I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 277 The ruthless Li Hairou

Do you want to come to me?

Wu Lang was speechless.

It turns out that you took yourself on a sightseeing trip to relax your vigilance?

This person is indeed not simple.

Obviously her favorability level is still not high. She still wants to capture her true body first and then make plans, although she may not necessarily kill herself.

But how can life be in the hands of others?

This Great Tribulation Emperor is the strongest force sweeping through Jingzhou today.

You can even come and go freely in Forbidden Mountain!

Can't make her angry, it will lower her favor

But he couldn't really commit suicide and bring her to kill him.

Her plan at this time should be the same as that of Taoist Xuexi, to control herself and hold the emperor in order to command the princes.

Wu Lang's mind changed slightly, he pretended to be hesitant, and slowly refused: "You don't want to do something to me, do you?"


Li Hairou was startled.

Exposed yourself?

Although he has been chasing Li Qingrou for more than ten years and is quite familiar with the tone of voice and every word and deed of his old enemy, has there still been a flaw?

"Why do you think so?" She pretended not to know, but she was ready to take action at any time.

"You are trying to do something to me and Same Yu'er."

The Emperor of Jingzhou slowly hugged her from behind, causing her whole body to tremble instinctively.

"I know how you feel. During the date, you have been pretending not to care, but in fact you still care a lot in your heart. Please calm down first. After all, you agreed at that time. The marriage is a sacrifice made for Jingzhou."


Li Hairou was speechless.

I'm really not jealous, I just want to sneak up on you!

Your love has nothing to do with me, destroying your relationship is my real goal.

But she couldn't say it. The only way to win was to stay close to him, which was the key to controlling the entire Jingzhou. She could only explain in a gentle tone: "I have already put aside my grudge. I just want to see Sister Same Yu'er."

Her voice was cold, pretending not to care.

"I have seen her working hard for the development of Jingzhou over the years. I have already accepted her as a sister, but now I have some thoughts."

"What are you thinking about?" Jing Tianzi pretended not to know, and secretly cursed this vicious woman for using a honey trap.

After he and the stunning human beauty Same Yu'er learned the Human Emperor Method, both of them turned on a strange switch.

He also finally understood why among the human emperors in the past, some kings did not go to court early in the morning and lingered in the harem every day, because for the human emperor, this aspect of luck cultivation accounted for a large proportion.

The Human Emperor Technique has studied this aspect to the extreme. The reason why the Human Emperor's practice speed is so fast is because of this technique.

"What do I think, what do you think?" Her cold face was slightly red.

"I don't know." Wu Lang said.

She gritted her teeth, gently opened some clothes, exposed her snow-white skin, and slowly hugged him, saying in a voice like a mosquito, "You are a piece of wood, you just want to do it."

She was alternately shy and excited.

Being shy means feeling that you have suffered a big loss.

Stimulation is constantly hinting to myself that this loss is necessary. At this time, I am recording a spell video. When the time comes, I can use this video to stimulate Li Qingrou!

When the time comes, a head-on battle will begin.

What would happen if he suddenly showed these videos to stimulate her?

Mentality is very important in a war.

Li Qing's judo was unstable and her inner demons were growing. He defeated and devoured her old enemy and won the final victory, which naturally led to the throne of the number one person in Kyushu in today's prosperous world.

The sacrifice of this bit of news is worth it.

And she felt that the tauren's movements at this time were so exciting. Wu Lang didn't know why, but his mouth felt vaguely dry and he felt so exciting?

Looking at the cold and beautiful face of Li Qingrou, the leader of Huangquan who will conquer the entire Kyushu in the future, she made a cute look of coldness and lust, and her moist pink lips kept licking her neck, For a moment, I felt like I was the tauren Li Qingrou.

At this time, both of them felt strangely the Minotaur's strange feeling for each other.

"Take me home." She pressed her whole body against Wu Lang's body, and the girl's fragrance became even stronger. "It's even possible with Shark Yu'er."

Wu Lang took a deep breath. It's not like she didn't know that this sly woman wanted to assassinate him through a honey trap.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't be like this. Can you relax for a few more years? I promise you, in three years, I will come to see you after three years of relaxation."

