I’m The King

Chapter 248: : Playing on the applause

; Last winter, in the snow and the sky, high above the road, the flag was raised and the sword stood up, asserting that those who have crossed this line can be killed, even from birth to death, Ye Chong, who has been wandering on the line of life and death for many years, is also shocked. , Did not dare to cross the line a step, worrying about these mobs today.

Gao Yuan stood in front of the sword with two hundred bright long swords behind him, as if the gods descended to the earth, angered and angered, and the crowd stopped and silenced, and even Guo Kun who was in the distance seemed to feel the lofty height. Murderous, involuntarily shuddered.

Horseshoes are like thunder, and the infantry brought his 100 cavalry as if flying in, more than a hundred war horses joined end to end, and each horse was separated by less than one meter between the head and tail. There are only more than a hundred people, but it has created a great visual and auditory sprint, especially the saber waving in the hands of the cavalry on the horse, bringing arc flashes, and making the people surrounded involuntarily crowded in. Arrived together.

Gao Yuan swept across his eyes and saw that the audience had been suppressed. He waved his hand and said: "Tie it up!"

The one hundred infantry soldiers behind him still had their swords in their sheaths, two of them served one of them, and swiftly pulled off the belts of these aching guys on the ground, cut their hands back and tied them up, and the other hundred men still held long swords in their hands. , Watched alertly at the already trembling rebel soldiers around.

This time, no one dared to make a sound, dared to resist, and stared at a hundred Fufeng dumbfounded, tying up the downturned soldiers on the ground one by one.

In the distance, Guo Kun stomped his feet. At this time, he won't show up again, but he can't. He can't wait for Gao Yuan to find the door. In that case, he will be even more shameless as the chief general. Bring his soldiers and walk around. In a big circle, Guo Kun finally appeared on the scene.

"General Guo is here!" Someone shouted loudly. The soldiers in a large circle stepped aside, and Guo Kun appeared in front of Gao Yuan with a majestic face.

"What's the matter? Gao Yuan, what are you doing? I only went out for a while, and the chaos here became like this, huh? Are all of you leading officers who grew up eating shit?" Guo Kun was angry and furious. Shouted.

Gao Yuan put the knife in its sheath, walked in front of Guo Kun, clasped his fist, and was about to talk, when a strong alcohol smelt suddenly came from his nose, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart, and one of them had just returned.

"Report to General Guo, the two soldiers fought each other in the barracks and disturbed the barracks. Now they have all been taken down by the end generals, please send the army down!" Gao Yuan turned around, pointed to the row behind him, cut his hands, bowed his head and knelt down in despair. People on the ground.

Guo Kun took a deep breath, "Lieutenant Gao, tell me, how should these people be punished?"

"Go back to the general, fight in the barracks, and be punished according to the law!" As soon as he said this, there was a commotion behind him, but under the coercive pressure of the soldier of the wind and the steel knife, he was immediately forced down again.

A cold light flashed in Guo Kun's eyes, "You mean, these people have to be killed?"

Gao Yuan smiled slightly, "According to the law as punishment, but at the time of the war, these people are still useful, and the general thinks that it is only necessary to impose a small punishment."

Guo Kun couldn't help being disappointed. If Gao Yuan followed his words, he would immediately agree to Gao Yuan's opinion and kill hundreds of people in one breath, and all of them were given by Gao Yuan. There will be many more enemies who want to come to Gao Yuan, especially The surviving soldiers from these two counties will inevitably hate them. On the battlefield, it is also common for Gao Yuan to give Gao Yuan a cold arrow. Unexpectedly, he originally wanted to nail a question, but made Gao Yuan a light one. Dial, and the whole thing turned around.

I am disappointed in my heart, and my face is even more ugly," the army is fighting, and it is a group fight, even if it is slightly punished. It has been long heard that Lieutenant Gao administers the army harshly while supporting the wind, but today, it seems that it is out of date! "

"At this time and at another time!" Gao Yuan smiled, "The soldiers are impermanent, and the water is impermanent, because of time. When employing people, these soldiers can indeed let them go, but their officers can't let them go lightly."

Guo Kun was shocked, Gao Yuan, what did he want to do?

"General, these officers are incompetent in commanding the troops, and they have no way to control the army. On the occasion of this war, they can't even restrain the soldiers. What is the use of such a waste. Soldiers can be punished lightly, but the officers have to be heavier, quicker and stricter. , In order to behave like you, otherwise you will be able to follow suit in the future, the general, this soldier, can't be brought." Gao Yuan smiled.

"As you said, at the moment when people are being employed, if their chief officials are dealt with strictly, and these people are not commanded during the war, wouldn't it be even more troublesome?" Guo Kun asked rhetorically.

Pointing to other people on the sidelines, Gao Yuan smiled: "Among the two teams, there are still many people who did not participate in this brawl. It must not be difficult to choose an outstanding one. These people Promoted by the general on the spot, he must be loyal to the general, and in future wars, he must follow the command of the general."

