No one can describe the amazingness of this move.

How perfect and incredible.

For monks like them who long for power, any words are a blasphemy against this move that is close to the Tao.

But there are still shameless people who start to describe it with their own poor and simple brains.

"It's amazing! I seemed to see the midwife's hands delivering hundreds of babies in Xi Ruming's belly at that moment." Xu Xinying laughed.

Everyone's face was dark.

"Nonsense, at this moment, I seem to see his hands dissecting a rotting corpse." Mu Jiqiu laughed and actually made a wonderful metaphor.

Everyone opened their mouths, feeling that two aliens were mixed into the serious scene.

There was obviously something abnormal about these two people.

Mu Jiqiu was obviously led astray by Xu Xinying.

"My hands are killing people before I even move my brain!" At this time, Ji Fa also said: "I want ten kilograms of fine meat, cut it into minced meat, and don't see any fat on it! If you want another ten kilograms, it will be fat, don't You can see some of the essence on top! If you want another ten pounds of golden cartilage, you have to chop it into minced meat carefully, don’t see some of the meat on top!"

Everyone was completely speechless.

But in the eyes of everyone, they did see a completely different scene.

And more specifically:

At that moment, they seemed to have seen a wonderful scene that they would never forget.

[The pig named "Xi Ruming" was pushed into the bustling city, and various market occupations worked together to analyze and divide labor. 】

Is this the sage emperor of Jingzhou?

The pioneer of the world of cultivation?

Just for a moment, he had indeed shown various cultivation techniques in this exhibition match, and he had performed them heartily.

Although Xi Ruming was used as a stepping stone.

high places.

"This move completely dismembered Xi Ruming."

"This is the first time that someone at the same level can truly defeat the invincible Shitianfu monk head-on."

The expressions of the Eight Great Human Emperors changed slightly.

"Practice in one hundred ways and master one hundred ways."

The Ancient Human Emperor also smiled, sitting on a high seat and said: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that he would actually achieve this step."

The old man suddenly stood up, happily patted several Human Emperors on the shoulders, and laughed loudly:

"By the way, do you know the biggest flaw of Shitian Mansion? He is not one and the same! They are a stitched body, pieced together here and there. Their destiny is obtained from other people, and their mana is provided by the person in their belly."

"Just like a craftsman, the temporary magic weapon pieced together by countless square tripods is not completely integrated!"

"And he, like a butcher dissecting a cow, dissects these square tripod pieces one by one, just like dismantling the entire Jingzhou city."

The Ancient Human Emperor took a deep breath and said, "No matter how powerful Xi Ruming's magic power is, it is not completely integrated. This is his fatal weakness, but it is almost impossible to have this kind of skill in this world."

He is knowledgeable and knows all kinds of secrets. He naturally knows the details and flaws of Shitian Mansion.

This is like the mortal martial arts, the life gate of the golden bell, which can break the martial arts instantly, but almost no one can find this life gate.

Don't underestimate Shitianfu's skills. After hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, they have been pushed to the peak of perfection and their weaknesses have been minimized.

He even knew some more interesting secrets from the past.

At this moment, he became interested, and suddenly smiled and talked about some scandals in Shitian Mansion:

"I know an ancient secret. There was once a family of remnants of the ancient immortal world who were born with three eyes. It was the legendary third eye that broke the ban."

"They are the descendants of a clan of gods and generals in the ancient fairy world. This clan was haunted by ghosts and ghosts. Hundreds of thousands of years later, it was almost extinct in this world. Only some hybrid descendants are left. Occasionally, they awaken the ancient blood and regain their third eye."

"The monks of Shitian Mansion are only afraid of this third eye, because this eye can see through restrictions and barriers, and can also see through the vital points of their bodies, take out all the people in their stomachs, and dissect their flesh and blood , cut off their endless mana."

"And now, this young emperor has achieved this step without the magic-breaking eye."

The Ancient Emperor of Humanity showed some emotion and made a conclusion: "Shitian Mansion, from now on, there is no threat in his eyes, like a wild dog on the street, he can kill it with ease!"

