A phantom of the true god was fiddling with a huge red abacus.

Just like strumming the strings of a harp, the music is played out one after another, with incomparable elegance, mystery and majesty, calculating the mysterious and future path.

"It's so beautiful! Is this a god?"

"This god is assisting in calculations?"

"Even gods are gods built by us mortals!"

"In my opinion, that phantom is a weapon spirit. This is a super large abacus magic weapon. I heard that some calculation sects also have this kind of magic weapon. Most of their Yin Yang Bagua mirrors and abacus are smaller than ours. Too many!" There were some low-level monks showing off their knowledge to the crowd.

"What's wrong with us being bigger? We mortals can build more powerful things!" A village woman was dissatisfied.

The old man playing chess in the village also came out, "You must listen to the old man's words. In my opinion, this immortal's magic weapon must be the same as the sweet potatoes in the field. The bigger it is, the more powerful it is!"

"Yes, when we go to the city to collect pumpkins, we usually pick the bigger ones, and people don't want the smaller ones!!"

In towns and cities, underground cities for refuge, and even the battlefields on the Immortal Frontline, people were exclaiming and whispering to each other.

This scene is too mythical, gorgeous and sensational.

In fact, after activating the abacus, there will be a phantom of the true god pushing the abacus, which is quite messy.

In later generations, the line of craftsmen was reduced to civilian use.

As an algorithmic treasure that has been eliminated, this "abacus template" is bloated and huge, and can only be used to make a fuss about its appearance.

In front of me, people were stunned by the appearance.

at this time.

"Give me the order."

A young man in white clothes, sitting high up, led the entire project design, and said with a majestic voice:

"Using this craftsman's abacus, we begin to deduce the "Celestial Craftsman's Creation", and use the first-level skills of the foundation-building period to deduce the second-level skills!"



A skilled craftsman roared, his voice resounding through the sky.


The craftsmen below were as organized as an army and began to perform rapid deductions.

Soon, three hours later, they saw the results, which were exactly the same as the beginning of the second-level craftsman technique.

"It sure works!"

"It's actually true! It can be deduced!"

The entire Jingzhou was in a state of excitement. Countless people and major monks compared it and found that it was exactly the same as the technique just announced.

Especially these craftsmen, their faces were red with excitement, and they felt an indescribable sense of great accomplishment in their hearts! !

I never imagined that this building that I built rationally, brick by brick, would have such an amazing sight.

They had a feeling for a moment:

These hundreds of thousands of craftsmen are destined to be recorded in history today.

This is such a great honor.

"Those human emperors from the neighboring continent actually want to help us develop our own techniques? Now we can also rely on ourselves, not relying on immortals! We mortals can do it ourselves too!"

"Yes, we craftsmen, mortals can deduce the skills! Although it is not high and the speed is slow, it is enough. The craftsmen develop first, and then get rich first and then lead to wealth! Then everyone in the world will be rich!"

"No wonder, no wonder this great scholar wants to be the first to develop craftsmen. It turns out that he is laying the foundation for other techniques."

"Teaching people how to fish is worse than teaching them how to fish! They can help us for a while, but not forever! We can only refuse their kindness!"

When the eight human emperors saw this scene, they were as silent as death.

"The sky has changed."

A human emperor sighed.

Redstone technology.

They originally thought that they had a chance to win, but his luck was lost, and Jingzhou's imperial luck was ruined. They could leave with peace of mind, but seeing this scene was simply unbelievable. It was a big reversal.

I didn't expect that he could break out of the situation like this.

The common people don't want them to develop martial arts at all. They have to rely on their own efforts.

At this time, they had already seen the future scene.

Craftsmen are like the cornerstone!

From now on, people can work hard on their own to seek immortality. There will be no shortage of other exercises, at least the most basic, a large number of miscellaneous spirit root exercises during the Qi refining period.

Wu Lang sat on the chair and said calmly in his heart: "Let the craftsmen develop it, and we are not afraid of revealing the original technique. After all, what they are asked to develop is just a side detail."

for example.

The techniques for building the first level of foundation were passed on to them, and they were able to develop to the perfection of foundation building. After all, small realms are just stacks of energy, and the principles of each realm are similar.

Just follow the same pattern.

But what about the golden elixir period?

can not open.

Only by opening up a level of the Golden Elixir Stage for them can they continue to deduce the various realms of the Golden Elixir Stage.

With the ancestral classics in hand and some insurance, the project can be outsourced without fear of leaking the patent.

At this time, a human emperor was communicating in the dark and whispered:

"You are underestimating him. No, this is not an underestimation. We have already calculated the multiple results of these two waves of layout. His luck will definitely plummet, but he still escaped because of his solution. , jumping out of our traditional cognition.”

Who would have thought that the other party had such a hand?

After sighing several times, several human emperors looked at each other slightly.

At this time, the plan was broken and it seemed that it would be in vain.

"Then, we can only use the third move as an alternative plan." They secretly thought: "The third move can still kill him! Make him lose the support of the people!"


They thought that a seamless two-tiered plan would be enough to finish off each other. The third killer plan was originally meant to be shelved.

