I’m The King

Chapter 295: :Dangerous situation

Tan Feng left lonely, he knew it, but he couldn't change it. He admired the loftiness and regarded him as his friend, but he couldn't betray the group he was in.

Watching Tan Feng leave, Ning Zecheng regained his calmness and began to review document after document until two other people appeared in his study.

The two of them are ordinary faces, and they can't see any special place from the outside.They belong to the typical type that can't be found after being thrown in a pile of people.

Keeping writing, without raising his head, Ning Zecheng seemed to ask casually: "How about the arrangements on Taiwei?"

One person took a step forward and his voice was very low.Even if there were only three of them now, his voice was still so low that only Ning Zecheng could hear him clearly.

"According to his subordinates, the Taiwei's arrangement is very big, let alone only one loft, ten lofts are also reimbursed."

"He used the army?"

"It's not the army, it's the lieutenant's team that has never been seen before. But they use a lot of powerful weapons, including crossbows."

Ning Zecheng smiled and raised his head, "The Taiwei is very cautious when he uses soldiers, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Where are you?" He looked at the other person.

"My lord's expectation is not bad. At Ye Zhong's side, Taiwei didn't make any deployment." Another person said.

"After all, Taiwei is the one who led the soldiers to fight the big battle. After playing these little tricks, it is still a little bit worse. Have you arranged it?" Ning Zecheng shook his head.

"It's set up. According to the adult's instructions, we make sure to wound Ye Zhong and not kill him."

Ning Zecheng laughed, "Ye Tiannan wants to kill Gaoyuan. How could Ye Zhong not make a move? Now, Ye Tiannan's subordinate can be sure to fight Gaoyuan, and Ye Zhong is the only one. Ye Zhong was injured, I would like to see, how does Ye Tiannan explain."

"My lord is thoughtful!"

"Go, watch closely, and don't get anything wrong."

Ye Zhong went home, put on a suit of casual clothes, took two guards, and left the house. He used to live in the State Minister's Mansion, but after he obtained the position of commander of the Imperial City Guards, in order to avoid suspicion, He searched for another house and moved out of the Prime Minister's Mansion. In the six months since he entered the Imperial City Guards, Ye Zhong has devoted himself to one thing, that is, to put Ye's cronies into this force. After six months of hard work, He, or Ye Tiannan, has mastered one-third of this army's power. It should be said that this is an amazing achievement. But Ye Zhong also knows that as Zhou Yuan returns from the battlefield, he and the country will meet Come and fight back fiercely.

But in this matter, Ye Tiannan will not retreat.The tragedy of ten years ago is still vivid.At that time, if he had a part of the Imperial City Guards in his hand, he would definitely not lose everything.

The Ye clan is the prime minister of the country, and the foundation is weak. Under Linghu's ten years of perseverance, the previous power has almost disappeared, but now the most restricting Ye clan is the army. There is no one in the hands of the state minister that can show. Although Langya County gave it back to Ye's military strength, it was obviously impossible to rebuild a strong military force in Langya County in a short time.

However, Gao Yuan's appointment as General Zhengdong will greatly alleviate this problem. Gao Yuan now has as many as five or six thousand troops in his hands. Under Gao Yuan's hands, these people will become a tough division, and the general will open the mansion. Jianya, that is to say, Gao Yuan can recruit troops justifiably, as long as he can afford it.

Of course Gao Yuan can afford it. Because he will soon be the son-in-law of Lord Guo Xiang. Gao Yuan himself has a way to get money, plus the support of Langya County in the future, Gao Yuan is above finances, and there will be no crisis. And Ye Tiannan. For the country's prime minister, in terms of materials and logistics, of course, it can also be purposefully supported.

Ye Clan's revival is just around the corner. Ye Zhong was very excited, but I am still a little embarrassed to see Gao Yuan today. At the beginning, under Nanshan, this kid was very arrogant. He almost started to work with him.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhong couldn't help but laughed. When he had a chance, he wanted to compete with this kid. Ye Feng's close combat skills kept Ye Zhong tickled. He fell to the level of Ye Zhong, It's hard to find a chance to fight him fairly. Everyone is of high authority, who will fight head-to-head with you.

There will be more opportunities in the future, and being able to compete with a master like Gao Yuan is also extremely helpful to his improvement. Moreover, Ye Zhong wants to know the skill of high-level military training.

Ye Chong is full of ambition, and Ye's revival of the lintel is right in front of him, and as he has been wandering with Ye Tiannan for more than ten years, he will also get the opportunity to make a big splash.

With a horse's hoof, Ye Zhong wants to rush to the Guoxiang's mansion earlier. Today is a family dinner. To be precise, it is a political announcement made by Ye Tiannan officially acknowledging Gao Yuan as his son-in-law. Many people in Jicheng have been watching Ye Xiang's jokes. , I want to see a rivalry between the husband and son, but they obviously underestimated the state minister. The state minister has been wandering for more than ten years. What kind of humiliation has not been suffered? In the eyes of Ye Xiang, there is only interest and no face. The reason for not recognizing Gaoyuan is because Gaoyuan is too weak, and now that Gaoyuan is recognized because it has all the power that Ye's needs. In the face of reality, if you should bow your head, you have to bow your head.

