I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 431 Fishing Mania

At this point, the three religions in Kyushu are prevalent and changing with each passing day. The initial collision has stalled, and they are all giving birth to developing forces.

In order to prove your choice, the best way to be better than the other party is to:

In the land controlled by his own sect, there are more powerful people and more prosperous civilizations than the other party. Through the talents of the new era, he can launch a war to defeat the other party.

The arms race of a new era has begun!

Wu Lang quietly retreated, and another thirty years passed.

He felt comfortable. Finally, no one caught him parading on the street. Instead, he was sneaking into the heaven, occasionally looking at the layout of the mortal world, and living a happy life.


Wu Lang silently sensed the realm of his body.

Overcome the third level of tribulation!

The speed can only be said to be average.

After all, he spends most of his time nurturing new innate gods, giving birth to new gods one after another, and slowly increasing the intensity of the ancient gods competing for hegemony outside.

He took another rare look at the message.


[Your disciple Liu Ping, after licking wildly, finally yielded results, he was specially trained by the Holy Maiden of the Demon Sect, and he broke through to the third level of the Immortal. 】


[Your disciple Xu Xinying and your friend Mu Jiqiu teamed up to enter the Hundred Gates Competition and won fourth and fifth place in the individual competition and first place in the team competition. They received huge resources and broke through to the fifth level of the Immortal. 】


[Your disciple Yun Rong and disciple Yun Changyu successfully arranged a plan to seduce the Yunwu demon clan and send them to a desperate end. 】


[Your Taoist companion, Xing Hanhan, established a small power in the Yu Kingdom, did business secretly, and his own cultivation level broke through to the fourth level of Xuanxian. 】

Time flows very fast in the fairy world.

In the mortal world, even if I could speed up ten times while sitting on a futon, I still couldn't match the speed of my disciples' cultivation.

As for Xu Xinying and Mu Jiqiu, it was relatively normal that they did not take first place in the individual competition.

How could there be no genius in the fairy world? ?

The traditional system of cultivating immortals is not weak either!

It can only be said that each has his own merits and is equally divided.

As for the characteristics, the characteristic of the traditional system is that it is upright. Even the weirdest method of the traditional cultivation magic sect is just cannibalism. Can this be called weird? ?

But the cultivation system is weird and changeable. The Dragon King, Painted Skin, Corpse Exorcist, and Sword Tomb are all very wild. I don’t know if I will suffer a loss.

As for Yun Rong, there seems to be a lot of development?

"Are we finally going to trick people here?" When Wu Lang saw this information, he secretly called those drama players over again and told them that they had work to do again.

On the twenty-third day, Xuanyuan secret realm.

at this time.

Yun Changyu looked at the female Taoists from his tribe around him and said righteously: "Everyone, if you work together this time, we will definitely win."

Next to them, there are several female figures of cloud and mist demons and golden fairies, wearing wings and with threaded horns on their heads, with beautiful and graceful postures.

They are all the Yunwu Demon's own clan.

There were three people.

A golden immortal pondered and spoke slowly: "Yun Changyu, you said that there is a peerless elixir in this secret realm. It not only restored your injuries, but also discovered a treasure house with various peerless secret treasures. We need to work together to explore it?"

"That's true." Yun Changyu said seriously: "Look at my body, it's back to its prime. How can this be false?"

The girls nodded.

It was precisely because of this that they followed.

There really are ancient relics that store peerless immortal treasures, and it is indeed worthy of their joint trip.

"A fellow of the same race will not deceive a fellow of his own race."

Yun Changyu nodded, "Don't worry, we, the Yunwu Demon Clan, are in such a state of decline that only a few of us are left who are strong enough to carry our race, so we will naturally stick together."


All are requested by the master.

I deceived you here for your own good. Only by taking refuge under the powerful men of Da Luo level in our race can our race have a future.


Why should I go looking for a woman?

Her heart felt a little hot, and she had some vague guesses.

As she led a few people into this secret realm again, she was quickly led to the trap and desperate situation where she almost fell before.


The violent wind raged.

Several golden immortals couldn't bear it anymore and could only hide in the cave to survive.

"Yun Changyu! You are harming us!!" Several golden immortals were furious.

"How could I harm you?" Yun Changyu looked innocent, "I have fallen into this situation myself, and I am about to die with you, how could I harm you?"

Several golden immortals thought the same thing.

She was also in a desperate situation, but when she thought about it carefully, she still felt something was wrong.


As the violent roar gradually weakened their vitality, they gradually died.


[Your disciple Yun Rong is in danger. Will he use the Six Paths of Reincarnation to seduce his soul? 】

Not for a while.

