I’m The King

Chapter 1362: : Han Qi Tianxia (52) Sacrifice Flag

Su Qin was **** by the Five Flowers and pushed out of the General's Mansion, and walked all the way to the gate of Hangu Pass.

"Lu Chao, you will be condemned by God if you are rebellious!" Su Qin is a hard-headed man. Although he knew that his death was imminent, he still kept swearing.

"It's my fate!" Lu Chao whispered, and several confidant generals around him applauded. Amidst the applause, Lu Chao's head looked towards Jinyang. This was not what he said, it was said by Gao Yuan. On that day, he prepared a glass of poisonous wine and wanted to poison him in front of the two armies. After he died, Gao Yuan said to him with a sneer.

"God is such a thing, if he is really eye-catching, how can he let Gao Yuan's stray man achieve today's achievements, I am a certain person who is better than him since he was a child, learn? Pig? Pig? Island? Novel ww.uua.Fu Wu Che, full of tactics, how can it be worse than him? I will definitely be better than him."

Below the castle tower, the 40,000 soldiers still remaining in Hangu Pass are arranged in a neat square, standing in the wilderness under the city in darkness, countless bed crossbows, catapults, sacred crossbows, siege vehicles and so on. There were many weapons, tens of thousands of people stood upright and solemn, but there was no voice, and a heavy sense of pressure permeated the entire Hangu Pass.

Su Qin's eyes widened and looked down at the city. The mighty soldier, who was originally a tiger and benevolent of the Great Qin State, has now become Lu Chao's private soldier, and has become his help to trouble the Qin State. He only feels hearted. There was a throbbing pain, and he couldn't help but yell up to the sky, "God, why don't you have eyes? Open your eyes and see, what does this rebel thief want to do?"

With the sound of Su Qin’s scouting, the wind blew up and blew the flags above the city to hunt and hunt. Dusty dark clouds came from the sky, and immediately blocked the just still dazzling sun. In fact, the dark clouds were overwhelming, and in a blink of an eye it was a torrential rain. An arc of light tore through the black clouds, and the rumble of thunder gradually approached from far away. One after another, as if ringing in everyone's ears.

All the generals in the city were shocked and looked at Lu Chao with gazes.

Su Qin looked at the sudden change of the sky and laughed up to the sky: "Lu Chao, how is it? You must be condemned by the heavens! God has manifested."

With a snap, a drop of bean-sized rain fell from the sky and hit Lu Chao's face. He slowly raised his head and looked at the dark sky. At this time, Lu Chao would be fake if he said he didn't panic. He is not lofty, and he doesn't have the kind of knowledge that he looks at heaven and earth ghosts and gods. In this era, almost everyone has a natural respect for heaven and earth ghosts and gods.

At first the sun was like fire, but in a blink of an eye there was a dark cloud on the top, even if it would rain heavily, is this really angry? All the generals were heavy in their hearts, and under the city. There was also some slight commotion in the originally quiet and solemn phalanx.

Lu Chao stepped forward slowly, and the full set of armor pages of the generals that had just been replaced collided with each other, making a jingle.

"Scourge?" Lu Chao sneered, staring at Su Qin: "How do I think this is God's pity for me?"

Su Qin tilted his head. Looked at Lu Chao sarcastically: "Lie Lian? The sun was shining just now, and in a blink of an eye there was lightning and thunder, and the heavy rain was coming soon. This is God's anger because of your retrograde! Hahaha. God's will, even if you are rebellious. , And you will definitely lose in the end. The guillotine is your home."

Lu Chao smiled: "Dr. Su, since ancient times, the country has been in peace and security. Naturally, the wind and the rain must first be smooth. This wind and this rain are not God's anger at me, but a reward for me. Confused."

"The end is here!" Gou Yi took a step forward.

"This summer, how long hasn't it rained in my Hangu Pass?" Lu Chao asked in a deep voice.

"General Hui, it has not rained for more than a month. The crops are growing well, but there will be no rain for a long time. Farmers can only take water from afar to irrigate the land, which is extremely hard." Gouyi said.

Lu Chao turned to Su Qin with a smile, and said with a smile: "Dr. Su, how? God used to blame me for being a great minister of Da Qin, but he has been reluctant to clean up the dust for Da Qin, so he has been reluctant to drop the rain. This is punishing me. As ah, today, I finally made up my mind to punish the traitor, to the side of the monarch, God is really overjoyed after hearing the news, raining rain, to relieve the suffering of my people, this rain is good, this autumn harvest is destined to be another harvest year. !"

As soon as Lu Chao said this, all the generals in the city let out a sigh of relief, and most of them showed joy on their faces, and their originally somewhat extravagant waist straightened up suddenly.

"The general said yes, the rain falls from the sky, it is God's blessing to us, so that my army can rest assured to kill the traitor, and clear the world!" Xu Yahua clasped his fists in his hands, bowed to the sky, and shouted: "Thank you. The rain of heaven."

"Thanks to the rain of Cangtian! Solve my worries!" Lu Chao and the generals also clasped their fists and bowed in salute.

Below the tower, the soldiers above the city wall cheered and thundered, raising their spears, and shouting loudly, "Thank you for the rain in the sky, relieve my worries!"

