Little did he know that disaster was coming from heaven.

It is so difficult to come to Jingzhou, and it is so difficult to cross a continent, but there are still people who have spent a lot of money, even the sects don't want it, and collude with demons to do it for themselves.

He was still practicing silently in the cave and living a very leisurely life.

"However, the Human Emperor's surge in luck actually affected my body structure." Wu Lang felt his body.

Bloodline: Cloud Demon 79%, Human Emperor bloodline 21%

The bloodline of the ancient human emperor is actually resurrecting?

Wu Lang was sitting in the cave, his expression changing slightly, "It's a good thing that his physique has improved."

He looked in the mirror.

The self inside is a cloud demon with wings on its back and horns on its head.

But it has a rather strange and sacred aura.

Even the horns and wings gradually have some mysterious and simple ancient carved dragon patterns, giving people a majestic and sacred feeling.

He felt like he had changed his skin, became gilded, and looked a little handsome.

He sat cross-legged and continued practicing.

But a strange scene happened. He found that the two Taoist monks who had just come down the mountain had sent him a message.


[Your Taoist companion Xing Hanhan's cultivation level has greatly increased. He left the Lei Ming Taoist Gate and secretly attacked his old enemy Xu Baizai (seventh level of the integration stage) on the coastline of the Wuji Sea of ​​Bitterness. He defeated him and his Taoist heart became stable! 】


[Your Taoist companion, Xing Hanhan, laughed wildly all the way, his stick power was overwhelming, and his thunder was stained with flames. He shuttled through the endless sea of ​​suffering, and forcibly jumped over the level to chase Xu Baizai (fourth level of the integration stage, disabled). 】

Wu Lang called him a good guy.

Is this possible?

This Taoist couple is so cool.

The other party's various explorations of secret realms and various matters actually saw the same feedback as the apprentice.

Can I observe her message prompts myself?

His first reaction was a strange thought:

So, although she doesn't love me, if she cuckolds me, wouldn't I, the sufferer, know instantly?

"I'm not Liu Ping after all." Wu Lang raised his lips, "We are different."

After coming back to his senses, Wu Lang thought to himself: "In this way, wouldn't I be able to take a sneak peek into the lives of these top experts?"

Suddenly, he wanted to attack Po Meng again.

He didn't believe that Mrs. Meng had always been feeding the soup honestly, but she always felt that there was something wrong. She must have wandered around. It would be a great help to know the other party's real-time actions.

Meng Po

He was itching in his heart, "Since Sister Meng is so kind to me, next time I go down the mountain, I will go to Huangquan Road to chat with her and see if I can try to 'propose'."

It's worth the risk.

Anyway, even if she gets angry, Po Meng won't really take action against her, her favorability is there.

But he quickly put aside this distracting thought and looked at the other side in front of him, which was the list of information feedback prompts he was most looking forward to:


[Your Taoist companion Li Qingrou, her true spirit has been damaged, and she is practicing hard in the Lei Ming Taoist Sect to restore her true spirit. 】

So honest, stay in the sect?

Wu Lang was slightly startled.

He had already guessed that the actions of these two people were highly consistent and they returned to Huangquan Sect together. Xu Xinying might have brought his disciple with him, and it was very possible that they were from the same sect, and their apparent identity was also master and disciple.

"However, she is fine, so why is her true spirit damaged? Did she just die once and be brought back by the six paths of reincarnation?"

Just when Wu Lang was confused, he saw an extremely strange scene.


[Your Taoist companion Li Fangrou has broken through the third level of the Divine Transformation Stage. With the help of the elders of Mohai Sect, as the Holy Son, she is proficient in the secrets of space and enters the polar secret realm to practice hard. 】

? ? ?

Wu Lang was shocked.


[Your Taoist companion Li Lirou broke through the fourth level of the Nascent Soul stage. As a casual cultivator, he participated in an auction and gained a lot. However, he was targeted and was hunted down. He used the art of space to escape. 】

Damn it!

Wu Lang felt a little numb.