A giant hand reached out from the void, grabbing Yun Rong and looking at the remnant souls of the Golden Immortal who had been cut to the point of death.

"Huh? There is actually a junior here, that's all, let's rescue him by the way."

Wu Lang followed suit and started fishing like crazy.

Soon, these female golden immortals saw this extremely shocking scene. They arrived at the Great Leiyin Temple, surrounded by splendor and sacredness.

An existence whose identity and cultivation were unknown was looking down at them.

Half a day later.

Wu Lang was very pleased to see the real names of these new logins.

It seems that the good disciple Yun Rong is still useful.

In one breath, three more golden immortals joined me in the underworld!

It's just that these three golden immortals are cannon fodder. After the third and fourth levels of the golden immortals, they were injured while exploring the secret realm in search of resources. Their cultivation stalled and they entered the ninth level of the golden immortals forcibly promoted in the time cave.

Strong on the outside but dry on the inside.

But it's enough.

In the mortal world, he passed through the third level of tribulation and obtained four golden immortal overlords from the heaven.

What kind of bike do you need?

Sure enough, it is the behavior of a fool to develop slowly. A real strong man should find another way. If he has a trump card and does not use it, then he is a fool.

"Senior, do you want us to find someone?" At this time, Yun Changyu said, "But among our twenty-three days of cloud demons, there are no female golden immortals anymore, but there are still a few male ones."

"It's not necessary for men." Wu Lang said: "There are two heavens above and below, but our clan still exists?"

Yun Changyu shook his head, "In the upper and lower heavens, there are no cloud demons or even golden immortals. Our lineage is the stronger one. As for the farther heavens that I haven't been to, there may be other strong demon clans. "

Then you are really miserable.

There are only a few golden immortals sitting in a dignified race in the fairy world, which is much weaker than the mortal world.

But it's natural.

The clouds and demons in the mortal world are strong, mainly races such as dragons, phoenixes and unicorns. They are almost extinct in the mortal world, but what about in the fairy world?

These races are still very prosperous.

Even the low fertility rate has improved with the help of time. It is naturally better than you, a low-level monster hybridized by dragons.

The cloud demon is having a hard time!

But Wu Lang was able to take advantage of the opportunity and enter.

"Don't worry."

Wu Lang looked at Yun Changyu and even the other golden immortals and said:

"I will definitely build our abyss of clouds and mist so that other races will not dare to look down on us! Otherwise, I will not contact you Golden Immortals and become dark sons."

The eyes of these golden immortals were bright and a little excited.

"Next, I will give you another task." Wu Lang said: "Continue to think of ways to contact female golden immortals from other non-human races, lead them into desperate situations, and come here before they die. Do you understand?"

Yun Changyu nodded, "Is it possible that senior has a way to control the golden immortals of other races?"

"This is natural." The figure said profoundly.

Since they were immediately overjoyed.

"Your Majesty, I know a few Taoist friends who are my best friends, and I can invite them to explore the secret realm!" A golden immortal said with a smile.

With the rise of her clan, who cares about her close friends?

What's more, if a Da Luo wants to expand its power, it will definitely have to recruit other Da Luo. Maybe it can also get some Da Luo seats for them to go up.

This is Da Luo’s realm of hope!

"I also have many friends. There are people from the mixed-blood Qilin, mixed-blood Phoenix, and Xuanwu tribes." A golden immortal spoke quickly.

Among the golden immortals who can live for countless years, who doesn’t have a few Taoist friends?

Cultivation of immortality is not about fighting and killing, but about being human and understanding the world.

If you don’t have Taoist friends, you have no information, no one to explore and share opportunities with you, and you don’t know the outside world.

"Then, go ahead."

Wu Lang nodded.

He felt like he was really a fisherman.

Find a spy in the "yang world", trick people to death, and then seize the opportunity to lure their souls to the underworld, where they will be controlled by their own king of hell.

Very dirty!

It is indeed the artifact of six paths of reincarnation. Apart from Da Luo, even the Golden Immortal has been tricked by him.

If it spreads like this, person-to-person, and the X-selling ladder system will drag their relatives and friends into the scam, the underworld will soon be able to suck the vampire fairy world and pull out a group of golden immortal dark chess.

Wu Lang chuckled: "It seems that once I arrive in the immortal world, I don't need to start from scratch at all. So what if the realm is high?? The golden immortals are all miserable and have no Taoist fruits. They belong to the working class and are enslaved by the immortal clan. , my opponent at the beginning was a Dao Lord of Daluobian level!"

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