I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 394 Huang Mingshan burst into tears

There are no years of practice, and another ten years have passed.

Wu Lang settled down again.

He gradually got used to the new life in the cave and practiced crazily for more than ten hours every day. Then this overbearing president liked to relax by looking at the "Telescope Technique" on the floor-to-ceiling windows.

My little life was pretty good.

I also have a little flirtation with the Queen every day.

Instead, the news that he occupied the Great Leiyin Temple gradually spread throughout Kyushu.

"Huh? The Emperor of Jingzhou is indeed insidious. I asked him why he didn't take advantage of the Huangquan Sect with us and put spies in together. It turns out that he is busy with the Great Leiyin Temple here!"

"He is secretly diverting our attention and plotting against Chen Cang!"

"Ignore him, he will not be able to leave Jingzhou if he develops his own business!"

"Evil Buddha Emperor, everyone is rushing to the Sea of ​​Misery." Someone noticed the evil Buddha Emperor, and he finally went out.

"Another Perfection Emperor is born."

"It's normal. I heard that the Taoist master seems to have had an epiphany recently and has reached the level of the Perfect Emperor."

"Another one?"

"Isn't this normal? Now that the older generation is basically dead, the mainstays in their prime are about to come up. Before, it was just a short period of time. Now, many of them must have re-emerged as the Perfect Emperor. Kyushu’s heyday.”

Many people are lamenting that the pattern of Kyushu is changing too fast.

After the Lord of Shitian Palace took the lead, others began to break through one after another, and the new Emperor of Perfection appeared.

As for the Huangquan Sect's various "time" secret realms, under the Time Coin, cultivators have kept up with the stage of divine transformation. This is a speed that is unimaginable in the old classical immortal sects.

Many people are completely aware of it.

Like the great world of the fairy world in the old days, maybe it's really coming.

And the players also began to be completely dispersed. The old swindlers of the entire Jiuzhou sect each attracted a group of people. It can be said that the disciples of Huangquan Sect were torn apart.

Emperor Tiangou was completely furious and spoke out on the forum.

"Traitor! You are all traitors! I, the First Peak Master, say that you spies are simply taking advantage of the situation. Why don't we develop the Underworld Sect properly?"

"That's it, you traitors! (Dog Head)"

"Severe condemnation, what kind of hidden infiltration mission? Huge harvest? Being accepted as a core righteous disciple, and being sent to the Huangquan Sect to secretly develop as a spy? Bah! Take me with you!"

Emperor Tiangou was so angry on the spot.

You fooled me!

You misled me! !

He has no way to stop these players.

He tried to issue an official announcement in "Underworld Yinqi", prohibiting players from joining and betraying the Underworld Sect, but they were even more excited and proud of it.

He also tried to force them offline after discovering spies, but there were more and more people. After the rise of the "Mission: Impossible" trend, he simply couldn't make every player offline.

"It's so hard for me."

Huang Mingshan suddenly felt bitter and his whole body was shaking with anger.

The most outrageous situation he saw was:

It took hundreds of true spirits to die accidentally to explore and solidify the secret realm of the transformation of the gods. It only existed for a few months and could only provide a precious secret realm for thirty people to practice. They gave up to two dealers and twenty-eight people. It's aboriginal!

Only two of us?

You bunch of beasts!

We have worked so hard to build this secret realm, and we don’t know how much effort and sacrifice we have spent, but we have all taken advantage of the enemy!

These brick movers are actually happily running to move bricks for the natives of Kyushu, and move my heritage and hard work to the enemy next door?

Even the most exaggerated thing is that one post went viral!

"Shocked! I finally found out that our game guild, the 'Buried Love Family', has eight top managers and thirteen sects of spies!"

"I'm really proud of myself. Several people have become spies for several indigenous sects at the same time. Mission: Impossible. They are so sophisticated. They provide information about several sects at the same time. How many layers of children are they trying to set up?"

"Ah this? Aren't you going to imitate our number one player, Emperor Tiangou? Laugh, run to a dozen studios at the same time, and lick a dozen sects at the same time."

"You can't blame us, it's great for us individual players! You don't have to worry about resources, but we do!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I finally figured out how to play. What kind of sect is Huangquan Sect? A spy sect! We are all spies. Is it wrong? Isn't it wrong?"

