I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 328 Wu Lang has a question mark on his face

"Original body, what are your plans?" At this time, the girl spoke.

Li Qingrou looked indifferent, and a coldness flashed in her eyes: "It's just a Liangzhou, and there are hundreds of Tribulation Emperors in front of you. They are scattered in a pile of sand, each with their own thoughts, and they are not very powerful."

"Uncle Master is afraid of Liangzhou, but I'm not afraid."

"I have time, and I can kill one Tribulation Avatar every month. With a little sneak attack, I have the opportunity to sweep the entire Leiyin Temple alone. They are just a pile of sand."

Her voice was cold and she said extremely terrifying things.

Xi Ruming can sweep through the Jingzhou Arena alone and pick out 10,000 people of the same rank, so why can't she?

She has a chance, she is truly the first person of her era.

The current limit of the number of clones I can control is 31 levels of the Tribulation Transcendence Stage, which is almost enough.

This guerrilla force, traveling and assassinating in secret, is enough to attack them unless they stick together.

However, the resources consumed are terrifying to the extreme. Every time one dies, the cost of replenishment is even greater.

She had to squeeze out the entire Great Leiyin Temple and Jingzhou's national luck every day to barely support this team. It was also thanks to the terrifying and vast luck of the Jingzhou emperor, otherwise she really had no choice.

"How about telling your uncle the good news?" The girl said with a smile: "One person can be compared with more than thirty emperors of the same rank, and one person can form an army. Jingzhou has gained more than thirty emperors in one go."

"No, this needs to be hidden. At present, he only thinks that I have only a few clones. We are just a temporary alliance. He gives me resources and I protect him."

"If I want to rise myself, I need a force of my own. Even my uncle is my opponent. I want to defeat him, conquer him, and then do what he wants."

Li Qingrou shook her head, "These clones of mine pretended to be a local secluded women's holy place in Liangzhou and sneaked into the enemy camp. Each one has a different destiny, so no one will notice."

"And the sect that we are pretending to be is called Su Shouzong."

"An ancient sect in the history of Liangzhou was once exterminated. We, the Huangquan Sect, have his files, so there will be no problem in impersonating him."

She was about to start rebuilding her own power.

Behind everyone's back, she began to set up identities one by one, hiding them everywhere, slowly expanding, and a new trend came. How could she not fight for world domination?

The other side.

Wu Lang summoned the frontline Buddhist cultivators and the various Tribulation Emperors.

These local emperors were very easy to talk to. After some discussion, they also informed the Evil Buddha Emperor that he was being restrained, so that they could feel at ease.

After that, I didn’t say anything else and just left!

After all, I am not a local force. To accept these Tribulation Emperors and gain their complete recognition of their allegiance is not something that can be accomplished in a short time.

Although there is a common enemy, people will not surrender instantly if the tiger's body is shaken.

After notifying them, Wu Lang left.

"After all, he is a great emperor who has transcended tribulations. To gain their sincere surrender, in the final analysis, he has to master the Great Leiyin Temple and become the master."

Wu Lang frowned, but it was a pity that the Evil Buddha Emperor blocked the door and caused trouble for him.

"That's it, that's it." They beat them, and Wu Lang relaxed and returned to the cave again, concentrating on practicing.

In the cave.

Wu Lang felt like he hadn't read the message in a long time.

Wu Lang felt a little nostalgic. It was rare to relax after get off work and read the information log.


