broken walls, and shocking. The soldiers began to clean the battlefield, but Jiang Fu walked up to the artillery, stroked the body of the artillery which was still warm, and muttered: "With you, the future battles will be very different."

The emergence of artillery has indeed made the city offensive and defensive, no longer a moat.

In Lubin City, one after another messengers rushed into Xu Yahua’s general office. Starting from this morning, the Han army began to enter. By noon, the first bad news came. Tianjiaping Fortress was lost and Tianjiaping was lost. Xiyangping and Huangshiping would certainly not be able to hold them either. Sure enough, less than half an hour after Tianjiaping’s fall, the other two fortresses were all lost. The Third Division of the 20th Army of the Han Army was passing through the war zone. , Rushed towards Lubin quickly.

"For half a day, half a day, all three fortresses stationed by five thousand soldiers were lost." Xu Yahua leaned on the edge of the sand table with both hands, looking at the miniature model of the defense area of ​​the Lubin Fortress in front of him, and took it to Tianjiaping and Xiyangping. , After the three small cities of Huangshiping, before the Lubin Fortress, there is no more danger to defend.

"General Xu, the number of soldiers who have fled back from the front is increasing. At present, about 1,500 people have been gathered. The officers have found the officers among them. They all mentioned that the Han army has a new type of weapon. The city wall is in front of this weapon. , There is no way to resist it, and one explosion is a big collapse." The deputy Qian Shouyi was worried and authentic.

"New weapons?" Xu Yahua turned his head. In the past few years, the new things of the Han country have not been studied, and he was already a little numb, but the Qin army officers in the three places mentioned this weapon at the same time, which is somewhat unusual.

Qian Shouyi took out a few pieces of paper and placed them in front of Xu Yahua, "According to the descriptions of those officers and some soldiers, his subordinates drew a rough look of this thing. He must have been driven by gunpowder and exploded. At that time, a lot of smoke was produced, and iron **** of about ten catties were sent to the city, causing a lot of damage to our city walls and soldiers."

Looking at the things on the picture, Xu Yahua sighed slightly. "Are you in a hurry to Hangu Pass?"

"The messenger set off early in the morning, and now the second wave is gone. Unexpectedly, we were in Tianjiaping and other places and couldn't hold it for a day." Qian Shouyi sighed, the worry in his eyes was extremely obvious, Lubin Although the city is much taller and more solid than the fortresses such as Tianjiaping built later, can it really be held?

"It must be difficult to defend." Xu Yahua looked at the sand table, "The opponent has such a weapon for siege. If we can't get out of it, we can only be beaten passively."

"What does the general mean?"

"The Han army must have never thought that we are not busy strengthening the city wall and preparing for defense, but going the other way around, seeking field battles and defending righteousness. You bring five thousand people to attack, and I will give you all two thousand cavalry in our headquarters. We must kill the opponent's power and prestige. The Han army is strong, but we Qin people are not easy to provoke. We have to attack and defend." Xu Yahua looked at Qian Shouyi with piercing eyes.

"I will obey the order at the end." Qian Shouyi responded loudly, turned and strode out.

At Hangu Pass, several couriers arrived almost one after the other. The first letter Lu Chao saw was that the Han army launched an offensive, but the second one was the fall of Tianjiaping and other places. The Lubin fortress area has been exposed to the Han Before the attack surface of the army.

"Coming so fast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lu Chao lost his voice. Two days after arriving in Jinyang from a high distance, the offensive of the Han army had already begun, which caught Lu Chao a bit by surprise.

When Lubin falls, Hangu Pass will face his hand. This is what Lu Chao does not want to see, but for reinforcements, his focus is not here at the moment. Xianyang and other places in the Qin country are already tightly gongs and drums. The land began to prepare. If the troops were transferred to Lubin at this time, the previous preparations would most likely be in vain.

Gao Yuan, what on earth do you want to do? Are you going to really merge with me in Hangu? Lu Chao took a deep breath. The reason why he dared to do this was that he was right that Gao Yuan must have thought of profiting from the fisherman, and he also wanted to use Gao Yuan's mind to draw chestnuts from the fire, and the impossible. Strive for a silver lining.

But the speed of the attack and advance of the Han army was too fast.

"General, Lubin has another messenger here." A guard rushed in and shouted loudly.

"What? Lubin also lost, right?" Lu Chao lost his voice.

"No, no, General Xu won in Lubin and defeated the 3rd Division of the 20th Army of the Han Army. Now the Han Army has recovered." The guard shouted beamingly. (To be continued.)

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