But there are also honest people who don’t quite understand: “We Huangquan Sect disciples seem to go to other sects to work as spies. Now it’s the other way around. All the sects in the Nine Provinces are coming to our Huangquan Sect to serve as spies?”

"What do you know? This is also called spying! We are full of spies!"

The more Huang Mingshan watched, the angrier he became, and the more he wanted to lose.

Only these animals can describe the "family full of spies" as upright and upright as the "family full of loyalists".

Huang Mingshan was a little scared.

And Mrs. Meng began to be a little undecided.

I came here specifically to Daleiyin Temple to find the Emperor of Jingzhou.

Wu Lang was practicing at the time, but when he saw Po Meng's phantom arriving, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Senior, why are you here?"

"Recently, the disciples of Huangquan Sect have some problems, so I just came to take a look." Po Meng looked around.

Wu Lang understood on the spot.

This Meng Po is suspicious.

This first-generation leader of Huangquan was riding a donkey to find a horse, which made Po Meng a little wary now. She came here specially to observe this "space rule artifact".

She was afraid that she would have a new love and forget about her old love.

But Wu Lang said in his heart:

"Meng Po was very suspicious, but looking at it now, it's actually a good thing."

"She will definitely be relieved when she sees that this incomplete artifact from the Great Thunder Sound Temple cannot be forged. Instead, she will give me the cover to truly succeed in the 'Apotheosis of the Gods List'."

Sorry, I'm a scumbag too.

as expected.

Po Meng weighed it carefully and felt much relieved. She looked at Wu Lang and said:

"Do you know what happened recently? Although the Yin Chai disciples of the aliens from outside the world are easy to use and don't need the sect's monthly salary, and they pay back every month, they all become spies of other sects."

There is no one of our own in the entire sect.

Even Meng Po was dumbfounded. Those members of the Righteous Alliance in Kyushu had imitated the Emperor of Jingzhou in their methods of encirclement and suppression, becoming more and more novel and shameless.

"That's a good thing." Wu Lang said suddenly.

"A good thing?" Po Meng was confused.

"Yes, the Huangquan Sect can no longer be called a sect, but the underworld, Fengdu!" Wu Lang said: "This has promoted the establishment of a nine-state public facilities order, where everyone enters the underworld and everyone enters the underworld."

Po Meng frowned and thought.

"These underworld disciples appear all over the Jiuzhou sect, and they are extremely mixed. They will definitely gradually change the views of Jiuzhou. This is not a private armed force, but a bus station that everyone can enter." Wu Lang talked eloquently, "Even these alien disciples will lead the major indigenous disciples in Jiuzhou to join them as spies and take advantage of the immortal benefits of reincarnation."

"Then the Huangquan Sect is no longer ours." Po Meng said.

"This is good. We will accept everyone who comes. Tens of millions, hundreds of millions, tens of billions of Huangquan disciples will accept as many as they come." Wu Lang said.

"What will happen when all the people in the entire Jiuzhou become disciples of my Huangquan Sect?"

He said: "It will become a public facility - the underworld, where everyone is reincarnated, and gradually it becomes a common sense that their fates will rotate in the six paths of reincarnation. At that time, the real underworld will be established, and it will be in charge of the entire world. The life and death of the people of Kyushu."

Po Meng's whole body trembled, and her eyes showed a bit of light.


Just like what the Emperor of Jingzhou did before.

Open the gate of immortality to the world, when all mortals become practitioners and there are no more mortals in the world, then the whole world becomes new mortals.

When all the people in the world are disciples of the Huangquan Sect, and they are constantly reincarnated, it is not they who steal the Huangquan Sect, but the Huangquan Sect rules the world.

"Great things can be accomplished." Meng Po said: "But if this is the case, the entire Jiuzhou sect shares our Huangquan Sect. When the underworld is built and can become immortals, won't they take the opportunity to become immortals?"

Po Meng was stingy and felt that she was at a loss.

But Wu Lang felt that this pattern was too small.

"In the past, we really had to guard against them, because the immortal world was in ruins and there were no enemies. But now, we know that there are people in the immortal world who are talented and powerful. Only by recruiting them can we have a chance to win." Wu Lang shook his head and said: "After all, once the underworld Once it is built, it will have to face the fairy world sooner or later.”

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