I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 322 Invincible Resources

Jana hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said with firmness in his eyes: "The poor monk chooses the second one."

"Do you know that after your spiritual roots are pulled out, you will become a useless person who cannot practice?" Wu Lang asked directly.

Spiritual roots are divided into two types: deprivable and inalienable.

The third divine eye, relics, supreme bones, these organs and fates can all be taken away.

But after being deprived of it, the whole person is ruined!

This is also the reason why Jana did not dare to reveal his identity and carefully searched for the Emperor of Jingzhou, because he could be deprived of his power.

"Even if I become a useless person and suffer the pain of being stripped away, I am still willing to do it."

Jana clasped his hands together, and his whole body exuded a faint golden light. This golden light was not intentional, but the color of his too pure and translucent white soul.

"The poor monk knows that his character is destined to not be suitable for the benefit of the world. From the current point of view, the senior's previous deeds and the great achievements of Jingzhou's transformation into a Buddhist land, the senior is the hope of the entire Leiyin Temple."

"You know, fate can be changed."

Wu Lang's voice was calm and he looked at him and said: "Knowing one's fate and cultivating one's fate. Practitioners are supposed to go against the will of heaven and break the destiny. As long as you have the heart to advance bravely, your destiny can be advanced to another level." A new form, becoming aggressive, decisive and strategic."

"The probability is very small and the opportunity is unstable. If the poor monk fails, countless people in the world will die and their families will be separated."

His eyes were clear, with the grace of an ancient Buddha who sacrificed his life, and he said gently: "You are the authentic descendant of the Buddha. From a rational point of view, you are the most suitable no matter what. Killing the Evil Buddha Emperor and re-ruling the Great Leiyin Temple will have the greatest potential." possibility!”

"I understand, as you wish."

Wu Lang looked calm, and had already said everything that needed to be said.


Destiny can change.

Rotten peach blossoms turn into dragon kings, and social animals turn into sages. These are typical cases.

But you also have to want to change.

I must have the courage to forge ahead. If I give up and settle for the status quo, how can I change my destiny? ?

And if he doesn't want to change, it's not because he's afraid of pain, torture, or lacks courage.

He now chooses the second option, depriving himself of his destiny, becoming a useless person, and losing the hope of spiritual practice. This requires much greater courage than the first one.

The first option is selfish.

The second option favors selflessness.

He is a person who is pure enough and kind to the extreme. The rationality in his heart allows him to choose the person who is the highest and most beneficial to the people of the world.

Because the prestige of the Emperor of Jingzhou is already too majestic in the eyes of countless cultivators in Jiuzhou! So grand!

There is nothing in the world that he cannot do, and there is no miracle that he cannot create. He alone can shoulder the expectations of countless people, open up new paths, hold high the torch of the times, and lead the dawning people behind him:

——He is invincible, he is a saint who creates miracles!

And this kind of huge and mindless expectation may break Wu Lang's winning streak with a certain failure, and let the people of the world realize this: the emperor of Jingzhou, although he is a new pioneer for the world, Also human.

He has been pushed too high, too far away. People have excluded him from the human race and regard him as a lofty saint. All they need to do is worship him and follow his footsteps, and they will win the battle.

So, in a sense.

As long as Wu Lang loses, something big will happen.

The benefit of this invincible resource is: at this time, the people's hearts are unprecedentedly condensed, and their luck is pure to the extreme, even comparable to the first generation of human emperors in ancient times! Follow the law and say whatever you say, and all the people will obey it regardless of their own safety. The emperor's order is faith.

The disadvantage is: if you lose once, the unprecedented unity of the people will collapse, the people will be in turmoil, and the invincible people will collapse.

"Thank you, senior."

He looked gentle, and he knew in his heart what kind of pressure this was. He bent down and said, "You have to bear a lot. It's me who is weak."

"Sit down and drink tea. This matter doesn't matter. Don't think too much about it if you give up. After all, having one more person is also a good thing for me."

Wu Lang nodded slowly, sat down with the puppet Buddha, and said: "Next, I will shoulder the destiny of the entire people of the Great Thunder Sound Temple for you, defeat the Evil Buddha Emperor, and become the new Buddha Lord."

Behind him, Li Qingrou slowly poured tea.

She knew it clearly.

This is an exchange between two regional lords.

This is diplomacy.

The power of the Leiyin Temple Buddha Emperor and the Jingzhou Human Emperor changed, and the imperial power was granted without any carelessness.

