I’m The King

Chapter 1355: : Han Qi Tianxia (45) 4 Fang Yundong (5)

At Hangu Pass, Lu Chao stroked the cold barrel of the artillery, looked at the dark muzzle, and then looked down at the round cannonballs in the box next to the artillery. His face was very heavy. Behind him, there were a few people standing there. Tian Jiaping had personally seen the Qin army officer who fired the artillery, and these were all sent by Xu Yahua from Lubin.

Because of the invention and application of cement, the road from Lubin to Hangu Pass has now been completely built with cement. The journey between the two places has been shortened from the original ten days to three days. This is of great significance to the military. The benefit, of course, this benefit also applies to the enemy. After Xu Yahua dispatched Qian Zhongyi to defeat the 3rd Division of the 20th Army of the Han Army, he accidentally snatched about ten artillery pieces. Unfortunately for Xu Yahua, there were still ten, but they were killed by the soldiers of the Han Army at the last moment. Blown up. After grabbing these powerful weapons, Xu Yahua immediately sent two of them to Hangu Pass if he was a treasure.

&=Pig=Pig=Island=Novel ww.zhuzhnbsp;"Is this thing called a cannon?" Lu Chao asked.

"Yes, General, the Han army called it artillery." An officer replied respectfully.

"Talk about the specific situation."

"The final general was stationed at Xiyangping, far away, about a mile away. You can vaguely see the fire from the gun muzzle flashing, making a huge explosion, bursts of smoke, and then this The iron ball was ejected from the muzzle, and in the air like a fireball leaped towards our city wall, with a bang, it collapsed our city wall for a while." The officer described it vividly, Lu Chao closed his eyes, The scene at the time was sketched in his mind.

After a while, Lu Chao opened his eyes, "Get someone to try, I want to see."

"No, General!" The officer said in surprise: "In Lubin, General Xu also wanted to give it a try. As a result, the artillery exploded, and dozens of soldiers around were killed or injured. Finally, we will capture the Han prisoners. When I brought inquiries, I realized that these artillery guns were operated by specially trained people, and most people would not use them."

Ok? Lu Chao was slightly stunned: "Then have we not caught the person operating these artillery?"

"At the time, we didn’t know that these artillery had to be operated by specially trained personnel. We did not pay attention to this. At that time, the battlefield was chaotic and the main force of the opponent’s third division was retreating. The location of our attack was not far from Tianjiaping, so we grabbed it. After taking these things, he immediately withdrew, and finally understood the matter, and asked the captured prisoners, but no one would operate these artillery." The officer said.

Lu Chao patted the body of the gun with some regret. I don’t know how to use it if I grab something. This thing is just a display!

"Han people!" He shook his head. They can always do some incredible things. Cement makes everyone's travel extremely easy. It is also meaningful in terms of military affairs. The exterior of the city is covered with cement. After that, the defense power was greatly increased. What made Lu Chao couldn't understand was that Han was obviously a weapon of the military. The Han people didn’t seem to hide him and enlighten it. It was like a cement formula. They easily sold the production formula to Chu, and they also got this production technology from Chu. I heard that Chu people learned from the Han. China has found a patent for this technology that cost millions of taels of silver. However, I only spent five thousand taels of silver in the end from Chu State.

Lu Chao laughed, and for five thousand taels of silver, he bought an official from Chu State, and then returned with the cement formula lightly. However, the cost of cement production in the area under his control is somewhat high. It was about 10% more expensive than the one Guo Yang smuggled over, but Lu Chao believed that with the passage of time, his own costs would definitely come down.

There are also the reinforced concrete houses and bridges. It is difficult to get specific technology from Han, but it is very different from Chu.

But this artillery, I have never heard of it before. It seems that the Han people regard him as a treasure. I can get these pieces by myself, but it can’t be a climate. I patted the heavy gun body: "This guy has at least a few thousand. Heavy!"

"Yes, this iron guy is too heavy. It took us a lot of time to get them back. Fortunately, it was the cavalry and horsemen who attacked them with their logistics equipment. Otherwise, I really can't get them back." The officer said.

"The advantages are obvious, but there are also many disadvantages. This thing is too heavy and the march is extremely difficult. For the time being, there is no need to worry about him." Lu Chaodao. "Transport one to the craftsman and let our master study it."

Putting aside these things, Lu Chao returned to his study. As a general of the army, he was naturally desperate for powerful new weapons, but he was not superstitious. He always firmly believed that the essence of war is people. , The emergence of a new weapon is not enough to change the general trend of war, not to mention that this weapon still has big flaws. At just that moment, Lu Chao thought of no less than ten kinds of cannons. Method, if you meet again on the battlefield. He believes that if Xu Yahua encounters this stuff in Lubin, he can also think of it with Xu Yahua's experience and the resources that Lubin has now.

