I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 139 Fishing in the cave, the devil emperor attacks

She must be poisonous!

He is truly a ruthless person who takes revenge.

This "Shura Field" is too terrifying. It's really difficult to balance the battle between my two cheap wives.

We also need to prevent them from cheating on us.

"But she shouldn't be able to catch up, right?" Wu Lang muttered.

The sea of ​​suffering is so big without season.

There are four seasons in one sea, and the sky is different in ten miles.

Every ten miles in the sea, the time speed of ocean currents in each sea water is different.

It is simply an ocean of time maze. When sailing in it, logically speaking, the probability of encountering it is extremely low.

"Although, if she asked the master's specific location, it would be natural for them to gather together and get closer, but how dare Li Qingrou ask?"

"She doesn't dare to ask her master's current specific location out of nowhere. It's very difficult to find a needle in a haystack by yourself."

Suddenly, Wu Lang felt very calm!

It should have stabilized temporarily.

Anyway, I just tricked Xing Hanhan into running away.

It would take 20 or 30 years for a great power to cross the sea in the Tribulation Stage. It would also take 40 to 50 years for her to reach the integration stage, right?

By the time she comes here, I don’t know how long it has been since the world of Jingzhou Immortal Cultivation has changed.

And Xing Hanhan obviously knows this, but for her, slowly and leisurely crossing the endless sea of ​​suffering is also a kind of experience and practice.

The Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness contains various ancient ruins, major elixirs, mysterious realms, and mysterious indigenous islands.

In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed.

Almost nothing major happened in the past two years.

The demonic disaster broke out normally, and the fighting outside became more and more shocking!

The mountain spirits are also protecting the people at the bottom everywhere and building underground cities as air raid shelters.

In short, it was a very fierce battle on the all-out front!

With the constant fighting outside, the disciples' cultivation gradually improved to a higher level.

The biggest change is that the sterilization infection rate of mountain spirits has reached a new height: 70%

The overwhelming number of beasts in the disaster has far exceeded the number of demonized bottom-level monsters in the demon disaster. The two sides fought overwhelmingly and there was blood everywhere.

It's like a group of bacteria fighting, although not strong.

But the numbers are spectacular.

In the past two years, the two masters and apprentices have been "traveling" across the endless sea of ​​suffering, while also returning to the seventh peak of the Huangquan Holy Sect.

The position of reality has shifted, and it seems that there is no big difference from the previous life.

"Junior brother, the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness is very strange, and time flows at different speeds!"

Xing Hanhan didn't know that a disaster was coming, so he still introduced some of his recent experiences:

"I recently went to an island. The natives on it are very weird. They all have special tattoos. They are on the ocean of time. The speed of time on the island is also faster than that of other places. I am very old and vicissitudes of life."

Wu Lang's expression suddenly became strange.

You exposed your position like this. Your disciple is eavesdropping nearby. Didn't you see her ears perked up?

Isn't she afraid that she's already positioning you in her heart?

Are you so not afraid of death?


Am I the only one worrying about you, a bastard like you?

Wu Lang had a headache, but it was impossible to tell the truth. After all, even Po Meng didn't notice it, and Xing Hanhan naturally couldn't notice the weirdness and horror of her disciple, who was already chasing him from behind.

Xing Hanhan asked the calm-looking disciple behind him: "By the way, how have you handled the shady matter after I left?"

Li Qingrou was still crossing her legs to absorb the luck, opened her eyes and nodded, as coldly as ever: "Master, don't worry, after you leave, everything will be as before, it's normal!"

After all, she still has her body and is presiding over the original local forces, so there is no possibility of being discovered.

"Li Xrou, what a terrible woman! You can't offend her, you can't offend her." Wu Lang was fishing next to him, secretly complaining:

"If Li Qingrou is compared to the decisive protagonist of a novel about cultivating immortals, Xing Hanhan is the kind of genius villain who says 'my son has the qualities of a great emperor' and possesses a divine bone body, right?"

These two people don’t talk.

In Jingzhou, new changes are increasingly taking place.

The past two years have been enough for that group of craftsmen to begin to form initial growth, and many of them are already at the second or third level of Qi training.

"Then, now that the line of craftsmen is available, it's time for me to re-establish a sect and rebuild the Human Emperor Sect." Wu Lang said calmly, constantly sliding the entire map of Jingzhou's power distribution.

"More than two years have passed, junior brother, are you finally going to proclaim yourself emperor?" Xing Hanhan's eyes lit up. This is a title, but it is also very important.

The enthronement ceremony was quite spectacular and could be called a grand occasion.

Wu Lang shook his head, "Proclaiming the emperor is too troublesome. When I go further, it will only be in name only. It's just a golden elixir monk. After becoming the emperor, there is no way to go out in person."

"At the moment, we are just rebuilding Jinghuang City and giving the people a belief, which is still necessary."

"By the way, I will hold the Imperial Examination to select talents for me. Without being born in the world, I can only control the development of the people at the bottom of Jingzhou's spiritual world."

