Xi Ruming never thought of today in his dreams.

He used to think that the people in the world who could catch his eye were only a few Bone Bodhisattvas, and the rest were just miscellaneous fish that could be pushed flat with one hand!

But in front of him, the miscellaneous fish in this arena were hindering him one after another, causing him to suffer injuries and frequent losses, forcing him to use all kinds of trump cards.

In fact, if the various potentials they show in the future are developed, they may not be inferior to him.

"It's just a Jingzhou arena!"

Xi Ruming was also completely angry, and thought to himself: "You haven't even fought in front of that young emperor yet, and you fell in front of him? Are you being laughed at?"

"This is completely forcing me to be serious! Can't you even hide your final trump card?" Xi Ruming quickly rose up and turned into a giant of a hundred meters.

"This is my true body!"

His whole body was huge and vast, like a ferocious demon statue giant. Every scale on his body was a demon face, and all fifty tribes in the world had one of those faces. He was like a thousand-faced Shura evil god.

All kinds of sharp claws, fangs, wings, dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and demons all gathered and emerged on him, forming a comprehensive indescribable creature.

He seems to have stood at the end of life!

He is an anomaly in the history of biology, constantly devouring and evolving, and is the ultimate creature in the world of Kyushu today!

"Shitian Mansion is inherited from the ancient tribe of witches. We all drink blood like hair, swallow heaven and earth, and are the ancient gods of war!"

He took a step forward and reached out to grab the Archaeopteryx, "Your power is endless! As long as I give you some chance to recover, I can only kill you in an instant!!"

Bang bang bang bang!

"Don't even think about it!"

Ji Fa's figure turned into golden light, and countless true spirit flames burned his whole body. He kept jumping and dodging in the void, and chaotic explosions followed one after another.


Xi Ruming showed his sharp edge, shrouded in monstrous demonic flames, and slowly slashed with an earth-shattering sword.

"Get away! I must get away!" Angry roars erupted from him, and his whole body seemed to burn into flames. His flesh and blood were burned away, and he turned into a golden energy-souled sacred bird in the void. Hide everywhere, avoiding every fatal blow.

"Friends, if one thousand is not enough, just ten thousand. If ten thousand is not enough, then one hundred thousand!!" He roared, burning crazily, and the companions in his body jumped into the furnace and moved forward indomitably.

He lengthened his reaction time.

He travels through the mezzanine dimensions of space.

All the accumulated knowledge of the entire race was consumed in an instant by this move. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of white-feathered chicken monks lost their souls and disappeared between heaven and earth.

outside world.

"Xi Ruming cut it empty?"

"He actually dodged it!"

"Come on, that flaming divine bird, you can actually resist the number one demon sect in the world on your own!"

"Kill him!"

"No! If you hold on, you will win! Shitianfu is good at bursting out, he won't last long!"

During this battle, everyone outside the ring clenched their fists, and the roar of mountains and tsunamis could not be heard. Everyone shouted, excited for this white-feathered chicken.

Xi Ruming from Shitian Mansion is simply terrifying!

He has defeated so many geniuses, but now this divine bird resists alone and actually holds the opponent back alive!

"There is hope that we can win!"

Countless people looked at this scene in surprise.

Many people pondered where this strange beast monk came from. It was surrounded by golden true spirit flames and had endless mana!

"Trouble, I took all these moves."

Xi Ruming transformed into a demonic giant ape, constantly jumping like catching flies, chasing the opponent, beating the opponent until he vomited blood and flew backwards.

Another tough guy.

Although he has no fighting power, he is very capable of running!

If this continues, even if he kills the opponent, he may completely reach exhaustion and completely capsize in the gutter.

He regretted it a little.

If you choose Xu Xinying's side, no matter how hard the other party resists, he will probably be hacked to death by him now.

Because Xu Xinying does not have infinite magic power.

But the guy in front of him has basically confirmed that he has more mana than himself! Even though he was squandering mana so lavishly and resisting and dodging crudely, he still couldn't use up his energy.

"It's time to stop."

Xi Ruming sighed, looked at the unyielding Archaeopteryx, and frowned, "Sorry, I can't clear the place anymore."


