I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 270 New Undercurrent

"Well, just wait until Liu Ping comes back."

On the fifth peak, among the flowers on the other side of the mountains and plains, Wu Lang sat in the courtyard drinking tea, with a peaceful heart: "This kind of leisure is the way to immortality!"

He looked leisurely, overlooking Huangquan Road at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

"Sitting on the top of the mountain, practicing hard, going down the mountain to create a prosperous era, occasionally watching his disciples travel, going through adventures, turmoil, and great conflicts."

To be honest, Wu Lang is very satisfied with this kind of life.

Why take action personally, go out on adventures, make companions, compete with others for resources, kill people and seize treasures?

It is not my fault, Wu Lang, to set my own immortal cultivation style too low. I will wait until I reach full level before leaving the mountain.

Taoists like Xing Hanhan and disciples like Xu Xinying can just watch them silently. Although they want to be the first people of their time, I also want to be the first man of my time.

At this time, Liu Ping received the news from his master. After narrowly surviving, he planned to come back, so he came back directly.


Liu Ping bent down.

"What's going on? Your bad luck is so terrible, and you still dare to go to the sea of ​​suffering?"

Wu Lang got straight to the point and said directly: "You are not here in Jingzhou, so I rarely pay attention to you. I think that as the seventh peak senior brother, you have a stable character and are a role model for other junior sisters, but you have done this."

"You know, Senior Po Meng just summoned me. If she hadn't happened to be in the Wuji Sea of ​​​​Bitterness and could rush there quickly, you would be gone. She wants me to punish you!"

Among the three disciples.

Yun Rong's magic-breaking eye is the most suitable for adventure in the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Liuping is the most unsuitable place to go to the sea of ​​suffering.

How unlucky is he?

As soon as he comes up, he may encounter the terrifying ocean current of time, which will greatly damage his lifespan. He may go to sea for a few days and die of old age if he encounters it more than ten times in a row.

But obviously.

The first time he went to the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness, without touching the current of time, he directly encountered a larger ancient prehistoric beast seizing the body, and even the underworld token was shattered.

"Disciple also knows that he is not suitable to go to the sea of ​​suffering. My wife wanted clam beads as a birthday gift, so I went to sea." Liu Ping whispered: "I agreed to her at the first moment."

Wu Lang frowned deeply and warned: "Don't get too involved in the drama. Although getting into the drama can help you practice faster, don't do it next time!"


Liu Ping knelt down obediently, with a look of shame on his face: "Master, please punish me."

"Then just kneel down."

Wu Lang glanced at him coldly.

No rules, no standards.

I usually don't bother to care about them. If I don't really let them run wild one by one, they will be useless if they die. I don't have any magic medicine for them!

The elixir must go to the source of the Seasonless Sea of ​​Suffering: the Forbidden Zone in the Ruins of the Immortal Realm.

That place was so weird and terrifying that even the Emperor might be crushed to death by some terrifying ancient remnant. Not his current disciples could get there!

That is one of the full-level restricted areas in Kyushu.

"Among you direct disciples, only Yun Rongrang is the most worry-free."

Wu Lang shook his head and said: "Fei, an ancient disaster beast. If it walks on water, it will be exhausted. If it walks on grass, it will die. If it sees it, it will cause a great epidemic in the world. Are you feeling strange now?"

"Senior Meng Po, you wiped out the consciousness of the ancient evil spirit and suppressed it in my body. Let me slowly refine it."

Liu Ping quickly explained the abnormality of his body:

"But that's too terrifying. I can feel that if I swallow them all, I will instantly be promoted to a mid-stage tribulation emperor or above. But when I am less than a hundred years old, I will inherit tens of thousands of years of terrifying memories and become Fei instantly. "

But being so dangerous is not without its benefits.

He developed and perfected his own technique, but his second fate was unlucky, and it mutated, making him even more unlucky!

He developed his own rotten peach blossom technique.

To put it simply, his Dragon King Kung Fu has its characteristics modified according to the second life pattern. Its current effect is:

Not only absorbing other people's resentment, hatred, and disgust towards themselves, but also absorbing other people's good luck and blessings.

To put it simply, he is still the broom star who can make his green tea wife, who domestically abuses him and cuckolds him, extremely unlucky.

