I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 295 The Fourth Ironclad Evidence

"You can see the future, why don't you worship??"

The Buddha's voice was like the power of heaven, resounding throughout the surroundings, making the monks of the Leiyin Temple at the other side's window feel shocked.

For a moment they were stiff.

I don’t know whether to pray or not.

The Future Buddha is the Maitreya Buddha who rules the future in the Buddhist scriptures. Now, the other party claims to have returned as the "Future Buddha", which is in line with his intention.

After all, the Xiaoleiyin Temple opened by Theravada Buddhism is obviously a brand new Buddhist system.


If this is a prayer, it means choosing a side.

It shows that they believe in the position of this Buddha and think that their World Honored Buddha is evil and false. His evil plot against the Buddha back then and turning humans into mountain spirits is also related to him.

Just when countless Buddhist and Taoist monks hesitated.

Someone bowed down and paid homage to them, and shouted to them:

"You guys, why don't you worship? Being recognized by the guardian arhat means that you are an orthodox Buddhist! You guys, are you still hesitating? If you don't worship the orthodox descendant of Buddhism, are you afraid that you are not a demon hiding in the Buddha? Now that we have clothed ourselves cassock?"

Someone bowed again and scolded him:

"Now that the Buddha's disciples have returned, the Buddha was killed by a monster disguised as the World Honored One. Do you still want to seek refuge with each other?"

Others are more radical:

"Everyone, the King of Jingzhou next door sent back the golden body of the Buddha who passed away. How can it be fake? It must be the demon World Honored One who plotted against the Buddha."

"It is such evil people that cut off our Buddhist lineage!"

He shouted loudly: "Hope has completely vanished into nothingness. Our descendants have been waiting for hundreds of thousands of years, but the wait has been in vain. He is a sinner for the ages, and I will punish him!"

At present, driven by these tragic scenes, many of them radically support the ancient Buddha faction and directly choose to bow down.

And with many people taking the lead, some people began to follow and bowed down.


Suddenly, a rare grand scene formed in the murals of the entire Great Leiyin Temple. A statue of a Buddha and a Taoist monk, all bowed down and said.

"Greetings to my future Buddha!"

"Greetings to my future Buddha!"


This young Buddha sits cross-legged and nods at Xiaoleiyin Temple.

Seeing this scene, the Evil Buddha's face turned livid on the spot.

He was almost furious.

This guy, in an upright manner, acted as if he did not exist, and directly asked his subordinates to worship him, recognize him, and seek refuge in his little Leiyin Temple.

This is different from getting in front of him and slapping him in the face!

His people are awesome.

Steal your own luck.

Blacken your own reputation.

Endless anger surged out of the heart of this restricted area emperor.

When he saw those monks who were gossiping that he was an evil Buddha and who couldn't help but kneel before him, he immediately wanted to take action and kill all these rebellious guys!

If the Emperor of Jingzhou, who was looking for evil words to confuse the public, had lowered his eyelids, he would be so angry that he could be wiped out with just one move.

Don't say that he is not a member of the Huangquan Sect. Even if he is a member of the Huangquan Sect and is taken away by six reincarnations, he cannot be saved in the hands of the supreme emperor in the world!

But he quickly calmed down, took deep breaths, and tried to regain his composure:

"You can't take action. Now only one-third of the people choose to kneel down, which proves that only some of them believe it."

"If I kill people and fall into his trap, it will cement my reputation as a monster."

Although, he is indeed a real monster.

But with all the truly heinous crimes he has committed, how can he be exposed and say that this emperor is simply vicious and put a false shit basin on his head?

His thoughts changed again, he looked at the figure of the Emperor of Jingzhou in the distance, frowned and said: "However, that golden body shell has been recognized as the real body of the Buddha? Didn't he lie this time? His master Is he really a disciple of Buddhism? Is he the orthodox successor of Buddhism?"

Not only was this Evil Buddha World Honored so suspicious, but even the demon alliance of the Huangquan Holy Sect was also suspicious when they saw this scene.

"Really a Buddhist?"

"That should be the case. Otherwise, how can this flesh and blood body have a pure and unsullied Buddha body comparable to that of ancient Buddhas? Can it pass the test?"

Everyone also began to wonder.

"This little bastard is a repeat offender, and this time it's true?"

At this time, the female sect leader of the Daoyan Sect also smiled charmingly and said infatuatedly: "Is he really from a famous and authentic sect, a contemporary descendant of the ancient Buddha? He is not messing around this time, he is really avenging his master and taking back the big thunder. From Oto Temple?”

Everyone started talking about it.

They felt that they might be too suspicious and were made suspicious by the other party's various operations.

