I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 308 Internal Beta

"It's really eye-opening." Xing Hanhan felt that he had bumped into some evil civilization, lunatic, or mentally ill person.

She suddenly remembered what her junior brother said:

Visitors from other worlds are like this!

It seems that I am shallow and too ignorant.

It turns out that other civilizations are completely beyond my ability to guess. The logic of thinking, brain circuit structure, and cell morphology are all beyond my ability to figure out.

"Continue to observe them. Since they are too few, we will add more corvees when the time comes." Xing Hanhan smiled happily while hiding in the dark.

This wool is not sheared, nor is it sheared.

In the next few days, Xing Hanhan continued to observe them secretly.

This sinister woman pretended to be a gentle lady with a kind face, testing the upper limit of their endurance, testing their old background, and found that they could actually work more than twelve hours a day, and completed these daily tasks with great enthusiasm and efficiency.

Xing Hanhan is simply amazing!

At the same time, arrange some chores in Fengdu Ghost Market for them.

Each sect will establish an external exchange market at the foot of the mountain to sell the sect's specialties. Now the Huangquan Sect has established Fengdu in the sect to provide trade for people from Kyushu.

It can be said that it is the only platform to connect to Kyushu so far.

However, the manpower to maintain law and order is insufficient all year round, so they are just sent to maintain law and order.

Over this period of time, Xing Hanhan became a self-taught "dog planner" and constantly tried every means to arrange and squeeze them.

Moreover, this fifth peak master sat at the height of the fifth peak and started writing an observation diary with great interest.

The first day of the "Visitor from Another World" diary.

I found them to have a strong desire for money.

The need for contribution points is greater than I imagined.

But they are willing to accept such low remuneration, and they actually feel conscience. It is hard to imagine the harsh treatment they have experienced before.

Or maybe it's because they have endured more severe oppression that we feel we have a conscience, and we can take advantage of this.

Diary for the second day.

Every one of their Yincha disciples has ADHD.

He has an unimaginable ability to explore and seek knowledge about our world, and he has a strong hands-on ability. After completing daily tasks, he began to try to study the "materials", sand and gravel, and the composition of buildings, and tried to make fires secretly.

They even tried to exchange their contribution points for a Higan flower, allowing the so-called botanists among them to conduct plant research and improve Higan flowers.

Within a few days, I was a little surprised.

They have achieved certain results. Is it possible that they can really achieve unprecedented results in the future?

The third day of diary.

They are terribly social.

They very much like to take on the daily sect tasks of the "Fengdu Market" and communicate with the disciples of the major magic alliance sects. In an extremely humble manner, they try to establish good relations with them and try to inquire about various information. The most common sentence is :

"Excuse me, do you need any help?"

The humble and flattering gestures of each of them reminded me of Liu Ping, the Seventh Peak Senior Brother of Huang Quan Sect.

The fourth day.

Because the daily tasks in Fengdu Market are in short supply, I tried changing the contribution point from 2 to 1 for the daily task in the Zongmen Mission Hall [Go to Fengdu Market to maintain law and order for three hours], and they still followed suit.

Day five.

I changed it to 0 contribution points, and more and more people took on this task.

Day six.

I can only try to change this task to -2 contribution points.

They will definitely calm down if they can do this daily task by pouring contribution points.

The seventh day.

The Zongmen Mission Hall was packed with people, shouting incomprehensible slogans such as "Hidden Sect Mission", and all poured in their contribution points, surpassing all the previous enthusiasm, and ran to Fengdu Market.

Day six.

I found an interesting point.

I only need to change a random task in the task hall to negative contribution points. If the contribution points are reversed, they will be more enthusiastic about that task, and everyone will take the initiative to attack this so-called abnormal "hidden task".

The seventh day.

They satisfy me more and more

Day eight.

I think they live just to work for our Huangquan Sect.

Compared with those disciples who were lazy and wanted the basic monthly resources of the sect, this is the best disciple choice in my dream.