Ji Fa gasped for breath, the feeling of surviving a disaster lingering all over his body, and he looked at Xi Ruming warily.

"If I continue to pursue you in this battle, others will benefit."

Xi Ruming's whole body gradually returned to normal, he exited his body, transformed into a human form, looked at this mysterious white-feathered divine bird, and said lightly:

"I can use external force to cast various spells infinitely, but you alone blocked my attack and blocked my slaughterhouse. Your name is enough to shock the world!"

He spoke slowly, "Ji Fa, right? The young generation in the world, you should have a seat in this new world."

Ji Fa opened his lips.

In fact, I borrowed more external forces and a race to compete with you.

"You may have immortal talent, and you can be worthy of my opponent."

Xi Ruming was a proud man, so he turned around and left with a flash of displeasure:

"But your great power, time, space, and infinite mana have been used so wastefully."

"I hope that next time we fight, you can reach the peak in all fields, instead of just relying on your immortal and infinite mana body to delay time."

Xi Ruming turned around and said, "With that said, I'm going to find trouble with the Demon Slayer Alliance."

Ji Fa suddenly opened his eyes wide.

He watched Xi Ruming leave nervously.

Only when he was completely sure that he was no longer touching himself did he relax completely.



It flapped its wings and plummeted from the sky, free-falling.

Although his physical power was still endless, his mind was exhausted. After falling from the sky, he lay on the sea level, drifting with the current.

The rest of the battle is their business.

I have already obtained ten winning tickets.

"We did it. We walked out of the breeding farm, crossed into Kyushu, and stepped into the galaxy." He suddenly murmured, and the Nascent Soul in his body opened his eyes and entered the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

Ji Fa looked at his companions who were lining up to die and this golden incinerator, and gently stroked the golden true spirit patterns on it, feeling an inexplicable sense of relief.

He turned around and showed a touching smile, with light in his eyes:

"Gentlemen, although we are extremely saddened by the sacrifice of countless compatriots, I sincerely look forward to witnessing the moment in the future when we step out of the cradle of the earth, wander through the underworld, and step into eternal life."

"The mysterious bird of destiny descends and gives birth to Zhou."

Xi Ruming put down Ji Fa, turned around, and returned to the Demon Slayer Alliance again.

Xi Ruming looked at the people in front of him, and finally his eyes fell on Xu Xinying.

After experiencing the battle just now, he suddenly felt a little relieved. The side effects of the magic power were reduced a lot, and he was no longer so brutal in killing.

Xi Ruming was still in the mood to smile and said, "Woman, can you handle another thirty knives from me?"

After confirming that the bird and beast could not be eradicated, Xi Ruming could only find ways to continue to eliminate the number of people here.

Although he really doesn't want to admit it, for him now, the best situation is:

After eradicating the alliance in front of them, only himself and Ji Fa were left, occupying five seats each.

If you don't eliminate the opponent and there are more than ten people left, what if you are the first? Ten people divided up ten seats, and he could only occupy one seat. That was the worst result.

"Will you take thirty knives?"

Xu Xinying was dumbfounded, "You monster, you beat me so fiercely, but your physical strength is still so strong?"

"I am the tallest. I can still swing out a full blow of one hundred and twenty swords, and there are still one hundred and twenty people in my stomach that have not been digested."

Xi Ruming said calmly: "But in order to ensure that there is still energy left in the body, all of you join forces to deal with me again and kill me. I only use thirty swords now. If you can't resist, I will let you pass."

Now that things have happened, he has openly revealed all his current trump cards.

This is his pride.

After all, it's useless to hide it now.

"You can give it a try."

Xu Xinying's injuries from being slashed all over her body had not yet recovered, and she was eager to try, "Actually, you are too strong, and your magic power is big and thick. I originally estimated that I could withstand up to two hundred swords. If you didn't go to find that bird just now, You have a lot of energy left to attack me, but I really can’t bear it!”

"Perhaps." Xi Ruming said, "But if I chop you two hundred times, other people will not quietly watch me do it, but will take the opportunity to attack me too, which will be difficult for me to handle."

In fact, the decision was wrong after all.

Who would have thought that that strange beast has more magic power than himself?

As a result, I used up a lot of energy in vain,

"Then, thirty knives."