They should be less suspicious and more trusting of this Jingzhou sage, this legendary figure who opened up the era.

This time, I didn’t lie. I came to take revenge in an upright and upright manner, and I was not a excrement basin forced on the evil Buddha’s head.

This evil Buddha, World Honored One, may really harm my master.

After all, the top strong figures in Kyushu basically know some details about the opponent, and this person in the restricted area can do such a thing.

However, everyone found it somewhat believable, but some still did not believe it.

The leader of the White Bone Holy Land who had been tricked snorted coldly and said: "I don't think it's true, this guy is very slippery!"

"He can come up with a new era system, break through common sense, and kill people all over Jingzhou. Why can't he come up with a method that breaks through common sense? Use some kind of mysterious new era system to disguise the bloodline of Buddha? Take his place?"

As everyone knows, it is only him who speculates on the other party with the worst malice, which makes him the one closest to the truth.

But now, a Buddha came out and smiled and said: "Perhaps, the master of the sages of Jingzhou, the old Buddha whom I met in the ruined temple, is really a Buddhist from the ancient times. In my opinion, it is nine out of ten possible." . "


Everyone was confused.

"I have proof."

This Buddha smiled and transformed into an ancient record scroll, "What is recorded here is the ancient past of Buddhism. The page recorded in it says that the Buddha was extremely talented, but he was a deviant and apostate. He was dissatisfied with the Mahayana Buddhism. He had many He contradicted the Buddha for the first time and felt that it was the mediocrity of Buddhist ideas that prevented him from winning the Heavenly Court. He secretly formed a sect and wanted to open up a new system with other ancient Buddhas."

"If she is sealed like this Princess of the Emperor of Heaven and escapes to the next generation to become a fire kindling, the Buddha will wake up within tens of thousands of years in our time period, and he will basically be that old monk."

"After all, the character of the old monk in the ruined temple is very similar to that of a Buddhist disciple. He believed that Mahayana Buddhism was lacking and was dissatisfied with the Great Leiyin Temple, so he secretly sought a way to open up Hinayana Buddhism and became the spark of the new era."

When everyone heard this, they immediately groaned.

In this way, based on historical research, it is indeed somewhat correct.

If a Buddhist is quite rebellious and travels around the world wanting to open up a new system, then Theravada Buddhism is indeed the best possibility.

"Then he is indeed the descendant of Buddha."

"This time, he didn't lie."

"Well, his physical evidence - the golden body of Buddha's passing away - has been taken out to identify the authenticity. Next, we can look at his historical evidence and witness."

"Do you still need to look at it? The remaining two pieces of evidence are obvious, aren't they?"

Their eyes were calm.

at this time.

Got everyone's admiration.

Wu Lang sat on the small Leiyin Temple and his expression became calm.

His three ironclad proofs are actually the first and most important, and the rest can only be described as mediocre.

"The second evidence is historical evidence."

The emperor slowly opened his mouth and said: "Historical evidence is equivalent to the history of the mountain spirit in the battle between the emperors of Jingzhou. Why did the mountain spirit practice Buddhism? Did he have a Buddhist constitution? Why did he sink and harm Jingzhou? They were all turned into mountains by the emperor in ancient times. Jing, in this method, the Great Leiyin Temple is also involved in doing evil."

"As for the witness." Wu Lang looked at Li Hairou next to him.

Li Hairou stood up and said: "I can prove that the Buddha's appearance is indeed the appearance of this clone of my husband!"

In fact, she is also a little confused now. Could this clone of her husband really be the golden body of the Buddha who passed away?

Then I guess you really know me, right?

After all, the descendants of the two major factions hundreds of thousands of years ago unfortunately lost their memory.

But thinking about it carefully, she also felt a little exciting and happy inexplicably. As the princess of the Emperor of Heaven, didn't she have an unethical date with her old enemy Fozi for so long?

But she put aside these messy thoughts, and openly committed perjury, saying sadly: "The Buddha is my former old friend."

"Why did I come to Jingzhou after I woke up? How could the Emperor of Jingzhou win my trust so quickly?"

She looked around and explained seriously:

"Because he was carrying my friend's body and was my friend's disciple. He told me what happened to Buddha. So, we joined forces to resolve the grievances and take revenge for Buddha. In the process, I fell in love with him. Friend's Disciple"

Her voice was heartfelt, and she described a wonderful love-hate relationship, a process of getting to know each other and being like-minded with her lover.

And everyone was also shocked.

what is this?

In this way, Jingzhou simply occupies the commanding heights of traditional Taoism. The master of the Emperor of Jingzhou is an authentic successor of Buddhism, and his wife is a princess in heaven.

