I’m The King

Chapter 266: : Decisive Battle in the City (Part 2)

; A spring flood came suddenly and went in a hurry. After one night, the mighty river water yesterday faded suddenly, revealing thick black silt, and the drowned and overwhelmed grass fell down wilfully. In the muddy water, the fish that was too late to go with the water, in the filthy muddy water, swayed their tails vigorously, trying to struggle to re-enter the river water that flows down in the distance, but it takes a short time on weekdays. The distance to it is now out of reach.

A large piece of tied wooden rafts fell from the sky and slapped heavily in the mud. The struggling fish were also deeply slapped into the mud, and they could never get out again. One after another, the wooden rafts were thrown into the mud. In the ground, bundles of green grass and branches were thrown down, and the soldiers kept coming and going. In the distance, there were trees piled up like a mountain. The grass was ready. Now they only need to put them where they should stay. Up.

Jiang Xinliang was riding a horse on the river embankment, watching the soldiers quickly use these giant trees, grass, and branches to form a passage to the opposite bank. He was a little stunned. Gao Yuan had already prepared what he needed now. Now, before he started the war, he had already thought of this scene now!

If this is the case, then such a person is really too powerful and almost countless. If he is really such a person, why has he put himself in desperation so many times? He really can't understand this person.

Jiang Jiaquan’s parting words were like a thunderstorm and Jiang Xinliang was awakened. Yes, Gao Yuan can’t die. If Gao Yuan dies, wouldn’t Ye Jing'er break her hope? If she breaks her hope, she might break the pot and marry herself. Father, be a cheap stepmother for yourself, and give birth to a few younger brothers, what should I do in the future? If my father continued the string from an ordinary family, it would be fine, my mother's clan can still open eyes for myself, but married If it is the daughter of the prime minister of the country, what about the daughter of the first family of the noble family of Dayan? Even if the Ye family is far from before, but the shadow of the famous tree of people, is the Ye family who has inherited a hundred years in Dayan? It's comparable to my own father's family.

Gao Yuan can't die!

Jiang Xinliang has never worked so hard before. He took 10,000 Yuyang County soldiers and rushed all the way to the other side of the city. He was worried about the Yishui River, which was flooded with water, and worried about how he could cross the river. He didn't expect to arrive. By the river, the spring flood has gone, and Yi Shui River has recovered its original appearance, and even the wooden rafts, grass, branches, and Gaoyuan that have dripped through the muddy soil are prepared for him.

Jiang Xinliang couldn't help but feel cold.

The crossing point was only twenty miles away from the whole city, but when Zhao Jun on the other side saw his reinforcements appear on the other side of the river, he had already retreated and retreated, and set up a camp not far from the whole city, although there was no He left, but obviously it was impossible to launch a fierce attack on the whole city again. Gaoyuan even sent a soldier in Quanzhou City, and started doing the same thing as him on the other side of the river. When the First Support Army crossed the Yishui River When it appeared on the west bank of the river, everything had settled.

Gao Yuan didn't expect that when the city was most dangerous, the reinforcements that appeared were actually carried by Jiang Xinliang. Seeing this guy covered with dirt and exhausted, Gao Yuan was surprised, he would still come forward in person. He held the rein of the horse for Jiang Xinliang, and sincerely thanked him.

Jiang Xinliang arrived in the city as quickly as possible, saving at least half of his son's lives.

Jiang Xinliang looked at Gao Yuan with a lingering look of disgust in his eyes. For Gao Yuan personally came to pull the horse for him and thanked him, he was not at all happy. He looked at the other party and said coldly: "You don't need to thank me. , I am not as noble as you think, I came so urgently, so quickly, just because I don't want you to die, you die, it only hurts me, not good."

Seeing Gao Yuan's stunned eyes, he immediately bent down and lowered his voice, "The surname is Gao, try to live, hurry up and marry that **** Ye Jing'er, I don't want to have such a cheap stepmother." After he finished the sentence, he raised his whip and hit the horse stock hard. Amidst the sound of the horse's neighing, his hoof rushed away, and he almost brought Gao Yuan a somersault. Yan Haibo, who was following Gao Yuan, couldn't help but furious. "Dog things that don't know whether they live or die, when they tied you down from Mount Luliang, they should have been lashing you a few times."

Gao Yuan stood firm and looked at Jiang Xinliang's distant figure. The reason Jiang Dawei had always wanted his own life was finally figured out. He was shocked for a while and burst into laughter. This Jiang Xinliang was indeed a gentleman, but at least He is also a real villain, even if he is a stubborn boy, he is also extremely cute, at least now he is cute in Gao Yuan's eyes.

Inexplicably, having such a temporary ally made Gao Yuan a little bit ridiculous.

"Xiaoyanzi, be polite to this young man in the future. Even if he can't be a friend, he won't be our enemy. Anyway, this time he came to rescue us at such a fast speed, we have to accept him. This love, on Mount Lu Liang, we have insulted him, and it is me, and I still won't have a good color." Gao Yuan waved his hand and said.

"I know this, but I'm just not mad at his lofty appearance, what about the nobleman, what about the county guard, did not let me be tied and carried down like a wild boar at the beginning!" , Yan Haibo couldn't help laughing. "This kind of person is owed, and good things can make him annoying. I annoyed me that day. I first thank him sincerely, and then beat him hard."

Hearing what Yan Haibo said was funny, Gao Yuan couldn't help laughing.

