I’m The King

Chapter 270: : 1st

On the banks of the Yishui River, the blood flows into a river, and the red blood converges into a trickle, soaking the loess on the ground, filling them with potholes, and then flowing along the embankment to the Yishui River, and the large tracts of river water on the bank become bright red one slice.

The thick smoke obscures the sky, making the sun shining in the sky look dim and dull. On the battlefield with a radius of tens of kilometers, there is an apocalyptic atmosphere everywhere, broken flags, broken knives and guns, and What is even more shocking is the corpses that are stacked on top of each other, one after the other, and the edge is invisible at a glance.

The shouts of killing have gradually become thinner, and only the last unconquered position is left. Zhao Jun is on the Yishui River and has experienced the biggest failure since their founding of the country. The general of the State of Yan, Zhou Yuan, commanded nearly a hundred thousand troops. The final general offensive was launched against the assembled Zhao Jun. It took five days and finally ended with Zhao's fiasco. General Zhao Qi and General Zhao Meng of the Standing Army escaped last night. After the break, it was Zhao. The army's last formed army was formed. In order to cover Zhao Qi's escape, this army fought hard and fast, and finally fell into the layers of the Yan army.

The blood on the big knife in Gao Yuan's hand dripped down the tip of the knife. Holding the big knife, he walked in the forefront. At his left and right, two hundred Fufeng soldiers held the same big knife high, more than ten people in a row, and stepped forward. Later on, it was Meng Chong and Xu Yuan's pikemen, and the two wings and sides were the other two battle camps led by Naha and Yan Haibo.

Gao Yuan asked Meng Chong and Xu Yuan to charge behind him because they were not familiar with the combat routines of Fufeng Soldiers, and Yan Haibo and Naha no longer have this problem. These two battle camps are not like Meng Xuer. People are normal, advancing in a neat line, but forming a semicircle. After the enemy is inserted, it is tightened inward. In this process, the other two hundred wind-setters placed high and far into the various ministries have become the mainstay. The role of, it is precisely under the command and leadership of these people that those soldiers from various counties will not be like headless flies.

At this time, the entire battlefield was chaotic, and the other ministries could hardly see the establishment. Zhao Bing was running desperately, and the Yan army was desperately chasing. The mountains and plains were full of people. The troops that did not disperse appeared even more eye-catching.

Not discouraged by defeat, not arrogant because of victory, Zhou Yuan stared at the troops advancing high, a haze passed in his eyes, his face changed in a flash.

"Gao Yuan, a true wizard too!" The words that popped out of Zhou Yuan's mouth were praises. To be able to be on such a battlefield, after such a big victory, can still effectively control the army , This is not something ordinary people can do, at least on the battlefield of Zhiqian, no one can do it, even Zhou Yu and Tan Feng are now only controlling their own soldiers, and then considering Gao Yuan The source of the army in his hand is complicated, and it has not been long to take over, so Zhou Yuan is not shocked.

The big sword in Gao Yuan's hand is raised. In front of his eyes, it is the last army of Zhao Jun that is still in a complete system. The other Zhao Jun are busy chasing the scattered soldiers at this time. For such a bone that is not easy to chew, they obviously do not want to provoke. Compared with this unit, the defeated troops are still more empty to deal with.

"Lift!" Gao Yuan yelled and raised hundreds of big knives at the same time.

"Throw!" Behind him, countless spears flew up in the air, with a sharp howling, flying towards the opposite Zhao Jun position.

"Chong!" Following the soaring spear, he took a big stride and moved forward quickly.

The spear arrives, the man arrives.

The spear flew into Zhao Jun's lineup, causing chaos.The fierce sword had been chopped off as if Taishan was on top, and more than one, but more than ten swords were cut at the same time.

The knife fell and blood splashed, and in the sound of shouting, Gao Yuan took his two hundred soldiers like a wedge, deeply inserted into the queue of the last Zhao army, and the big knives fell one after another, like a billowing wave, the knife Where the waves passed, Zhao Jun encountered the blazing sun like snow, and melted silently in the dazzling light of the sword.

The sword slashed the cracks, and the spearmen then approached and flanked both wings.This Zhao army, who had been attacked by several Yan army and still stood upright for a long time, finally looked like a scarred giant in front of a high distance, unable to support his body anymore. Then fell.

The big knife in Gao Yuan's hand was raised again, and with a click, the flying flag of the Zhao character collapsed.This was the last Zhao army flag on the battlefield.

With the fall of the last banner of the Zhao Jun, the middle army of the Yan State in the distance made a huge cheer. At this moment, it can be said that the Yan Jun's victory has completely ended. .

Between ten days and days, the Yan army will conquer Weicheng, Fangcheng, and Lincheng, plus the entire city that Gao Yuan previously captured. The planned battle target of the Yan Kingdom this time is only the last city, Qicheng. Qi and Zhao Meng led the last remnant defeated general, retreated into Yicheng, guarding behind closed doors, but they did not dare to retreat half a step.

These five cities were still taken from the land of Yan Kingdom, but after Yucheng, it was the native of Zhao Kingdom. Zhao Qi's expedition this time, led a crowd of nearly one hundred thousand, but at this time, there are only ten thousand who can retreat with him into Yucheng. Yu Renma, defeated, and if they were psychologically acceptable to throw away these seized land, if the Yan army were to invade the mainland of Zhao, I am afraid that what awaits them is not only accountability, but the biggest possibility is to lose their heads. It's no use even if King Zhao favors Zhao Qi again.