"In other words, the Baixiao Taoist body he developed is the nemesis of the entire Shitian Mansion. His descendants will be like the three-eyed tribesmen who can defeat the Shitian Mansion."

"The Shitianfu family will fight him to death. From now on, he will not be allowed in the world."

The Ancient Human Emperor said calmly: "He is going to be in danger, but it doesn't matter. Which major sect in the world doesn't want to touch him? Don't want to kill him?"

Back then, there were two reasons why the descendants of the Three-Eyed Immortal Realm became extinct.

First, their bloodline and destiny are special destiny organs that can be transplanted and inherited to take away their destiny, so many people dig out their eyes.

Second, Shitian Mansion secretly killed them all.

While they were discussing, the young emperor who easily defeated Xi Ruming returned to the throne high above.

His white clothes were fluttering, as if he had never experienced a battle. He sat on the throne, looked down again, and said with a smile: "I am very happy to perform martial arts for the world."

"The above are also my methods of cultivation. You have all seen them."

This great emperor said:

"In this way, Jingzhou's martial arts performance ends here. The ten contemporary geniuses should each establish their own sects to create a prosperous future for us in Jingzhou!"

He sat on the Golden Palace again and looked at the remaining geniuses: "Everyone, do you still have questions? Feel free to tell me!"

Suddenly, there was silence below.

The move just now was really amazing, and they were still immersed in it, so what else could go wrong?

Unlike people like Xi Ruming, the background and unique skills of Emperor Jing are all unknown, and the unknown is the most terrifying thing.

If you don't know the moves and abilities of this Emperor's Scripture, you won't be able to target his skills. It's easiest to "kill him at first sight", which is the case with Xi Ruming, and they don't dare to offend him again.

"In this case, this competition should be concluded successfully."

With that said, the entire Jingzhou competition was over.


Next, Emperor Jing slowly stepped down from the throne.

After the entire Jingzhou Martial Arts Competition, there was a three-day closing ceremony, which allowed the geniuses to communicate, ask questions, and pack their bags.

During this period, there were also various dance programs to entertain various monks in Jingzhou City.

Beside him, Shark Yu'er showed a bit of regret and told Wu Lang the content of the conversation between the Human Emperor and the Ancient Emperor just now.

"I see." Wu Lang nodded, "With my physique, I am destined to live forever in the Shitianfu lineage?"

Shark Yu'er said: "It's a pity that I couldn't kill Xi Ruming just now."

"It can't be killed."

Wu Lang nodded, showing a bit of regret.

He can dissect Xi Ruming and kill him instantly.

But it was impossible for him to accidentally kill his courtier, his "beloved" in an exhibition match in front of the world without committing any crime.

This is a slap in the face. Where is the majesty of the emperor?

All sects must follow rules, and the emperor must follow rules even more.

"Ruming, he won the first seat. Do you really want him to establish a sect in our Jingzhou?" Xiao Yu'er sighed, "If the Shitian Mansion, the number one demon sect in the world, opens a branch in our Jingzhou, our Jingzhou will definitely be devastated. !!”

"Of course not."

Wu Lang smiled, sat on the backstage, and watched the singing and dancing in Jingzhou Imperial City and countless lively performances. He suddenly smiled and said: "I have no crime to kill him now, but in less than half a day at most, he Xi Ruming will start to rebel. , with the numerous demon alliances in Jingzhou, the Tribulation Emperor began to prove the emperor."

"Performing martial arts is just a trivial matter. In order to be justified, they have succeeded in proving the emperor one after another and attacking and seizing power in Jingzhou, which is a major event!"

"He is about to start rebelling. Then, we can justifiably kill him!"

Wu Lang looked calm and looked down at the entire Jingzhou City.

Even the next door neighbor, Yunwu Dayuan, wanted to kill him secretly.

A cancerous sect like Shi Tianfu is like a thorn in his own territory. With his own personality, how could he let him take root under his nose?

Next to her, Same Yu'er blinked and thought to herself: "My husband is so cruel. He just downplayed it and seemed to say that he wanted to kill the emperor again? Those are more than ten great tribulation emperors. Did I hear it wrong?"

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