In Fangcheng, Zhao Qi's face was stunned. In front of him, Zhao Dong's corpse was placed. Under the whole city, he supervised the battle and saw with his own eyes Zhao Dong falling from the high wall like a dead leaf. Falling to the ground, the pool of blood on the ground was splashed with drops of blood, which blinded his eyes. Zhao Dong is his lieutenant general and his brother of the same race. He is the most talented general in the family. Finally, But he died at the hands of an unknown general of the State of Yan, and he was heartbroken.

After countless frantic attacks, the big Yan flag above the city was still flying high, until tens of thousands of Yuyang County soldiers appeared on the other side of the city. Zhao Qi understood that the war had completely deviated from the pre-determined track of Zhao. , Slid down quickly in another unfathomable direction.

The attack stopped, Zhao Jun took down the camp, and Zhao Qi returned to Fangcheng with Zhao Dong's body. Zhao Guang was also on the way, and placed in front of Zhao Qi. There were only two roads left, or with Yan The state negotiates peace and withdraws from the war in disgrace, or fights the whole city and fights to the death. For a country like Yan, it is a decent truce, but for Zhao, the second largest country in the world, it is No truth is therefore a declaration of defeat.

If even Yan Guo can't win, what will Zhao use to frighten Qi Wei and Han Chu, what to use against Qin, what to use against the Xiongnu, and move the whole body together, if this battle is defeated, it means that Zhao will be from Coming down from the second altar of the world, the aura that deterred nations was no longer the same.

Zhao Guo could not accept such an end, Zhao Qi could not accept it, and Zhao Wang Zao Wuji could not accept it. Zhao Qi screamed up to the sky, stretched out his hand over the white cloth, and covered Zhao Dong's face.

"Zhao Qi, are you old? Where is your **** bravery!" He roared in the hall, "Zhao Guo's humiliation must not appear in my hands, Zhao Qi."

The sound of heavy footsteps came from outside the hall. Zhao Guang walked in directly from the outside and saw the body of Zhao Dong in the middle of the hall. He stood still for a while, bowed slightly, and died, no matter if Zhao Dong is on the battlefield. Whatever mistakes he made, he has already used his life to save his glory.

Death, for a military commander, is sometimes the best way to escape, and it is also the most glorious return.

Zhao Qi stared at Zhao Guang with blood-red eyes, "Zhao Guang, I am not old yet, I still have my blood and courage, I still have the determination to fight to the death to win back the victory, if not, just like Zhao Dong, If you die on the battlefield, you will not lose the glory of my Zhao family. Do you dare to fight?"

Zhao Guang looked at Zhao Qi silently, "Master Zhao, retreat and negotiate a peace! In this battle, we only have a three-point chance of winning at most. This is the situation Zhou Yuan dreams of, a decisive battle against the whole city. But this is not what we want. The Yan army is far superior to our army no matter whether it is in strength or in logistical preparations. More importantly, their morale is booming, and our morale has fallen to the lowest point. Zhao Dong's death in battle is impossible for us. The weight of bearing."

"You dare not fight? Are you afraid?" Zhao Qi said angrily: "Fight the whole city, fight to the death, as long as you win, everything is ours, the land, the population, the glory, and the fame of my great Zhao. Where is your courage to resist the Qin army? Where did you go with Zhao Mu's courage to fight the Huns? You coward, you are not worthy of my great Zhao's general, and you are not worthy of the glory of a nobleman."

Zhao Guang took a deep breath, and a trace of anger flashed across his face. "Master Zhao, now and then again. Do you want to take tens of thousands of Zhao Jun's life to bet this 30% chance of winning? You have to be clear at this time. The country of Zhao is in the midst of turbulent winds and rains. We are suffering from enemies on all sides. We surrender and negotiate. We only lose face, but we retain the strength of tens of thousands of soldiers. Yan country is different from Qin country. They have a small appetite and want what they want. It's just these five cities. It doesn't hurt my Da Zhao fundamental. Our biggest enemy is Qin, not Yan."

"You are shameless, Zhao Qi still needs a face, and the king still needs a face!" Zhao Qi yelled frantically.

"I won't agree with you to fight the whole city!" Zhao Guang shook his head, "Master Zhao, my standing army will not participate either."

Zhao Qi’s private soldiers have suffered heavy losses. If Zhao Guangtong’s standing army does not participate, let alone a 30% chance of winning, Zhao Qi will not even have a slight chance of winning. Looking at Zhao Guang, who has a firm face, Zhao Qi suddenly sneered. "Zhao Guang, have you forgotten who is the general?" Reaching out into his arms, he took out the tiger symbol and held it up high, "Zhao Guang, kneel down!"

Looking at the tiger talisman handed down by King Zhao himself, Zhao Guang knelt down helplessly, "Fight the whole city, take your army, rush to the whole city battlefield, fight to the death with the Yan army, and annihilate the Yan army."

Zhao Guang supported the ground with both hands, "No order! I want to write to the king, please order the king to withdraw."

Zhao Qi sneered, "Come here, give me this **** who doesn't comply with the military order!"

Outside the hall, a few soldiers swarmed in, looking at Zhao Guang on the ground, and they rushed up and tied Zhao Guang's hands together.

"According to my general order, Zhao Guang will not comply with the military order. From now on, I will be relieved of all duties and put me in prison. After I defeat the Yan army, I will be punished. The Weicheng standing army will be taken over by the deputy general Zhao Meng. !" Zhao Qi waved his hand.

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