I’m The King

Chapter 234: : In a hurry

; When night falls slowly, the camp has been set up, and the roar of horses and the roar of oxen, accompanied by bursts of laughter from the soldiers, is the joy after finishing a day's work. These joys are combined with the rising smoke and fragrance. The overflowing steam has increasingly made the entire camp alive.

The soldiers' faces were satisfied smiles, Gao Yuan's faces were satisfied smiles, Naha and Yan Haibo's faces were proud smiles, everyone was laughing, but the meaning of the smiles was not the same. Even the cows and horses in the pen seemed to be laughing, the horses finally ate a meal of beans instead of just hay, and the old cows after a hard day can also sleep well, let the tired hooves and The sore neck was given a night's rest.

When Gao Yuan finished gnawing the dried lamb in his hand and drank a bowl of soup in his hand, in the night, finally heard the sound of horseshoes. Under the reflection of the campfire, the infantry took a dozen of his The cavalry rushed out of the night, rushed straight to the high place, turned over and dismounted, turned around, dragged a wild hunter from the horse, and threw it to the ground. "Bake it!" The infantry simply confronted the fire. Guardian.

The guards drew out their knives with a smile, broke the wild hunting, and got busy.

Looking at the scrawny wild boar, he glanced at the empty-handed cavalry behind him, and laughed from a high distance: "Infantry, after going out and busy for a long time, I just got this thing back? Isn't it enough for everyone?"

The infantryman sat down high beside him, "The county lieutenant, it's not that we can't hit things, but that we found some strange things in the woods. We rushed all the way to the end, and we delayed the time. This wild hunter still has a bad life. , When we came back, we just appeared in front of us and got it back easily."

"What's the strange thing?" Gao Yuan's face condensed.

"There were more than one spying on us in the forest. It's a pity that when we found them, they were already retreating. It was dark and our road was unfamiliar. They were thrown off by them. I couldn't catch them. When we came back We carefully searched their previous hiding places again, where these people have been lurking for more than a day." The infantry said with a solemn expression.

If it is an occasional passerby or hunter, then it is impossible to lurch here for many days. On the edge of the forest, it is impossible to have large beasts. If these people have lurked here for a long time, there is only one explanation, they are Specially waiting for the Fufeng soldiers who came to **** the grain and grass.

After hearing the report from the infantry, Gao Yuan turned his head and looked at the burning fire. He was silent for a while, and said quietly, "Is this here?"

"County lieutenant, what's here?" The infantryman said in a strange way: "According to my estimation, these people are only the bandits in this mountain. There is nothing terrible about this. No matter how bold the bandits are, they will not dare to face the regular army. After these spies fled back, they would shrink their heads."

Under normal circumstances, this is indeed the case.Ordinary bandits will never fight the army head-on, but Gao Yuan knows that this time, I am afraid it is not that simple.

"Call Xiaoyanzi and Naha." He looked up.

"County lieutenant, what's the matter?" Yan Haibo appeared in front of Gao Yuan in a blink of an eye. He saw the wild boar that was breaking his stomach at a glance. He couldn't help but smile. "Good thing, it's just a little thinner."

"You know how to eat!" the infantry choked him.

"The people take food as their heaven, and it is good to eat. The key is to be able to eat and be able to do it!" Naha's voice came from behind.

"The eldest brother is right." Yan Haibo smiled and sat cross-legged beside him, "Xian Li, what's the matter?"

"Infantry, please tell Xiaoyanzi and Naha about the situation." Gao Yuan shook his head.

After briefly talking about what happened, Yan Haibo sneered: "A group of bandits, who dared to attack us, are really impatient to live. If that's the case, let's send them to reincarnation earlier, and the next life will be fine. Reincarnate to be a good person."

"It's not that simple!" Gao Yuan shook his head, "Infantryman, after eating, you take a few people out, find the people around you, and find out what's happening on Mount Luliang. How many bandits are there?"


"From today on, the soldiers will not disarm, the horses will not dismount, we must guard against their sneak attacks."

"I'm afraid they won't come, so if you dare to come, let them come back and forth!" Naha took out the knife, and choked it out and inserted it.

"From today onwards, the barracks will need to be rearranged, especially the grain and grass, and they must be protected."

"County lieutenant, if these bandits didn't dare to come, they would be regarded as true. They could still break our guards. The grain and grass are in the camp. If they can't break the camp plate, they can't take the grain and grass." Naha smiled. Tao.

"What if they didn't intend to grab food and grass, but just wanted to destroy him?" Gao Yuan asked. "With the scale of our current camp, there is no need to break the camp. Rockets with grease can solve the problem."

"Burn the grain and grass?" Naha opened his eyes. "The mountain bandit wanted to make our minds. Isn't it just for this batch of grain and grass? The fire burned it all up, and the mountain bandit was willing to do something that harms others and self?"

