I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 444 Dao Ancestor? Give him a hand

Seventy thousand people died for the lower realm, and only one ten thousandth was left.

The utilization rate is horribly low.

But the Emperor of Heaven threw it down without hesitation.

From this point, we can see how big the military gap between the two sides is.

To others, it was just a clearance sale to clear out the overflowing backlog of inventory. To Wu Lang, the loss of one of the 70,000 people was a devastating blow.

What's more, there are as many as seven?

And these seven people were even alert to the extreme. They were hiding in the dark and watching a group of knights wearing heavy medieval armor approaching.

Tap tap tap!

These knights ride on earth dragons, followed by some spellcasters, wearing priest robes, and great magicians, using power through the divine magic network established by the gods.

"This is a completely different life form? It's like a civilization from another world."

A half-footed gentleman whispered with a surprised tone:

"They don't even cultivate spiritual roots anymore. They even have some kind of spiritual root fragments in their bodies. They are some kind of powerful spiritual root gods. Are they going to give them the spiritual roots here? Let them help them practice?"

Considering the current Western god system, this is indeed the principle they understand.

"Let's capture a team, torture them severely, and find out the current situation." At this time, another Daojun in red was about to take action.

"Not urgent!"

Someone looked solemn and said, "We don't want to show up!"

Another Perfect Golden Immortal was puzzled, "What are you afraid of? Afraid of taking action and others calculating the secrets to figure out our whereabouts? We can just destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces!"

They shield the secrets, who can find them?

I am a small human monk who has just opened the Immortal Gate. I don’t know if I have passed the Celestial Immortal.

"Hmph, don't think about the world according to our traditional concepts."

Another golden immortal also agreed not to take action, "Arrogance will lead to death. They may have other means, remember! The Emperor of Heaven told us, be careful and be careful again!"

"Even the Emperor of Heaven has told us to be vigilant. We can only imagine how weird the mortal world will become in the future."

These golden immortals are indeed very stubborn and extremely vigilant.


If they were really careless and attacked these people, the underworld would sense it in an instant.

These people all recorded their real names in the Book of Life and Death in the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Suddenly, they disappeared, their true spirits were destroyed, and they did not return to the underworld.

There will definitely be a thorough investigation.

They don't kill people, they are extremely careful, and they have indeed successfully avoided the inspections of the underworld.

But this is only one of them.

Is it enough to escape underworld detection?

It's just the underworld, don't ask, there is still a Taoist ancestor in the human world.

Not only do they not kill people, they also have to exchange various information with the mortal world and become an independent information island in order to escape the detection of Wu Lang's Baixiao Holy Body, this endless [Information Collection Tower].

It can be said.

The surveillance of the dragnet is not an exaggeration.

despite this.

As long as they are discovered by random natives as these "black households" of unknown origin, even if they are killed instantly and silenced, there will be a certain exchange of information between heaven and earth, and Wu Lang will immediately notice it.

"We follow them in secret, hiding our identities."

Several Dao Lords secretly said: "Remember not to be discovered, and don't take action, lest there are unknown mysterious means of divination that someone in our fairyland has descended to earth."

They are very smart.

Prudence, caution, vigilance, these excellent qualities are brought into full play, and he is worthy of being the genius of every era and the hegemon of the era with great wealth.

Soon, they followed him all the way for half a month.

Watching these so-called glorious sixth-order knights of the war church (in the combined stage) perform missions, they constantly encounter various dangers.

Afterwards, these monks returned to their Western Continent after completing their mission in the Immortal Ruins, Beiju Immortal Continent.


They secretly followed the airship across the sea.

The Wuji Kuhai was pulled by the sea currents and underground pipelines were established for transportation. On the surface, it was no longer a turbulent flow of time. It was already ordinary sea water. It did not take much time to return to the mainland of Honshu.

Soon, they saw palaces, busy traffic, and Western-style buildings.

"Newspaper, today's newspaper!"

"The War Guild and the Craftsman Guild are fighting again!"

With the help of countless foreign-server alien players, this place has become their own server for the foreign-server "Underworld Ghost", and even the buildings are almost there.

Here, these players turn themselves into their localized games and help develop them like crazy in the hope of defeating the evil Eastern players.

