I’m The King

Chapter 1360: : Han Qi Tianxia (50) 4 Fang Yundong (10)


Standing at the gate of the city, Mingtai looked at the ambassador and his guards who were going away. The corners of his eyes and mouth were mocking. No one knows that Hangu Pass and Longtan and Longxue are not much different from the Manchu dynasty civil and military. The king's errand was like a plague. Just yesterday, the number of ministers who were ill was as many as three points. One, at this time, the one who dared to take up this task and go to Hangu Pass was truly a hard-core supporter of King Qin, and he was loyal. I also asked King Qin to go to Hangu Pass in the past, but King Qin felt that the current Xianyang could not be separated from him, which is no wonder I am.

He sneered in his heart. Mingtai knew that King Qin Yingying really trusted him, because he almost grew up with him. The difference is that from the time when he was sensible, he was always planning and wanting One day the Ying dynasty will be overthrown from its roots, :Pig:Pig:Island:Novel 3w.o You kill my whole family, I will destroy your whole clan. This has become Mingtai's obsession.

I'm sorry, Yingying, who told you to be his son, who let you inherit his throne? I have no ability to avenge him personally. I can only pour my anger on you and the Ying family. This is retribution. This is the retribution of the tyrannical rule of your winning clan.

Mingtai pressed the handle of the knife at his waist, raised his head, and looked at the tall black ice platform in the distance, or at this moment, the lonely king was looking in this direction in the palace. As of today, in the Black Ice Platform, the last group of people who are loyal to Yingying have been sent to **** Su Qin arrogantly. With a deputy commander, he will be the leader of Huawei. More than a hundred black ice platform elites will follow Su Qin together. Arrived at Hangu Pass, and where they were, killed them.

This is the clarion call for Hangu Pass's army to return to Xianyang, and he will also be the last straw to crush the Yingshi Qin State.

The person who had gone away finally disappeared completely in his own eyes, and Mingtai turned around. Stride towards the city, the war begins now. The army boots stepped on the bluestone slab that had just rained, making a snapping sound, and the water splashed, shining brightly above the sun. When it fell back to the ground again, it lost its edge again and mixed with the mud. Mingtai lifted his eyes and scanned both sides of the street. Most of the shops did not open. There were few pedestrians on the street, and they cowered. Many of the beggars in China are walking around, and many of them are disabled, Mingtai knows. These people should have been soldiers before, and they had fought on the battlefield for Da Qin, but now they have nothing, and even their final dignity has been lost. Just like his own family, who worked hard for the Qin State, but in the end it still ended up in the end of the Jiu Clan.

Daqin, it's time to change his way of life. Mingtai thought in his heart. He looked up and saw a shop that was still open, and he looked like a shopkeeper. Leaning by the door and staring at him, Mingtai smiled suddenly and said loudly to the boss: "The weather today is really good!"

It was Boss Su who was greeted by Mingtai. From Mingtai's clothes, he could tell that this was a high-ranking official. Boss Su didn't expect that such a person would greet him. At the moment when he was stunned, that person already walked past his shop with a few entourage.

"Yeah, the weather is really good." He whispered. Looking up at the sky, the blue sky, a rainbow is crossing the sky after the rain, the weather is indeed very good.

At Hangu Pass, Lu Chaozheng and Xu Yahua are having a close conversation.

Since Cao Tianci came to visit and brought a lofty secret letter, Lu Chao locked himself in the house for a whole day. When he came out again, he had made up his mind. A series of orders were immediately issued. Xu Yahua led his troops from Lubin. After withdrawing Hangu Pass, Lu Chao handed over to Gao Yuan the Lubin defensive line he had operated for several years. The door of Hangu Pass was wide open, and if the Han army wanted, Chen Bing could shut it down at any time to intimidate Lu Chao.

But what everyone can’t understand is that the Han army did not take a step forward after occupying Lubin, nor did it send a single soldier forward. Instead, it was the troops of the First Military Region, one after another. The support was transferred, and in the end, in Lubing, only three troops were left with less than 40,000 horses. The King of Han, who had been staying in Jinyang, finally started to move. After entering Shanggu, he stayed in Daijun, and the soldiers and horses who withdrew from Jinyang also began to gather in the predecessors.

In the study, Xu Yahua had read the secret letter written by Gao Yuan himself, and the shock in his eyes was no less than when Lu Chao saw the letter.

"Gao Yuan, known as the undefeated victory in the world, his strategy is really incredible, people have to admire." Xu Yahua shook his head and sighed: "General, this is an opportunity and a poison for us."

"You are right. It is an opportunity and a poison, but this is not a poison for intestines, but a chronic poison. For a while, it will not kill us." Lu Chao seemed to be in the teeth. These words popped out word by word, "General Xu, now we have to do it first, to live, even if it is chronically poisoned, but we are still alive after all, aren't we?"