Even if the opponent is the puppet Buddha, he is also the previous generation master of the forbidden area of ​​​​the Buddha Ruins, not to mention that his bloodline has the hope of becoming the real master of the Buddha Emperor.

"Your Majesty, please be careful along the way."

Buddha said sternly: "All the people in the world, conspirators, and all kinds of people in the dark are waiting for Your Majesty to make a mistake! Waiting for Your Majesty to lose! Because Your Majesty is walking on a single-plank bridge, they can lose countless times, and Your Majesty loses once. It’s close to eternal destruction.”

"You are indeed very smart, you understand everything." Wu Lang shook his head, "As expected of a person with immortal talent, you see things clearly, but your character is still too cowardly."

"I, a poor monk, really have no desire to kill, and I am too cowardly. I am afraid that I cannot bear the burden of the people in the world. Everything depends on Your Majesty." The young man Jana sighed: "I hope that my destiny can be your Majesty's help in sweeping the nine states. Help.”

"I will." The emperor was calm, with a somewhat emotional look on his face.

From a rational point of view, Jana's choice is not only a good thing for himself, but also a good thing for the entire Great Thunder Sound Temple.

With his current prestige and power, he is the most suitable person to pacify the restricted area of ​​Great Leiyin Temple.

Before, I was just pretending to be a disciple of the Buddha, and was a fake who talked nonsense. Now that I have a bloodline to inherit the Great Leiyin Temple, my bloodline is worthy of the name!

It must be truly orthodox.

Not to mention, from a selfish point of view, this is an extremely terrifying benefit.

Obtaining authority over the entire Great Leiyin Temple, building a pagoda with a huge magic weapon, and recognizing oneself as the master, this opportunity can be said to be the third greatest opportunity in the world of Kyushu.

The first great opportunity is to find the magic weapon of rules in the ruins of the fairy world - the jade dish of creation, and inherit the ancient fairy world.

The second greatest opportunity is to inherit the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the regular magic weapon of the leader of Huangquan, and take charge of the Huangquan Holy Sect.

The third biggest opportunity is the forbidden land of Daleiyin Temple.

Although Daleiyin Temple did not build its own regular magic weapon, it was also the largest sect that assisted the Emperor of Heaven in opening up the immortal world. It is the relic of the ancient giant.

The huge Buddhist monastery left by the ancient immortals and Buddhas is also the border of Jingzhou and Liangzhou. After occupying it, I can directly reach the sky in one step.

"Then, make some preparations and just peel off."

After drinking tea and eating the food, Wu Lang got straight to the point: "Besides my coming here to see you, I have many other important things to deal with. After all, the front line of the war is very complicated."

"The poor monk understands." He said, "We can start."

Wu Lang nodded and said nothing else:

"If the relic is missing, I will find a new Buddhist relic for you. Although the potential cannot be restored, it can still be used to practice practice again, so that you will not die of old age. If there are other secret methods of recovery, I will help you pay attention."

"Although you are incapable of opening up territory and building a business, your Buddha nature is pure and you are suitable for guarding the foundation of Buddhism. You are suitable to be a Buddhist master and teach some Buddhist disciples here."

"After I kill that evil Buddha Dapeng, my country will still need you to teach and spread Buddhism."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." He smiled.

Soon, with the help of Li Qingrou, the operation was completed.

Li Qingrou, the Great Tribulation Emperor, was originally good at true spirits, destiny, and soul abilities, so she was naturally infallible.

After removing the relic, there is a green destiny.

[Last Descendant of Ancient Buddha (Green)]: True blood returns to the ancestors. A trace of the blood of the ancient immortal Buddha is revived and restored to its extreme. It can be turned into the "root of the Buddha" that was extinct in the ancient times.

Green destiny can be absorbed directly.

It is similar to the non-combat destiny of the Human Emperor, except that it can be called the bloodline of the Lord Buddha, absorbing the luck of the Buddha.

After dealing with a lot of chores, Wu Lang settled this Buddhist disciple here and continued to recuperate. After telling Ji Fa to take good care of him, he planned to leave.

"I have shouldered your destiny and will do my best for you." The Emperor of Jingzhou bowed down seriously and bowed. Such a person is worth bowing to.

Fu Zi just nodded palely on the bed: "Your Majesty, please drive out the demons for the people of my Great Leiyin Temple!"

After leaving the ward.