The two ancient overlords merged into one, and the emperor of Jingzhou was really the king's divine right? Inherit the ancient orthodoxy and open up an era?

This reputation is quite important.

"All three evidences are there, what do you think?" Wu Lang looked around.

Everyone is moving.

Only next to you, the Evil Buddha World Honored smiled and said:

"If you want to incriminate yourself, why bother?? Your three pieces of evidence, in most directions, can only conclusively prove that your master is a disciple of Buddhism, and you are indeed the authentic successor of Buddhism. As the emperor of Jingzhou, you have inherited Xiaolei This new system of sound temple.”

He paused and said, "Your master, Buddha, is dead, but you just said that I attacked him in a sneak attack, but it's not necessarily who killed him or attacked him in a sneak attack, right? The greater possibility is that , he was killed by someone else, or he didn’t come to the Great Leiyin Temple at all, he died of old age, and then put the blame on me."

The Evil Buddha World-Honored One also felt strange in his heart.

Is his master really a Buddhist?

But if there really is a Buddhist disciple, he should indeed try his best to return to Daleiyin Temple, but why didn't he meet this person? ?

He was stationed at the Great Leiyin Temple. He would definitely know when the other party came, but why didn't he come? ?

"It's really weird." He was confused.

Wu Lang felt a little regretful.

As expected, the other party was not easy to fool, and there was really nothing he could do to prove that he was the Buddha who killed him.

After all, even Buddha's own master is fictitious.

It is already a pretty good achievement that I can prove that I am the orthodox successor of the Buddhist disciples and have ironclad evidence.

This is also the purpose of his trip!

As long as he proves that he is the orthodox descendant of Daleiyin Temple, the natives in Daleiyin Temple will slowly turn to him, and this pseudo-Buddha will definitely be gradually left out.

It doesn't matter if he can blame him for saying he killed his non-existent master. It doesn't matter if he can't. Anyway, as long as it gives the common people a hint that he did it.

I have no evidence that you directly killed Buddha, so what?

People are always willing to believe in me, the orthodox successor.

When Wu Lang was about to call it a day, he suddenly heard the summons from Po Meng from Huangquan Underworld.

Wu Lang was puzzled.

Po Meng should know that she is busy, and she is even looking at herself. Why is she suddenly causing trouble for herself?

His body hurriedly went to Huangquan Road to see Po Meng.

"Take it, this is the real ironclad evidence."

Po Meng threw a token backhand.

Wu Lang quickly took the broken ancient token with the word "Buddha" written on it, and was shocked. Could this be a warrant proving the identity of the Buddha? ?

Po Meng, why is it in your hands?

Also, why does the warrant have this smell on it?

He was just about to ask something.

"You go back and be busy." Po Meng waved her hand, as if she didn't want to answer.

Wu Lang thought about it too.

Knowing that there was no time to delay, he hurried back, sent the token to the clone, and then showed it to the world.


Wu Lang took out a token in his hand and said, "Since you are stubborn, I will present the real ironclad evidence, the fourth piece of evidence. What do you think this is?"

Everyone took a look.

That token is ancient.

The simple gold-carved Buddha pattern is extremely advanced and mysterious, giving people an aura that matches the atmosphere of Daleiyin Temple, as if it is a symbolic secret treasure that opens up the secret realm of Daleiyin Temple.

"It's the Buddha's order recorded in ancient classics!"

The Evil Buddha World-Honored One was shocked, and said with a bit of surprise on his face: "This really proves that your master is a disciple of Buddha."

"But so what?"

Master Evil Buddha sneered and said nonchalantly: "With the warrant, it can only prove my identity, but it cannot prove that I attacked the Buddha."

Everyone in the world also peeped silently, sensing the warrant that symbolized ancient supremacy.

One of the supreme tokens of Xitianling Mountain.

This is never common.

"Is it really impossible?" Wu Lang showed the warrant. There was a shallow scratch on it, and the aura on it turned out to be the aura of the Evil Buddha Emperor.

Scratches from his long-ago attack.

"The evidence is solid? How are you going to quibble?"

Wu Lang snorted coldly: "The above is exactly the mark left on Fozi's warrant due to your attack on him!"


The Evil Buddha World-Honored One's mind was shaken when he saw it, and he went blank for a moment.

It was indeed true that his Dao Yun aura was correct, but he did not remember that he had attacked Buddha, and he did not even know who the opponent was.

How could he have left his breath during the battle with the other party?

His whole body seemed to be sluggish, and he felt that this was extremely outrageous, and he couldn't help but said: "Is it possible that I have lost my memory before, and what he said is true, that I have attacked the Buddha?"

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