I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 298 The Prelude to the War between Two Continents

Through the window, looking at the scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood

All the ministers sighed.

"Your Majesty is right! I am powerless now and cannot help them head-on!" A cabinet minister let out a long sigh.

At this time, Ji Fa said slowly: "For those bad guys! Not to mention our Jingzhou, or even the entire Jiuzhou, there are not many people who can stop the emperor, the lord of the restricted area!"

That is a great perfection that transcends tribulations. Who can stop it?

Before his death, the leader of Huang Quan took nine out of ten strong men from Kyushu to die together. As a result, in the world where there was no connection between the young and the old, there were not even a few high-ranking emperors left. Now there are really not many people who can rival him.

Everyone could only watch, looking at the tragic scene inside the window.

They knew that following this great man and sage to usher in a new era, overthrow the corruption of Kyushu, and usher in a new dynasty for mortals would surely be a bloody road full of thorns.

At this time, the emperor said:

"If what is expected is true, as the news spreads, 90% of the Buddhists and Buddhists in the entire Great Leiyin Temple will gather their luck to me and choose to support me. Even though I will not go in, I will already be in it. The new Buddha Emperor, this place is gradually becoming my territory."

What the people want is their own country.

At this time, Ji Fa hurriedly came out to flatter him: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, for winning a land as large as Jingzhou! This has doubled the territory of our Jingzhou dynasty!"

Wu Lang shook his head.

In this world of cultivating immortals, territory is not that important.

It’s not like a little blue broken ball. It’s a vast place with few people.

Even many major sects do not want to manage these lands and directly leave them to the Human Emperor Sect of their own state to work as coolies.

Another one is:

It seems that the people of the entire Daleiyin Temple have chosen to take refuge with him. Although it is something to be happy about, he does not love the people and feels that they are a burden, so he still thinks that he can take care of them.

But if the Evil Buddha Emperor himself is not eliminated inside, then the Great Leiyin Temple will never be his.

Wu Lang glanced at the crowd and said calmly: "In front of us, there is a riot in Daleiyin Temple. According to my decree, all the sects in Jingzhou are summoned to the front line of Daleiyin Temple."

Those saint sons of Daoyan Sect, those people of Renhuang Sect

I guess he is also very interested in Daleiyin Temple. The other party can help me. After all, why don't he be recruited to the front line as a coolie and stay behind to eat up my Jingzhou resources to practice?

Nothing so good.

If you work overtime to gain resources, you can only do it yourself, and everyone else has to work hard.

"Recruit everyone to the front line. There is a war on the border. Everyone is responsible."

Wu Lang sat on the opponent's Xiaoleiyin Temple, looked at the window of the restricted area opposite, and ordered:

"Furthermore, we must be on guard against that Evil Buddha World Honored One who jumps over the wall in a hurry, contacts the Immortal Cultivation World in Liangzhou on the opposite side, attacks the current Great Leiyin Temple, and kills us in Jingzhou."

The hearts of all the ministers jumped!

In the Liangzhou cultivation world, hundreds of thousands of major sects have gathered together to attack and enter Jingzhou in large numbers? ?

This is a head-on fight with hard power!

But this is their biggest shortcoming right now.

The Evil Buddha Emperor is indeed very likely to contact the foreign enemies in Liangzhou, stationed at Daleiyin Temple, help him quell the unrest, and attack Jingzhou together.

At this time, the battle pattern in Liangzhou will definitely become:

The most powerful being in the Liangzhou Immortal Realm + Daleiyin Temple, the Evil Buddha Emperor.

The middle and lower-class indigenous people of Jingzhou Cultivation World + Daleiyin Temple.

"The Great Leiyin Temple has become two combat forces, each supporting the two continents."

At this time, Li Hai said judo: "So, the location of this war between the two states will definitely be in the Great Leiyin Temple, as a battlefield adjacent to the front line!"


At this time, the female player Tian Kaitai also said quickly: "Thanks to your majesty, if your majesty hadn't divided the Great Leiyin Temple, exposed the opponent's background, and made most of them defect to us, otherwise the Great Leiyin Temple would have been united and united with Liangzhou to attack Jingzhou. We are fighting in Jingzhou itself."