"It's really interesting. This world is very interesting. Is that a carriage?"

"Mechanical? Boring. These external objects are only useful at low levels. High-level experts rely on themselves."

"But it is undeniable that low-class people live a good life with the help of these external objects, which is a solid foundation for the bottom of civilization."

These perfect golden immortals who came down from heaven began to disappear, secretly reading books in bookstores, and reading various information on the mortal world of this era.

They also gradually learned about the boundaries of the Western Continent.

Quite simple, simplifying various realms, just like the military management of their practice system, rigid and rigid, but very efficient, various vocational colleges.

Generally, ordinary mortals are around the first or second level.

Professionals of the first to sixth levels correspond to the Qi refining stage to the integration stage. Professionals of the seventh level - demigods - correspond to the monks and earth immortals in the tribulation stage.

The eighth-level lower god, Xuanxian.

Ninth level middle god, heavenly immortal.

The tenth-level high-ranking god, the Golden Immortal.

The eleventh level god king, Da Luo.

This Western Godhead world that believes in gods is quite interesting. It can be said to be the birth of a new era.

They also read various information.

The fused empress did not dominate the era, but became the subordinate of Dao Ancestor. It is said that she is devoted to Dao Ancestor.

This supreme being named Eastern Taoist and King of the Western Gods ruled the underworld, opened up the Immortal Gate, created a goddess to be managed by Empress Tu, and created another goddess of heaven and earth.

In today's era, one goddess is vying for hegemony.

It seems that Daozu is the pioneer of this era, and defeated the ancient Phoenix God General who was behind time.


They searched through the history in the bookstore and found that the information was just a bit of gossip. There was a gap of three hundred years in the history. They were surprised to find out how to defeat Daozu and what his magical power was.

"It seems that the information has been hidden." A golden immortal said.

"The other party should be careful." Another Golden Immortal frowned, "He started erasing information now to prevent future invasions of the Immortal Realm. He is worthy of being a sage of the times who broke His Majesty the Emperor's plan."

"But what's the use of hiding it? His destiny must be related to life destiny, so that he can control the life artifact and control the underworld."

"Indeed, the general direction has been determined."

They searched all the way.

It was discovered that in addition to the Western Continent, there are also Florida and Daozhou. The system is also amazing. Based on the fate, the life structure has been transformed and innovated in an all-round way.


Several golden immortals looked at each other, and after learning all the information about the entire era, they showed horror:

"His Majesty, the Emperor of Heaven, is so strategizing, as if he has seen the future!"

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven said before that in the [present world] we are going to, since the rules of life have been born, that existence will definitely use the power of life to transform the structure of life."

The Emperor of Heaven used time to benefit mankind and promote the development of time.

So the underworld will also use its life to benefit mankind, so how?

Nature changes the shape of life.

"Your Majesty said that in this era, life will undergo a huge transition in destiny structure, just like the evolution of monkeys into humans, a huge span!"

"Compared to the modern humans in the future, our ancient humans who lived in the thirty-three days of prehistory are all hairy and backward monkeys."

Their hearts stirred.

The Emperor of Heaven had his eyes on the future before he even descended to earth.

None of the predictions made by the Emperor of Heaven have been wrong so far, so it is inevitable that His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven predicted that this person would be terrifying.

"Sure enough, we half-step masters, even if one person can constantly press the entire mortal world, we can't be exposed to avoid problems." They frowned completely.

Even if you don't know Wu Lang's true background and his various evil deeds to create miracles one after another, you still secretly guess that he is most likely a sinister fisherman.

So, I completely suppressed my arrogance in my heart, for fear of overturning.

Be cautious and cautious.

This is the emperor's warning to them.

They continued to read, and in it, they focused on an important message: the Tower of Babel, Mount Buzhou.

According to legend, the King of the Gods, Taozu, resides in this location.

And this should be the location of the Great Leiyin Temple in the present world. After all, the mortal world is so big, it is very simple to find a tower that attracts attention.

"How could he refine it? Even though he opened up the era, if a mere immortal has no corresponding bloodline, how can he refine the supreme Buddha treasure? Is he a Buddhist son who has been passed down to later generations?" Someone wondered.

