Wu Lang was dumbfounded, "This first place is actually very interesting."

How could Xu Xinying, a guy with a bad mouth who deserves a beating, be number one in every bladder battle that takes the longest and is extremely torturous?

I'm just afraid that no one else will fight her.

But think about it too.

Everyone can see the characteristics of Xu Xinying's system of exercises.

Although he is not the legendary "Saint Seiya", it is so exaggerated that the second attack will be ineffective after the first attack, but he uses his own sword intention, sword intention, and magic intention to chop her hundreds or thousands of times? ?

This is not only to help the other party to strengthen his body and perfect his "Sword Tomb", but also to make this woman develop corresponding resistance to his own law!


Xi Ruming, these contemporary geniuses, were unwilling to be her whetstone and surrendered directly.

Wait until the second half of the finals to deal with her.

"Trash, trash!"

Xu Xinying came down from the ring with a sarcastic look on her face, "Xi Ruming, weren't you very proud just now? Now you are surrendering without fighting me no matter how hard you fight? You are a sissy, is that all? You are also known as the descendant of the number one demon sect in Kyushu. ??Are you ashamed to surrender without a fight?"

"By the way, you seem to have taken the road of invincibility. Now that you are afraid of me, there must be something wrong with your Taoist heart, right? How pitiful!"

Xu Xinying has been practicing as a bitch for many years, and her level of ridicule is very high.

She is like a boxer in a boxing match, she talks a lot of trash and is very professional and skillful.


Xi Ruming's complexion also turned livid.

Obviously, as a lofty and typical traditional monk, and always aloof, no one has ever dared to ridicule him with the speech of a street gangster without fear of death.

"here you go!"

"Well done!"

Some monks nearby also smiled.

Xi Ruming has always been domineering and cannibalizing, giving them a strong sense of oppression. The melee in the finals is his home court, and now he is finally proud.

Sure enough, the most troublesome people in this world are women.

Some introverted and timid monks began to have some fear in their hearts, and felt that they had to be more cautious when seeking Taoist companions in the future.

"What are you looking at?"

Xu Xinying glanced at them, "I'm not talking about him, Xi Ruming, I'm talking about all the geniuses here, they are all rubbish!!!"

Suddenly, the crowd was excited.

"Smelly woman, don't think I dare not hit you!"

"Is this the quality of Jingzhou monks?"

"You are a wild woman, you have absolutely no morals and no manners like a monk!"

Some grumpy monks around began to curse, after all, who is not his family’s treasure? Where have you ever seen such humiliation?

Xu Xinying's tongue is very venomous, and she is not timid at all.

"The young generation of heroes and geniuses in this world are all weaklings. You don't even dare to hit me, a weak woman who won't resist you, even if you ask me to hit me!"

"You soft-shelled men are just good enough to beat your wives at home!"

Xu Xinying started boxing.

And others were downright furious.

Can't a group of us scold her?

But my best friend Mu Jiqiu was very blushing, looking like I didn't know this guy, and hid secretly.

But many people gradually feel that something is wrong.

Xu Xinying looked like she was being scolded by dozens of people, surrounded by hundreds of people, but her face was red with embarrassment and she looked like she was enjoying the honey juice.

That blushing face looked very much like the heroine in a plot.

"No, don't argue with her!"

Someone immediately noticed it and shouted loudly: "You have the right to fight with words. At our level, our legal will will appear with every move and gesture. We can also bombard her with abuse, which is equivalent to helping her to strengthen her body!"

Everyone's faces suddenly turned bad.

Why is this girl's skills so outrageous?

A group of people were scolding her, but they were also exercising?

This technique is really cheap in every sense of the word! !

Beating her was to help her get in shape.

Scolding her is helping her practice.

Just like a hedgehog, you can only hide to avoid her, but she has the face-riding output to taunt you crazily.

A real sword tomb.

Everyone's expressions suddenly turned bad. Who created such a mind-attacking and vicious technique?

And high.

When the old emperor Huang Gudi saw this scene, he couldn't help but became speechless, "How could such a person appear in Jingzhou? This body-forging demon cultivation method is really bizarre. He is truly the most talented person in his generation."

Even he found this outrageous.

The concept of this technique is unparalleled. After this battle, I am afraid that the entire Jiuzhou world will become famous.

After all, such a despicable magic power is unprecedented.

You think Shitianfu’s magic power is terrifying, right?

But people only have strong deterrence, strong lethality, and uprightness, but this is the first time for such a "heart-killing" evil martial arts.

There was a mudslide.

"It's okay." Wu Lang nodded, that's because you haven't seen the crooked-mouthed Dragon King disciple next door.


Wu Lang took a look at Ji Fa, who was ranked one thousandth.

The senior sister said it was a surprise for herself. The strongest combat power of the first batch of closed beta players should not be too bad.

With such lagging results, he should be hiding his clumsiness, or it might be that once his trump card is announced, everyone will be afraid and wary of him.

There is no benefit in overthinking it.

"In this way, the first half of the martial arts performance is over."

High above, the young emperor sat on the throne and slowly said, "After half a day of practice, I will transport you to a secret realm."


Many monks from various sects around the ring stopped their voices and listened quietly.

I just feel that the aura of this young emperor is different. Could it be that he has broken through the divine transformation stage? The progress is incredible.

"And the secret realm is divided into three places."

"The secret realm of ocean currents, the secret realm of the sky, the secret realm of the earth."

The young emperor above stretched out his hand, and the outlines of three secret realms appeared.

As the great emperor of the world of cultivating immortals in a continent, since he ensures that the martial arts performance in the arena is fair and just, the influence of the secret environment has a great impact on the actual performance of various monks.

"Please give me the sword of law!"

Following a loud shout, a ruling figure appeared in the void.

"Please, all past emperors, bear witness to justice!"

The emperor above took out a bamboo tube, drew a lot from it, and then slowly threw it into the sky.

【Ocean Current Secret Realm】

Above the clouds, these four golden characters slowly appeared in the sky.

"Ocean current?"

"That's acceptable."

"It's a dangerous situation."

Everyone murmured.

And no one doubts impartiality.

The sword of law is absolutely impartial and can even depose the current emperor.

Half a day was very short and urgent. They began to prepare, do some training and recovery, and randomly teleport into the secret realm in the best condition.

Half a day later, they were transported to an ocean current and started fighting.


Countless ocean currents surged, and there was silence all around.

Under the ground, I occasionally saw various sea fish and sea beasts flying in the ocean currents.

The monks present were all imprisoned in the Nascent Soul stage and began to participate in the fight.

And some unlucky monks landed at a random location and started fighting and colliding with each other.


In an ocean current.

"We must find Xu Xinying as soon as possible." He pointed to the sky, and the sword energy soared through the sky. All the monks in the nearby generation saw this signal.

"It's sister."

Xu Xinying blinked and rushed over quickly.

On an island.

Xi Ruming saw that scene of soaring sword energy and said calmly: "How bold. Exposing your position is a taboo in this battle. You are not afraid that I will go find her and eat her!"

But he just said it.

That woman was very strong, and it would be difficult to defeat her in the early stages without killing a few people, so she was so bold.

He even deliberately provoked him to find her, Mu Jiqiu, and attack him when he was at his weakest?

"Find the soft persimmon first."

He said calmly, "The entire arena is my fish pond, and the quality of these fish is unprecedentedly high. I have grown up rapidly. No one in the entire arena is my opponent. I will turn into a big shark and kill them all." people."

He walked slowly on the waves step by step.

"The winner of these ten people is not ten people. They will kill them all until I am the only one left to challenge the Jingzhou Emperor."

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