I’m The King

Chapter 236: :Secret Force

The pupils of his eyes contracted, and his whole body was like falling into an ice cellar.Feng Fayong stood in a daze.Although he didn't know the man opposite, there is no doubt that this person must be Gao Yuan.

He is here waiting for himself.

He already knew his plan.

Not far behind Gao Yuan, there were grain trucks standing there, but each truck was covered with felt blankets, and the blankets were covered with a layer of soil. He knew exactly what he wanted to do. It was this rocket that was shot out, the grease poured on it, and it did not burn in a short time, and the opponent's crossbow and arrows were all fired, and my group had to become a hedgehog.

"We can shoot faster than anyone else!" Gao Yuan looked at each other and smiled happily.

Feng Fayong was stunned, ashamed and annoyed in his heart, your crossbow arrow is ready to be stringed, facing us, you only need to hook the machine, and you have to open the bow and wind the bow, which is more than a fart!

"If you don't want to, you can still run, compare with the crossbow arrow, do you run faster or the arrow shoots faster?" Gao Yuan said narrowly." Or rushing up against the arrow, maybe a few people can rush in front of me , Cut me with a stab, you can also make a deal."

Looking at the leisurely mind, Feng Fayong felt bitter in his heart.No matter which path he chose, it would be a dead end.

"I don't want to choose!" he said bitterly.

"Oh? What do you want?" Gao Yuan asked with a smile.

"I choose to surrender!" Feng Fayong raised his hand high, and threw the bow and knife in his hand to the ground. He stiffened his neck and shouted: "Everyone, put down their weapons, we surrender!"

The subordinates behind him raised their hands one after another, and their weapons dropped to the ground.

Gao Yuan laughed, waved his hand, and a soldier ran out behind him, but he was dragging a roll of rope. "Feng Da is in charge of your own brother. You should tie it yourself. You must tie it up, don’t tie it. It's loose, otherwise there will be a change, and that will be a knife."

"Are you even ready to tie our rope?" Feng Fayong smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Can you count that I will surrender?"

"If you don't surrender, it will be easier!" There was a sharp hint in Gao Yuan's laughter. "A burst of crossbow arrows, a meal of scalping, all problems have been solved, but I think the ants will cherish their lives, not to mention you mountain bandit. ? So I have made more preparations, Feng Da is in charge, what are you still hesitating?" The rope was thrown at Feng Fayong's feet.

For the Fufeng soldiers, this fight tonight is not even a war. For those veterans who have fought for two years in the war with the Donghu, the intensity is also higher than usual. The confrontation training should be stronger.These bandits don't have the slightest organization and the wave of offensive.They charge indiscriminately with courage.In front of the regular army, this kind of blind and non-depth charge is not true.

As soon as the battle started, they were severely injured by the dense crossbow arrows.As soon as the cavalry came out, they were immediately rushed to the ground, and the pawns followed and swept the battlefield. When Feng Fayong was behind him with a rope When the brothers stringed together one by one, in the other three directions, no standing mountain bandits could be seen.They were either dead or injured lying on the ground, or they threw their weapons and squatted on the ground.

The Fufeng soldiers are already cleaning the battlefield.

Standing among the dead bodies on the ground, Yan Haibo smiled as he watched his soldiers clean the battlefield, and looked at the gold and silver taken out of the bandits. He only felt that every pore was overflowing with joy. These bandits It's really rich.Some ordinary bandits actually carry a lot of wealth with them, which can be expanded more than themselves.It seems that being a bandit is really a good career.Of course, the premise is not to provoke yourself.

"Sergeant, look!" The nervous recruit before the war smiled and ran over with a furoshiki. "I'm rich, these bandits are really rich."

Taking the baggage, squeezing it, throwing it on the ground casually, stretched out a foot to step on it, Yan Haibo patted the recruit's shoulder vigorously, "Boy, yes, I just saw it, and you stumbled three by yourself. The mountain bandit is amazing, much better than the first time I went to the battlefield that year."

"Sergeant, were you still looking at me when you first fought?" the recruit asked in surprise.

Yan Haibo laughed. "Of course, every veteran in the team will take care of the recruits. You were brought by the county lieutenant from Fufeng. The county lieutenant said that he took you out and will take you back. In the first battle, I always feel a little uncomfortable.The veterans are watching, and they may save your life sometime.Of course, this is also because the opponent is not strong.If you run into a strong team, then you have to take care of yourself. "

"Thank you Bingcao!" the recruit said gratefully.

Yan Haibo smiled and waved his hand, "Go, if you have something to say, hurry up and touch it again, maybe I can get something. This time I came out to fight, and it was mostly a loss-making business. Fortunately, I can get back a little today. Go and touch. Go touch it!"

The recruit left with a grin.

It's time for these mountain bandits to come. Yan Haibo felt authentic in his heart, let these recruits in the Fufeng Soldier feel the atmosphere of the battlefield in time, lick the blood with the knife, and then go to the battlefield, the feeling will be different, this time against. Zhao Jun, they are not as casual as these mountain bandits, and the county lieutenant also attaches great importance to it! As a big country in the world second only to Qin, Zhao Guo is much stronger than Yan Guo.