Imperial examination.

It's Wu Lang's new idea.

Find some talents with the destiny you want to strengthen your own strength.

For example, after looking at someone, he remembered that low-level technique for restoring the true spirit, and the death squads that were not afraid of death. If he didn't have any players, he would look for the natives.

I want to find a group of people with such a fate, to be death squads, herb gatherers, whose true souls can slowly recover even after death, to be underworld's personal guards, to explore secret places for myself.

It's very comfortable.

It would be foolish not to use it when you have power!

"Currently, the establishment of Jinghuang City, the imperial examinations, and the high-end demonic disaster battlefields are all about making a living for the lower class people. I have no way to interfere with those immortal sects."

"At the same time, the high-ranking Immortal Sect will probably have to give me, the Human Emperor, a stumbling block. After all, the Human Emperor is originally suppressed by them."

Wu Lang is very self-aware.

The Human Emperor looks tall, but he is actually the one who gets beaten. His government can control the people at the bottom, but cannot control the capital plutocrats like Xianmen, who secretly commit crimes and commit crimes. Being in the middle is painful and tiring.

This luck is not so easy to enjoy.

The other side.

The edge of the cloudy abyss.


Sitting on the Demon Emperor's flying boat, in the strong wind, the sleeves of a supreme overlord were fluttering, and a terrifying force silenced the birds and beasts in the woods below.

"I came here in just over three years. I walked through the abyss of clouds and mist, and had people secretly smuggle me across. All I had to do was drive at full speed. It was indeed fast enough."

The Yun Mist Abyss is a restricted area just like the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness.

If you go through normally, it will be extremely dangerous, and there will be various demon emperors encircling and suppressing you. It will take at least twenty or thirty years, and you will be injured all over, before you can cross.

But he has an acquaintance. He is a demon cultivator who has been collaborating with demons for a long time.

"This land is so backward."

He looked at this land that was so barren that it was unimaginable, with almost no natural aura in the air. A stalwart being covered with blood evil said calmly:

"It is indeed barren. There is no spiritual energy in the air at all. Every time a little spiritual energy is born, it is drained by the newly born mountain spirits."

The spiritual energy is thin, so it is naturally difficult to nourish various elixirs and rare animals here.

The desert monks here are only that backward.

His eyes flashed: "Go find the legendary useless Demon Emperor, the Demon Yun Emperor who initiated this demonic disaster."

He kept traveling across the border of the Yunmist Abyss, and finally approached a vast and majestic black towering magic city.

"Demon Emperor, come out." He snorted coldly, breathing heavily.


"Little guy, who are you calling?" An extremely terrifying aura erupted from the depths of the Demon Emperor's city. It was as if the world was being suppressed by this coercion, and was being crushed and turned upside down.

Three hours later.

"How could you be so strong??"

The Taoist Blood Skeleton was covered in blood and suffered many serious injuries. "When you were at your peak, you had at least the fourth level of tribulation, and you were a monster who had survived the four tribulations of heaven and man!"

He looked at the young demon emperor in front of him who was constantly coughing up blood. His face was pale, and even his wings and horns were broken. He had obviously suffered a lot of torture in the Underworld Demon Sect.

But it's still terrifying enough that he can beat himself in full strength, and he may even be killed.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was afraid that he had a sleeping master with him, and a second-level tribulation transcender who was in the same realm as himself, he would have died.

"Huh? How weak do you think I am?"

Emperor Mo Yun showed a hint of coldness and kept coughing up blood. His handkerchief was dyed bright red. "You think you saw the projection water mirror. That old man's emperor's combat power is at the level of transcending tribulation and he is so old. Just take him and me. Comparing? Do you think we are at the same level? That’s why we can’t beat Jingzhou and we are always in a stalemate?”

"Why do you think that the war between the Jingzhou Demonic Disaster and the human race is an equal battle?"

"Even now, with such serious injuries, I can easily kill the Human Emperor in Jingzhou. That place is too barren."

He said lightly: "It's just that I am too lazy to take action. I will use this war to train my next generation of successors and select the new emperor from them."

He was the two peak masters of the Underworld. They were unscrupulous and jointly attacked in secret. Only then were they captured and tortured in the eighteenth level of hell.

Even now, he could kill the old emperor who was relying on the elixir to die with one hand.

Taoist Xuexu was silent for a few seconds, and he underestimated the other party.

He was born in Yunwuyuan, not in the poor Jingzhou. It is very normal for him to have rich spiritual energy and extremely high cultivation level.

"So, you colluded with a certain Demon Emperor and smuggled here. What are you going to do?"

Emperor Mo Yun sat on the throne and tapped his fingertips with great interest, "Are you here to kill that human sage from Jingzhou?"

"Yes." Taoist Xuexi gave up, "I am willing to contribute to the demonic disaster, encircle and suppress the Jingzhou human race, and capture the young scholar who opened up the era!"

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