I’m The King

Chapter 239: :meet

Chengnan Jingfang.

Seen from the sky, this large piece of low housing is separated by four narrow alleys. The four alleys are staggered to form a big tic-tac-toe, and Jingfang is named after it.

Narrow lanes, low housing, dense population, and dim lights are the main theme of entering the workshop at night. The people who work outside during the day and discuss life return home at night, and every house is full of smoke and choking fireworks. The narrow streets are filled, and many people don’t have kitchens at all. They just set up stoves under the eaves outside the houses. All kinds of sewage flow, and occasionally rotten vegetables and vegetables will fly out from somewhere. As soon as it fell on the ground, in the dark, a few wild dogs rushed out, stretched their noses and sniffed, and then left disappointedly.

The guys who have been working hard for a day are sitting on the threshold, holding a large bowl of slurping and eating food prepared by a woman, and talking loudly to their neighbors about what they have seen this day. If they can say something occasionally Something that everyone didn't know would provoke a loud exclamation, and the man's vanity was greatly satisfied with this exclamation.

The dolls are the happiest, in groups of three or five, you chase me, the dim lights can't stop them from the fun of the game, the running figure shows that although the life here is hard, it is always no problem to eat a full stomach. At least it didn't make the dolls hungry.

Zhang Yi wore a felt hat, a straight coat, a pair of straw sandals under his feet, a roll of rope around his waist, and a pole in his hand. He strode through the narrow lanes. The dress of Zhang Yi is no different from those of the men living in these lanes, but if it is in broad daylight, it is easy for a caring person to see the flaws, that is, whether it is skin color or temperament, Zhang Yi now asks for life here. People are really very different, especially around Zhang Yi, who also followed the same disguise as Cuihua.

The two were walking in the alley. Many people raised their heads and looked at the two. It is not a rare thing for a man to return home at this time. Here, it is very common, but a woman also returns at this time. But it's rare. Both of them are strangers, and they attract everyone's attention. Ten people living here know each other, or they don't know each other, or at least they are familiar with each other.

Seeing everyone's gazes, Zhang Yi pulled the felt hat down, his face was full of anger, "If you don't want you to come, you have to come, see, there is no secret to this, everyone is staring at us. !"

Cuihua also regretted a little at this time. She lowered her head and hurried on the road. Hearing Zhang Yi's reprimand, she defended, "Didn't I miss the people from my hometown? What's the shameful thing, let's talk about it, how do people here recognize us? After today, we will not come to such a place, and they will not be able to go to a place like ours, and the two will not meet, what are they afraid of."

"Shut up!" Zhang Yi said angrily: "Tianci is a personal soldier of the county lieutenant. Tianci came here in person and dressed up to see you. There must be something. In the future, your man will do things outside, so don't ask. , Broke the matter of the county lieutenant, I took your skin off."

Cuihua flattened her mouth, and finally did not return her mouth. In the past two years, as Zhang Yi's status has become higher and higher, her speech at home has become more and more important, but it is not like when she was just married. It's just a small servant.

The southernmost part of Jingfang is the Xiaoyang River that traverses Jicheng. This river also provides endless river water for the moat of Jicheng. At this time, the small bungalow where Cao Tianci is located is located in Xiaoyang River. On the side, he chose this place as the meeting place for Zhang Yi, and Cao Tianci chose repeatedly to finally decide to stay here.

The terrain here is complex and forwards, it is the chaotic residential area of ​​Jingfang. Behind it, Xiaoyanghe provides them with another way of retreat. If they encounter danger, whether they are forward or backward, they will not be forced to a dead end. .

Under the dim light of the oil lamp, Cao Tianci sat quietly at the table, waiting for Zhang Yi.

The door was gently pushed open, and a man walked in and reported to Cao Tianci in a low voice his whereabouts since Zhang Yi stepped into Jingfang. After listening to the man's report, Cao Tianci nodded in satisfaction. So far, Zhang Yi did not show that he had any doubts.

It was an accident that Cuihua followed, but it was precisely because Cuihua also followed that it made Cao Tianci's harvest a bit more secure.

"Retreat, wait for my news." Cao Tianci waved his hand.

"You stay here alone?" The man froze and asked. Cao Tianci is very young, but he is quite respected among Fufeng soldiers. As a result, he has fought many battles with Gao Yuan and was on the battlefield. Above, he has won respect.Secondly, he is in charge of the Military Law Department, which is a daunting department, and these men who followed Cao Tianci to Jicheng know more than ordinary Fufeng soldiers. Understand that in addition to the duties on the surface, the Military Law Department has another function that is more hidden.Apart from these parties, no one else can understand it.

"I'm alone, enough!" Cao Tianci waved his hand, unsmiling, he was very dissatisfied with the man's performance, even if the other party cared about him, as what he is doing now and what he is about to do, a qualified subordinate There shouldn't be any problems at all, they just need to do their best to do the things set out above.

Looking at Cao Tianci's expression, the man seemed to have reacted. He bowed without saying a word. He quietly exited the room as he came. The door squeaked shut, leaving a dim light. The oil lamp and the lonely Cao Tianci.