It's just that the performance of the Han army is so strange! Tianjiaping Fortress has been lost. Although the 3rd Division of the Han Army that entered Lubin was defeated, for the Han Army with more than 100,000 troops stationed in Jinyang, it was a drop in the bucket. The 20th Army was not their core battle. force. But why did they hold back after a defeat?

It was the fourth day, and the information that came out showed that the Han army still stayed in Tianjiaping and did not leave. What did Gao Yuan want to do? Is it possible that when he came to Jinyang, he really made a special trip to inspect it? Certainly not, he must have a conspiracy. He has sent 10,000 reinforcements to Lubin, and Lubin must defend.

Staring at the map, Lu Chao's eyes moved slowly, Xianyang was about to start, but the messenger sent to Wang Jian had no news yet. Now he needs Wang Jian to fulfill his promise and send troops to contain Han. So that I can do my big things in my spare time.

No matter how the Han country moves, his actions cannot be changed. In the worst case, he will stick to Hangu Pass while continuing to launch in Xianyang. The best result is to hold Hangu Pass and win Xianyang. Of course, it is possible that although you have won Xianyang, you will lose Hangu Pass. At that time, even if you successfully control Qin, then Also immediately faced the tide of the Han attack.

But when that happens, you will be in a different position and have more resources available, and you won’t necessarily lose in a mess. What's more, there is Chu’s power that can be borrowed. It’s great to cut some meat for them. .

Lu Chao, who cares about his decision, no longer pays attention to the movements of the Han people. Soldiers come to block, water and soil are flooded, and he will not fail so easily.

The good news came quickly, but it was not from Lubin, and there was still no movement in Lubin's direction. It seems that this action of the Han army was not to take down the fortresses in Tianjiaping and other places, but Xu Yahua caught this rare. Time, once again strengthened Lubin. The news returned from him is that the confidence he insists on is stronger day by day.

The good news came from Shannan County, which had been camping outside Shannan County, threatening the Han army Huns cavalry division in Shannan County under the leadership of the grimace general Gu Li, suddenly pulled out of the camp and left. The Donghu Cavalry Division of the Han Army in Daijun also pulled out of the camp and left, and the two cavalry opened in the direction of the same target, Dayan County.

The Wang scissors should have moved. Lu Chao heaved a long sigh of relief after receiving these two news. The strength in Wang Jian's hands should not be underestimated. It seems that his promise to crack the earth and seal the king still moved this guy. Returning to his homeland must have something for him. Not a small attraction, with his move, can Jinyang's Han army be able to confine themselves here? At least a part of it must be mobilized to Dayan County to deal with Wang Jian, and the pressure here will be greatly reduced.

In the next ten days, all kinds of news continued to gather from the spies to Lu Chao’s desk. First, the spies in Jishi County discovered that a large amount of arms were continuously transported out to Mengchi in Han. That is, the third military area commanded by He Lanxiong. It should be the front line of the Han army’s defense against the king's scissors. However, their troops are not many and their combat strength is limited. Finally, they have to transfer troops from the interior to watch the ordnance that the Han transported to Mengchi. Obviously, the scale of Wang Jian's offensive is not small. Judging from the size of these transport teams, Lu Chao speculates that it can equip 30,000 to 50,000 troops.

Immediately afterwards, the Han army, which had been silent in Jinyang County, finally reacted. The two reorganized armies opened up. The powerful fifth army of Dingwei and the sixth army of Yan Haibo left Jinyang and marched towards Daijun.

Lu Chao took a long sigh of relief when he heard the news. These two armies are definitely the main force among the main forces in the Han army stationed in Jinyang~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ding Wei, and Yan Haibo are even more lofty. They are the confidant generals, and their departure represents the momentum of Wang Jian's side, which is much better than I thought.

Closing the thick dossier in front of him, Lu Chao felt very comfortable. Okay, Xianyang can start to start. The next month will be the most important moment in his life. Lu Chao never thought that he would fail. From the son of a soldier in Fufeng, step by step to the highest position in the State of Qin, this achievement is enough to make him eternally proud. Of course, his high achievements are greater than himself. But he still has a lot of time to compete with him.

He plans to have a few drinks after he goes back today. Normally Lu Chao is extremely demanding on himself. Because of the shortage of food, he is not allowed to make wine at Hangu Pass. In order to boost morale, Lu Chao himself also sets an example. Drinking, although the general's mansion, will never lack these things.

"General, General, the Han army has sent envoys." Gouyi stepped in, and only Gouyi was able to enter and exit the study room freely.

"The messenger? Have they finally sent someone? Who is it?" Lu Chao's mouth was filled with a smile.

"General, it is Guo Yang who leads the way, but the protagonist is Cao Tianci!" Gou Yi said. (To be continued.)

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