Wu Lang just looked weird after hearing this.

Rotten peach blossoms are just fishing tools for scumbags. You are all so capable of doing chivalry and justice, specializing in treating green tea bitches, punishing rape and eradicating evil, and also practicing spiritual practice?

"A domestic violence dragon king licks his hand and violently violently abuses his opponent, and a plague dragon king licks his hand and makes his opponent crazy and unlucky?"

"Tsk" Wu Lang chuckled in his heart.

Your Excellency, the Dragon King lineage, actually has such branches? ?

He is too lazy to care about this matter, just do whatever he likes. Anyway, he has now experienced the bad luck that someone inherited.

This Liu Ping now inherits the incomplete inheritance of Fei, the ancient god of disaster. According to legend, seeing it will bring bad luck and cause a great disaster.

Although I can't help but feel like I'm starting to choke when I drink tea, I still feel like there's a trace of inner demons and karma in my heart. The flower on the mountain seems to have a problem with its rise.

If he hadn't mastered the luck of the human emperor, the luck of the Buddha, and was the master of one's luck, he might not have been able to feel that his own luck was slowly declining and turning black.

He's sucking his luck.

At this moment, how could Wu Lang dare to let him continue to kneel?

"I wanted you to kneel down for a while and face the wall on the seventh peak to reflect on your mistakes, but you'd better go down the mountain." Wu Lang waved his hand, "But there must still be punishment for the crime."

"Master, please punish me."

Liu Ping was still very honest and honest: "By the way, Master, I got the remains of that ferocious beast, do you want it?"

With his backhand, he took out some corpses that looked extremely unfortunate, but Wu Lang quickly stopped him: "No need, just keep it yourself."

"Oh." Liu Ping still nodded.

"Well, if you want to punish me, since you are in Liangzhou, you should find a way to secretly find out the location of the disciples of First Peak Senior Brother Chi Huaqing, join them, practice with them, and become friends." Wu Lang said.

"Hey, can you just join in?" Liu Ping was confused.

"Yes, there is nothing else to do." Wu Lang waved his hand and started to chase people away. Our Seventh Peak cannot afford to support a god of plague like you.

"Yes." Liu Ping pretended to be hesitant and hesitated.

Wu Lang saw what he was thinking and said with disdain: "Wait until you and your wife have finished this life before you go on a mission."

Wu Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, it is estimated that the scumbag wife who put the hat on him will be unlucky in the future and will not last long.

As for Chi Huaqing?

So I tricked him easily.

Since he was missing, Wu Lang guessed that he might not be in Kyushu.

In the past ten years, I have been in a secret realm that is not connected to the outside world. Otherwise, if such a big thing happened in Kyushu and the world besieged Jingzhou, I would have to come back no matter what.

But this time, Po Meng finally lost her temper and secretly searched for the other party. Wu Lang was able to instantly get the information through a bug: he was in the ruins of the fairy world.

As expected, the disciples of Huangquan Sect are all promiscuous.

Chi Huaqing is also a fierce man, so he went to explore the secret realm of the ruins over there, the Tenth Continent!

After all, this world is said to be nine states, but in fact some people say it is ten continents. The fairy world that fell under the sea of ​​suffering hundreds of thousands of years ago is also one continent.

And why does Huangquan Sect have ten palace peaks?

It's because at its peak, each palace controlled a continent and had overwhelming power over the world. The leader of Huangquan's first peak was in charge of the tenth continent, Xianzhou.

"However, after the catastrophe of the Huangquan Sect, Xianzhou lost contact. Chi Huaqing was so ambitious that he went there. He probably wanted to re-strengthen the sect and regain the territory of the First Peak."

Wu Lang shook his head: "He is really not afraid of death. There is a restricted area where even the Tribulation Emperor could be crushed to death at any time."

And since I am not at the Liangzhou base camp, don't blame yourself for asking Liu Ping to get closer to the opponent's No. 1 disciple force.

If things go well, when he comes back, he will find that not only Po Meng and Xing Hanhan have been killed by the Minotaurs, but also all the forces he has worked so hard to develop are unlucky, in extreme despair, and gone into nothing.

As for taking action first, is it unethical? ?

Then it's unethical.

Frankly speaking, Wu Lang himself is a steady and well-prepared person, nipping crises in the bud.

