I’m The King

Chapter 1388: : Hunted by Hanqi Tianxia (78th)

At night, the bright moonlight poured down from the sky, and a faint fragrance of flowers came from the air. In this era of frequent wars, a rare piece of tranquility, Taizhou South Gate was opened in a creaking sound. Zhou Yu, dressed in Tsing Yi, led the horse, with only two soldiers, stood at the gate of the city, turned his head, and said to a group of generals who came to see him off: "Everyone, send you a thousand miles away. The military affairs are busy, so let's stop here. We will meet indefinitely in the future, and you will take care of yourself."

"General, take care!" The southern army generals headed by Wang Ming bowed deeply.

Taking a deep look at these comrades who have been with him for seven or eight years, Zhou Yu sighed, turned on his horse, turned the horse's head, and without looking back, he went all the way to the distance, before disappearing into the night. in.

&nbs? pig? pig? island? Novel ww.uua.p; In the city, inside Zhou Yu’s former residence, Meng Yong sat where Zhou Yu had sat before, slowly flipping through the official document on the case, the door rang slightly, and a follower strode. He walked in, "Hou Ye, Zhou Yu has already left, Wang Ming and other generals sent him out of the South Gate."

"Got it!" Meng Yong said indifferently without raising his head.

"Master Hou!" The man did not leave. "Zhou Yu is the chief culprit named by the general, so let him leave, how will he confess in the future? What's more, Zhou Yu's charge of assassinating Wang Jia is justified."

Meng Yong sat up straight and looked at the entourage in front of him, "You have also seen the situation at the time. If we insist on arresting Zhou Yu, we are afraid that a mutiny will be triggered on the spot, and this person won the support of the southern army. These seven or eight years have been enough for them to cultivate deep feelings. Moreover, Zhou Yu is indeed a hero in the world, and I can't bear to kill him."

The entourage took a breath: "Master Hou, now he has left Taizhou."

Meng Yong looked at each other, smiling nonchalantly, "I don't know what you are going to do on the Black Ice Platform. I don't want to know."

The entourage nodded knowingly, "Yes, the subordinate understands, but Master Hou doesn't know. There are some things that people like us should do. Master Hou, the subordinate will go."

"Go, go, you don't have to come back again. Just go back to Xianyang and return to life and tell General Lu. The Southern Army will do it according to his plan." Meng Yong said.

"Yes!" The entourage bowed back and gently covered the door.

As time passed slowly, Meng Yong finally read the thick dossier on the big case. It was Zhou Yu’s compilation of details about the army officers of the Southern Army, the distribution of logistical supplies, etc., all of which had just taken over the army. What Meng Yong needs. Covering the dossier, Meng Yong raised his head and stared at the empty hall in a daze.

There was a cracking sound, and the light burst of lanterns. But Meng Yong was taken aback, stretched out his hand to rub his temples, and whispered: "Come here!"

A soldier came in, but this was Meng Yong's family soldier.

"What's the order of Lord Hou?"

"You go to Wang Ming right away. Tell him that half an hour ago, the people from the Black Ice Terrace were out of the city." Meng Yong ordered.

Jia Ding was startled, "Master Hou. We can pretend not to know about this."

"Is it possible?" Meng Yong said with a light smile: "Whether Zhou Yu was captured by the people from the Black Ice Platform or killed by them on the spot, I can't get rid of it. The generals of the Southern Army have a deep affection for Zhou Yu. In this way, even if they don’t do anything to me, they will renounce morality. What I don’t want is to be a mere general, a group of generals who do not want to do anything. What I want to do is to be like my father. The generals, do you understand? Go and tell Wang Ming. As for what Wang Ming will do, we don’t have to worry about it. I will do everything we need to help.”

"Understood, Lord Hou."

The three horses walked leisurely under the moonlight with the clear sound of hoofs. Zhou Yu didn't even hold the reins, relying on the horses to choose the road autonomously.

"General, where are we going?" A soldier rode a horse to catch up with Zhou Yu in front of him, and asked softly.

"Where to go?" Zhou Yu asked in a daze, and then shook his head, "For a while, I don't know where I am going. Qin can't stay there anymore. Except for the Southern Army, I'm afraid most of the Qin people. I want to eat my flesh and sleep on my skin. Erhu, do you regret following me now? Over the years, following me wandering all the way, after a few years of stability, we will start wandering again."

"What did the general say? Dahu and I have been with the general for more than ten years. Since I was in the country of Yan, I have been working in front of the general, and I will never regret it any time." Said grandiosely.

"I’ve suffered for you. I’m almost forty people, and I don’t even have a mother-in-law." Zhou Yu sighed, "I’m the one who is burdening you. Now I don’t know where I am going or what I am going to do in the future, just It might take one step at a time."

"No matter where the general is, the two of us must follow the general." Dahu shouted aside. "Anyone in the Southern Army has their consciences eaten by dogs. Over the years, the general has treated them so well. He has never been slow to treat them. But when things came to an end, they all made head-shrinking turtles."