As two female players who had just entered the closed beta, they were as excited as if they had been pumped.

I didn't expect to see such exciting and terrifying things as soon as I arrived. It was like witnessing history. After overthrowing the Buddha and Taoism, the Emperor of Jingzhou directly started the next attack. The two worlds fought. This was simply exciting.

"Yeah, we almost had to fight in Jingzhou itself."

When everyone else thought about it, they felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

Not to mention the current weak Jingzhou cultivation world, it is impossible to withstand the enemy. Even if they are evenly matched, they are fighting in their own homes, and the destruction of the city will be extremely terrifying.

And now?

The Great Leiyin Temple was divided into different factions, and the battlefield was drawn here.

As expected of your Majesty.

Unexpectedly, this fatal problem was solved from the beginning, and the battlefield was brought to the Great Leiyin Temple.

Moreover, the restricted area of ​​Daleiyin Temple may give them some possibility of defeating the weak and resisting Liangzhou's attack.

At least it's not that desperate.

The few ministers present suddenly felt admiration in their hearts.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being Your Majesty.

I thought of this from the beginning, divided the Great Leiyin Temple, and built a defensive bridgehead in Jingzhou.

But we must avenge His Majesty's blood feud for killing his master.

He tried every means to kill the strongest man in the world and sacrificed to the heaven for his majesty's master.

The other side.

The Evil Buddha Emperor casually swept around and sneered when he saw the monks who had completely escaped, "That's all, I'm too lazy to chase these little bugs."

He glanced out the window again. The Emperor of Jingzhou with his ministers and Taoist companions was silently watching the battlefield. The Evil Buddha Emperor made a provocative move of cutting his throat:

"You are dead!"

Afterwards, he didn't bother to waste time with the other party and left directly.

Now that it's exposed.

He has more important things to be busy with.

He eagerly returned to his base camp, the Buddhist temple, and began to pack up various elixirs. He emptied all his resources and called his confidants.

There are eight monsters in total.

There are three middle emperors and five lower emperors.

This is all his power.

His lifespan is quite long, and he has already replaced several batches of subordinates who died of old age. After all, the average lifespan of an emperor is only 20,000 to 30,000 years.

Of course.

Except for his Dzogchen, there is no superior emperor in the Great Leiyin Temple. Once he appears, he will basically kill everyone, whether it is the enemy's Buddhist cultivator or his own confidant monster.

He is an extremely cautious person, and the upper emperor has begun to attack him secretly, which may threaten his life.

Next, he explained the matter to several confidants.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" asked a weasel.

"Of course I'll leave."

The Evil Buddha Emperor shook his head, "We can just walk wherever we want. They will only be scared and run away, but it is not a big deal after all. I plan to unite with Liangzhou to bloodbath those rebellious people in the Great Leiyin Temple."

He thought clearly.

Cut off all inheritances, kill all strong men, cut off all history, and then cultivate a group of common people. After a few hundred years, with a compassionate and kind attitude, he will naturally return to his previous reign. Continue to confuse the people.

And the monks who want to wipe out a continent with blood?

No matter how strong he is, he can't do it alone.

There must be many monks sweeping the place like a carpet.

He planned to contact Liangzhou.

And he felt that he was at a disadvantage when he bloodbathed his restricted area, the Great Leiyin Temple, and did such an outrageous thing?


Since it is no longer his, he would rather take advantage of Liangzhou than the emperor of Jingzhou.

And Liangzhou took advantage and washed the ground, leaving an empty shell. He will also develop this place again.

He knows very well:

So what if we lure the wolf into the house?

As long as he is the strongest person in the "Da Leiyin Temple Forbidden Zone" and has the strongest combat power in the entire nine states, this place will still be his, and no continent can take it away.

"Let's leave here, and then contact Liangzhou to discuss introducing them to the Great Leiyin Temple." Evil Buddha Emperor said calmly.

"What about this person?"

