I’m The King

Chapter 245: :toy

"Lieutenant Gao, please stay!" The shout came from behind, causing Gao Yuan, who was walking quickly, to turn around. The person who was rushing over made him slightly startled. This is the one who has just repeatedly spoken to help him in the house. Generals.

"My name is Tan Feng!" Tan Feng walked to Gao Yuan and stretched out his hand, "Dayan Standing Army Cavalry Lieutenant."

"General Tan!" Gao Yuan bowed his hand," I would like to thank General Tan for his righteousness just now. Gao Yuan has a sense of the five inner circle."

Tan Feng's hand was still stretched straight in front of Gao Yuan, and he laughed loudly: "This is nothing, it's just telling the truth."

Looking at Tan Feng's outstretched hand, Gao Yuan smiled and stretched out his hand and shook it hard, "Although it is true, not everyone can do it. Especially since I am just a small county lieutenant. ."

"Temporary county lieutenant!" Tan Feng said with a smile: "You are brilliant, courageous and strategic. As long as you grasp it, you will surely fly into the sky in the future."

"Where is the courage and strategy, it's nothing more than a man. The crown is angry as a beauty, doesn't General Tan think this is boring?" Gao Yuan laughed.

"Is this really the case?" Tan Feng's eyes flashed sharply like a blade. "If it were just a pair of husbands, then Jiang Xinliang and the others would not live to Jing'an. Please feel enmity, or endure humiliation, Lieutenant Gao is extremely sure. In place."

He lowered his eyelids high, "General Tan looked at me too high."

Tan Feng shook his head, "Your move is a risky move. You really put yourself to death and reborn, but you are more likely to die. Have you thought about it?"

"There is nothing to think about. Fighting on the battlefield, to cut a **** path from the impossible, was originally something to do at a high level. I did the same in Fufeng two years ago."

"This time is different!" Tan Feng said: "The enemy is too powerful, maybe you are very good at strategy, but now your enemy, which one is not a scheming man, let alone others, Jiang Dawei alone is enough to give you a headache , Not to mention the state of the country behind him, the means of turning his hands for clouds and covering his hands for rain, I think you have already learned."

Gao Yuan smiled faintly, "I always have to do it before I know it."

Tan Feng took a deep breath, "Gao Yuan, if you are willing to come to my side and try to make the general unhappy, I will also **** you over."

Looking at Tan Feng from a high level, I really didn't understand it. It took a long time to say: "General Tan, at the moment Yanzhao fights, we need to go to the national war together, and there is a chance of victory. Zhao Guo is much stronger than us, and we cannot tolerate any slack. At this time, it is not a good thing for Yu Guo to quarrel with the generals."

"Unexpectedly, it's this time, you are still thinking about Yan Kingdom, it is really rare, much better than some people!" Tan Feng shook his head and sighed, "Well, if you don't take this road, but you just have to nod, Then you can leave this place right away and go to Jicheng. Wherever you are, someone will accept you and give you a position that satisfies you."

Tan Feng paused, and suddenly laughed, "Your lover, the daughter of the prime minister, isn't Ye Jing'er also there? When you arrive in Jicheng, you will have a lot of opportunities to approach her."

"Go to Jicheng?" Gao Yuan was extremely surprised. "General Tan, I don't understand. I came to Yuyang to participate in the war, but I was called by name. Who has so much energy to get me out of here?"

"Master Ning." Tan Feng looked at Gao Yuan meaningfully," Yushi doctor Ning Zecheng, Master Ning, Master Ning said, as long as you want, you can leave here and go to Jicheng at any time."

"I am a general with troops. How can I leave the front line at this time?" Gao Yuan shook his head.

"As long as you admit that you are Yan Lingwei." Tan Feng smiled and said: "In my big account, there is a letter of appointment for General Yan Lingwei that has been written. Gao Yuan, you are only a county lieutenant now, but as long as If you accept this commission, you will be able to swagger through the market in Jicheng immediately."

"Yan Lingwei?"

"An unannounced army, of course, this is only for ordinary people, and for people with high enough status, the existence of this army has never been a secret. Lofty, this is a good opportunity to climb the sky in one step. Yan Ling Wei Zhi is under the control of Master Ning Zecheng. Master Ning admires you very much. He does not want to see that the brachial beams of the country like you are framed by some people with unpredictable hearts, so you are determined to reach out and give you a hand, and you become General Yan Lingwei. , I’m one step closer to marrying Ye Jing'er.” Tan Feng’s words were full of temptation. From Gaoyuan, he dared to besiege Ye Zhong, so that he could not advance, and he dared to ignore Zhang Shou's promise. You can watch. Given how much he cares about Ye Jing'er, if there is a shortcut to take, why would he disagree? As they said when they parted, Gaoyuan rode a tall horse and took an eight-belt sedan chair to the Ye Mansion in Jicheng. The Ming media was marrying Ye. Jing'er, let alone her long hair reaching her waist, even if the green silk turns white head, it may not be possible to achieve it.

Gao Yuan looked at Tan Feng blankly, "General Tan, you..."

Tan Feng understood what he meant, spreading both hands, very bachelor and honest: "This is not a secret, I am Master Ning's person, Taiwei, oh, the current general also understands it, so he is very comfortable with me. , Look at the house just now, besides me, will the general allow others to do this?"