[Your Taoist companion, Li Bairou, fell into the forbidden secret realm on the first level of the Yuanying. He was harmed by the mechanism. He could not escape in the space, and his body died and his Tao disappeared. 】


[Your Taoist companion Li Xinrou, Nascent Soul Dzogchen, met another Taoist companion Li Yuanrou who was on the third level of transformation. The two merged, and their cultivation level was greatly improved, entering the fourth level of transformation. 】

Wu Lang calmly counted how many cheap Taoists he had?

Most of them are in the Nascent Soul Stage, and a few are in the Divine Transformation Stage. They are in the world of immortality in Jizhou, taking risks everywhere?

"Buy one, get one free?" He complained helplessly.

And in an instant, he understood some details about this guy and what the real big secret she was hiding was.

I am the only one.

Is it some kind of avatar's natural talent?


The talent of avatars cannot be so exaggerated.

It's as if each one is a real body, capable of practicing different techniques, and even joining different sects.

There is only one possibility that can achieve this step.

Every Li Xrou has a complete true spirit!

Every Li Xrou has an independent and complete soul and consciousness!

Wu Lang suddenly thought of something, "I remember that in the Huangquan Holy Sect, there is a high-level skill called "Soul-Slaying Body", which is a clone-like demon-like skill that creates a true body. Create an incarnation that is close to the original body.”

And this technique has great flaws.

Killing one's true spirit by yourself is equivalent to the body permanently missing a piece of soul.

Who wants to lack the true spirit?

Just like, why don't the disciples of Huangquan Sect dare to die? This is because every time he dies, a piece of his true spirit will be permanently mutilated, becoming a useless person and losing all his potential.

Wu Lang and Xing Hanhan didn't dare to die. If they die once, they will no longer have the position of acting peak master.

"I have seen the turtle technique of true spirit restoration before, and it is even suitable for my practice, but I have not practiced it."

"I am the only master. It is definitely a super-advanced true spirit restoration category. I am not afraid of true spirit loss and dares to kill true spirits to practice demonic skills."

Wu Lang took a deep breath and continued to judge: "This true spirit-killing technique "Soul-Slaying Body" is extremely flawed for other people. The true spirit is missing, but her destiny has become normal. Became Yong Dong Ji!"

"Moreover, she exaggeratedly killed her soul again and again, and then merged and returned. For ordinary people, all kinds of inner demons must have been born, but she didn't seem to be afraid at all."

Wu Lang sorted out all kinds of information and immediately understood that "I am the only one" has been confirmed to be a true spiritual talent in the soul. It has at least three characteristics:

1. The true spirit is not damaged.

2. Don’t let inner demons arise.

3. The Taoist mind is not bad.

Quite domineering.

It was as if people saw a terrifying true god of souls, who was the only one in heaven and on earth.

Wu Lang frowned, "Coupled with the spatial spiritual roots, each clone can appear and disappear. It is simply two fates, a perfect match."

It can only be described as a monster.

The probability of each of these two fates appearing is so low that it is unimaginable, but they both appear in the same person?

Is this the protagonist of the era?

"No wonder, his cultivation has soared so rapidly, and he can kill Xing Hanhan in history. This is like a clone hanging up!" Wu Lang sighed, there is really no way to compare with his social animal destiny.

But not without a glimmer of opportunity.

I have this Hundred Dawn Skills, hundreds of fields, if each one is a green destiny-defying talent, a hundred qualitative changes, a perfect match.

If not, it will be quite scary.

"But no matter what, the destiny of this protagonist has been figured out clearly." Wu Lang narrowed his eyes, "There is another doubt that has been solved."

I just said why she stays up all day: -1-1-1-1

It turns out that she has so many people?

Hate yourself together.

This is multiple times the joy of ding ding ding.

But what’s even more outrageous is that it’s a group of Li Xrou who are decreasing your favor, and I’m increasing Qi’s favor. Why aren’t you a group of +3+3+3?

You actually have a good impression of me just from the same body? ?

"This person is poisonous and it's hard to get a good impression." Wu Lang complained.

But she turned out to be the same as him, having hung up and upgraded at home, and she felt like she had met a close friend.

There should be another update at ten o'clock, right?

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