I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 236 The real plan

"Where did this stupid bird come from? It's causing harm to our sect members."

"It's not a matter of speed. When you get tired of running, you will die too."

The holy masters looked strange and turned around the water mirror projections one by one. It seemed that the disciples from all the major competitions began to panic, did not trust the people around them, and began to walk independently.

However, a small number of monks acted secretly and were not afraid of Xi Ruming at all.

"Bones, I found another exquisite skeleton."

At this time, a beautiful and innocent girl's nose twitched, as if she was smelling something, and then she kept walking and finally picked up a few white skeletons.

She has a special secret that allows her to sense the sweet smell of death in white bones. "Make a fortune silently. Get a few more and it will be even better. Clear the place quickly, Xi Ruming."

"Killing evildoers, killing evildoers are everywhere."

A handsome monk with his hands folded is sitting on a lotus platform, exuding gentle Buddha light.

"Yes." Jing Ge smiled slightly and said: "Xi Ruming, this person is cruel to the extreme. In this battle, we will definitely kill him! I, the Emperor of Jingzhou, are not without one, and I want to avenge the shame on the world. !”

Around him, there were several contemporary geniuses from the Renhuang Sect.

At this time, Fenjing Temple and the Renhuang Sect from all over the country had joined forces from the beginning and gathered together, and they were not worried about Xi Ruming sneaking into their midst.

After all, although the contemporary Buddhist disciples of Fenjing Temple cannot calculate the location of the opponent like the saint son of Doyan Sect, it is still easy for contemporary Buddhist disciples to sense the disguise of evil spirits around them.

Xi Ruming couldn't get in.

At the very least, they can keep their surroundings safe.

"Clear the place, let him be proud first." Everyone smiled and said: "We Buddhist cultivators and human emperors have the best way to defeat evil spirits."


Mu Jiqiu and his party, dozens of people gathered here.

They were all local monks from Jingzhou and had planned a strategy from the beginning.

At the beginning, Mu Jiqiu directly fired a sword energy that reached the sky and summoned disciples from Xu Xinying, Baihua Pavilion and other places to join together.

This is the alliance headquarters of Jingzhou monks.

"It can be confirmed that there is chaos outside."

Mu Jiqiu frowned and said: "They formed a demon-slaying alliance. We originally planned to watch in the dark and reap the benefits, but we were defeated by the opponent."

"The only thing we can be sure of is that Xi Ruming is not among us."

"After all, when I gave the order at the beginning, Xi Ruming didn't dare to come to me and Xu Xinying without eating people. Our swords and shields work together perfectly, and we are the first with the highest combat power, and the third name."

"But just because we don't have him now, it doesn't mean that he won't be close in a while."

"We don't need to go out. We just need to wait quietly in a place to prevent Xi Ruming from getting in among us."

People are constantly communicating.

Xi Ruming's fear was still suppressed in everyone's hearts.

"Don't be anxious! Now before the battle, if you tense up your nerves and it's not good for your condition, why don't you let go and hit me to relax your spirits?"

Xu Xinying suggested enthusiastically.


Jinghuang City.

Everyone was watching this game, watching helplessly as Xi Ruming ate people.

The whole world fell into despair.

Trust was broken down, and the monks could not even trust the people next to them, so they could only be hunted down one by one.

"It's over!"

"Xi Ruming, that man-eating monster is going to kill everyone!"

Everyone kept turning pale.

The several human emperors sitting on the throne had calm expressions, as if it was a small scene, and they were watching everything here with great interest.

Sitting on the throne, Wu Lang looked at these geniuses from various factions, constantly collecting information about the younger generation in all nine states, and smiled slightly: "Everyone, are there many cases like this?"

"There were a lot of them before, but then there were less."

A human emperor laughed and said: "Later, most of the Shitianfu were banned from participating. They were just a ring system, which was too advantageous. Otherwise, in a normal one-on-one, the opponent would be able to devour double or triple the fate of the combat power. , the spiritual energy reserves in everyone’s body are the same, but others also have to fight.”

"In fact, they have multiple times of life and multiple spells, so when fighting, the spiritual energy consumption is still huge, which is the skill of three axes. If no one eats it, other geniuses of the same level can still fight."

Wu Lang was speechless.

Also, if you fight with double or triple spiritual roots, your spiritual energy will naturally double during the battle. Even if you are a weak man for a few minutes, you still have a chance to defeat the opponent unless you have eaten and drank enough before the battle.

"How do you see the situation at this time?" At this time, the Ancient Human Emperor smiled, as if he wanted to test himself.

"Well, the six-party forces."

Wu Lang thought for a while, "The most crushing party is obviously Xi Ruming. The other five forces are the Fat Chicken and Strange Beast, the White Bone Saint, the Jingburn Temple and the Human Emperor Sect Alliance, the Jingzhou Native Alliance, and Young Master of the Taoyan Sect."

"The remaining five parties obviously know that they can't stop Xi Ruming from eating people. When Xi Ruming is almost clearing the place frantically, they will tacitly unite into a force and start a war with Xi Ruming who has reached the peak of his combat power."

There are limits to people's belly.

I would probably be full after eating only a few hundred.

Although it seems powerful, if we work together to defeat the BOSS, it doesn't seem like we can't defeat it, right?

Wu Lang looked at the layout below like a gambling game, and found it quite interesting. Everyone was different, and they were making crazy calculations and fighting.

At this time, the Ancient Emperor of the Human Emperor smiled and said: "Forget the other five. Hasn't the young master of Daoyan Sect failed and been useless now? He is still crying where he is, feeling that he has been defeated by Xi Ruming. Dao Xin Damaged.”

"I think he is pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger." Wu Lang shook his head.

"Why?" The emperor suddenly smiled.

Wu Lang patiently analyzed: "He looks like a loser now, but in fact he has lost nothing at all, right? It is more likely that he is showing weakness to the enemy."

"He is very smart. He calls on everyone at the beginning, uses his own advantages, calculates the opponent's position, and prepares to kill the opponent together. It is good to win, but Xi Ruming breaks his killing frame and cannot surround Xi Ruming, so he will not lose anything. ? And in turn, Xi Ruming can start clearing the place like crazy."

Wu Lang said: "Anyway, he seems to be standing there in defeat, scolding his fake self. In fact, he is not in a hurry at all, right? He senses Xi Ruming's general position at all times, and as soon as Xi Ruming gets close, he can run away. .”

"He is the person that Xi Ruming is least likely to kill? He is the most fearless."

"And Xi Ruming, maybe he knows his insidiousness?"

Wu Lang carefully guessed and said in a very uncertain tone: "So, Xi Ruming has no intention of asking him to let him and the fake self pretend to be in place, and the two of them are clearing the place in a tacit understanding?"

"To put it this way, the other monks who were taken advantage of were miserable."

"I didn't know anything at the beginning, so I was played with, and used as a disposable chess piece to deal with Xi Ruming, and then I was eaten without knowing anything."

Everyone smiled, clapped and laughed and said: "As expected of the Emperor of Jingzhou, he can tell all the details while talking and laughing. The people of Daoyan Sect are the most insidious. Even if they have no plans, we also think that is the case. You talk and laugh, The final battle has come to an end.”

Wu Lang just smiled.

He has practiced the Baixiao Divine Art, and his wisdom, talent, and knowledge have really improved a lot. He can truly compare his wisdom with these old guys.

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