Ji Yun's head moved and she organized her thoughts.

The Emperor of Jingzhou visited this place, attracting the new Seventh Peak Master who was following him behind the scenes.

The new Lord of the Seventh Peak has been here and attracted Po Meng.

Linked together.

One person leads to another.

If the first two people hit me, Po Meng wouldn't hit herself anymore, right?

Just like Wu Lang knew Po Meng's character.

She also knew that Po Meng was only interested in profit!

He is a high-ranking emperor of the Huangquan Sect and one of the ten palace masters. Now that he is in trouble, he will definitely save himself. How could he kill himself?

It is precisely because Meng Po is the most sinister and the best at understanding character.

"Once I go out, Po Meng will definitely save me and return to the sect and use the same checks and balances as before to balance me and the new generation of the seventh peak master."

Ji Yun said secretly.

But she hesitated.

Could this Meng Po be fake?

After all, she had already been attacked twice, and she really couldn't bear it again.

You must know that she is currently only a remnant soul in the Foundation Establishment Stage. To be able to withstand the attacks of two powerful masters in the Fusion Stage is already incredible.

She watched secretly for a while.

Confirmed to be the real Mrs. Meng.

They have been together for tens of thousands of years.

His demeanor and movements cannot be imitated by someone unfamiliar with him, not to mention that the Lord of the Seventh Peak of Huangquan is not good at imitating others.

And, the most important thing is that there is still the Taoist scent of Meng Po's soul on his body, and his soul has the mark of Meng Po from the inside out.

This cannot be faked.


Finally narrowly escaped death.

Ji Yun sighed, and the beautiful woman walked out slowly.

"Senior Po Meng, the younger generation of the new Seventh Peak Master, is not a son of a human being, and wants to kill his fellow disciples." Ji Yun was sure that Po Meng would never kill her.

"Ji Yun?"

Po Meng was stunned and suddenly raised her hand.

Boom boom boom!

The next second, the entire Ji Yun was brutally attacked again.

"You??? Po Meng, it's me!! It's me, Ji Yun!" Ji Yun screamed, her face was shocked to the extreme, and her pupils were filled with confusion.


Bang bang!

Infinite bombardment of violent energy.

She couldn't bear it the third time.

With a look of disbelief on his face, his whole person turned into ashes.

What was extremely strange was that after her soul was shattered, a strange natal soul slowly fell down from her true spirit.


Po Meng suddenly changed and turned into a man.

"This woman is indeed outrageous. She was attacked in a spiritless manner, but she still had a life left. I thought she was gone."

Wu Lang looked calm, stretched out his hand to grab her fortune, looked up and down, and said with a smile:

"Very confused, isn't it?"

"Why would Po Meng kill you? Indeed, you are too smart. If Po Meng were really here, she would protect you even if it were me."

People like Po Meng can't afford to be early because they have no profit.

He will definitely find a way to save Ji Yun and contribute to the Huangquan Sect.

In the current Huangquan Sect, Po Meng is still in charge, and Wu Lang has not become so arrogant that he has forgotten everything.


I just want to kill first and then show off!

I did win this game.

If you don't fish her out, you almost won't be able to kill her.

Her destiny is really weird to the extreme. I don't know how she survived secretly. No matter how hard I look, I can't find anyone.

Wu Lang patted the dust on his body, began to wash the floor, destroyed the corpses, and said to himself:

"The reason why you were deceived by me is not only because my acting skills are incredible, but also because I clearly have Po Meng's aura and Taoist charm in my body. This cannot be faked."

"And I have these auras because Po Meng is my Taoist companion and has signed a soul contract. As a husband, it is normal for him to be contaminated by some of his wife's soul auras."

If Ji Yun hears these words, he will definitely feel that his whole worldview has been overturned.

How could Po Meng become a Taoist monk? ?

If it hadn't been for this incredible thing, she wouldn't have been fooled at all.


She could no longer hear anything and passed away.

"In this way, I feel completely comfortable and can sleep soundly at night. It's very important to me to be without you."

Wu Lang lamented and sighed, and after silently removing all traces of murder and silence, he built a grave for her:

[The tomb of my beloved teacher Ji Yun]

Below is a row of small letters:

[I am grateful to my master for not abandoning me and accepting me as a disciple. It is difficult to repay the kindness of my teaching. 】

[After this victory, he returned to Qingzhou with difficulty, explored the old site, and served his master, only to find that his master's body was injured and he died without treatment. 】

【Alas! The great cause is about to be accomplished, and the mentor has passed away. The apprentice wants to support him but the mentor does not wait for him. How sad! 】

There is a passage full of sadness, in which a filial disciple is crying and telling in front of the grave.

This tombstone is the last trace left by my mentor in this world.

It's a song and a cry.

After presenting melons and fruits, burning incense and paper money, and letting Master Ji Yun eat and drink well, Wu Lang left.

Since then, my heels and feet have been completely clean.

Even though the news that Meng Po received was that the players were mobilized by him to find Ji Yun's address.

And when we traced it further, we found that the Seventh Peak disciple who worked hard to find Ji Yun was already dead at the time, and it was difficult for the disciple to fulfill his filial duty.


And even if Meng Po didn't believe it and really thought that she had killed this master Ji Yun, it didn't matter. After all, in front of a righteous and kind saint, it was normal to kill this evil scourge.

