at this time.

Underground, a huge drill bit is excavating in a spiral. This is a huge assembled square tripod, sailing underground.


Mud keeps coming back.

They are cowardly and not strong, so they can only crawl and dodge slowly underground step by step.

Ji Fa in front of him had already received the message: the Emperor of Jingzhou was coming to investigate their city, which made him extremely excited.

"Brothers, get together!"

"Yes, hang that welcome banner over there! Pull it a little further to the side to make it more powerful!"

The whole city felt like it was a festival.

"Xiniangpi, the indigenous saint is too outrageous! The delicacies of our Great Celestial Empire cannot match his delicacies, so we can only set up a bookstore here!"

"I can already see the look of horror on his face: He took a deep breath! He was dumbfounded! He was thirsty for talents! He looked at the thatched cottage three times and asked us to come out!"

"Yes, let him realize our talents! If we are appointed as a high official, the Jingzhou Dynasty's cabinet and so on will be satisfied!"

"Maximize his favorability! This kind-hearted leader of the righteous path, a contemporary saint, is not afraid of him slandering us. If he gives us benefits, he will definitely return them to us, or even give us more!"

"Don't worry, in addition to these books, we also have to put some leisure books, classical literature, entertainment romance novels, online fast food literature, a little bit of them all."

"Wait a minute, there's a color novel on the shelf over here. Who put it there? It makes my head hurt! Take it out quickly!"

"No, I think it's okay. The folklore stories of Kyushu are too vulgar. They are all obsessed with cultivating immortals. They have not developed such wonderful writing. Maybe the Emperor likes it? After all, I heard that those who cultivate the lineage of the Emperor are very lewd, and the harem There are countless beauties.”

"Hey, hey, as a man, everyone understands."

They made plans in full swing and began to work as copycats.

People from other worlds like them already know where they are ahead, technology, network? Everyone has more advanced and equivalent civilized means.

The only advantage is the text.

So they started copying books. These visitors from another world planned to use this method to earn the first wave of primitive accumulation.

If Wu Lang were here, he would definitely laugh.

This is how it developed historically.

Now, while they are copying books, they also plan to build a beta version of the bookstore to welcome the Emperor of Jingzhou.

"Hurry up, there's not enough time!"

"Wait a minute, what are you female players doing? What is this house you built for? Girls' Service Department? Do you want to climb into someone's bed?"

"You don't care about us!" a girl said with a smile.

"Bah, shameless! You guys read a lot of female novels. Do you think the Holy Lord will have all kinds of wonderful stories about the tyrants with you?"

"You are so shameless! This is called seeking true love!"

"You lewd ones! Just because your parents are handsome, if you want to sleep in the bed of a saint, they also have to like you? They have several wives! Do you want to be a little wife?"

"Bah! The Taoist couples in the game are not real. When you come to the world of immortality, you have to do as the Romans do. This is also a way of playing, do you understand?"

"This is what we call true love. A harem is interesting only if it has a lot of people. I have long wanted to go to the harem and play a game of palace fighting. I am familiar with The Legend of Zhen Huan, The Beauty's Scheming, Splendid Weiyang, Mastery of Poisoning, Bitch Fight, and Tea Talk. In one game, I will definitely become the winner of the harem.”

"This degree of freedom is completely open. Everyone has his or her own way of playing the game. Do you understand our style of giving birth to babies to rule the world and cultivating Pokémon?" With the baby of the Holy Son, the mother is more valuable than the son. Isn’t this cultivation speed super fast? "

They took advantage of the fact that no one knew their real identities, so even the ladies started racing like crazy and talking dirty.

The two sides started to quarrel.

In the dark.

Wu Lang and Li Qingrou happened to have just arrived.

The moment he listened to these exchanges, Wu Lang had a headache.

As expected of you!

"Are they sick?"

Li Qingrou was dumbfounded, expressing that she didn't quite understand, and frowned secretly: "What is a Pokémon? A kind of pet? To compare the descendants of the emperor's holy blood in this way, how come people in their world are so disrespectful of the power of heaven and ghosts and gods? Are you not afraid of the emperor and have no etiquette?"

Although the monks and mortals in Jiuzhou are also so realistic.

This is what people do, they climb to higher places.

Whether in ancient times or modern times, there are many people who want to marry the rich second generation, the emperor, a high-ranking monk, or the head of a big sect.

However, their speech is difficult to understand.

Maybe it's the cultural differences from another world.

"I don't know either."

Wu Lang pretended not to know.

These animals are so awesome!

Want to think of my Holy Blood Son as a Pokémon? Gamer baby?

Wu Lang just said: "There are countless people in Jiuzhou who want my bloodline. It's not just the inheritance of the Holy Body. After all, the children can still inherit the country of Jingzhou that I conquered."

Speaking of wanting blood, Li Qingrou suddenly thought of Shark Yu'er inexplicably. She practiced for more than ten hours a day. Even if it was difficult for a monk to be born, she would probably have one soon, right?

Listening to the chirping of these women, she thought of those embarrassing things, and even her usually calm Taoist heart felt a little irritable.