I will no longer recruit the idle, lazy, cheating, and slippery mortal disciples out there!

If we return to its heyday, and the millions of Yincha disciples throughout the Huangquan Sect spread all over the dark places of Kyushu, all become such Yincha disciples, why worry about the Huangquan Sect not being at its peak?

I saw a future where the country would be extremely wealthy.

ninth day.

Xing Hanhan found his junior brother and couldn't help but excitedly asked for credit: "Junior brother, this disciple is so good. He has contributed more than 20,000 points. It doesn't seem like a loss at all!"


Wu Lang sat meditating in the courtyard of the Seventh Peak.

He had already guessed what would happen, so he had been busy on the seventh peak, leaving the chores to Xing Hanhan.

From now on, she will be the main person responsible for the evil deeds caused by these players from another world.

But before, Xing Hanhan felt that recruiting 25 mortal disciples of Yincha was equivalent to a Tribulation-Transcending Emperor, which would be a waste of blood!

Are mere mortals inlaid with gold?

But what about now?

This is actually a buyout system!

After that, these strange shady disciples, who were not the treacherous and selfish disciples of the Demon Sect at all, continued to act with great enthusiasm, and each one of them crazily paid for their money. Sooner or later, they would get their money back!

Huge investment, consistent returns.

"Junior brother, do you want us to recruit a few more?"

Xing Hanhan said: "Let's just recruit them all and make the next wave of heavy bets!"

Wu Lang glanced at Xing Hanhan, who had a gambler's mentality, and just shook his head: "It's not feasible to spend all your resources to summon the disciples of the 'secular world'. The more valuable the essence is, the more expensive it is."

"With the same economy, cultivating a hundred golden elixir-stage disciples will produce much better benefits than cultivating ten thousand mortal Yin Chao."

"Yes, the main reason is that summoning them is expensive! Each one contributes more than 20,000 points!"

Xing Hanhan looked troubled, "With 20,000 contribution points, I can even defeat a Golden Core monk."

She weighed it and suddenly sobered up, "In other words, 50,000 contribution points is equal to two mortal Yin Chai disciples, and it is also equal to one Yin Chai disciple at the Golden Core stage!"

Of course, it is more cost-effective to raise it to the golden elixir stage.

"Then what should we do now?"

Xing Hanhan said: "Although it is good for them to grow slowly now, it is better to spend their weak period. Is it possible that we spend free resources to promote them to the Golden Core disciple and earn more benefits?"

Wu Lang shook his head, "Loans, our Huangquan Sect provides loan services."

"Huh? Huh? Loan? Mortal kind?" Xing Hanhan was stunned.

"Yes, it is impossible to directly give them resources and let them borrow money." Wu Lang said: "And the interest rate must be high!"

Xing Hanhan was at a loss and was shocked when he saw the interest rate.

Monthly interest rate 49%

This simple number contains a bottomless abyss.

The interest is compounding every minute, and you can't even pay back the interest.

"Can they accept this?" Xing Hanhan looked strange.

Wu Lang nodded, "It's okay. From what I've observed about them these days, the folk customs in the secular world are like this."


After receiving some advice from his junior brother, Xing Hanhan felt that it was extremely possible, so he hurriedly ran down to give it a try.

"That's the interest rate."

"This sect has thoughtfully provided loan services to its disciples. It is limited to the initial stage. To borrow a loan, nine people must act as guarantees." Xing Hanhan announced the harsh conditions.

The result was on the spot.

Ten wealthy people came out and waved their hands.

"Give me a guarantee and get the money in real time! It will arrive in one second!"

"Don't worry about not being able to repay the interest. I'm from the Li family in Beijing. Everyone knows how much money I have. When the server is opened to multiple people, I will directly hire a group of people to move the bricks. The higher interest will be paid off in minutes. Now the main thing is to strike first!”

Xing Hanhan blinked, feeling ecstatic that he had found a new trick: Leek!

This group of mortal sect disciples from the secular world easily accepted such a high loan interest rate.

They are so wonderful!

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