In those years, Ye Zhong saw more and Ye Tiannan bowed to many people, but the final winner was Ye Xiang.This time, Ye Xiang bowed his head to Gaoyuan, but the final winner would still be Ye Xiang.

At the moment when Ye Zhong was full of joy, there was a sharp and sharp arrow breaking through the air in the air. There was no time to prepare, no time to think, ten years in exile, countless times to meet the assassination of the Linghu clan. The first-rate response allowed Ye Zhong to make the right response in the first place.

His whole body disappeared on the horse, and the moment the arrow rang, Ye Zhong had already hid under the horse's belly. Behind him, the two guards did not escape the catastrophe, and they did not have Ye Zhong's reaction, nor did he like him. With a kung fu, the arrows screamed, and the two had been shot like hedgehogs, and both the man and the horse fell heavily to the ground.

The horse under Ye Zhong's crotch was shot several times. Amidst the wailing, he ran forward for several feet, and his four hoofs were soft, and he also fell down. At the moment the horse fell, Ye Zhong was already under the horse's belly. After getting out, the person curled up into a ball, rolling continuously on the ground, and while rolling, he had hit the best hiding place.

His body leaped up, and he leaped towards that point. At that moment, there was another roar of arrows. This arrow came extremely fast, the roar just rose, and the sharp arrow had arrived. Ye Zhong only felt the thigh. There was a piercing pain last time, and the figure stagnated, and suddenly slowed down.

Ye Zhong's heart was cold, and the person who finally shot this arrow, whether it was judgment or archery skills, had reached an extremely sophisticated position, and he stopped by himself.

But the expected continuous shooting did not arrive.After an arrow hit Ye Zhong, Ye Zhong only heard a few chuckles, and then he fell silent.

Lying in the previously selected blind spot, looking at the bodies of two guards and three horses in the middle of the street, Ye Zhong's heart was shocked beyond words, who is it? Who wants his life?

He looked at the arrow above his thigh. The archer was extremely powerful. The arrow shot through his thigh and formed a penetrating injury. Obviously, the opponent knew his whereabouts well, and they knew where they were going today.

Ye Zhong suddenly opened his mouth, shaking his head and holding the arrow above his thigh. With the opponent's ability, it was obvious that he could kill him just now, but why, they just hurt himself. In a round of attacks, their main target was not themselves, but their two guards.

Why it came out like this?

I didn't kill myself, just because the other party had other plans. What did they plan? Today is when Ye Xiangyan invited Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan! Ye Zhong suddenly roared, drew his sword, cut off the tail of the arrow with a sword, reached out to hold the arrow, and with a bang, pulled out half of the arrow, tore off the robe, and tied his thigh tightly. Struggling with the sword on the ground, Ye Zhong stood up with difficulty, limping and ran desperately towards the seat of the state minister's mansion.

This is a conspiracy.

Almost at the same time that Ye Chongyu attacked, Gao Yuan and his twenty guards were walking on the street with a carriage full of gifts. This was the only way to the Guoxiang Mansion. The street was not wide. It's very quiet, and buildings on both sides are closely adjacent.At this time, it is the time when the lanterns are in the first place, but this street is a bit weird, except for a few lights, it is completely dark.

It's very quiet, very quiet, only the sound of horseshoes and the sound of the guards' neat footsteps can be heard from a group of people high up.

Gao Yuan and the infantry rode forward. On both sides of them, there were more than a dozen guards, and the rest were on both sides of the carriage. Gao Yuan suddenly felt that the hairs on his body were standing upside down, and he suddenly stopped. Warhorse, this kind of feeling that made him feel extremely dangerous, he has never felt all of this, but this kind of feeling, everything before, he has experienced many times, especially the last one.

"Be careful!" He shouted suddenly. In the shout, he had fallen from the horse by an inverted load. The moment he fell, he stretched out his hand and tore off the infantry.

At the moment when the two fell, the sound of arrows rang out in the air, and among them, there were sounds that were very familiar to Gao Yuan and the infantry.

Bed crossbow.

The two war horses instantly became hedgehogs and fell to the ground.The huge bed crossbow swept over the place where the two had just stood, hitting the carriage behind them, and the carriage was torn apart in a crash.

The high-level guards were unprepared.They did not expect that they would be attacked by death in the capital of Yan Kingdom.After the first round of arrow rain, most of the twenty guards fell.

Gao Yuan and the infantry were connected and rolled on the ground, shrinking to the corner of the street, Gao Yuan's eyes widened, watching the guards following him, one by one was shot down by sharp arrows.These soldiers were born and died with him, but did not die on the battlefield. Go up, but today, it fell here.

Several closed doors on the side of the street opened suddenly, and a group of masked men swarmed out, the first one was tall and looked extremely familiar.

"It's Ye Zhong!" The infantry screamed.

On the street, the six soldiers who were lucky enough to not die pulled out their knives and greeted them with roars. (To be continued~www.wuxiaspot.com~

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