Three years?

Some are too long!

Her eyes became slightly cold.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not unacceptable.

She was also afraid that she would be too aggressive and expose her flaws.

After all, that cold ice woman, although I feel that she must be very coquettish behind her back and might even make weirder actions, but I am indeed very aggressive now.

She thought about it and decided that she could wait three years.

After all, he had plenty of time, and Li Qingrou couldn't rush as fast as he could. It would take at least ten or twenty years to get back.

For a monk, this period of time is not too long.

"You promised me."

Li Hairou gently separated, straightened his clothes, and said gently: "In three years, I swear as the Human Emperor."

"Well, I swear as an emperor." Wu Lang said.

He deceived her into settling down as a Taoist monk for three years, which was enough for him to delay.

Previously, he had deceived the Taoist monks into hiding as ministers, and after a few years, he would summon them to see his true form.

This is a repeat of the same old trick.

But it is obviously unrealistic to plan to kill each other in just three years.

Time spells are the most difficult to encircle and kill.

Just brush up her favorability and that's it.

In all likelihood, she is giving it away for free.

"Then, would you like to take me to the coast?"

After swearing the oath, she was completely relieved about this aspect, and suddenly smiled and said: "I heard that you got a brand new racial mount? Is it because of lack of time? I can help you find a suitable time current and give them this The mount family has developed."


Wu Lang followed her to the coastal area.

She collected her thoughts and then said: "I heard that the shark people are planning to attack the shark people on the coast of Jingzhou?? I can take action."

"Is it okay?" Wu Lang said.

"Of course you can."

She rode the time carriage with a calm expression, "After all, I am my husband today, so I will naturally develop the world of cultivation for him and calm the troubled times."

"The shark people seem to be difficult to encircle and suppress in the endless sea of ​​suffering, but for me, it is very simple. After all, I am walking on flat ground. I am a great emperor who has overcome tribulations. They don't even have an emperor."

In her eyes, Jingzhou is her territory. If she waits here, she will definitely kill Li Qingrou.

As for the Emperor of Jingzhou, as long as he still loves Li Qingrou, he is not afraid that she will not take the bait.

Since it is our own territory, we naturally want to help overcome all obstacles.

"By the way, doesn't Jingzhou have a huge canal system?" she said suddenly.

"That's right." Wu Lang nodded and started talking about business. After all, in a sense, he truly possessed the combat power of our great emperor.

He is still a peerless genius with immortal talents, even better than Xi Ruming.

"Ask the Sharks to give me the artifact they use to cause sea disasters." She said calmly: "I will do some research. Maybe we can cause sea disasters to cover the major canals filling Jingzhou."

"But there are two things."

"First, if a sea disaster occurs, my time spirit root will be exposed. Husband, you have to find a way to cover it up."

"Secondly, the scale of my attack should be very small! It is far less than the previous huge sea disasters. At the same time, it is impossible for me to attack frequently. After all, even for me, I spend a lot of mana and luck."

Wu Lang nodded, "I will find a way to lay it out and find a reasonable explanation so that the canal can be filled regularly. As for the problem of too much mana loss, don't worry. I will give you the seat of the imperial concubine. The human emperor's luck has already overflowed. , can be used by more than a dozen great emperors who transcend the tribulation. You can use it as you like and practice as you like."

"Yeah." She nodded.

She was just waiting for the other party to say this.

The luck of the Human Emperor is also a point of envy for her!

The speed of her rebuilding depends to a large extent on the supply of spiritual energy. Coupled with the blessing of time and spiritual roots, she will never be slow to rebuild back to the peak.

I am cultivating in a unique environment here. When Li Qingrou comes back in more than ten or twenty years, I will probably have reached the second or third level of Tribulation Transcendence. No matter how qualified she is, she is still a genius of this era. As she slowly practices, she will probably reach the Great Perfection of the Integration Stage. How to fight with yourself? ?

"By the way, husband." She suddenly smiled and said: "You really don't want me to find your true body? You really want to practice faster, right? I can set up a small time stance for you."

Wu Lang was instantly moved.

If you can really have the time and stand to practice thirty hours a day, it would be a lie to say that you are not moved, but you still don’t want to die.

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