I’m The King

Chapter 243: : There is a big gift

Gao Yuan was lucky enough to get a chair and sat next to a group of senior generals.He didn't feel any discomfort.Only this calmness made the generals in the house admire him more. The grievances between Ye Tiannan, the minister of the country, are a little bit awkward.

From the first battle with the Donghu people, the complete annihilation of Hutubu Latobe until the end from Yulin who died near death, Gao Yuan described in detail the many battles with the Donghu people. The Donghu people are the enemy of the Yan people. In this Fangcheng, Gao Yuan did not hide the slightest. I don’t know when the Yan people will fight the Donghu people again, so that these senior generals of the Yan state will have a better understanding of the combat characteristics of the Donghu people. Yan Guo's future is always good.

Of course, some of them involve the Fufeng soldiers, so he naturally wouldn't talk about it.

"In that case, the Yulin camp was burned. Actually, it was not you who did it, but the horse thief called Killing Potian?" After Gao Yuan finished the final battle, even Zhou Yuan felt a little weird.

"Yes!" Gao Yuan nodded. "I look down on the Donghu people too much. I want to catch their main force, and then attack them again, but the other side also wants to hook me and wipe me out. This battle is extremely dangerous. , If it were not for good luck, Sha Potian suddenly came out halfway, burned Yulin camp and destroyed Yulin City, Dong Husuopu would surely be able to surround me, Yulin was burned, and he led the main force to return to aid, and only a thousand cavalry remained. After chasing me, I found the gap and escaped. Thinking about it now, I am still afraid of it."

Tan Feng laughed, "You are indeed lucky, but it is not only good luck. If your battlefield feels a little worse, you will not have a chance to escape, and you have the courage to cross the Tuotuo River where it is not suitable for crossing the river. , I, I don’t dare to do it. After I got the news that Yulin was destroyed, I dared to kill the carbine and wipe out the main force of Arenda. He was courageous and strategic, yes, yes, speaking of it, you dare to drive more than a thousand people to a thousand miles Assault, this courage alone is worthy of my confession for you."

Gao Yuan nodded to Tan Feng gratefully, "Thanks to the general for the praise, I am not ashamed to be the last!" Tan Feng does not know him, but he has been in the house for so long. This general has always conveyed kindness to himself, which made him very much. It is thanks.

"Great General!" Zhou Yu stood up," Gao Yuan's several battles, the final general actually believed that the first battle has inspired us the most. Zhao Guoguo's strength is far superior to our country, and his army has been with the Xiongnu and the Qin for years. There are constant wars. Looking back at us, we have not mobilized troops for many years. Therefore, in the Yanzhao battle, we must put ourselves above the weak."

"Extremely ridiculous!" Jiang Dawei stood up humorously. Since Gao Yuan entered, Jiang Dawei felt that an evil fire was burning in his heart, but he had not found the point of breaking out. At this time, after listening to Zhou Yu's words, he finally could not bear it anymore. Don’t stop.” We’ve been planning the Yan-Zhao battle for a long time. The Minister of State has even contacted the Quartet. Zhao’s country has been attacked from all sides. Our army of tens of thousands, whether in terms of strength or preliminary preparations, will occupy all of them. With this good opportunity, we should use the autumn wind to sweep the fallen leaves. How can we fall into the prestige and increase the morale of our opponents?"

Zhou Yu took a deep breath: "Jian Junshou, whether we are prepared before the war or our troops, we do have the upper hand, but there is one thing that you may not have considered. That is how long the Zhao ** team has been on the battlefield. Veterans, but most of our soldiers have not fought much. The State of Zhao is indeed enemy from all sides, but the one that is placed in front of us is also worthy of our serious treatment. In case there is something wrong with us, the state of the country No matter how wise the plan is, it will all be ruined. Showing that the enemy is weak does not mean that he is afraid of the enemy, but is just a tactical consideration."

"General Zhou, you are my Dayan's important general. How can you be timid after hearing such a yellow-mouthed ruin!" Jiang Dawei glared at Gao Yuan," a small county lieutenant, his subordinates How many soldiers have fought, how can they compare to the present?"

"There are large and small scales, but the truth is the same!" Tan Feng said leisurely.

Seeing several generals arguing, Gao Yuan was no longer qualified to answer. He took a look at this and looked at that, but when Zhou Yu called out Jiang Junshou's name, a sharp look flashed in his eyes. , Took a deep look at the other party.

"Okay!" Zhou Yuan knocked on the table," Let Gao Yuan talk about the war with the Donghu people, just to let everyone know more about the fighting methods of some Donghu people, and also let everyone be prepared. Donghu people are the biggest in our country. Misfortune, Miranda is too old to die, we always have a battle with them, and that's it, but there is no contact with the eyes. What is the contention of this. Zhou Yu, you and Jiang Junshou are fighting together. The focus of this battle is With you, if you can defeat Zhao Qi's private army, then we can force Zhao Guang to retreat. How to fight, after you and Jiang Jun keep on guard, discuss it carefully?"

"I will obey at the end!" Zhou Yu bowed.

Hearing Zhou Yuan's words, Gao Yuan's eyes flickered, looking at Zhou Yuan, he stopped talking.

"Gao Yuan, you seem to have something to say?" Tan Feng said suddenly.

"No, no!" Gao Yuan shook his head again and again, "Such a major military matter, I am a small county lieutenant, wherever I am qualified to speak, and wherever the general points, I will fight."

Tan Feng smiled, "The general has asked you to talk for a long time. I'm afraid you will say a few more words? What do you think of this battle?"

