I’m The King

Chapter 272: : Frog at the bottom of the well

"This battle can't go on." Zhou Yuan looked around the room full of generals, his eyes stopped for a moment especially on Gao Yuan who was sitting by the door. With a high official position, he was not qualified to sit in this house. , But this time in the Yanzhao Battle, he was too eye-catching and made great contributions. In addition, he now has thousands of troops actually controlled by him. Zhou Yuan specially summoned him. Of course, come in. They came in, they could only sit on the very edge, and take another step, but then they went out, far away from Zhou Yuan, almost faster than the guards standing on both sides of the door.

However, Gao Yuan is very satisfied. Being able to sit in represents a kind of recognition and a kind of recognition. You have to stutter with a meal, and you have to walk step by step. If you want to eat a bite to become fat, you will eventually kill yourself and walk. It is too fast, but it is also easy to fall.If you are lucky or can get up, if you are not lucky, you will always fall where you fell.

So even though he was sitting at the place closest to the door, Gao Yuan was not afraid of honor or disgrace, his face was calm, his face was sideways, and he listened carefully to Zhou Yuan's speech. Gao Yuan knew about his family affairs and led soldiers to fight, so he was slowly grinning. I have practiced it, but for the strategic level of Gao Wu Jianling, I almost look like a blank sheet of paper. I don't understand anything. During the conversation with Zhang Shouyue, I learned a little bit, but like Zhou Yuan. People, standing taller than Zhang Shouyue, naturally look farther away.Zhang Shouyue thinks about his own one-third of an acre, and Zhou Yuan, as the lieutenant of the country of Yan, thinks more about the whole Yan Guo's affairs.

Withdrawing from Qicheng to Fangcheng, Gao Yuan finally understood why Zhou Yuan would order the withdrawal of troops.It was indeed a major event.Qin did not send troops to Zhao State as planned by Yan Guoxiang Ye Tiannan, but assembled a large army and went straight to the grassland.

There is a problem. If Qin State sends troops to Zhao State, like Ye Tiannan designed, he can only go to Hangu Pass, and Zhao State will definitely be prepared. With Zhao Mu holding it, it is impossible for Qin State. What advantage did Ye Tiannan take? Ye Tiannan's move was just to make Qin attract Zhao's main force and reduce the pressure on the battle for Yan, and the Xiongnu's attack on Daijun could weaken Zhao's power and make Zhao very much in the future. For a long period of time, the country can only concentrate the power of the whole country to deal with the State of Qin, but cannot take care of the State of Yan. This way, the State of Yan will have enough time to develop its own strength. After all, this time, the State of Yan is the State of Zhao It's so offended.

But Qin’s reaction was beyond everyone’s expectations. They actually assembled their main force and attacked the Huns. For this goal, they even set up an empty city plan at Hangu Pass. Now Zhao Mu is madly attacking Hangu Pass, but in Qin Under the command of Yingteng, for a while, there was a stalemate.

"We want to get back to our homeland and weaken the State of Zhao at the same time, but we don't want the State of Zhao to collapse!" Zhou Yuan said solemnly. "A collapsed State of Zhao will no longer have the strength to deal with the State of Qin."

"Taiwei, what if Li Xin loses to the Xiongnu on the grassland?" Jiang Dawei said suddenly: "If the main force of the Qin army loses and Zhao Mu breaks through the Hangu Pass, wouldn't Qin State?"

"Although this possibility is not unavailable, we can't think like this!" Zhou Yuan waved his hand. "Qin Jun took such a big risk, naturally seeing that the probability of success in this single blow is far greater than what they would take. Risk. Think about it, everyone. The Huns went hundreds of miles in the Zhao Kingdom and grabbed a lot. Are these guys willing to lose what they robbed even if they retreat? Even if it is the Xiongnu King Yemang, those tribes are willing to retreat. Isn’t it? Even the big tribes have no lack of insights, but are those little people willing? The Huns are not our Central Plains countries, they are based on war, although the soldiers do not have military pay. Ye Mang thinks this time. I was able to take nine steps, but unexpectedly, the Qin Jun would take the back road. The way back is probably a desperate journey. I can almost imagine that the 100,000 cavalry of the Huns will be dragged into a chain of hundreds of miles or even further away. The troops of Qin drove back with the things they grabbed, and then they were destroyed by the Qin Army."

Zhou Yu said in amazement: "If Li Xin broke the Xiongnu and directly sent troops to Daijun, Zhao has already transferred the standing army there to Hedong. With the private soldiers of Daijun, how can you keep the Qin army like a wolf? Unless Zhao Mu can break through the Hangu Pass, he can force Li Xin not to enter Daijun, and use his army to return to Xianyang!"

Zhou Yuan nodded, "The Xiongnu's defeat will not leave the tenth. If Zhao Mu breaks through the Hangu Pass, then Li Xin will definitely return to help. Zhao Guo can still be temporarily stable. What if Zhao Mu can't break it?"

"So above this point, we can't attack the State of Zhao anymore. Give Zhao State a little time so that they can concentrate on dealing with the State of Qin!" Tan Feng stood up, "What does Tai Wei mean?"

"Yes, I think, at this time, the king and the prime minister must also know the news. The order to armistice should arrive at us soon, and Zhao Guo also knows that we can't fight with us, let alone. They can’t fight the problem of winning us. Even if they are the dominant player on the battlefield at the moment, King Zhao will truce with us and negotiate a peace. What's more, we still have the advantage at this time?" Zhou Yuan smiled." Although the battle can't go on, we will eventually return to Five Cities. After Zhao's negotiators have reached a low level, we can force them to sign the alliance under the city without any effort."