Gao Yuan was a little surprised for a while, is this Dayan's political ecology? When the Linghu Tide was overturned, Zhou Yuan, Ye Tiannan, and Ning Zecheng had the same enemies and the same goals, but in a blink of an eye, they began to tear down each other. Ning Zecheng wants to save his life and wants to get himself to Jicheng. For this reason, he does not hesitate to give himself the position of Xu Yiyan Lingwei's senior general, but he does not really appreciate himself and wants to perfect himself and Ye Jing'er. I just wanted to embarrass Ye Tiannan. Thinking deeper, I poke into Jicheng. Wherever such a big living person stays, how can Ye Tiannan want to regret the marriage? Even if Ye Tiannan is the prime minister of the country, In this era, you can’t openly regret your marriage. First, you want to solve it privately. If you can’t solve it in private, you try to kill yourself. Once you die, Ye Jinger's remarriage will be logical. If Ye Tiannan repents of the marriage openly, I'm afraid that people will discuss it. Drowned him first, not to mention staying in the seat of the state minister, even if he stayed faceless in the country of Yan.

Think about it a bit more, if he is alive, Ye Tiannan will not be able to use Ye Jing'er to launch a political marriage, and the expansion of strength will be greatly affected. With the strength of Ning Zecheng and Zhou Yuan in the country of Yan, Ye Tiannan is basically If they were unable to shake them, then the Big Three of Yan Kingdom could have become two giants. Zhou Yuan this time formed an alliance with Ye Tiannan on the issue of sending troops to war with Zhao Guo, and got Ye Tiannan’s support and sold himself. Perhaps it was also to repay this favor. As for whether Jiang Dawei can kill himself, it is not in his consideration. Maybe he, like Ning Zecheng, deep in his heart, also hopes that he will not die!

This is really an interesting situation. I have actually become a prop for fighting among the big giants. When I arrive in Jicheng, can I make progress, can I marry Ye Jing'er, I am afraid that Ning Zecheng has never thought about it. , What he wanted was nothing more than the things that hindered Ye Tiannan from living in Jicheng peacefully.

He has a good calculation. Gao Yuan sneered, just himself, why did he want to do it, he is not a toy, he is called to play with them, even now it seems that he is indeed the one between them. Interesting toys.

There will be a day when you can't play, Gao Yuan said coldly in his heart.

Fist with both hands, Gao Yuan tucked to the ground, "Gao Yuan is grateful for the care and friendship of Lord Ning."

"Why did you agree?" Tan Feng was overjoyed. "When I look back, I will have someone send you the certificate of commission. I will go back and talk to General Zhou Dacheng about what Master Ning meant."

"No, General Tan, I am grateful to Master Ning for his kindness, this kindness, I have taken it with my heart, but I will not go to Jicheng now, I said to Jing'er, I will ride a big horse with a big sedan chair. Ye Fu picked him up, not like what Master Ning said. Although Gao is not talented, he can speak in front of his own woman. He will never regret it."

Tan Feng was immediately stunned, "Gao Yuan, you are dizzy, you have become Yan Lingwei's high-ranking official, Feihuang Tengda is in a blink of an eye. It is not impossible to ride a high-headed horse and take a big sedan chair to marry Ye Jinger Things, why do you want to be far away?

"A man who wants fame and fame can only be taken directly, how can I ask for it in music?" Gao Yuan laughed heartily, "I think Jing'er would not want me to marry her like this. Because of people's success, Gao Yuan doesn't For also."

Tan Feng opened his mouth wide and looked at Gao Yuan for a long while, "Gao Yuan, are you dizzy? Did you let the door clip your head or let the horse kick it? Such a good thing is actually ignored. You are now a little county lieutenant. As a post, when can you step into Jicheng grandly?"

"It's human action." Gao Yuan smiled indifferently. "It's the people who plan to do things, and the things happen in the sky. That's it. General Tan, thank you for your kindness, Gao has left!"

Gao Yuan turned around and walked away, Tan Feng stomped fiercely behind him, and he stomped over Gao Yuan's ass, "Wait a minute!" he cried out again.

Gao Yuan turned around, "General Tan, I don't know what else to teach you?"

Tan Feng's face was full of disappointment, "Although you rejected Master Ning, but Gao Yuan, Master Ning's door has been open to you. After you set up the camp, people from Yan Lingwei will come to you, and they will Tell you in detail about the strength of the enemy you are facing, the abilities and habits of the enemy generals, etc. I hope it will help you."

"Thank you, General Tan!" Gao Yuan thanked him sincerely this time, which was much better than Ning Zecheng's empty promise.

"Also, if you reach the moment you can't support it, come to me. If you lose, Jiang Dawei will inevitably ask that you are guilty. I can imagine that your next mission will inevitably be a life of nine deaths. When you came to me, the commission was your life-saving charm. At that time, it was not too late to take it to Jicheng." Tan Feng said.

"I am convinced that I will not use it." Gao Yuan smiled.

"Stay in the green hills, don't be afraid of no firewood, lofty, when things cannot be done, don't force it!" (To be continued~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation , Monthly ticket. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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