The little weasel sneered and mentioned the cassock-clad puppet Buddha, a cowardly young man, "Do you want to kill him?"


The Evil Buddha Emperor snorted coldly, "Kill him, who will help us gather our luck in the future? Restart our practice?"

Like the Human Emperor bloodline, the Ancient Buddha bloodline is also an incense system.

Only the blood of the ancient Buddha can accept the luck of Buddhist believers.

Therefore, even if other monks secretly puppet the Human Emperor, they will not destroy the Human Emperor and puppet him as a carrier tool for absorbing luck.

This hybrid descendant of the ancient Buddha also has the same effect.

Although the bloodline has been mixed to only the white level, it is still an indispensable "mascot".

"Then leave it here." Weasel tossed the puppet Buddha away, and then went out with the Evil Buddha Emperor and others.

Soon, the entire Buddhist temple was empty.

The whole young man was stunned, suddenly thinking of something, he walked out of the Buddhist temple like crazy, entered the street, and ran all the way.

More than ten days later, he came to a cellar.

I opened the door and saw a skinny old man in cassock, sitting on the ground, listening to the young man's exciting stories.

"Emperor of Jingzhou? Descendants of Buddha? Has everything changed like this outside?"

The old man was surprised and suddenly smiled:

"Jana, you are the rare bloodline of the ancient Buddha. You have the aptitude for a green color that is infinitely close to purple. You can even find elixirs, and even some opportunities, such as the demonic skills of the Huangquan Sect, can have the opportunity to be promoted to the ancient extinct purple color. Destiny.”

"In order to make you inconspicuous, I used my power to degrade your fate by one level and turn it into white."

"This way, you won't be watched by their demons."

"Now, it's a pity that your power will be restored. In order to hide your potential, you are now only in the foundation building period."

The old man stretched out his hand and slowly touched his head, and his life gradually returned to green: You are too weak, take my relic, and protect yourself next."

The young man knelt down, his eyes complicated, and he howled loudly.

We know what will happen to the Buddha who loses his relics.

"Jana, your character is too cowardly, too kind, and too opinionated."

"Now this is the only chance we have at the Great Leiyin Temple. You don't tell anyone your true identity. You hide your identity. You have to go through the horrific war and go to the border to find the Emperor of Jingzhou, who is the descendant of the Buddha. , his methods are vigorous and resolute, and he is also your only hope."

His gentle voice came slowly, encouraging this cowardly child who was lying on the ground and howling:

"Next, you have to work hard to survive. You have to spend a long and war-torn night."

"You must resist these unfair fates, become a Buddha approaching the world, work tirelessly for others, and strive for peace in the world."

"Only in this way, when you successfully reach the border and kneel in front of the Buddha statue, will you be worthy of thinking of us."

This skinny old man gradually sat down, his cassock melted, and he said with a gentle smile: "At that time, we will ask you, Jana, how are you doing today?"

"Then you tell us with your head held high that you had another fulfilling day."

"That night you will talk about your fear and loneliness of living in the war, you will talk about the injustice of the people along the way, the charity and viciousness of the travelers, and complain that fate has never favored us, but it doesn't matter, wait until you successfully find the other party. Afterwards, sit down in front of the Buddha and we will listen to your journey.”

"Because you worked so hard, of course you could complain then."

The voice seemed to be telling a lovely child a beautiful fairy tale before going to bed. It was gentle and kind, but the whole old man gradually disappeared.

Under the entire futon, there was only one golden relic of the great power that transcended the tribulation period.

"Remember, Jana, the Buddha is dead, and you are the last hope left. You can regain the authority of the entire Great Thunder Sound Temple, the last possibility to open the door of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, and let us go out again. You They will fight for this land and die unfairly.”

"So, when you look at me now, you should smile, not cry."

The young man silently grabbed the relic and put it in his mouth.

Because he clearly knew that only with the help of this foundation-building period monks would they have the slightest chance to cross the battlefield between the two states that was about to break out and reach the border.

He wanted to see the legendary contemporary saint who ushered in an era for mortals, the young emperor who created all kinds of miracles and had great talents and strategies.

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