[Your Taoist companion, Shark Yu'er, commanded a war between two continents, and everyone was in ruins. 】


[Your Taoist companion Meng Po is traveling in the void and is opening the road to the underworld. 】


[Your Taoist companion, Xing Hanhan, developed the Yu Kingdom, took advantage of Jian Ji's life, and mass-produced helmets. 】


[Your disciple Liu Ping, on the front line, bad luck brought disaster to a military camp. He licked the flattery in a disgusting way. He was secretly surrounded and killed. Liu Ping transformed into a dragon king and suppressed all directions. 】


[Your disciple Xu Xinying marches forward bravely on the frontline battlefield and breaks through the first level of the Divine Transformation Stage. 】


[Your disciple Yun Rong has practiced hard for no season, gone through the secret realm of the current of time, has a lifespan of -291, and has broken through the third level of the divine transformation stage. 】


[Your disciple Taichi and others go straight to the battlefield, rescue the people, and promote the Buddhism of Xiaoleiyin Temple. The luck of Xiaoleiyin Temple will be +1000]


[Your Taoist companion Li Qingrou, cut out Li Qianrou, Li Meirou, Li Meirou, and swept across the top of the nine-layer Buddha soil. 】


[Your Taoist companion Li Meirou was caught in disguise and was imprisoned by the main body to cultivate. 】

It seems that while Li Qingrou and I are in the private interview stage, everyone has been busy taking risks recently.

But, this clone? ?

Wu Lang blinked, suspecting that he had seen it wrong.

Is that Li Meirou one of the two people I met before?

The destiny is obviously completely different.

Is it possible that something new happened after Li Qingrou passed through the tribulation, and the fate of the clone was random?

Wu Lang suddenly felt that he had guessed very well. He couldn't help but sigh that you are worthy of being the protagonist of the era. Your fate is simply unbelievable.

So, what does Li Goudan want to do with this move?

Planting a spy?

I guess you're laying an ambush next to me first, preparing to compete with me for the position of leader of Huangquan? Use a clone as your pillow to stab me in the back?

You can't fall in love with me anymore. Send a clone to accompany me to relieve my loneliness?

"In short, no matter what, Li Qingrou is starting to get restless." Wu Lang weighed it in his mind, and suddenly felt a big headache, "If I hadn't had the attributes section, I would have been directly attacked."

After all, Li Qingrou had signed an agreement with her before, not to be an enemy and to develop Jingzhou for herself, but that didn't mean that she couldn't plant secrets, layout, and develop her own power.

When the peace contract expires, it's time to fight with yourself.

And soon.

Wu Lang continued to read.


[Your Taoist companion Li Meirou has joined Su Shouzong of Liangzhou and is attacking Jingzhou. 】


[Your Taoist companion Li Hunrou has joined Su Shouzong of Liangzhou and is attacking Jingzhou. 】

Wu Lang's expression became strange.

Good guy!

Is Li Qingrou secretly developing her power again?

Or a disguised Liangzhou sect, maybe he wants to help me attack Liangzhou and act as a spy in it?

Overbearing female CEO, this soft rice is not in vain. The boss of the empress protects me, a weakling in the stage of becoming a god, and prevents me from being arrested and paraded in the streets in Liangzhou next door.

Uncle Master's love for her was not in vain!

Wu Lang was eating fruit in the cave and sighed silently.

But then I thought that Li Qingrou was hiding her true identity by not informing her about this trip.

Although normal monks would hide their heels and magical powers, Li Qingrou's move was obviously a secret development and a big plan.

"Oh, it's normal. Let's keep an eye on it." Wu Lang thought for a while and didn't bother to think more.

The protagonists of this era are ghosts only if they don’t strive for hegemony in the world.

Protagonists of the era like Li Qingrou and Li Hairou are double-edged swords. If they use it well to open up new territories, they will not use it well to devour the Lord.

Wu Lang calmed down and began to think about cultivation again.

After all, he always felt.

After all, Li Qingrou's clone is Xiaodao. I am a new sect disciple of Huangquan Sect. He is a visitor from another world. He is crazy about leveling up and moving bricks. He is not looking for people inferior to him, Li Qingrou.

"Those animals are probably almost fully grown, right? I've given them so many benefits and given away their skills. If I want to conquer the world, I still need you, the "Yellow Springs Ghosts" players, to contribute."

The ruins of the restricted area of ​​Daleiyin Temple.