"It is of course the best to win the last city without a fight!" Zhou Yudao, "It's just that this time our state minister has spent a lot of effort. In the end, it is the Qin people who took the biggest advantage. The Xiongnu collapsed. Qin State's backyard is safe and sound, and Zhao State is going to be miserable."

"Zhao country is miserable, can we get there again?" Zhou Yuan stood up. "So, to help Zhao Guo tide over this time of difficulties, we must do. Let Zhao country withstand the Qin army, we can Focus on dealing with the Donghu people, and slowly grow your own strength. When Linghu Chao was in power, time was delayed a lot."

"If Li Xin really wields his army on behalf of the county, and Zhao Mu can't attack Hangu Pass, I'm afraid that this time the six countries of the Central Plains will work together again. Otherwise, it can't resist the Qin army's military front!" Tan Yu sighed.

"Let's watch, see Qin Jun's appetite this time!" Zhou Yuan sneered, "If the appetite is too big, it will inevitably hurt their stomachs."

Back in the camp outside the city, Gao Yuan was full of emotions. Even though he was just sitting by the door at Zhou Yuan this day, although he didn't have any qualifications to speak, he still gained a lot. Today, he I finally understand that between countries, there really are no eternal enemies, only the true meaning of the phrase eternal benefits.

A moment ago, the Yan army under the command of Zhou Yuan was still fighting with the Zhao ** team. They wanted to kill Zhao's army to be happy and happy, but in a blink of an eye, they began to discuss and The possibility of Zhao Guo joining forces, how can Zhao Guo maintain a certain strength, if he helps Zhao Guo to resist the Qin army, then, what price should Zhao Wang pay?

It seems that at that moment, they became friends of Zhao Guoren again. There is no other reason. If Zhao Guo really collapses, Yan Guo will face Qin ** Feng, and Qin Wulie Wang has great ambitions, and the ambition to unify the Central Plains has long been It's no secret.

Qicheng stopped fighting, Zhao Qi stopped arresting, even if Zhao Qi is an extremely important figure in the country of Zhao, at this moment, compared with the country's safety, he is a fart, and when the original proposal dissipated, Zhao Qi was imprisoned by Zhao Qi. Fangcheng and unfortunately became a prisoner, Zhao Guang, the former general of the Standing Army of the State of Zhao, was solemnly invited out, and in a blink of an eye, the prisoner under the order became a distinguished guest. Looking at Zhou Yuan's appearance, it was to be with Zhao. Guang has thoroughly discussed the current situation, and it is imperative to release Zhao Guang. Yan Guo needs to show a little attitude to tell King Zhao, don’t worry, I will not beat down the dog. At this time, I still Will help you.

Helping the country of Zhao is helping the country of Yan. King Zhao naturally understands this truth. After he has overcome this difficulty, when he looks back, he must teach the country of Yan that it is not wrong to fight, and of course the country of Yan has this consciousness. When the lion fights over, The hounds must unite against the lion, wait for the lion to run away, and it will not be too late for their own family to fight inwardly, and then wait for the next reincarnation.

This is the relationship between country and country. Gao Yuan shook his head and returned to his big account.

Yan Haibo, Naha, Meng Chong, and Xu Yuan are all there. They are waiting for Gao Yuan to return. They are puzzled about the sudden withdrawal from Yucheng. They have eaten the meat in their mouths, and they are vomiting again. Came out.

But there are some things that I can understand, these guys may not be able to think about it, and Gao Yuan does not have the energy to discuss these issues with them at this time.

"I can't fight anymore!" He said in a cut-off manner: "The battle between Yan and Zhao is over. Maybe we will become Zhao's allies, and we will fight Qin together."

The four people in the big tent were suddenly dumbfounded.

"Why is it related to the Qin people again? We are thousands of miles away from the Qin people!" Meng Chong's eyes widened.

"You don't have to fight, Qin is so shrewd, how can he watch the Six Nations Alliance? Qin Wulie has such a vision and vision, how can he not understand this truth!" Gao Yuan sighed. Today, he I have remembered the names of many people, King Qin Wulie, Li Xin, Yingteng, Zhao Mu, I have never heard of it before, it is really a frog at the bottom of the well, I don’t know how big the world is! Just look at the fear of these people by Zhou Yuan and others. , You know how powerful these people are.

Who is Zhou Yuan? He is the Taiwei of the Kingdom of Yan, and he is also considered a well-known general in the world, but when it comes to the names of Li Xin and Zhao Mu, the trace of unnaturalness in his eyes makes him stare at his lofty distance. After seeing it clearly, Zhou Yuan was afraid of them, that is to say, Zhou Yuan admitted that he was not their opponent.

When they lead the war to their level, then they really look down on the world! Gao Yuan is envious in his heart, just a name can make a country's lieutenant feel fear in his heart, when will he reach this level!

There is also King Qin Wulie, it is not simple, he dared to act like this. Non-big heroes dare not do it, he has opened the door to his own house, and if one is not good, it will be a disaster for the family.

In this era, there are too many great people, countless, Zhang Shouyue once admired himself a lot, Zhou Yuan is even better than Zhang Shouyue, he is the cheap old man who does not recognize himself, he has been together for ten years, and he is salty in one fell swoop. Fish stand up, how easy is it? rs

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