The Yan army’s pursuit speed was extremely fast.On the third day after Zhao Qi retreated into Yucheng, the cavalry led by Tan Feng of the Yan army came under the city. On the second day, the first infantry arrived and left. To Tan Feng's surprise, it wasn't Yan Kingdom's standing army, but the far-reaching miscellaneous army.

The lofty battle robe is no longer in shape. It hangs on the body in a thread, and there are holes everywhere, some cut by knives and guns, and some burned by flames, and the face is black and covered with mud. If you throw away the knives and guns in your hand, The one who is alive is a beggar.

It is his subordinates who complement Gao Yuan, and the two hundred Qingyi Fufeng soldiers are also like this, and the other soldiers are even more unbearable. When they rushed to the bottom of the city, they only had a breather.

Tan Feng looked at Gao Yuan in front of him, and opened his mouth wide, "Gao Yuan, don't you and you need to sleep and rest under your steps? Why are you so fast? Where is the army, where is Zhou Yu, where is Jiang Dawei, and the generals? ?"

Gao Yuan grinned, the dust on his face was rustling, and he reached out his hand, and finally revealed a little skin color. "It's almost too soon, they will be there tomorrow at the latest."

"I'm asking why you are so fast?"

"Is it fast?" Gao Yuan curled his lips, as if Yi Shuihe was not too far away from the city. For four days, he walked less than a hundred miles a day. Could it be fast? Looking back at those legs and feet, it was obvious. The soft subordinates shook their heads with hatred for iron and steel, but they still couldn't. Fortunately, even if they were two hundred soldiers of the wind, it would not be a problem even if they immediately went into battle, but those guys had become soft-footed crabs. If Tan Feng arrived early, if he was the first one and Zhao Qi would send his troops out, he would be a tragedy, and he would immediately win a big defeat.

"Naha, camp, bury the pot, cook, and make some delicious food for the brethren." Gao Yuan shouted loudly.

"Okay!" Naha replied loudly. After a few days, the guy's beard came out again, and even his mouth was covered. Sometimes Gao Yuan wondered if this guy's hair has grown a little. It's abnormal, it can grow so long without scraping for a few days?

Naha is now an expert in camping under his command.The speed at which he set up camp is not only fast, but also has both offensive and defensive capabilities, which makes Gao Yuan feel impeccable.

"Infantry!" Gao Yuan shouted again.

"County lieutenant, I'm here!" The infantry ran over on horseback. Although he couldn't draw the bow, his right hand was able to lift the knife with all his strength. In the battle of Yi Shuihe, the infantry did not take part in the battle. This time the pursuit, this However, the guy came to die and live.

"Take your brothers around to see if there are any real products, so that you can give the brothers a meal." Gao Yuan smiled.


"You are not allowed to grab it!" Gao Yuan said loudly: "The people in these places are also my big swallows!"

"How can I have the courage?" The infantryman smiled: "Let the county lieutenant know, and don't cut my head!"

Tan Feng watched in a daze.Not long ago, a group of trash soldiers, under the leadership of Tsing Yi figures, dragged their tired bodies and started camping.Everyone was so tired that they didn't have any energy to speak, but they should do it. But nothing was pulled down, and who should do what seemed to have been planned before.

Gao Yuan turned around and looked at Tan Feng with a shy face, "General Tan, go ahead!"

Tan Feng didn't react for a while, "What are you talking about?"

Gao Yuan smiled: "General Tan, when I came to report, I brought more than 100 good horses. After a few battles, there are less than 20 horses left in the army. Where do you have many spare horses? Okay, reward me a little, so that my scouts will not run on two legs?"

Tan Feng is so angry and funny, he didn't expect Gao Yuan to have such a tired and lazy side, but it was also useful in his heart.This guy, on the contrary, considers himself a friend, otherwise he would not speak in this tone, although his tone is tired and lazy, rascal , But there is a feeling of affection inside.

"I don't have many spare horses anywhere, I can only give you twenty horses, is that enough?"

"Enough, enough!" Gao Yuan was overjoyed, looking at Tan Feng's eyes, he became more affectionate, "When I get rich, I will definitely pay back. But now I am so poor that I can only hit the white bar first."

Tan Feng raised his head and laughed, "Gao Yuan, don't even think about arguing. In this great war, you won't be able to run away from your head work. I guess, a general's seat won't run away from you. According to the rules, if you are made a general, then , Then you have to personally go to Jicheng to thank the king for your gratitude. When the time comes, the reward will be indispensable. I will stay there and wait for you to pay the bill."

"Go to Jicheng!" There was no smile on Gao Yuan's face, astonished.

"What's the matter, are you still thinking about riding a big horse with eight big sedan chairs to Ye Mansion? When the war is over, you go to Jicheng. If you dare to go, how about I personally hold flowers for you?" Tan Feng tilted his head, squinting at Gao Yuan.

"General Tan is not afraid to offend Ye Xiang?" Gao Yuan said with a smile.

"Others are afraid of him, why should I be afraid of him?" Tan Feng sneered. He was a cavalry general of the Standing Army of the State of Yan. , I'm really not afraid of Ye Tiannan.

"Let's talk at that time!" Gao Yuan did not answer directly. If Tan Feng were simply a friend, Gao Yuan would be very touched, but when he thought of Ning Zecheng behind this person, Gao Yuan could not see through this person's heart. What do you think? He doesn't want to be a knife in the hands of others. (To be continued~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation, monthly ticket, and your support. It is my greatest Momentum. For mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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