I’m The King

Chapter 276: : Dilapidated

He walked heavily among the corpses everywhere, and every time I stepped down, I felt my feet sink slightly.It was blood that soaked the ground and softened the soil.

When He Lanxiong showed up on the battlefield with his hundreds of cavalry, a whole day has passed since the massacre, until it was confirmed that the Qin army had already been far away, He Lanxiong dared to show up. His current strength is in the powerful Qin army. In front of me, I couldn't even lift a bubble.

In front of him was a Shura Field, with eighteen layers of hell. Except for the soldiers who died in battle, most of them were chained together one by one and fell down there. These people have put down their weapons, but finally It's hard to escape. The Helan soldiers behind He Lanxiong can hardly move. This is the first time they have seen so many corpses standing together, and they are still their comrades.

He Lanxiong saw Li Jiguiyao, the guy he had vowed to step on and humiliate him, his bright armor was still so conspicuous among the dead corpses, and there were dozens of blood holes in his body. His feather arrows have been pulled away, and the **** holes are so terrifying.He is lying on his back with his hands tied behind his back, his eyes wide open, looking at the sky, and he can't stare at him.

Although Li Jiguiyao hated him to death in his heart, Helan's ambition at this time was unpleasant.He slowly knelt down among the corpses of the Huns on the ground, and howl up to the sky, tears could not be restrained from his eyes. Shed.

"Patriarch, let's go quickly, maybe Qin Jun will rush back sometime!" Someone walked up to He Lanxiong and whispered. Inspiration bursts, thinking about the battle that made him and Gao Yuan famous two years ago. The soldiers slowly gathered around and looked at He Lanxiong's eyes. Apart from admiration, it was awe. If they had acted together with the big troops. , Then now, lying here, there will definitely be their bodies.

"The Qin people will not come anymore, they must be besieging the king's army!" He Lanxiong slowly stood up straight, dried the cold water on his face, and looked at the direction Qin Jun was going away. There is also the King Xiongnu. Location of the court.

"Collect feathers, clean water, eat, let's go!" He Lanxiong looked at the hundreds of cavalry under his command.

"Patriarch, where are we going?"

"Where to go?" He Lanxiong smiled bitterly, "Where else can we go, let's go home. Bring as many feather arrows and water food as possible, and other things, don't need it!"

Hearing He Lanxiong's words, everyone stared at him face to face. For a long while, some people boldly said, "Patriarch, those belongings?"

"No more!" He Lanxiong roared: "When is it all, still thinking about the property? You want money or you are dead, don't you know how far away from our old camp through Mount Holland? Don't you know? Thing, can we run fast? Up this road, can you guarantee that you will not encounter Qin Jun? Lost, all lost."

Seeing He Lanxiong's anger, all his subordinates didn't make a sound anymore.

Seeing a group of subordinates quickly digging through the dead bodies for feather arrows, clear water, and dry food, He Lanxiong turned his head and looked in the direction of Wang Ting. He knew that the King of the Huns was over, in other words, the Huns were also over. Qin Jun this time He Lanxiong can even calculate that the Qin army was definitely not waiting for the Xiongnu cavalry at the royal court. He attacked halfway and killed them in the most unexpected place of the Huns. one strike.

A few hours later, the hundreds of Helan cavalry who had escaped by chance rushed forward and disappeared into the vast grassland under the leadership of He Lanxiong.

On the other side, Wang Xiao, who had just killed tens of thousands of prisoners, led the Qin army, marching all the way to the depths of the grassland, killing tens of thousands of Huns, allowing them to seize a large number of war horses, and the soldiers rode on the war horses. Save their energy to the maximum.

"Father, the soldiers are too tired, and more and more of them are left behind. Can you let them take a break and sharpen their knives without accidentally cutting firewood? This way, even if we get to the battlefield, how can we still have the strength to fight? "Wang Jian looked at the long-running team, and faced his father Wang Xiaodao worriedly. Wang Xiao's method was completely contrary to the military law that he had usually taught him. When he rushed along, Qin Jun hardly had any rest. In a day, I can only rest for two hours at most, and the rest of the time is completely on the road. After talking for a while, Wang Jian saw that several soldiers fell off the horse because of extreme exhaustion. .

Wang Xiao glanced at his son and smiled, "Do you think what I am doing is completely contrary to the art of war?"

"Yes, father!" Wang cut his head down. Although he thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to scold his father directly.

"Son, soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent. The so-called art of war is just for your reference, not for you to remember by rote. Any art of war must be determined in accordance with the reality and needs of wartime, just like now we are desperately rushing. It seems to violate the art of war, but it is more in line with the needs of this battle!" Wang Xiao looked at his son and said: "We don't need to fight, we only need to appear behind the Huns, and it will be the last to crush them. A piece of grass."

"Baby understand!" Wang Jian seemed to understand something and nodded.