Li Qingrou's cold face showed a bit of emotion, "I still communicate purely with Buddhists. No matter what kind of Buddha it is, even if it is a slovenly drunken monk, as long as it is a high-ranking monk, I can get along very comfortably."

This has formed the inherent mentality of Kyushu.

Understand one's destiny and cultivate one's destiny. There may be some evil and vicious people hiding among low-level Buddhists, but with the great powers of Buddhism, they are all pure and kind after they clearly understand the meaning of Buddhism.

Therefore, Kyushu has a very good image of Buddhism.

The great power of Buddhism must be harmonious.

The destiny of a sage must be selfless for the people.

As a result, I used a destiny similar to that of "sage" to scare a group of people, because in their eyes, a sage must be selfless.

It is also the inertia of thinking.

Putting aside these interesting Kyushu destiny theories, Wu Lang also said: "Let's go on to the ninth floor of the pagoda and take a look at the highest point."

"Well, we are competing for the elixir over there. You can go there."

Li Qingju said: "Besides, the top floor is where the Buddha and other Buddhas sit. After inheriting the Taoist lineage, there may be great opportunities."

After Wu Lang finalized the route, he was ready to leave here.

At this time, Ji Fa hurriedly came to say goodbye and handed over several drawings, "These are the little conjectures and new ideas we got based on that technique. Please take a look at it, Your Majesty."

Wu Lang opened it and took a look, secretly thinking that it was indeed the case.

On the contrary, Li Qingrou next to her looked slightly startled.


hanging bottle,

These systems actually guessed it, and so quickly, my uncle will not deceive me!

These mortals from another world have some abilities.

Moreover, there is a system that Uncle Master has not developed yet. It is actually a suppository for taking medicine there, with various designed tails?

This new type of hanging bottle at the back is simply


"Very strong."

Wu Lang also made an exclamation tone as if he were meeting for the first time, "You Huang Quan Sect, the young generation's evildoers, really have unlimited future. It looks dilapidated and destroyed. In the future, you may not be able to regain the top spot in Kyushu's No. 1 Demon Sect."

He paused, and his majestic face showed an expression of appreciation, "I, the people of Jingzhou, are so lucky to have you to help us!"

"Your Majesty, thank you." Ji Fa was blown away.

After giving them a few casual blows, Wu Lang left the place and flew out in a carriage with Li Qingrou again.

Li Qingrou's face was still cold.

But there seemed to be some kind of impact in his heart, and it seemed hard to imagine what it would be like if the monks used this method to fight in the future.

"Before we go to the ninth floor, let's find a place to practice for a while."

Wu Lang spoke slowly and changed the subject: "I want to take the two fates of [Last Descendant of Ancient Buddha] and [Fate Refund]. It will take some time to practice, and the same goes for you."


Li Qingrou nodded, deeply convinced, came to her senses, and said calmly: "If I hadn't made the breakthrough and my cultivation hadn't been stable yet, the old emperor who was only on the third level of Tribulation Transcendence plus two people on the first level of Transcendence Tribulation wouldn't have been in trouble at all. I."

As soon as she broke through, she brought her uncle over.

The advantages of the clone flow are basically not used.

If she is given time to develop, wildly sow clones, and the clones prove to be the Emperor of Tribulation, and they are gathered together, she will probably be able to transcend the second level of Tribulation soon, and continue to create a lot of clones, and her strength will be countless times stronger than now.

"It's time to recuperate before going to the top."

She spoke slowly, "According to the information from one of my clones, there is a fairy medicine coming out on the top floor, and a large number of monks are gathering there, a mixture of fish and dragons."

Wu Lang looked strange.

The soldiers on both sides are really fishing for money. Both sides asked you to fight on the front line, but in the end you all deserted to explore the secret place? ?

I won’t say much more about the people from the Daoyan Sect in my branch. The elixir is very tempting.

As for the Liangzhou Allied Forces, they were originally a ragtag group. It was normal for them to take advantage of the situation and leave the army to steal the elixir secretly.


Soon, the two people quickly found a cave to hibernate.

Wu Lang took out the gravel cave, and the two of them entered it and began to cultivate again. Wu Lang muttered in his heart:

"The handover has just been completed. As soon as the fate is swallowed, I will soon have the blood of the ancient Buddha emperor. How dare you grab the elixir in my secret realm in my kingdom?"

After I recover a bit, let Li Goudan, the protagonist of the era, kill them.

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