"Or what they want is not grain and grass, but my lofty head!" There was a trace of hideousness in the lofty tone, "Can't kill me lofty, burning my escorted grain is also a good idea. What should I do? Go back to the west of Liaoning? Then go back to the original point, go to the big camp assembly area, and wait to be beheaded on charges of delaying the military plane?

Everyone was silent for a while, and everyone just remembered the entanglement between Gao Yuan and some big people.

"These shameless things are really ubiquitous." Yan Haibo cursed.

"Soldiers will stop you, the water will come and the soil will be flooded, I'm afraid of a fart!" Naha buzzed, "Now that we know the other party's plan, can we still make them happy?"

Gao Yuan smiled slightly, "I thought I would be in trouble until the assembly point, but I didn't expect these big people to really appreciate me, so they started to set up their hands so early. Okay, since it has started, a lot of the previous anxiety and apprehension are also Put it down, Naha said it well. Soldiers will come to block, and water will come and soil will be flooded. Let's not compete. Come on, let's roast wild boar and fight the tooth sacrifice."

Everyone suddenly responded, this little episode, no one took it to heart, come and come, come and feel at ease, if there has been no movement, then it will make people worry!

After eating the deliciously roasted wild pork, the infantry again took people out to find out the news.This night, the camp was loose and tight inside, and more than a thousand people were divided into several shifts and took turns to rest on duty.

There was no word for a night. On the second day, when the camp was pulled out, the infantry appeared in front of Gaoyuan with two black eye circles." County Lieutenant, inquired, there is a group of gangsters on Luliang Mountain. The bandit leader is called Feng Fayong. Thousands of gangsters who kill without blinking are not weak in strength. Duandi is famous in the area between Yuyang and He."

"The gangsters of more than a thousand people are not weak, no wonder they have the courage to touch us!" Gao Yuan smiled and lifted his horse back. "Let's go, it's between two or three days, and we won't come for two or three days. , We have walked out of Luliang Mountain."

Thousands of Fufeng soldiers launched a battle formation and began to move forward. The cavalry sent out the sentry farther than before. All the soldiers knew that there would be a group of mountain bandits coming to beat them in the past two days, and laughed and scolded. Besides, he has also increased his vigilance. There are mostly veterans in this army, and their mentality is relaxed. It does not mean that they are negligent of their opponents, because they were always the objects of negligence before, but now, those who despise them go to the King of Yama to drink. Tea chatted.

That is to say, from this day on, the road suddenly became bumpy. Either some big holes were inexplicably dug on the avenue, or there was a large tree model hugged on the road, and the whole team was advancing at a speed. Zi was delayed.

"It seems that the opponent is dispatching troops." Gao Yuan laughed. "In order to slow our speed, all these moves have been used. Is this to openly challenge me?"

"Then dare to love it, but let us see, are these mountain bandits stronger and weaker than the East Hu Cavalry?" The infantry smiled happily, and a group of mountain bandits openly challenged a **** corpse on the battlefield. The troops who crawled out of it were no longer stupid, but nervous.

"I really don't know whether to praise the bandit leader for his courage, or to scold him for being stupid, sneak attack or have some confidence, go hard, we can swallow them alive!" Naha rode on the horse, took out a knife and started scratching him His beard, the beard is too messy, covering most of his face, so that when fighting against the enemy, the opponent can't help but not see his true face, then it is not beautiful, and the beard must be trimmed. clean.

What Gao Yuan didn't know was that while they were laughing happily, Feng Fayong was yelling at himself on Luliang Mountain, swearing Jiang Xinliang and Jiang Jiaquan so much that they were not as good as bullshit.Of course, the two people were not in front of them, and they were still bathing in the hot springs in the mountains.

The **** boy wanted to hit someone else’s idea. He couldn’t even figure out the opponent’s marching speed. He couldn’t estimate it. He told himself that the other party would take ten days of effort. In less than five days, the other party came to the foot of Luliang Mountain. I had to send someone to make trouble, delay the advancing speed of the opponent, and the sentinel was also detected by the opponent two days ago, now my actions are equivalent to a robbery with open flames, and I just have to rush. When I went to the other party, I yelled that I am driving this mountain, and I planted this tree. I have to cross the mountain and leave it to buy road fortune!

"The master, or else, just forget it!" Lu Liangshan's second master approached Feng Fayong. "I've been to see their military appearance, I'm afraid it's really hard to deal with!"

Feng Fayong turned around the iron ball in his hand, and took the teeth for a long time. He still gritted his teeth and said: "Do it, you must do it, for the sake of Zhao Guo, brother. In this battle, even Lu Liangshan suffered heavy casualties and had to burn. With this batch of grain, Xiao Ke, gather our core brothers. After fighting, we sneaked in from another direction and burned their grain."

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