Gao Yuan glanced at Zhou Yuan. Although Zhou Yuan was dissatisfied with Tan Feng's troubles, he still has to give the general's face. "General Tan wants you to talk, you can talk about it, and we will just listen."

"Then the general will dare!" Gao Yuan stood up and gave Zhou Yuan a deep bow." General, just heard what you mean, Zhao Junbing attacked in two ways, and we also attacked in two ways, but the focus of the battle was In terms of General Zhou and Junshou Jiang, and the opponent is Zhao Qi's private army?"

Looking at Gao Yuan, Zhou Yuan was a little surprised. "You really have some talents. With just a few words, you can infer the general strategy of combat. Yes, this is our plan. Gao Yuan, the army will fight. Unlike you with hundreds of thousands of people, there are not so many conspiracies and tricks, most of them are scheming, as long as the war starts, even if the opponent discovers our combat intentions, the tens of thousands of troops can not be changed by just changing. Forcibly making changes, on the contrary, it will cause confusion."

Gao Yuan nodded.The battle of hundreds of thousands of people is indeed very different from small-scale operations.This time, when I came by myself, I just wanted to see the deployment of large-scale operations and learn from it.

"The general is right. It's just that we are planning like this. Will Zhao Jun also know that we are planning like this? The general wants to attack Zhao Qi's private army, cut off one of his arms, and then push back the opponent's other way, I'm thinking , What if General Zhou and Jiang Junshou launch an offensive, but the opponent’s standing army is encountered?" Gao Yuan said.

After hearing Gao Yuan’s words, the generals in the house burst into laughter. Zhou Yu shook his head again and again and said: "Gao Yuan, how can we not understand the truth about such a big thing? Zhao Qi’s private army and Zhao Guang’s standing army, from As soon as we set off, our spies followed all the way. A few days ago, Zhao Guang's standing army led by Zhao Guang captured Ci'an County. At this time, there was a gap of hundreds of miles between him and Zhao Qi's private army. Dibai, they will shrink to an inch, or they will fly, and a shift in position will make us find the wrong target."

Hearing what everyone said, Gao Yuan felt a little embarrassed. It seemed that he was thinking too much, and he fought with his soldiers. At most, there were only more than a thousand people. Suddenly in the east, suddenly in the west, and his opponent Donghu, Quan It is the cavalry, and it is very difficult to figure out whereabouts, but now it is the battle between the two sides of China, and the two sides add up to more than 200,000 horses.How can it be compared with their own little fights?

"I'm finally confused!" Gao Yuan's face was a little hot.

"It's not too confused!" Tan Feng said with a smile: "Leading soldiers to fight, thinking about it is no harm, I'm afraid that I don't think too much. When I find something wrong, I will temporarily hold the Buddha's foot, it will be too late."

Gao Yuan was very curious about the general's performance. From the beginning, the general has always maintained kindness to himself, relieved himself, and spoke for himself, but he did not know him, or he and Taishou Zhang There is friendship, so this is how to give himself a face, Gao Yuan thinks about it, looking at the other's smiling Mimi's face, it is really a little troublesome.

"Okay, Gao Yuan, after you have delivered the grain and grass, you will rate your troops to Jiang Junshou to listen to them. Your subordinates are all veterans who have fought, and Jiang Junshou can use it." Zhou Yuan waved his hand, seemingly inadvertently. He casually ordered.

The tent immediately became quiet, Gao Yuan also lowered his head.Zhou Yuan finally did not let him go. Knowing that Jiang Dagui was going to deal with him, he sent himself to his command.Is this going to kill someone with the sword?

"General, the final commander has a lot of cavalry. This Gao Yuan has a lot of experience in the use of cavalry. Why don't you reward him?" Tan Feng said with a smile again.

Zhou Yuan took a deep look at Tan Feng, "Gaoyuan has rich experience in combat, and he is a rare general. Although Jiang Junshou has many soldiers and horses, there are not many generals who have actually fought. You are in need of talents like Gaoyuan. Where are you still lacking? People? Where are you all the best cavalry in the whole country, what else do you think?"

Tan Feng spread his hands, looked back at Gao Yuan, smiled apologetically, and signaled that he was helpless.

Gao Yuan also responded with a smile, expressing his kindness. He turned his head and looked at Zhou Yuan, "According to the general's order, after delivering the grain and grass, the final general will go to Jiang Taishou to take orders. It happens that I also want to visit Jiang Junshou. , Some things have to be returned to Jiang Junshou, this time it's by the way."

Jiang Dawei heard that Zhou Yuan sent Gao Yuan to his subordinates, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. His heart was wonderful. Seeing that I didn't play with you to death, just half of the laughter, he heard Gao Yuan's words, he couldn't help but stunned, "You What do you want to give me?"

Gao Yuan smiled slightly, "When the general passed by Luliang Mountain, there were unopened bandits who attacked the general, and they were all killed by the general, and even their old nest was stolen, but they didn't want to be in the nest of these bandits. Two people were saved. These two people claimed to be the son of the county guard and the doorman. At the end, they were a little unbelieving. How could the son of the county guard be captured by the bandits, but they were afraid that it was true. I took them all the way in the army. When I turned back, I brought these two people to the county guard. If it is true, return it to the county guard. If it is a fake, it must be a counterfeit by the bandit, but in the end, it will be a counterfeit. They broke it off, dare to play with me? I'll play him to death!"

These few words were said to be murderous, everyone in the tent was shocked at first, and then their faces became weird, looking at Gaoyuan, as if looking at a monster, this is not just hitting Jiang Dawei in the face, this is * *After slapped her face naked, she spit up. (To be continued~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for a recommendation and a monthly pass. Your support, This is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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