"We can't let them continue arguing like this." Wu Lang made a decisive decision, retreated with Li Qingrou, and then came back from a distance.


The golden dragon filled the air, carrying a Buddha cloud, and a young saint in plain clothes arrived here.

In the distance, the noisy player monks, white-feathered chickens, and mountain spirits all kowtowed down and shouted in unison:

"Greetings to the Holy One!"

"Greetings to the Holy One!"

"Get up."

Wu Lang strode into the city with Li Qingrou.

Soon, he was walking in the streets, with Ji Fa accompanying him.

"Your Majesty, as the second seat, I will naturally lead the Huangquan Sect branch, and the local gangsters" Along the way, they talked about the development of their battlefield branch over the years, as well as the rescue of the local Buddhist disciple.

After Wu Lang heard this, he occasionally showed a look of relief.

"Your Majesty, are you going to see that former puppet Buddha?" Ji Fa asked quickly.

"I will see him for the last time."

The emperor shook his head and said, "For other things, let's take a walk and see how Aiqing develops."

"Your Majesty, please come here." Ji Fa said quickly and led him to the bookstore.

Soon, Wu Lang and Li Qingrou entered the bookstore.

Li Qingrou browsed through a book, "Sister Black". She was slightly startled when she opened the first page. She slowly closed it with a calm expression, then calmly went to other bookshelves and opened other books. .

Wu Lang pretended not to know her embarrassment and flipped through a book to read.

After a while, Wu Lang said with emotion: "Ai Qing, the ideas here are really amazing! The person who proposed these ideas is for the benefit of mortals. I wonder who wrote them?"

"He is a sage from our hometown. He is a mortal, but unfortunately he has passed away for a long time." Ji Fa replied quickly.


Wu Lang showed a bit of emotion, "We are mortals like me. If we live for hundreds of years, we might be able to have a good time over wine."

At this time, Ji Fa said with a smile: "Your Majesty, there are more than 18,000 books in this library, which cover various interesting fields in our hometown. I would like to dedicate them to Your Majesty."

"In that case, I'll accept it. Words are the carrier of wisdom, and this is truly a room full of wisdom." Wu Lang did not delay and glanced at Li Qingrou, who was in high spirits next to him.

It is not harmful to oneself.

But for natives like Li Qingrou, the lethality of these miscellaneous books and idle books is unprecedented.

After all, in the Jiuzhou world, the most books are various cultivation secrets, cultivation experiences, and summaries.

But he has no lethality to himself, and he still has to pretend to be useful. He smiled and said: "Ai Qing has found the Buddha for me, protected the hope of Daleiyin Temple, and presented this kind of holy book, what do you want from me? Reward?"

Ji Fa took a deep breath and said, "This is what Weichen should do."

"You can tell me." The emperor said slowly.

Ji Fa took another deep breath and knew it was time to get some benefits.

In fact, after their discussion, the biggest benefit is: dragon species!

Just now, two crazy female players, Tian Kaitai and Xiao Fumei, made a direct offer: If they can help them get the Jingzhou Emperor, each of them will pay 50 million, which will be divided equally among them!

What the hell!

Two super rich women!

Everyone is going crazy!

He is simply a super star-chasing fan and wants to copy stars.

If it is done, not only will the brick-moving players make money, but marrying the Emperor of Jingzhou will also benefit their players' future development!

Not to mention turning a blind eye, if a dragon is born and inherits the body of the Baixiao Buddha Emperor, and the mother is as valuable as the child, in the future, players like them can support this child and fight for the world's power!

It's also very cool to play a game like nine sons seizing the direct descendants!

Useful and harmless!

This does not open the next expansion pack.

Jingzhou harem competition?

From cultivating immortals to fighting in the palace?

Think about it, it's a super intrigue movie.

"Your Majesty, we have nothing else to ask for." He couldn't help but try: "We have two women who have loved Your Majesty for a long time."

"I love you."

Wu Lang interrupted him and said: "This matter is not simple. How will the world view it? I do not reject all the sects in the world coming to Jingzhou to develop, but I only accept a woman from the Huangquan Sect as a concubine. Doesn't this imply to the world that Will I form an alliance with the Huangquan Sect?"

"Even if the Human Emperor and various sects send women over, I dare not accept them. It's not because their beauty and talents are insufficient. Each of them is a stunning beauty that is rare in the sky. It's a pity that I hope you can understand in your position. "

The words were gentle, but the words were full of rejection.

Ji Fa also sighed, originally he was just giving it a try, "Your Majesty, we want to have an official position and establish an institution - the Yinsi Institute. We can enjoy our luck and do not need power. We can just hold an empty position."

"I'm sure."

This emperor said gently:

"My dear, being able to serve my country with such dedication is much better than those ministers of Daoyan Sect who fish in troubled waters! Naturally, there is a monthly salary, and your Yinsi Office has a monthly quota of one deity's luck and spiritual energy at the stage of becoming a god. If you want more luck, you can exchange it with the currency of Jingzhou Fangding."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

They were suddenly excited.

There is free monthly Reiki practice, which is already much more comfortable.

"I will reward you with a new cultivation technique." Wu Lang took out a "Medical Taoist Document".

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