Another three months have passed.

The entire war between the two continents has officially begun!

Countless monks rushed to the battlefield, and the elders in the Yuan Ying stage and the ancestors in the transformation stage who were rarely seen in the past basically threw themselves into the battlefield.

For a small place, Yuanying is already a powerful leader, but for a continent's huge accumulation of cultivation world, it is just cannon fodder.

Countless powers began to fall, and a large number of strong men began to evaporate.

In some major battlefields, broken flying swords, spears, broadswords, and even various magical weapons were everywhere, and the ground was soaked in blood.

But there are some younger generation of Jindan monks who have broken through the Nascent Soul stage and grown up during the killing.

Guerrilla warfare has become the mainstream.

At this time, a group of Huangquan Sect disciples suddenly emerged and started washing the ground on the battlefield, collecting corpses, picking up various broken magic weapons, and even started to sell new medicinal liquids.

Start making war fortune on the battlefield.

The name of the Huangquan Demon Sect's comeback began to spread like wildfire.

Blood bottle.

Blue bottle.

They muttered some strange terms and sold these things.

Their speech style is also very strange. What kind of NPCs, kneel down and wash hands, touch corpses with a high explosion rate, and sluts steal dogs. Anyway, they are so particular about picking up corpses.

Full of nonsense and nonsense.

"The Huangquan Sect has been reformed!"

Everyone has noticed it.

The former disciples of the Huangquan Sect cut their waists as spies, which was very disgusting. Now the disciples of the Huangquan Sect are working as profiteers, which is just as disgusting.

However, their cultivation levels are all very low, around the foundation building stage on average, and they are still like death squads, not afraid of death.

"If a tree is removed, it will die, but if a person is removed, it will live."

A powerful man sighed, "The seventh peak master of Huangquan Sect started doing business and trade, and now their disciples are doing the same."

"If the leader of Huangquan was alive in heaven, would he be mad?" Someone asked.

"Yes, the leader of Huangquan is arrogant. The status of businessmen in these nine states is very low. In order to survive, he, the most powerful demon sect, did such a low-level thing."

"However, how come the disciples of Huangquan Sect are not afraid of death now? Aren't they afraid of losing their true souls? Money is more important than their future?"

"Normal people wouldn't be like this. The future of a monk is the most important to a practitioner. Those disciples are shady, all of them are nervous, talking nonsense, NPC, HP, MP, NB, touching corpses. I deeply suspect that it is Huang Quan What kind of evil method did Zong give them to practice so that they are not afraid of death? Their brains are no longer normal."

"Hmph, it's probably the Seventh Peak Master, that evil guy who did this! In order to continue the Underworld Sect, he harmed these poor disciples and used magic to influence their spirits!"

"Oh, these disciples are so pitiful! I saw them recently, kneeling down in front of the corpse, washing their hands, and then searching for the relics. Their faces were full of piety and they were muttering something about heaven and earth. It was obvious that they felt guilty, but they I was forced to do this by the evil Lord of the Seventh Peak!"

"The Lord of the Seventh Peak must be punished!"

Wu Lang somehow took the blame and became famous again.

The discussion in the world at this time is very pitiful. Everyone feels that these evil minds have been transformed by the evil, and their thinking logic is no longer different from that of ordinary people.

But these disciples turned a deaf ear and worked diligently. These players are still busy in internal testing and exploring various ways to play the game.

In their eyes, this battlefield copy has been opened.

If you can't defeat it, just sneak around and pick up the corpses. This open world is great, very interesting, and the simulation of the war era is very realistic.

"Steal the dog!"

This has become their lingo. They work in groups of three or three, are hunchbacked and wretched, and go around the battlefield picking up corpses and stealing. They even start to rob the business of the Bone Holy Land next door.

The two sides fell out immediately.