Guo Kun's face turned pale, he suddenly realized that he had been unknowingly led by the nose by Gao Yuan and played around, his own dignified leader, but it seemed that he had no idea, and he was in an outsider who didn't know the truth. It seems that Gao Yuan is the main general, and he is a only subordinate.

He took a deep breath and waved his hand, "Come here!"

The soldiers behind him responded.

"Grab the officers of these two teams, first put me a hundred army sticks, if you are still alive, drive me out of the barracks, let them crawl back by themselves, we don't need such a **** here."

"Yes!" The soldiers rushed forward like wolves, pulled the officers of the two teams out of the crowd, pressed them to the ground, and tied them up. One person dared to make a sound. The two leading officers were so scared that their faces were scared at this time. The military sticks in the army are not comparable to the sticks in the ordinary yamen. If it is beaten with a hundred sticks, where is the life?

"Forgive me, General Guo, forgive me!" The two shouted hoarsely. But at this time Guo Kun was full of annoyance, but all the anger was spread on them, where they would care about their lives and deaths. They swept through with a stern face. Everyone, "All the officers who led the team will gather for me in the Central Military Tent. Look at you, do you still look like a soldier? When will I, Dayan, have you **** soldiers?"

One by one, the leading officers came out from the surroundings, followed Guo Kun's back, and walked towards the Chinese army tent in the distance. Looking at Guo Kun's back from a high distance, he sneered, waved his hands, and the two hundred Fufeng infantrymen quickly Pick up the wooden sticks on the ground, line up, turn around, and rush to your station in two columns. The infantry on the periphery is also closing the team, and more than a hundred cavalry are beside the two infantry teams, walking all the way away with thin, crisp little steps. .

This meeting will naturally not be gentle and drizzle. Guo Kun, who is conscious of his face loss, has a strong voice. The leading officers from all counties have been scolded bloody, and they have been warned that if similar situations occur again, they will lead the officers. Will be immediately imposed military law.

When he walked out of Guo Kun's big tent, Gao Yuan had completely lost his heart to Guo Kun. This general did not even think about how to fight the next battle. Perhaps in his heart, the officers who followed him into the tent We are almost like dead people.

This person doesn't need to count on it at all.In fact, from the beginning, I shouldn't have any hope for this person.

He looked back at the big tent behind him, shook his head, turned back, and strode towards his station.Behind him, the officers from each county came out one by one, with anger or irritation on their faces. , Or indifferent, these people are not fools, Guo Kun's big tent is still exuding the fragrance of wine, and the ghost believes that he has just come out from the outside.

Looking at Gao Yuan, who left in large strides, the faces of these people were very complicated.It was not that they were angry at Gao Yuan and caused them all to be scolded, but the general from Fufeng felt a little more in awe. Compared with the soldiers he brought, the soldiers under his command are really in the sky and the underground, and they are incomparable. Gao Yuan itself, but also makes people feel scared, than the general Guo who stayed in the Chinese army at the moment. , It's not a little bit strong.

Within the big tent, Guo Kun, who had just cursed and let out a good breath, finally felt that his heart was a little smoother. This lofty, arrogant, domineering bastard, and lawless. Such a person, It's best to die.

After driving away these leading officers, Guo Kun was about to greet his soldiers to put up the wine and vegetables and drink them, and go to the air, suddenly there was a passionate war song in the distance, and he couldn't help but startled.

This is not Dayan's battle song. He strode out of the tent, the place where the singing came from was the lofty station, and in the singing, there was an extremely obvious accent of supporting the wind.

The direction of the long sword points directly to the homeland of my big swallow;

The setting sun is flowing like blood on our journey;

The banner hunting summons the drum of endeavor;

The yellow sand cannot stop the warrior's footsteps;

Dayan has been a strong man since ancient times, and he can be killed but not insulted;

Loyalty and filial piety have always been difficult to make ends meet, and tearful farewell to parents;

So! To! Invincible! Enemy! I! Army! mighty! Wu!

The blood-stained tabard is the most beautiful clothing for men;

The Shroud of Horse Leather is the home of heroes;

The swords and guns pick up the enemy's heads;

The chariots are rolling in rows of barbarous bones;

In life since ancient times, who has not died, the heart is based on the history books;

Offense! Strong! Swallow! Who! Although! Far! Must! Punish!

The singing is accompanied by the drums of war and the desolate horn, which makes people feel excited.It is Guo Kun. Hearing this song, his heart is a little excited, and the entire military camp is slowly quiet at this time. Coming down, it seemed that the entire camp was listening to the singing.

"General, this Lieutenant Gao, seems to be really an amazing person!" A soldier whispered behind him.

Guo Kun was silent for a moment, "Of course it's great, if it's not great, how could there be so many big men who would take his life! The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it."

(This song was found on the Internet, I don't know who the original author is, sorry)

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