If only a few more bandits like this were to come, so when they reached the assembly point, the 40% of the recruits in the team could become veterans, and they would be more comfortable when they started fighting again. Watching them kneel all over the floor. Yan Haibo thought with emotion.

In the big tent of Gaoyuan, Feng Fayong was firmly kneeled on the ground with his hands **** by the back shears. Gaoyuan Dama sat down in front of him with a golden sword, looked at him, and said: "Feng Da is in charge, don't think you have surrendered. , I won’t kill you, but I’ve inquired clearly, you have been rampant in this Luliang Mountain for many years, doing many illegal things, and the past merchants who died in your hands are countless. Look at this great land around Luliang Mountain. But if you don’t see any people, you can see your methods. If you want to survive, you have to come up with a bargaining chip that satisfies me."

Feng Fayong raised his head and looked at Gao Yuan, "I can dedicate all the wealth accumulated in the cottage on Luliang Mountain over the years to you, can I change my life?"

"Bullshit!" Gao Yuan shook his head in disdain. "There are only a thousand people in your Luliang Mountain. I'm afraid they are all cooked by me here. I will send someone to your cottage early in the morning. What are your wealth? , From now on, it’s actually mine. You use my wealth to buy your own life. Isn’t that great? It’s not convincing!"

Feng Fayong blinked his eyes and looked at the opposite person who looked a little shamelessly high, smiled bitterly and shook his head.The other party said it right, those things are indeed his.

"There are still two people in the stockade, I can give him to you, I believe they can satisfy you?"

"It's still bullshit, no matter who the people in your stockade are, they are of course my captives!" Gao Yuan sneered, "What are the identities of these two people that you think you can buy your life?"

"These two people, one is Jiang Xinliang, the son of Jiang Dawei, the guardian of the Yuyang County of the Kingdom of Yan, and the other is his doorstep Jiang Jiaquan, both of whom are valuable people." Feng Fayong said.

"Jiang Xinliang? Jiang Dawei's son, it seems that you were entrusted by them this time when you went down the mountain?" Gao Yuan held his cheeks and felt a little pain in his teeth. It seemed that he had a lot of enemies. Ye Tiannan didn't say anything. Zhou Yuan counted as one, and now he added another Jiang Dawei.

"Yes, I can give him to you. Without my help, you can't catch them. They are not in the cottage, but in another place." Feng Fayong said.

"You don't have to worry about this. Don't tell me, there are so many prisoners out there, someone will always know." Gao Yuan said: "If there is no other bargaining chip in the head of Feng Da, today next year will be your anniversary. "

Gao Yuan stood up.

Feng Fayong remained silent and lowered his head.

Gao Yuan stared at him for a long while and waved his hand, "If this is the case, Feng Da is in charge, then we will say goodbye forever. Which is the nearest government office here, send your head over, and show it to the public, in order to impersonate you."

"Yes!" At the edge of the tent, two guards standing with knives took their orders loudly. They came up to the left and the other, grabbed Feng Fayong and dragged them outside.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" Feng Fayong struggled and shouted loudly, "Lieutenant Gao, I have something to say."

Gao Yuan waved his hand, and the two guards dropped Feng Fayong and stepped back.

"Feng Da is in charge, if you have something to say, it's best to finish it all at once, don't hesitate, it will kill you." Gao Yuan said coldly.

Feng Fayong was silent for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said: "I am not from Yan, I am from Zhao."

Gao Yuan was stunned slightly, "Guo Ren Zhao? Humph, that's even more damn, we are about to go to war with Guo Guo. No, can it be that you are a spy of Zhao Guo? What scheme is lurking in Yan State?"

"I'm a tiger and leopard rider!" Now that he had spoken, Feng Fayong simply took a gamble to see if he could get his life back from this high, far away oil and salt.

"What is Tiger Leopard Riding?" Gao Yuan asked back.

Gao Yuan's reaction was far beyond Feng Fayong's expectation, "Lieutenant Gao, don't you know Tiger and Leopard Cavalry?"

"Nonsense, of course I don't know Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, this is your Zhao country's army?"

Feng Fayong was dumbfounded for a while, "So, you don't know the Black Ice Terrace of Qin State, your Yan Lingwei of Yan State?"

Gao Yuan shook his head. "What are these? Secret troops?"

"These are spy organizations from various countries." Feng Fayong felt a little cold in his heart. This guy didn't know what these meant, but he was afraid that there was little hope of relying on this to survive.

"Secret agent! Agent!" Gao Yuan laughed.

"Secret agent, what kind of agent?" Feng Fayong asked inexplicably.

"Well, the spy is the guy who performs special tasks. This is what you do?"

"Yes, I still have a certain position in the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. I believe I can help you in the future. How about it, Lieutenant Gao, can this change my life?" Feng Fayong asked with a glimmer of hope.

Gao Yuan laughed, interesting.At this time, he couldn't think of the military law department that Cao Tianci was working on now.

"This is a bit interesting!" He smiled: "Feng Da, you can tell me about your tiger and leopard riding in detail and without missing a bit. Well, what else is there on the black ice platform, Yan Lingwei, etc., right? There must be similar organizations in several other countries. You tell me about them. If you speak well, I will spare your life. There may be opportunities for cooperation in the future." (To be continued~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read it.)

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