"Not necessarily. He may not be a son of Buddha. He has a space destiny and is a descendant of Buddha, so he can refine the Great Thunder Sound Temple." Some people speculated.

Everyone looked at each other.

So what does it take to eliminate more information?

The two roughly fate directions have been confirmed:

Life + space.

It is indeed terrifying and requires caution.

"He actually refined the Buddha treasure and lived in it, so what?" someone discussed.

They are not afraid of the other party's strength, but they are afraid that the other party will be hidden and unable to catch anyone.

Just like Jingzhou in those days, where can we find each other in this vast land?

Now I know the location instantly, which is a good thing.

"Da Leiyin Temple cannot be attacked by force."

A Half-footed Lord said: "We are golden immortals after all. Without Dao Fruit, we cannot break the immortal treasure of Great Leiyin Temple."

The Great Leiyin Temple is a space artifact, and even if it is only an unfinished fragment, it is not within the reach of their golden immortals.

To break into it, you must be at the Dao Lord level.

"Why break into it?"

A golden immortal spoke, "We are squatting around the Great Leiyin Temple. When he goes out, we immediately ambush him. With so many half-step masters attacking him, who is at least a mortal god in the realm of heavenly immortals, he will definitely die." I don’t understand.”

When everyone thinks about it, this is also true.

Squatting in front of his door and waiting for him, this is prudent enough.

"This is an optimal solution."

A half-walker recognized the matter, "But I suggest you not to squat with him together. He is so insidious. Maybe he is not in Leiyin Temple? What about in the underworld?"

"We are divided into two groups."

Someone immediately made the most perfect response, "Three statues are squatting at the door of the Tower of Babel, three are squatting at the door of the underworld, and the remaining one is in this land of the West, changing its appearance, secretly collecting intelligence, looking for information about the princess's body."


"This is the most reasonable plan we can make now that we have the information."

A few people discussed it and dispersed into a stream of light.

As for the human world and the underworld, no one can detect the secret attack of these half-step masters and enter the mortal world.

After all, the gap in realm is too big!

The ninth level of Golden Immortals were all beaten to death by one slap of their hands, let alone the mortal world where there were not even Golden Immortals but were filled with mere heavenly immortals?

Their times are constantly innovating, but their development time is too short!

Their arrival is a dimensionality reduction blow.

And the other side.

Wu Lang didn't know that someone was guarding the door for him, so he squatted at the door and wanted to sneak up on him.

If he knew, he would be shocked.

After all, he has also calculated his combat power. Even if the Kaifeng God List is fully activated, he can only kill the middle level of the Golden Immortal in an instant, which is probably about the same as the ninth level of the Golden Immortal.

In front of these old monsters, any sneak attack will kill you instantly, let alone so many people?

But at this time, he was still in silent retreat.

Another year.

Eight levels of immortality.

There is still no breakthrough. It will take two to three years to break through to a big level.


"Take a break for a year and then continue." He turned his attention to the Internet again, catching up on TV shows, watching dramas, playing Landlords, passing the time, and having fun with his wife.

As for going out?

Some time ago, he had to go out in person. After all, to transform the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he had to come in person.

What about now?

The entire mortal world has been constructed by him, and it is impossible for the real body to leave.

He is not like other monks. He has a body that knows everything. This special practice allows him to use it as a radio, bring his own super network cable, watch movies silently, catch up on TV series, and watch the world without going out. That's not Enjoyable?

You know, it has been more than three hundred years since he traveled to Kyushu.

I have been practicing for so long.

Excluding moving, I have never left the cave more than five times.

I once accompanied a group of little goddesses to visit Liangzhou for a few months, once I went out to compete for the king of underworld games, I perfected the Six Paths of Reincarnation some time ago, and recently I went to Earth to eliminate information.

I went out four times in total.

Is it a joke that he has worked overtime for the ninth time in his life?

Work overtime, work overtime.

And outside.

The three half-pedestrians were still at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, forming three corners. They were running a bookstore, a weapons store, and a babysitting store to make a living in secret.

"As a Dao Ancestor, the era has exploded crazily. He must overlook the entire world and must go out often." Several golden immortals secretly said, measuring someone with common sense.

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