I’m The King

Chapter 274: :Very cute

Cao Tianci, a servant of the dust, could not help being extremely excited when he saw the safe and sound of Gao Yuan, but he could hardly conceal his exhaustion.

"I was still thinking about it all the way, this time I can follow the county lieutenant on the battlefield again and again, but I don't want to be a step too late, the battle is over, the county lieutenant, you are too powerful." Cao Tianci is happy. But there is a trace of regret.

"You kid, there will be battles in the future!" Gao Yuan laughed and touched Cao Tianci's head affectionately. He and Cao Tianci are not only the relationship between subordinates, but also the relationship between teacher and apprentice. Compared with others, It’s even more affectionate.” This time I went to Jicheng and opened my eyes, right? Compared to Liaoxi City, Jicheng is much more prosperous!” Although I have not been to Jicheng, as the capital of Yan Kingdom, How could it be bad?

"I didn't pay attention to this!" Cao Tianci was stunned. "I don't have time to go shopping either. It feels like there are many houses, many people, and nothing else!"

"You are really like a treasure mountain and returned empty-handed!" Gao Yuan sighed.

"It takes time to do things the county lieutenant confessed. After all of this is done, I want to hurry to the county lieutenant's place. So what's the intention of seeing the scenery?" Cao Tianci smiled: "When the county lieutenant comes to Jicheng in the future, I have time to go shopping."

"Ambitious!" Yan Haibo on one side clapped his hands and laughed. "What a godsend, this is a good sentence. When the county lieutenant goes to Jicheng to carry girl Jing'er in the future, we will have time to stroll around Jicheng."

Speaking of Ye Jing'er, Cao Tianci's face changed a bit, "Xian Li, this time I went to Jicheng, but I saw Miss Jing'er!"

"What, you saw Jing'er, how is she okay? Is she thin?" Gao Yuan asked eagerly when he heard it.

"Fortunately, compared to Fufeng, I was thinner and paler. After seeing me, I only asked about your current situation. How many meals a day I eat, how much I eat at each meal, and I sleep at night. It’s so fragrant, I’m getting thinner or stronger. Anyway, I’m going over and over again. These are the things!” Cao Tianci smiled.” Regarding your affairs on the battlefield, Miss Jing’er is very relieved, saying that the county lieutenant, you have always been Zhan Wu Invincible, invincible."

Gao Yuan was grinning at first. Hearing Cao Tianci's words, his expression suddenly changed and looked at Cao Tianci, "Heaven, there are some things, did you tell Jing'er?"

Cao Tianci swallowed, "Said."

"What did you say?" Gao Yuan's face condensed, his eyes faintly angry.

"I told Jing'er all the things Ye Tiannan wanted to yin on you on the battlefield. Also, Jiang Dawei wants to marry Miss Jing'er, and it may be against you. I told Miss Jing'er." As Gao Yuan's expression was a little wrong, Cao Tianci's voice couldn't help getting smaller and smaller.

"Asshole thing!" Gao Yuan was furious. He flew up and kicked at Cao Tianci. Cao Tianci reacted strangely. When he turned around, he kicked right on his butt, and Cao Tianci slammed his hands. The foot flew out, passed through the curtain of the tent accurately, and flew straight out, and then there was a peep tom and fell to the ground. In the past, when he was Fufeng, Gao Yuan taught Cao Tianci fighting skills, if Cao Tianci did not change a certain action repeatedly, such as Gao Yuan. After a few times, Cao Tianci had already learned how to learn. Today, when he saw Gao Yuan's face, he immediately turned around and greeted him with his butt. Unsurprisingly, he was on his butt. It took another heavy kick.

Gao Yuan suddenly became angry and shocked Yan Haibo and Naha. He watched Cao Tianci **** his hands and feet, and flew out with a wow. Both of them jumped up, "The county lieutenant!" Yan Haibo rushed forward and yanked. Lived in Gaoyuan. "What's the matter?"

"Asshole boy, what to tell a woman about these things? What can she do, except worry, cry, eat well and sleep well, what else can she do? Are you not making trouble?" Gao Yuan looked out of the account. , Cursed.

Cao Tianci's head stuck out through the curtain, looking at the distance, blinking his eyes," County Lieutenant, I thought about it. After Miss Jing'er goes back, she will definitely have a fight with Ye Tiannan. Ye Tiannan must be in the way of this trouble. Because of the family relationship between the father and daughter, if it is not too conspicuous, the county lieutenant is safer?

Looking at Cao Tianci, who only got one head in, Gao Yuan smiled bitterly, "You, it's too simple to think. The more Jing'er makes a fuss, the more Ye Tiannan's desire to kill will only increase. People like him, don't you? People who change their minds easily when they know their children's affection. "Looking at Cao Tianci's big eyes flashing, the more he thinks about it, the more angry he gets, "Get me in and get my head in, what's the point?"

Cao Tianci smiled and walked in again, "The county lieutenant thought more deeply than me, but luckily the battle was over. Ye Tiannan just wanted to play with moths and couldn't recruit anymore. Miss Jinger heard the news that the war ahead was over. , Naturally you won’t worry about it anymore.”

"That's not right!" Gao Yuan looked at Cao Tianci, and stretched out his hand to screw him, "Jing'er lives in Xiangfu, how did you see her?"

"County lieutenant, I saw Miss Jing'er in the Xianyun Building. Zhang Yi informed me that Miss Jing'er had gone to the Xianyun Tower and asked me to rush over to meet her." Cao Tianci said.