But now, the only option is to use the third method of filing.

Then, a human emperor put his hands on his hands and smiled, and suddenly said with approval: "There is such a way!"

Wu Lang glanced at them.

I've ruined the second level of your plan, but you still don't have any intention of leaving?

Is there a third floor?

Suddenly, Wu Lang's scalp felt numb.

These aloof beings, just like his own personality, are the kind of cautious and steady people who want to kill everyone. They would fill a hornet's nest with insecticide.

There is no 95% chance of winning, multiple back-up moves, is this the type of killer that won't take action?

They blocked their own novice village with such solemnity.

You are just bullying a weak mortal. With this wave coming, you want to add four or eight layers of insurance? ?

So shameless.

Wu Lang was helpless. These people were determined to kill them all. Wouldn't they just kill you as an emperor?

A human emperor said: "In this way, these people really don't need our help to develop the technique. I am really congratulated to the people of Jingzhou!"

"The people of Jingzhou should also be self-reliant." Wu Lang said lightly.

"But I still have one doubt." He hesitated for a while and stopped talking.

"Mother-in-law, tell me."

Wu Lang spoke directly, "Since you want to discuss with me the overall situation of Jingzhou and the people's livelihood in the world, there is no need to be too rigid."

This Human Emperor was slightly angry, took a deep breath, and slowly said, "Your Excellency is actually able to achieve this level, but there is still a big problem if you can open it up by one person without letting others help."

"Have you ever thought about it?"

"Everyone has their own specialties, Your Excellency. It's okay to develop one or two techniques and leave them to them."

"But how can we develop countless different types and fields of exercises for them?"

"There are specializations in the arts. The fire spirit root opens up fire-attribute skills, and the water spirit root opens up water-attribute skills."

"How can a monk with water spiritual roots develop fire-attribute skills?"

He showed sorrow: "Your Excellency also said that every inch has its shortcomings and its strengths. You can open a few doors now, but what about the future? How can you open up unique skills in other fields that you don't understand?"

Wu Lang was silent for a few seconds.

Are you waiting for me here?

What a killing blow.

Everyone has a specialty.

Prescribing medicine for doctors?

Open Confucianism to scholars?

Open up a new path for craftsmen?

How can one person do this? Naturally, some of it must be opened up for others. Everyone has strengths, weaknesses, and talents.

In this world, no gold is pure and no one is perfect.

Normally this would be the third kill, but it's a pity.

"Good! What a direct question!"

Wu Lang stood up and looked at the other contemporary Human Emperors.

"This question is indeed related to the people of Jingzhou, so I will answer it for you!" His voice was leisurely, with a cool and quiet tone.


Wu Lang stretched out his hand and made a move, condensing his artistic conception, and said with a faint smile: "Do you know how much Dharma intention I have cultivated? The golden elixir I condensed is not the Dharma intention of the Human Emperor!"

The emperors were slightly surprised.

He has actually condensed the golden elixir?

How long has it been since then, and he has to cultivate at such a fast pace, and he has to develop various techniques crazily.

How can he manage his time?

He is truly ruthless and diligent to an incredible degree.

"The will of law appears!"

Following the young scholar's soft drink.

A stream of Dharma intention slowly rose up behind him, forming a majestic and profound vision, and various Dharma intentions slowly emerged in the sky.


Visions gathered behind him.

Everyone seemed to see a scholar walking on a hundred paths.

He is plowing the fields, reciting poems in the mountains, practicing medicine in the market, painting in the barren mountains, drawing array diagrams, building buildings, chanting sutras in temples, and sitting in Taoist temples.

"I cultivate one hundred ways to become one, and walk the path of unity."

"I have traveled all over the world, through mountains and rivers, read hundreds of books, practiced in various fields, and have a basic understanding of all dharma."

"People observe hundreds of dharmas with their hearts, and observing hundreds of dharmas also opens up the path to all kinds of dharmas for the common people!"


Vision condenses.

A scholar is in his study, with countless classics and unique knowledge behind him, all of which are in the fields he is proficient in. They are all classics written by great sages and sages.

However, there were countless beautiful women with pink and white bones around him, but he turned a blind eye and only read the books of sages.

This Dharma vision? ?

Facing this almost mythical scene, several Human Emperors showed disbelief on their faces.

In the world, the golden elixir can only accommodate one or two kinds of Dharma thoughts, such as gold, wood, and earth, but no one has dozens of visions and countless Dharma thoughts surrounding knives and swords.

This scene subverted their three views, and at the same time subverted their understanding that the miscellaneous spiritual roots were very weak, because although they had never seen the amazing skills of the first disciple and the second disciple, this one in front of them , which is unprecedented!

This mortal's unique skill with mixed spiritual roots is beyond the pale.

"His golden elixir, dozens of Dharma ideas, slash and burn farming, chess, calligraphy and painting, scholar, farmer, industry and commerce. He is proficient in countless fields."

Scholars practice hundreds of ways and open up hundreds of ways in the world!

They saw an unforgettable scene: "He alone can open up thousands of ways for the people of the world!"

Good night

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