After a while, there was a soft knock on the door, and Cao Tianci stood up, walked behind the door, and listened quietly to the outside sound for a while.Both breathing sounded heavy.

He opened the door of the room, with a rare smile on his face, "Big Brother Zhang, here you are, sister-in-law Cuihua, meet again."

Zhang Yi and Cuihua walked in. They met their deceased in their hometown, and their faces were filled with unstoppable joy.

"Xiao Tianci, you have grown taller again." Cuihua was beaming, "I was really shocked when I saw you during the day. I didn't recognize where you were lying at first. If it weren't for your Fufeng talk, I really don't dare to recognize you. Are you okay? Is the county lieutenant okay? Is your father okay?"

As soon as she entered the door, Cuihua couldn't suppress the joy in her heart, and asked repeatedly like firecrackers, Zhang Yi on one side shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Although he didn't like Cuihua calling herself Xiao Tianci, Cao Tianci was still very moved by the other party's sincere joy and emotion. Although there was no special expression on his face, he still felt some warmth in his heart. Head, "It's all okay."

"The county lieutenant really shouldn't go this time!" Zhang Yi's face was very heavy. "I heard a lot of news in Jicheng, saying that this time the county lieutenant had jumped into Ye Tiannan's setting. Among the traps, there must be no return. This is almost a semi-open secret in Jicheng."

"The county lieutenant must go!" Cao Tianci replied simply, "Brother Zhang, sit down."

Zhang Yi sat down, "God, are you alone? The county lieutenant sent you here, right? I wonder what the county lieutenant has ordered?"

"Of course I'm not the only one!" Cao Tianci sat opposite Zhang Yi, "but they are all in another place, here, it's just a temporary stop I chose."

Zhang Yi's eyes flickered.After more than a year of experience, Zhang Yi has long been humane, and suddenly he heard the meaning of Cao Tianci's words, his face couldn't help but become a little angry.

"You don't believe me?" There was even a hint of cruelty in his tone, "God, don't forget, when I was following the county lieutenant, you didn't even recognize the county lieutenant, even your old man. ."

Cao Tianci looked at Zhang Yi quietly, "Big Brother Zhang, I'm afraid I can't explain the problem by knowing it sooner or later. Over the past year or so, I followed the county lieutenant in the birth and death. How about you, but long-sleeved good dance, dealing with senior officials. Among the nobles, there is a great scholar who talks and laughs, and there is no white man who is eligible to enter the Xianyun Tower.Which one is not a big figure in this city. After staying with these people for a long time, you are still as loyal to the county lieutenant as before? I can’t help but be careful. I don’t have to say secret words in front of the Ming people. Today, my arrangement is indeed against you."

Cuihua's eyes widened on one side, and she finally heard that at this moment, Cao Tianci was suspicious of their husband and wife's loyalty to Gaoyuan, and couldn't help being furious, so he prodded his hand to catch Cao Tianci's ears," Cao Tianci, You dare not believe us?"

Cao Tianci reacted extremely quickly.How could someone who crawled out of the sword mountain and arrow rain let Cuihua, a womanish family, grab his ears, and the side of his head had already avoided.

The anger on Zhang Yi's face was suppressed at this time, looking at Cao Tianci, and said solemnly: "I am loyal to the county lieutenant, but I don't have to show it in front of you. Just tell me, what the county lieutenant wants me to do, is To kill my husband and wife, I also want to do it for the county lieutenant."

Cao Tianci nodded, but did not directly answer Zhang Yi's words, "You brought your sister-in-law with you today, but it made me more suspicious, Brother Zhang, don't blame you, you are in this situation, I can't help but have. This is not aimed at you. Although I am not very young, Cao Tianci knows that I am responsible to the county lieutenant no matter what I do, although I am not very young. I hope you will understand."

"I see."

"That's fine!" Cao Tianci took out a letter from his arms. "This is a letter from the county lieutenant to Miss Ye Jinger. I hope you can pass it on to her."

"Although I have been in Jicheng for a long time, and most of the people I know are high-ranking officials and nobles, you have to understand that in the eyes of those people, I am just a shopkeeper, a man who does things, and they smile at me sweetly. , It's just looking at the people behind Xianyun Tower, it is impossible to really want to gain the trust of these people, and until now, Ye Tiannan has never been to Xianyun Tower, let alone Miss Jing'er, this Letter, how can I pass it to her?"

"This is your business!" Cao Tianci said indifferently. "I don't care how to do it, I only know that this is the order of the county lieutenant."

Zhang Yi didn't speak any more, put the letter away, and hid it in his arms, "Just this?"

"Of course not." Cao Tianci paused. "Delivering the letter is just an incidental small task. I have another purpose here. And this matter is the main purpose of the county lieutenant sending me to Jicheng."

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, "What does the county lieutenant want me to do?"

"The county lieutenant wants to weave a net and an intelligence net. The position you are now in is the best person to do this!" Cao Tianci looked at Zhang Yi without blinking, saying every word. .(To be continued~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to read it for mobile phone users.)

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