Xu Yahua is very sad. Da Qin, who was once strong, wants to live like this now, but he also understands that Lu Chao is right. As long as he is alive, there is still a chance. Chronic poison does not necessarily mean that he will not be unable to find an antidote.

"From the information provided by the Han people and the eagle's inquiries, we now confirm that Tan Feng is ready to move. In Yingchuan, his army has already begun to mobilize, and as long as we launch an offensive, it will only take a moment. There is no way to turn around, and only Zhou Yu's subordinate on the border of Qin and Chu can be transferred. Once Zhou Yu's subordinate moves to Xianyang and the Chu people don't take the opportunity to move, then they are not Chu people, and they are not scumbed. After I won Xianyang, I was faced with a chaotic stall. The southern part is gone. Tan Feng has become another me, cutting the drama side and bargaining. If this is the case, then why should I move? It is better to maintain the status quo!" Lu Chao was cold and authentic.

"Gao Yuan was also fancying this point, so he threw out this opportunity. He knew that we had no choice." Xu Yahua said: "We can only come at his pace, but General, if this plan is really perfected. Now, what shall we do in the future?"

Lu Chao stood up, "This plan is not the most beneficial to us, but time. We will win at least three to five years to get a respite. General Xu, the policy that I have implemented in Hangu Pass over the past few years. ,what do you think?"

"For us now, it is the best, everything is for the army, everyone is a vassal of the army, everything is for the operation of the army, but it gives everyone a way to survive, at least not to let them be hungry and cold. , Although the life was a bit harder, it was still able to survive. It is also because of this that people from other parts of the Qin country fled to us! In the past year, they have killed the Quartet and killed the people of the Qin country. However, in the territory under our control, the number of people has increased by 30%, and most of them are elites." Xu Yahua admired the tunnel: "The general and talented, unexpectedly found a third that is different from Li Shi, but also different from Gao Yuan. Road. Xu believes that this road is the most suitable for us now."

"Yes, it is the most suitable for us now. After I take office, I will promote all of this to the whole country. At that time, a powerful Qin country will appear again, and we will have the opportunity to compete with Gaoyuan again. The capital, and this, takes time, so I must drink this cup of chronic poison from the high end."

"You only have a chance if you are alive." Xu Yahua repeated Lu Chao's words.

What Lu Chao is doing now, the policy implemented in the area under his control, even if it is high-end, he has to raise his thumb and say it is awesome, because everything Lu Chao has done reminds him of the time he used to In the life I lived, there was a strange country, planned economy, and Songun politics. Gao Yuan didn't expect that in this time and space, in this era, Lu Chao actually copied it perfectly.

In the area controlled by Lu Chao, a unified supply system is implemented. Everyone can receive daily rations and a meager salary, but everything they produce belongs to the army. The things that can be bought in the market are limited. If you want to survive, you have to work hard to create value and get your share of rations.

Are you having a hard time? Of course bitter. But compared to the people in other areas of the Qin Kingdom who don’t have a livelihood, they don’t know if they can live until night, this is paradise. At least, there can be a bowl of gruel and two dishes when the sun is three poles. Cakes, a bowl of pickles, after eating these, you can still look forward to the dry meal in the evening. During the holidays, there are also some meat-splitting sacrifices. At this time, it’s not bad to survive.

Therefore, Lu Chao still has a very good reputation. At least, in the area under his rule, the people under his rule always feel that he is doing well.

Based on all of this, Lu Chao’s current strength is more powerful than when he first arrived at Hangu Pass. Not only did he gain the support of the people, but more importantly, he completely regained the army. Now this army, although it is said that it is still flying the banner of the State of Qin, it is better to say that it is Lu Chao's private army.

The status of soldiers is supreme here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everything has to make way for the army.

"Xianyang has written a letter. The envoy who called me back to Beijing will arrive soon, and this envoy carries another secret order. If I do not obey the edict, I will be killed on the spot. "Lu Chao smiled.

"Wang Shang is confused, Fan Sui is also mad." Xu Yahua said with a smile.

"When they arrive, it will be the time I start. When that time, Hangu Pass will be handed over to General Xu. Although the Han army promised that it will never attack, it should not be too careless."

"General, rest assured, with me, Hangu Pass will be foolproof."

"I can only leave you 20,000 soldiers and horses."

"Enough. Hangu Pass itself is the Xiong Pass. Over the years, we have been preparing for the attack by the Han army. Everything is sufficient to deal with them. The general will just keep going all the way. I'm at Hangu Pass. Good news for General Hou."

"His success will be shared with General Xu."

"I am willing to be a small **** for the general." (To be continued.)

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