While he was still alive, Po Meng might still stop him, but it was a done deal and Po Meng would not raise an army to hold him accountable.

And the greater possibility is:

Po Meng didn't bother to think about it or investigate.

Because Po Meng is now living a very comfortable life, feeling happy every day, no longer suffering haha. On the surface, she is the righteous co-emperor of the nine states in the world, but secretly, the number one demon sect of the Huangquan Sect is restarting again, no matter whether Ji Yun or not. rhyme? ?

And after filling in the place.

Wu Lang came to the Painted Skin Demon Gate at the foot of the mountain.

He glanced at the miserable girl who was bewitched by Ji Yun.

She used to run a clothing store, but Ji Yun, the remnant soul in the mountains, tricked the male hunter into being obsessed with her, harmed her as the owner of the clothing store, made her possessed, and tricked her into doing things for him on the mountain.

What a poor man.

But Wu Lang didn't do anything more and waved his hand:

[The fate is returned. 】


The golden light shines, and the Buddha's light envelopes you.

The witch, who was full of demonic nature, became gentle under the enlightenment of the Buddha. All the evil spirits and evil spirits disappeared, and she turned into a great beauty with a kind appearance.

[Painted Skin with Thousand Faces (Purple)] - [Seaver (Green)]

"Your life took the wrong path, and I saved you from the devil's path." Wu Lang said with a gentle smile.

"Thank you Buddha, thank you Buddha."

She bent down on her knees and howled.

"I hope you can see yourself clearly."

Wu Lang gave her a thoughtful look and disappeared.

Ji Yun is not a human being, she is indeed a devil. Meeting her by herself also gave her a chance to make a new choice and return to the right path.

If after she leaves, she is still reluctant to let go of the super-fast pace of the devil's practice, and if she goes against the rules, becomes a devil again, and harms others again, someone will naturally deal with her.

Wu Lang planned to issue a mission after returning.

If she becomes possessed again, don't blame the players for going up the mountain to fight the dungeon boss and light up the health bar above her head. It's time for her to feel the horror of the fourth natural disaster.

After leaving, Wu Lang had time to look at the fate in his hand.

[World Fish (Broken, Orange)]: Traveling in the big way among billions of stars, traveling in small ways in the subtle universe, becoming as big as ten thousand feet, and turning into hundreds of millions of microscopic things.

Ji Yun has two fates.

But it seems that another destiny was shattered together, and this destiny was not destroyed along with the bombing, which is strange.

Moreover, it looks very fierce at first glance.

You know, Wu Lang understood a truth:

The more cowhide it is, the closer it is to the original supernatural power of the source concept, the more vague the description is.

The lower the level, the more detailed the description.

Look at Li Goudan.

The description of "I am the only one" is: "I am the only one in heaven and on earth."

can't read?

now it's right.

It has to be related to the allusions of Gautama Buddha, and you have to be educated to understand it.

"Ji Yun really has potential. The master of the Tenth Palace has become cold, and she ran away alone. It's not an accident. He only has the remaining soul of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and he ran away so many times."

Wu Lang said to himself, "She is just an immortal! If the Huangquan Sect had not been encircled and suppressed, it is estimated that she would have steadily broken through to the Emperor in the future, and she would still be a relatively strong one, and would continue to be sent to the First Peak to mine."

This description was mysterious, and Wu Lang said he didn't quite understand it.

But he didn't have any other options.

【Fate Return】


[Demon Kingdom in the Palm (Que, Purple)]: One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi.

very good.

After degeneration, the incomplete destiny seems to be less incomplete, which is an unexpected blessing.


Now that the two horoscopes are combined, I can roughly guess the details. I guess they become bigger and smaller?

Wu Lang waved again.

【Fate Return】

[Primordial Dharma Appearance (Variation, Green)]: Can be enlarged to the size of a giant and reduced to the size of a dwarf.

At first glance, I felt like it was against the heavens.

This is the magical power to control "mass density".

"I see."

Wu Lang showed a smile, "World fish? No wonder I can't kill her. She probably shrunk into a swimming fish, with a microscopic size, wandering in the ocean of particles such as atomic nuclei and protons, hiding everywhere."

This is probably like Sun Wukong?

Wukong: Sister-in-law, I am in your belly.

Sister-in-law: Where? Where are you?

He is the Sun Wukong and his sister-in-law. No wonder he bombed her several times but couldn't kill her. It turned out that she was still in the same place, but she shrank in size and hid in the material gap.

And since I was only in the combined stage, I didn't reach that level of terror, and I couldn't destroy matter, so naturally I couldn't kill her hiding in matter.

"The assassination is very fierce. She hides in the cells. The pores are too small. Even the Tribulation Emperor, who is not proficient in divine sense induction, cannot find her."

The Seventh Peak Master of the Spy Demon Sect lives up to his name, and is a master of assassination and escape.

"Take it, it's life-saving and invincible."

Wu Lang directly shaved off a purple destiny in his body, stuffed the green destiny into his body, and prepared to improve it.

"big big big."

"Little little little."

Wu Lang played for a while and found it interesting. After playing for a while and getting used to this magical power, he left after becoming famous.

When he returned to the cave, as soon as he logged onto the forum, he found that someone else had proposed a new way to advance to the second destiny.

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