Xi Ruming's figure quickly grew in size, turning into a thousand-faced evil god, and said calmly: "It's begun!"

"Thirty swords for this size?"

A blush lit up Xu Xinying's face, "Yours is bigger and thicker. My body is so small, I may not be able to resist it."

Xi Ruming kept his expression calm and waved his knife.

"Do it!"

The other monks started to attack Xi Ruming one after another.

Xi Ruming didn't move either, and the two sides stood up and exchanged blows.

High above the Jingzhou Arena is the throne of the emperor.

The young emperor sitting high in the center slowly said: "It seems that after the battle between Archaeopteryx and Xi Ruming, the outcome will be decided."

no doubt.

As long as your brains are not stupid and you don't make mistakes, everyone will come up with the optimal solution when three parties show their cards.

There are three clear cards in Landlords. If they fight against each other, can you still make mistakes?

At least.

These geniuses can't go wrong.

"It looks like it's coming to an end."

A human emperor smiled and said: "That Xi Ruming obviously retains some of his physical strength, not only to prevent others from attacking him, but also to prepare to challenge a certain contemporary emperor after getting the first seat. Are you ready? "

"I am not sure."

Wu Lang smiled, showing a bit of solemnity, and said: "He is simply crazy. He deliberately saved his strength and wanted to do something to me. Although he has been watching the battle and studying his heels and techniques, he is extremely Dominant. But to be honest, I don’t see the solution to him.”

"Can't understand again?"

The Ancient Human Emperor was speechless, and said with a full smile: "But it will be fine if you take care of your body."

"I feel uneasy and have no confidence."

Wu Lang sat on the emperor's throne, showing a hint of contemplation.

Xi Ruming, who has invincible magic power, can only resist Ji Fa, who has cheating magic power. It is indeed difficult to do so.

"However, it turns out that Xi Ruming is no longer a human being. His true form is really amazing." A human emperor said with a smile.

"I wonder if I can inherit it? How about borrowing some seeds?"

Someone said with great interest: "Is this a hodgepodge of fifty tribes? Isn't this a new and strongest race that can support the leader of all tribes?"

"It's probably not hereditary. He ate countless people to evolve such a perfect and powerful body. It can't bear the daily wear and tear. This is not a naturally produced demon body, so he doesn't use this body normally!"

Someone said with a smile: "I guess he won't be able to give birth. If he does, he probably won't be able to keep up with the nutrition after birth and will become a stillbirth."

Wu Lang was speechless.

These old guys are thinking of taking advantage again and starting to plot against others.

Do you even want to take advantage of Shitianfu?

Borrowing seeds with a lot of money?

Speaking of which, Kyushu also has this habit.

Generally, the bloodline and fate of a strong person can be passed on to future generations.

Therefore, some insidious powerful people use honey traps to seduce the other party, defraud the other party, and then inherit the other party's bloodline and fate, and then attract them to spread their influence.

"Now, it is unrealistic to borrow seeds from him."

Some Emperor felt regretful and said: "However, the best candidate for borrowing seeds in the world is still our Jingzhou Emperor."

Wu Lang was silent, his palms slightly tightened on the armrest of the throne, making a clicking sound.

"That is."

Another emperor laughed and said:

"Who doesn't want to have a child like this, who has the blood of the Human Emperor and the new Baixiao Taoist body? He will be the prince of Jingzhou in the future, destined to be the emperor of the two races. Such a golden son-in-law. , even I want to marry my daughter, there are too many things inherited by future generations, each one can open up an era!"

"Yes, this is probably because the predecessors planted trees so that the descendants can enjoy the shade." Another human emperor said: "I think the first generation of human emperors were like this back then, so that we, the human emperors of all generations, can inherit the blood of our ancestors. Grace.”

"Now, there is no doubt that a brand new Human Emperor has appeared." Another Human Emperor chuckled: "My daughter is extremely beautiful, that's right."

Wu Lang sat on the throne, silent and looking down at the arena.

These old emperors are working on themselves overtly and covertly all day long. When they become stronger one day, they will really have to go to the immortal world in the next continent to kill the emperor.

While they were entertaining themselves, the Jingzhou martial arts competition below seemed to be coming to an end.

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