"Quickly defeat the Huns, and then return to the Hangu Pass. If the Hangu Pass is still there, the worst result is that we return to the teacher to rescue Xianyang. Now every time we buy a little more time, we will make Daqin safer. "Wang Xiao waved his hand,"Go, urge our soldiers, let the soldiers sing the war hymn, and move forward with awakened spirits, and keep moving forward until they meet the general!"

The vigorous battle song sounded on the grassland, and tens of thousands of people sang in unison, and the momentum was extremely shocking.Amidst the reverberating battle song, the exhausted Qin Jun mustered his whole body strength, all the way forward, and kept advancing.

The Green Sea is a huge freshwater lake in the area controlled by the Huns, and it is also the source of life for the Huns to survive, and here is also the place where Li Xin chose to be the burial place of the Huns King Yemang.

The Green Sea is more than a hundred miles away from the seat of the Xiongnu King's Court. At this time, the early memory of the Xiongnu King's Court has become a pile of ruins in the raging fire. The tactics of Bei's battle were the same.

When the exhausted Huns rushed here, they would definitely stop and repair, eat, rest, and replenish water.At this time, it was the best time for the Qin army to launch an offensive.

The most exhausted time is not during the long journey, but after the long journey, after a short rest period. Li Xin knows this well, so he chose the green sea that the Huns can't do without the battlefield. Bank.

When tens of thousands of Huns cavalry stopped to rest in the Green Sea, when the Huns saw the Qin Army flag that suddenly appeared on the horizon from a distance, and saw the Qin Army soldiers approaching slowly from all directions, their breathing It almost stopped.

Mounting, the impact, the roar of sharp arrows, the shouting of soldiers, and the collision of weapons soon resounded through the Green Sea.As the war deepened, the extremely clear lake of the Green Sea turned red.

The Xiongnu King Ye Mang and several of the largest tribal soldiers of the Xiongnu were surrounded on three sides by the Green Sea, and behind them was the invisible lake of the vast Green Sea.

At this time, Li Xin's subordinate had one hundred thousand infantry and twenty thousand cavalry, while Ye Mang had only more than fifty thousand cavalry left in his hand. The only thing that supported them in fighting hard was that they were still behind them, and they continued to come from Zhao Guodai. As long as the Xiongnu cavalry returned from the county, as long as they arrived and fought inside and outside, they would have the hope of defeating the Qin army.

So when the Qin army led by Wang Xiao appeared in the Green Sea, the last thought of the Huns was shattered. After the hope was shattered, the next thing was defeated. Wang Xiao did not participate in the war at all. When he appeared on the shore of the Green Sea, the battle had already come to an end.

Ye Mang rallied Yu Yong and brought more than ten thousand kings cavalry to stand out from the encirclement, while most of the other parts were almost wiped out on the banks of the green sea. Only a few escaped from the heavens, but these have been the grassland for countless years. From now on, the big tribe has also been declared a term in the long history.

On the shore of the Green Sea, under the banner of the Qin Army's Central Army, looking at the disintegrated Huns cavalry, Li Xin's tight face finally showed a smile. Since Ye Tiannan began to plan restoration and contacted everywhere, he began to formulate For this huge plan, the country focused its efforts on a series of countless strategic deceptions. Today, it finally bears fruitful results. From today on, the Huns will no longer become an unstable factor in the backyard of Qin State. , It is no longer possible for them to accept bribes from the six countries of the Central Plains when the Qin Army is preparing for the Eastern Expedition.

"Win Ying!" he shouted loudly.

Behind him, a young general in his early twenties responded, "The end is here!"

"See that Ye Mang has broken through?"

"I saw it!"

"Do you recognize him?"

"I can recognize it when it turns to ashes."

"Very well, all the 20,000 cavalry of our army here will be paid to you. From now on, you will continue to bite the wild mang until you bring his head back to Xianyang. As long as this goal is achieved, we will not hesitate cost."

"Understood, General!" Yingying's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Yingying, do you know why?" Li Xin's tone suddenly softened and asked softly.

"General, because Ye Mang is a banner of the Huns. If he does not die, he will surely gather the Huns under his banner again. A wounded wolf will be even more fierce. Therefore, we must take the wild wolf. Once Mang Yefang died, the Huns would no longer be able to call on the princess, and the grassland would be torn apart, and they would never pose a threat to our Daqin again." Yingying said loudly.

"You are right!" Li Xin said with a smile: "That's why Yemang must die. We can't kill the Huns. Then, let them fall apart forever. In Zi Li, as long as there is a powerful tribe among the Huns that may dominate the Huns, we will kill them in the Yaolan, so that they will never come out."

"The general is wise."

Li Xin suddenly laughed, "The most important thing is you, Yingying. This attack will be your first command of the battle. I hope you will not lose your father's reputation." He lowered his voice and said in a low voice. : "Get back Ye Mang's first level, your status will be unshakable, we Qin people, the most important military merit."

"Thank you, General!" There was an inexplicable light in Yingying's eyes, Yingying, the third son of King Qin Wulie. (To be continued~www.wuxiaspot.com~

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