"They can't be blamed. They are all from Qin. Qin is now facing a deep crisis. For Qin's consideration, they can only abandon me. This does not mean that they are wrong." Zhou Yu smiled.

"Wang Qin was obviously not killed by us. It must be Lu Chao's calculation here. I think even Meng Yong is well aware of it, but they still ignorant of their conscience and framed the general."

"History is written by the victor. Now that Lu Chao is victorious, it is naturally what he said. What's more, three people become tigers. If there are more people, it will naturally come true." Zhou Yu laughed. "Such a thing, I have figured it out many years ago, but to my regret, I have never been a winner."

"General, why don't we go to Chu State, Han State is our enemy, we definitely cannot go there, and Qin State can't stay." Erhu said.

"Chu country? I'm afraid there will be too much peace there." Zhou Yu has already guessed what Lu Chao will do in the southern war that is currently underway. He has roughly guessed it. If you don't deal with it well, it will be a big defeat. . "Next, the Southern Army will definitely pretend to be desperate, and please surrender to the end, and I will be expelled, the Southern Army will inevitably keep it secret. I think this letter of surrender must be sent in my name. In this way, I am afraid that I will believe 70% to 80% after Qu, when the Southern Army and Xuan Yiwei suddenly launch an offensive.

"General, otherwise we will go wherever we go, and take this as the level of promotion, presumably the king of Chu will not treat the general lightly." Dahu said viciously: "He is not benevolent, so we can't blame us for being unrighteous."

"Nonsense!" Zhou Yu's expression changed suddenly, "If we do this, wouldn't it mean that the Southern Army brothers will be killed. The Chu people's soldiers in the Southern Land are multiples of the Qin Army. If Qu Wan knows the Qin Army. There is no place to bury tens of thousands of brothers in the Southern Army, Dahu, you have been with them for seven or eight years, don’t you have the slightest brotherhood?"

"I, I just feel upset for the general." Dahu blushed and whispered.

"But it's just asking for a clear conscience." Zhou Yu said softly. "In the future, we will no longer be generals or soldiers, so we will be idlers and wait, walk around and look around!"

"Yes, General. We have fought for more than ten years. To be honest, we are too tired. Since the general wants to walk around, we will accompany the general. One day the general is tired, so we will find a place to settle down and find one. Madam, give birth to a bunch of dolls." Dahu laughed.

"That's great." Zhou Yu also chuckled lightly. "That kind of life is really desirable!"

The three of them were talking and laughing. Suddenly there was a sudden sound of horseshoes behind them. When they looked back, a dozen torches in the distance were moving quickly toward this side. With the glimmer of the torches, they saw the knight's clothes. The three of them all changed suddenly.

"Meng Yong, the bastard, is a man in front of him, with a ghost on his back, playing yin with us." Dahu roared, and drew his knife with a choke, "General, go, I and Erhu will resist for a while."

"Let's go together, you two, how can you keep it low?" Zhou Yu sighed, "You don't want to let me go after all?"

The two tigers did not speak, and a whip was drawn on the horse under Zhou Yu's crotch. The horse hissed and ran forward, and the two tigers followed closely.

Behind him came the sound of scolding and scolding, and two waves of men and horses ran wildly on the road one after another.

Behind him was the sound of swishing arrows breaking through the air. The three of them leaned on the saddles, but they kept whipping their horses. The horses of the three were selected by thousands of horses, whether it was endurance or sprinting power. The best choice, as long as you get through this period, the opponent's horse will be unable to continue.

While running wildly, the two tigers stepped off their horses and suddenly staggered, their hind feet softened, and fell to the ground amidst wailing. The two tigers on the horse were shocked and rolled on the ground. When they stood up, they saw their own horses. A hind hoof was pierced by an arrow.

"Big Tiger, guard the general and go first~www.wuxiaspot.com~I will break it!" The second tiger yelled, drew out the knife, held his hands tightly, and stood in the middle of the road.

The horseshoe slowed down behind him, and immediately ran back. Erhu turned his head, but saw Zhou Yu and Dahu both rushing back, "Since you can't go, let's die together!" Zhou Yu's expression was indifferent. The knife in his hand is out of its sheath.

After this delay, more than a dozen knights had already rushed over, "General Zhou, at the end of the black ice platform Luo Yishui. I want to send the army to Xianyang to stay for a while."

Zhou Yu said coldly: "What if I don't want it?"

Luo Yishui laughed: "General, you can't do that! Commanding thousands of troops to fight, we people can't even compare to a general, but if you want to say that this kind of capture of criminals, we fight alone, the general is afraid that it is not ours. Opponent, the general is a person with status, so why do you have to fight the trapped beast? You can't help but lose your dignity."

"I am a general in the military, a figure who is used to fighting, but it is not decent. If you want to capture me, then see if you have this weight."

"General Zhou, that would be offensive!" Luo Yishui sneered and waved: "Last, General Zhou will live, and the other two will live or die." (To be continued.)

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