I’m The King

Chapter 1381: : Han Qi Tianxia (seventh eleven) chaos

The blood stains on the couch expanded in circles. Mingtai lowered his head and looked at Yingying, who had swallowed the last breath, but the circles under his eyes suddenly turned red. He slowly fell to his knees, knocked three heads to Yingying, stood up, turned around, and strode outside.

The door of the main hall was suddenly opened, and the dazzling sunlight suddenly poured out on Mingtai. He raised his head and glanced at the sun. Mingtai stepped out of the gate and squinted at Fan Sui who was sitting on the side, coldly. Authentic: "Fan Shoufu, the king has gone, what are you doing here?"

Fan Sui raised his head feebly, glanced at Mingtai, a ray of light flashed in his eyes suddenly, "Mingtai, don't tell me, all this is related to you."

Mingtai smiled: "Fan Shoufu, is it related to me; pig; pig; island; novel www.zhuzhu+, is it important now? The king is dead, and now Xuan Yiwei and Zhou Yu’s people in the city are playing dimly, outside Lu Chao's tens of thousands of troops are watching, Daqin is about to end."

"Why?" Fan Sui asked as he watched Mingtai strode down the steps and stood up while supporting the doors and windows.

Mingtai stopped, turned around and looked at Fan Sui: "Fan Shoufu, do you remember Chen Kuo more than 20 years ago?"

Fan Sui froze suddenly, "You, you are a descendant of the Chen family. Isn't the Chen family dead? Is it already broken?"

"If it is really broken, why would I stand in front of you. Fan Shoufu, speaking of it, I would also like to thank you. Without your reform strategy, how could the Qin State be in chaos? How could Lu Chao turn back? What about me Will you find such a good opportunity? Shoufu-sama, Lu Chao's banner is to punish the traitor, on the side of Qingjun, do you know who this traitor is referring to? Still think about how to escape?" Mingtai Yangtian smiled. Leaving in strides.

Fan Sui stood tremblingly in front of the heavy gate of the Black Ice Platform, looking at the distant back of Ming Platform. He laughed bitterly, listening to the screams of killing coming from everywhere in the city, watching fires rising into the sky everywhere, thick smoke covering the sky, and the strongest capital in the world had become the **** of Shura at this time. He turned slowly and pushed open the heavy door.

Step by step on the black ground, there is blood on the ground, that is Yingying's, and it is flowing slowly along the territorial map drawn on the ground at this time.

"My lord, I killed you!" Fan Sui knelt down in front of Yingying's corpse. The deadly Yingying was staring at the dome of the Black Ice Platform Hall unwillingly. "The minister has no way of atonement, but can only follow the king to the Jiuquan. Wherever, I will kowtow to the king to accompany the crime, but the king walks slowly and the minister is here."

Fan Sui stood up, smiled tragically, squatted slightly, and leaped forward suddenly, bumping his head against the black pillar in the hall. His brain was violent, and he slid softly down the pillar.

Mingtai strode forward. Behind him, the guards of the Black Ice Platform began to gather gradually.

"Commander, Fan Shoufu died after touching a pillar in the main hall."

Mingtai's steps paused slightly, then returned to normal, and walked forward.

"Returning to the commander, Zhou Yu's team protruded from the encirclement. He went out of the city."

Mingtai stopped suddenly, with an angry expression on his face, "Asshole, what's the matter, 30,000 Xuanyiwei. Haven't taken him? Actually let him out of the city, he still has 50,000 yuan outside the city. subordinate!"

Mingtai felt a little frustrated, and killed Zhou Yu inside the city. This was one of the established plans. The 50,000 Zhou Yu subordinates outside the city were also soldiers of the Qin Army. As long as Zhou Yu died, it would not be difficult to recover. But Zhou Yu was alive, and that matter was difficult.

"Commander, those three thousand soldiers are really brave and brave. Most of the soldiers guarded by Xuan Yi are defending on the city wall. The troops are scattered. Most of the recruits came to participate in the review. At this time, Lu Chao rushed to attack the city wall. Xuan Yiwei It’s really powerless to support left and right."

Listening to his subordinates' defense, Mingtai took a deep breath and sighed: "This is the end of the matter, and this is the only way to go. Where is General Lu, take me to find him."

Lu Zhihui, the deputy commander of Xuan Yiwei, and Bai Qi, who was the commander of Xuan Yiwei, was still in Nanyang County, entangled to death by the peasant uprising army and Wen Yi who left Shu, unable to get out.

"Commander Ming!" Above the south gate tower, Lu Zhihui's face was full of smoke and dust, "Dongcheng and Beicheng have been lost. Zhou Yu is fighting from the inside out, and Lu Chao is fighting from the outside in. The final general is really unstoppable. "

"Don't tell me, I know it." Mingtai raised Yingying's saber in his hand, and said in a painful voice: "The king has gone. Before he died, he ordered me to take the Xuanyi guard on his behalf and protect the prince from breaking through. The people at the Black Ice Terrace have already received the princess and prince."

Mingtai has always been Yingying's confidant, and is heavily used, controlling the Black Ice Terrace. Lu Zhihui is not deceitful at all, and immediately bows to his orders.