"Jing'er will go to Xianyun Tower when she is okay. She shouldn't know that Zhang Yi has gone to Xianyun Tower as a shopkeeper?" Gao Yuan asked in a puzzled way.

"I heard Zhang Yi said that Ning Xin took Miss Jing'er. He also thought it was very strange at the time, because since Miss Jing'er returned to Jicheng, Zhang Yi has also been trying to see Miss Jing'er, but There is always no way, this time, I was really overjoyed, and finally contacted Miss Jing'er. If you have anything to do with Miss Jing'er in the future, you can contact the county lieutenant through Zhang Yi!" Cao Tianci said.

Gao Yuan snorted and let go of Cao Tianci's hand. "It's Ning Zecheng again. It's really well-intentioned. It's not just me, but Jing'er will not let it go, Master Ning, what do you want to do? what?"

While gritting his teeth, the outside guard ran over and reported that Tan Feng had come, and Gao Yuan coldly hummed: "It came just right." Waved, "God, you and Xiaoyanzi, let's go down, take a good wash, Shu Refresh, Xiaoyanzi, make a few dishes, you and Naha accompany Godsend for two drinks."

Naha was overjoyed at once, "Lieutenant, this kid doesn't drink."

Cao Tianci raised his face, "Don't look at your age, but drinking is not based on your age, Naha, dare you to fight with me?"

"Okay, I'll be notarized!" Yan Haibo laughed. "The county lieutenant, there has been no war in the near future. Drinking more is not a violation of military regulations, right?"

"Today, Godsend came from a long way. This is an exception, and I will stop here!" Gao Yuan waved his hand. "How old is Godsend, Naha, you have won him by drinking. What kind of brilliance is there after you return to Fufeng? , You go to have a drink with him."

Naha immediately shuddered, "Cao Tiancheng, the old boy, is just a wine jar, so I don't want to bet with him." I think I have suffered too much from Cao Tiancheng, and I want to find face in Cao Tianci. Come.

Tan Feng stepped in and said loudly, "Gao Yuan, I'm here to give you the good news. Hurry up and prepare wine and food, thank me for this good news bird!"

Looking at the beaming Tan Feng, Yan Haibo smiled at each other, bowed and saluted Tan Feng, and stepped out one by one.

"Where does the joy come from?" Gao Yuan looked at Tan Feng coldly, "General Tan, you came just right, I'm going to ask you something clearly!"

Tan Feng pulled a chair and sat down and stretched his legs. "It's not as good as it's too early, so ask, what's the matter?"

"What does Master Ning mean?" Gao Yuan looked at Tan Feng directly. "It's nothing I am here. Master Ning has helped me a lot. General Tan also took good care of me along the way. I am grateful to Gao Yuan. I am also the person who knows the good news, but why did Master Ning bother Jing'er?"

"Who excuse me? Jing'er, oh, yes, it's your long hair, right?" Tan Feng looked blank, "What kind of identity is Lord Ning, why would you embarrass Miss Jing'er?"

Looking at Tan Feng's appearance, it doesn't seem to be fake. Gao Yuan's anger a little bit, and he told Tan Feng what happened, "Did Master Ning mean this on purpose?"

"Perhaps you are thinking too much!" Tan Feng shook his head and smiled: "Besides, it doesn't hurt you anymore, right? Even if Lord Ning is intentional, it's for your good. You don't want your woman to worry about you, right? Yes, but you can't refuse the kindness of others!

"Good intentions? I'm afraid there is a deep meaning in this!" Gao Yuan said in dissatisfaction. "General Tan, although I am a small person, I am not at the mercy of others!"

Tan Feng laughed. "I can see it, but Gao Yuan, you are not a small person right away. At night, Lord Taiwei has given me the credit, Zhou Yu and Jiang Junshou. You are in the first place, Jiang Junshou. Don't mention how ugly that face is, hahaha, I look at it with comfort, lofty, according to the past practice, you, you will soon become a general with a title. Even if it is just a general, but It’s amazing, how old are you? I’m at your age and still serving as a school lieutenant!” Tan Feng shook his head again and again,” But then again, you are well deserved, no one dares to say a word of gossip. It was a blessing to my family that I was able to be a captain back then. If you want to lift Ye Jing'er back on the sedan chair, then you can count on it!"

Looking at Gao Yuan, Tan Feng shook his finger, "How? Is this news worth a meal? I heard that you have a good drink in your army. Don't be stingy. Take it out quickly and get drunk with me. ."

"It's not easy to drink, I'm afraid you will come in straight and go out sideways!"

"Just say that you don't practice fake handles, come and come, but let me see, my Jicheng wine tyrant will lose to you Fufeng boy!" Tan Feng yelled authentically.

"Come here, put the wine!" Gao Yuan shouted.

Gao Yuan and Tan Feng are fighting for wine, but in the other big tent of Daying, Cao Tianci is already soundly drunk.He is Naha's opponent, and coupled with the travel of thousands of miles, he is exhausted. Naha turned it over, and was lying on the mattress of the big tent, sleeping soundly with the pillow.

"This little guy is so cute!" Looking at Cao Tianci in his sleep, Meng Chong and Xu Yuan were very emotional, "Such a small guy can already do things for the county lieutenant, it's amazing!"

Naha and Yan Haibo looked at each other and laughed. Is Cao Tianci cute? But there is no need to tell these two guys about this. When they get to Fufeng, they will know that this kid is not cute!

"Yes, very cute, very cute!" The two laughed unkindly.

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