It’s not like I haven’t seen how dangerous the No. 1 demon sect in the Huangquan Sect is per capita. Xing Hanhan and Meng Po, which one is not a bad professional?

Can Chi Huaqing, who makes Xing Hanhan so angry and wants to surpass him and is so admired by Meng Po as the candidate for the next generation of leader, be expected to be a good person?

As a migrant worker who has been exposed to social insidiousness for a long time, I no longer have such naivety.

I have a certain conflict of interest with him, the previous candidate for the next leader, and we are naturally on the opposite side.

"Chi Huaqing, this person must die."

Wu Lang whispered silently in his heart, sitting silently in the courtyard of the Seventh Peak, silently planning:

"And my cheap master, Ji Yun, the leader of the seventh peak from the previous generation, also has to die. I pretended to be her disciple and came in. She is the only one who knows about my flaw in my life experience."

Ji Yun, the leader of the seventh peak, must also be a scumbag.

The top ten palace masters in the peak underworld era, each with blood on their hands, promoted the world's number one demon sect, causing chaos in the immortal cultivation circles in various states, and they were so angry that the world encircled and suppressed them.

There is no burden in killing her.

Only by killing all these rotten old dregs that cannot be dealt with can he reform the Huangquan Sect, and at the very least, stop doing evil.

Ji Yun's remnant soul is in Qingzhou, and he really can't control it now.

She is a remnant soul anyway.

She will wake up after a thousand years, be favored by Emperor Tiangou, complete a series of tasks to find her remaining soul, and be favored by Po Meng.


Wu Lang suddenly thought of something, and suddenly woke up and said: "The Emperor Tiangou is a sinister guy. He has been pretending to be a newbie in "Ghosts of the Underworld"! He has known Po Meng for hundreds of years before the public beta, and he is acting in the future!"


Ji Yun may also be acting, which is the biggest variable!

Historically, I know that Ji Yun's information may be false. She may not wake up after a thousand years, but may wake up after a few hundred years.


In later generations, Ji Yun was found and rescued. She was almost out of her mind. She also became the NPC of Huangquan Sect, responsible for teaching the skills and quietly regaining her strength.

"Trouble, Ji Yun will expose my variables at any time and he will be killed." Wu Lang looked downcast. He silently unfolded a huge map of the Jingzhou plate and stretched out his finger:


He must find a way to communicate with Qingzhou to help him kill people.

Do you want to contact the Human Emperor Sect over there?

This is your only channel.

But doing so may expose too much information, which is not a good idea.

Wu Lang frowned, and suddenly his eyes fell on a message he had seen before.

[Your Taoist companion Li Hairou came on the waves and arrived in Jingzhou today. 】

The ancient power that took away Li Qingrou's clone actually came through the ocean of time. The restricted area of ​​Wuji Sea of ​​Bitterness was as smooth as walking on the ground, as if it were his own home. It only took him four or five years to come here.

"Perhaps, we can find a solution from this person."

Wu Lang considered it, stood up, and walked back and forth in the cave, "She has the ancient lost spirit root of time. She is a human-shaped ocean train. If we can get her, it will be easy to go to other states."

at the same time.

It seems that it took her four or five years to come here. Who knows how many years she has been in the ocean of time. Now she has reached the Dzogchen stage of integration and can attain enlightenment at any time.

"This is Li Qingrou's fault, but it involves me. It's a disaster from heaven, and it's also a big trouble for me in Jingzhou!"

"We have to find a way to find out her background."

Wu Lang didn't think that the first-level tribulation-transcending emperors on his side could defeat each other after they became emperors.

At least it's a monster like Xi Ruming who can push 10,000 people at the same level.

No matter how many miscellaneous fish there are at the same level, it is still a matter of one hand.

"We need to find a way to contact her, see what her character is like, and whether it is easy to gain her favor. Based on the current information, she must have lost her memory and is very confused about the present. Chasing Li Qingrou is like replacing her and living her life."

"I have to go to the coast and take a look."

Wu Lang opened his eyes, controlled the wandering Buddha incarnation, and headed towards the coast of Jingzhou, "By the way, let's release the giant squid for testing."

"The next direction of Jingzhou's development is not only in the abyss of clouds and mists, but also in the sea route of the endless sea of ​​suffering."

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