The Holy Maiden of White Bones was so angry that she scolded her mother: "You Ji Fa, our three major demon sects have a tacit understanding. The Huangquan Holy Sect seduces the soul first, and eats the flesh after eating the Tianfu. We pick up the bones, why do you take them all?"

Ji Fa, however, ignored it: "First come, first served, we are currently studying the bone puppet baby! How about we cooperate and produce new products?"


The Holy Maiden of Bones felt that she was going to have a bad time, "The master of the Seventh Peak is really vicious. He has turned the brains of these disciples abnormal! We killed them and warned them. They are not afraid. Even if they become fools, they will not be afraid." For so few resources.”

The Huangquan Sect's already bad reputation became even worse.

But the disciples of the Huangquan Sect in the new era only wanted money and began to make money by killing people in the war.

Then earn resources and provide them to the Feather Kingdom in the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness, so that the white-feathered chickens there can practice in the ocean of time and produce helmets.

At this time, it has been in internal testing for several months, and the forum has already exploded.

"Everyone, it turns out that the time at the beginning was really for us to develop. Now we are launching the real expansion pack and battlefield mode. The operator probably wants to give us a chance to get rich, so that we can easily improve and test various games. BUG."

"It's not bad. I personally feel that the game's AI is very complete, and there is also a good and evil system. If we pick up garbage, we will be hated by others. It is estimated that it will cost a lot to regain our reputation."

"Every time a helmet is produced, a white-feathered chicken dies. If there is no trade, there will be no killing. It makes me drool!"


"When will it be my turn to go in and pick up trash? I want to move bricks for the game masters. I am a European. If you touch the corpse, you will find the best."

"Everyone, over the past few months, this game has exceeded expectations. It is indeed the second world of mankind. This is so cool! It's so hardcore! It's so motivating! Players can get this game quota by completing tasks. It’s a paradise for gamers!”

Everyone had heated discussions, and many people made reviews, various new gameplays, and speculations.

Someone even posted a hot post:

[Guide to 30 things to note when picking up garbage]

【Shock! People who see the Holy Land of Bones must hide. They don't like us picking up garbage. It is probably the obstructive force set by the game operation. 】

[Brothers, I am just in the Qi refining stage, picking up corpses and picked up a weak Nascent Soul. I am hiding in the cave. He has been in Aba Aba and is almost dead. How can I save it? 】

In short, they began to devote themselves to the enthusiastic business of picking up garbage and recycling battlefield debris. They obtained new player quotas and reincarnated them into the frontline battlefield.

With such a virtuous cycle, the number of players in the game suddenly increased by leaps and bounds.

at this time.

In a player's city.

"This war has made our Huangquan Sect rise, and we will shine brightly."

Tian Kaitai laughed proudly and said: "This game is so fun!! There are more and more players among us. Recently, you beta animals have made a lot of money, so you should be busy with me, right?"

"Huh?" Ji Fa flinched, "Going to trouble the Evil Buddha Emperor? That can kill people, and they can't even be reincarnated!"

"Stupid!" Xiao Fumei said: "It's just an NPC, how can we be afraid of him? We have a clever plan!"

Soon, they organized a wave, and a group of animal players became more and more promiscuous, going to harm the Evil Buddha Emperor next door and complete the mission.

Everyone felt that this was the main mission: to escort the Buddha to the Emperor of Jingzhou, and then the next step was to drive away the evil Buddha Emperor.

After all, if the Evil Buddha Emperor leaves, it will affect the overall situation of the entire war. This is not the main line. What is the main line mission?

The rewards are also generous!

During this period of time, Wu Lang was still practicing quietly in the cave.

However, he suddenly saw a few messages.


[Your Taoist companion (fake) has a rich and beautiful flute, and he beats the Evil Buddha Emperor with his words, and the Evil Buddha Emperor looks gloomy. 】


[Your Taoist companion (fake) Tian Keai punched Evil Buddha Emperor from a distance, and Evil Buddha Emperor couldn't bear it. 】

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