"Commander, what shall we do now?" Lu Zhihui asked.

"The city of Xianyang can no longer be guarded. Now our biggest task is not to guard the city of Xianyang, but to protect the lives of the princess and prince, gather all the mysterious guards, and we will leave the city immediately."

"What should I do after I leave the city?"

"Let's talk about it after we leave the city, or we can go to General Bai Qi, meet with General Bai, and talk about other things!" Mingtai sighed and said.

The city was full of chaos and smoke was everywhere. Not only the unknown generals and soldiers under Lu Chao's commandment were dumbfounded, but also Zhou Yu's subordinate, another major force outside the city, was also shocked. Unlike Lu Chao's subordinates, after being dumbfounded, it was ecstasy. At this time, the gate of the East City suddenly opened, and a sturdy horse rushed out from the inside. The leader turned out to be Zhou Yu. At this time, Zhou Yu was bloody, like a madman. The attacker’s road was caught off guard, he was killed by him and went straight to his camp, and then the one who chased him turned out to be Xuan Yiwei, who seemed to have red eyes and chased Zhou Yu all the way. Hack and slash, but set aside the protagonist of the siege. This scene made Wang Changyong, who was attacking the East City Gate stunned, and immediately reacted. If he didn't grab the gate, when would he wait?

The city of Xianyang was knocked open inexplicably.

Gou Xin rode a horse and stood in front of Lu Chao. At this time, his eyes looked at Lu Chao as if he were looking at a god. "This, this, General, how is this done?"

Lu Chao smiled and said: "In this world, there are only things you can't think of and nothing you can't do.

Gou Xin nodded his head again and again, and saw that Zhou Yu's ministry had gone away, and he couldn't help but sighed: "It's a pity, it's a pity that our own people have also been confused, thinking that Zhou Yu is our inner support. Well, let him rush out."

"Zhou Yu is worthy of being a brave general. Under such a desperate situation, he can actually make a **** road, which has caused me a lot of trouble, but since then, where the world is so big, where can he go? After all, I can't escape my five fingers."

"General, if Zhou Yu returns to his camp and leads an army to attack us, what shall we do?" Gou Xin said with some worry.

Lu Chao laughed, "At this time Zhou Yu, I don't know how many souls are still in his body. Does he still have the heart to attack me? A sudden change, his subordinates are unknown. So, do they still have the slightest combat power? Don't worry, I think the only thing they have to do now is to escape."

Gou Xin stared at the direction where Zhou Yu's Daying was, and as expected, he didn't find a way out. After a while, after Zhou Bu welcomed Zhou Yu back, the whole team quickly retreated into the distance.

"Retreat without chaos, Zhou Yu is really good, but it's a pity that it can't be used by me." Lu Chao shook his head.

"General!" A war horse rushed in the distance, and a knight rolled over and dismounted in front of De Luchao. "Back to General, Xuan Yiwei in Xianyang City escaped from the east gate. General Gu is pursuing him."

"Tell General Gu, don't have to chase, let them go, let's go into the city now!" Lu Chao shook his horse and walked slowly towards Xianyang City, a majestic city that has never been conquered by foreign troops for hundreds of years. In the end, he was overcome by his own people.

This civil war, in which the two sides gathered nearly 100,000 soldiers, went from the official start to the end. However, in a mere day, it fell to the curtain in an incredible process. Although Zhou Yu's troops did not damage much, Zhou was detained. Putting on a big hat, the words of the two dead men who assassinated King Qin before their death gave people too much time to think about the death of Ji Ling. With the ultimate strength of the Qin State, Xuan Yiwei abandoned Xianyang City and fled, and gave up Xianyang City to Lu Chao.

All Qin people understand that this Qin country is about to change.

Zhou Yu’s troops retreated all the way to Xingping County, before they could stand on their feet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fortunately, Zhou Yu left a support force and grain and grass here. The only thing that comforted Zhou was. , There was no Zhou Jun behind him. Whether it was Xuan Yiwei or Lu Chao's subordinates, they had chosen to ignore their escape.

"What the **** is going on?" All the Zhou generals gathered outside Zhou Yu's room, babbling about the lieutenant who followed Zhou Yu into the city. The lieutenant was seriously injured and his head was wrapped up. It's like rice dumplings. And Zhou Yu, ever since he arrived in Xingping, he locked himself in the house. It had been a long time, and he hadn't seen anyone.

After listening to the lieutenant's description, everyone looked at each other, this matter was too incredible.

"Did the general really do this thing?" a younger general asked a little bit lately.

"Fart!" The other generals in the room rebuked almost unanimously: "Even if you think about it with your ass, it can't be the general's instruction. This is good for the general."

"There is weirdness everywhere in this matter. It seems that we are being used by others." The lieutenant sighed. "No wonder we fought in Xingping before, and Wang Changyong retired as soon as he touched it. When he arrived in Xianyang, it cost nearly 100,000. Lu Chao's army did not stop them. It turns out that they have set a trap long ago and are waiting for us to drill!" (To be continued.)

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