The voice spread to the bottom of the city, one after another, the soldiers cheered and thundered, and countless weapons rose high, and the roar of "Thanks for the rain of heaven, relieve my worries" one after another.

With a scream, Su Qin spewed out a mouthful of blood and paused on the ground.

Gou Yi walked to the forefront, jumped onto the battlements, raised both hands, above the city, rumbling, three-way drums, the thunderous platoon of cheers, and the soldiers quieted down instantly.

"Soldiers, who allows you to receive food and payment on time?" Gou Yi shouted loudly.

"General!" Under the city wall, the soldier phalanx closest to the city wall shouted loudly. At the same time, the knight on the horse rushed between the phalanxes, and the knight on the horse asked loudly the same words as Gou Yi.

"General, General!" A shout awakened Su Qin from his coma. He opened his eyes and looked at Lu Chao standing upright like a statue on the head of the city, his body twisted uncontrollably.

"Who will let your dependents have housing, clothing, and food?"

"General, general!"

"Who took you one victory after another, and held the door firmly for Da Qin?"


With the roar of Gouyi, as a fast horse shuttled in the phalanx, the general's shout was like a wave, wave after wave from near to far, and from far to near, Su Qin’s His face was getting darker and darker, and there was no doubt that the look of despair appeared on his face.

"Now, our great king is deceived by traitorous officials, and the people do not have a livelihood. Under the protection of the general, we can still eat and dress warmly, but my people in other places in Daqin have been displaced and their families are ruined. There are countless people who don't have a living, and the souls are full of charcoal, what are we going to do?" Gou Yi shouted loudly.

"Kill the traitorous officials!" Under the city, some soldiers had already arranged to shout.

With a call, a hundred responses were heard, and in an instant, under the city, the roar of murdering treacherous officials resounded between heaven and earth.

Drums recurred above the city, and the noisy city immediately became quiet again.

"The general is Qin's important official. He is unwilling to bear the command of the emperor and has been unwilling to move troops. However, the king in Xianyang was blinded by a traitorous official and sent an edict to kill our general. We What to do?" Gou Yi shouted loudly.

"Kill the treacherous minister, Qingjun's side!" There was a roar again under the city.

Gou Yi jumped on the battlement and backed slowly, Lu Chao stepped forward, stepped steadily on the wall, raised his hands, under the head of the city, tens of thousands of soldiers suddenly cheered, and the general's shout was straight. Zhenyun Xiao.

Slowly pressing down with both hands, the cheers gradually subsided.

"Everyone, I am the great general of Qin. I am entrusted by the dying king of my ancestors. I have tens of thousands of soldiers stationed at the border. Over the years, I have been loyal to the king’s affairs and have always been trusted by the great king. Excessive friendship, so I absolutely don't believe that the king is going to kill me." Lu Chao shouted loudly.

Tens of thousands of soldiers raised their heads, looking at Lu Chao above the city wall, and the cavalry rushing back and forth, conveying Lu Chao's words to every phalanx.

"But this edict does indeed use the king's seal. I don't believe that the king will kill me, but this edict is true. What is going on?" Lu Chao said, "I want to come. If we want to go, we can only think of one possibility. Our lord, I am afraid that he has lost his freedom and was held hostage by those traitorous officials, so those traitorous officials can do whatever they want. These traitorous officials want to pull out my thorn in my eye. Should I be slaughtered? ?"

"Kill the traitorous minister, the side of the prince, kill the traitorous minister, the side of the prince!"

The roar resounded throughout Hangu Pass.

"I thought for a long time. If I was going to be slaughtered, wouldn't I be happy with those treacherous officials? Didn't they let them bully the king, so I decided to lead troops to Xianyang, kill the treacherous officials, and save the king." Lu Chao raised his voice. call.

"Kill the treacherous minister, save the king, and Qingjun's side." The shouting under the castle tower sounded again, but this time there were three more words.

Lu Chao smiled and jumped down, and Gou Yi waved his hand, Su Qin and the dead Yinghua, along with the more than one hundred guards who followed him to Hangu Pass, were all pushed onto the top of the city.

"Behead the accomplices of these treacherous officials to sacrifice the flag!" Gou Yi ordered loudly.

Hundreds of ghost knives were raised high. Amid the rumbling of drums, the cold light flickered and severely chopped down. Hundreds of great heads fell down the city wall, and the blood in the neck spewed out like a fountain, dyed red. The city wall was soaked in red to the ground.

"Send troops!" Lu Chao pulled out his saber around his waist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and fell heavily.

With a bang, lightning in the sky one after another, tearing the sky apart, the sound of thunder that shook the sky and the earth, like the sky as a drum and electricity as a hammer, beating frantically. With a crash, the heavy rain poured down.

In this majesty of the world, groups of soldiers from the Qin Army sang their war songs loudly and ran towards the distance.

Above the city, the generals one after another walked to Lu Chao, clasped his fists and saluted, and then turned and strode down the city. Lu Chao stood at the head of the city, listening to the sound of the war song with high fighting spirit.

Keep old Qin, go to the national disaster together, keep old Qin, recover my rivers and mountains.

If the blood does not drain, there will be no truce!

There is the Great Qin Dynasty in the west, and it rises like the sun,

A hundred years of national hatred, the vicissitudes of life are hard to be resolved!

The world is turbulent, why Corning!

……(To be continued.)

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