I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 453 Buddha is the Tao, Li Xrou was born

"When times come, heaven and earth all work together, and the heroes who are destined to die are not free!"

"We are waiting in the lower realm to follow the general trend, fight for the destiny of heaven, and kill the Taoist ancestors of this realm!"

All the turmoil of these extraterrestrial visitors is happening in secret.

And secretly, the Taoist remnants of the XZ rebellion in the east, the Golden Immortals of the Four Great Dao Cults, began to try to seize power in Taoism and fight for the right to speak, but unfortunately they had no luck.

Very bad luck.

In the end, he could only take a step back and compromise. Instead of ruling the entire Taoism, he reached an agreement with the Taoist gods. The leader of Taoism was the Central Heavenly Emperor, and the four of them were the Four Directions Heavenly Emperors, who were enshrined as gods in Taoism.

They are:

Eastern Green Emperor Taihao

Southern Red Emperor Xuanhao

Shaohao, the White Emperor of the West

Northern Yellow Emperor Zhuanxu

Together they are known as the Four Golden Immortal Emperors, the future Taoist quasi-sages.

So Taoism is on the run, and it is no longer so difficult. It can re-develop its own Taoist disciples and find talented disciples.

And Buddhism is also undercurrent.

"who are you?"

All the Buddhas suffered disaster and ushered in a great calamity.

Three strange Buddhas of unknown origin appeared and secretly attacked their Buddhist sect.

"Oh, you actually have more than ten golden immortals. You really know how to be patient." At this time, a mysterious black figure said.


In the Zen room, the three Buddhas looked at the three demons in front of them, "My Buddha is compassionate. Since they love to fight for the world, I will not fight. I will practice in seclusion and save some destined people."

The three demons spoke in unison: "Don't think about communicating with the outside world. We have been preparing for so long and finally seized the opportunity to isolate the outside world. That is to ambush you, the Third World Honored One, replace you, and then inherit your tradition and the power of your subordinates." .”

The Buddha and World Honored Bodhisattva sitting in the center has a compassionate face and sits cross-legged. Below is a twelve-grade golden lotus flower. "Everyone's identity is unknown. How can there be such a powerful person in this world? He has reached the perfection of the Golden Immortal and is half a step into the Great Luo." , are you here to seize our Buddhist lineage, put on our cassocks, and compete for the general power of the world?"


The three black figures said.

The Buddha's eyes were very clear and calming, "Then what are you going to do? It's not easy to replace our identities."

"this is very simple."

The black figure headed by the one laughed loudly, "Our origins are very ancient and our heritage is rich, which you can't imagine! We easily deduced the method to replace you."

"The laws of the old dynasty cannot be applied to the gods of the new dynasty." Buddha meant something, his eyes were dull, and his wise eyes seemed to see through something.

"We naturally use the laws of the new era to promote the Tao of the new era."

They shook their heads and said seriously:

"We use the method of cultivation to absorb the wisps of your rules and incorporate them into our bodies. They become the second magical power and are suppressed in our bodies. We will become Buddhas like you."

"Buddha is the Tao!"

The Lord is silent.

The Buddhas were silent.

a long time.


At this time, the ancient Buddha sitting on the seat next to him spoke, as if he had seen through the future, and couldn't help but ask the Buddha:

"World Honored One! The Buddha's calamity cannot be escaped. After our Nirvana, the desire for Dharma will be extinguished, just like a lamp extinguished. In the five adverse turbulent times, the devil's path will flourish. The devil will act as a recluse and disrupt our path. Our spirit will fall into the hell of no choice. What should we do? "

"There is no need to resist, just sit down and pass. This is the calamity destined for me, the Buddha."

The Buddha clasped his hands together, as if he had an instant enlightenment.

His eyes were as clear and clear as bright mirrors, as if he could see through the distant future, his eyes burning:

"The three of you wear our cassocks, cultivate our karma, and master our Taoism. You must repair your karma and do good deeds. How are you different from me?"

"There is no such thing as a saint when it comes to deeds, but there is no such thing as a saint."

The Buddha let out a long sigh, his eyes calmly entered the water, and his pair of wise eyes seemed to be observing all living beings in the world, looking into the future, "Buddhism is facing this catastrophe, we passed away today, and one day we will return. At that time, Buddhism will flourish, and you will also let go of this catastrophe." The butcher's knife escaped into the empty door and became a Buddha immediately."

"The Buddha is a person who has lived in the past, and I am the future Buddha."

"The devil will become a Buddha if he wears the Buddha's robes." The Buddha's face showed compassion, and his whole body exuded peace and tranquility. He gradually transformed into a golden round wheel, sat down, and turned into a golden and round relic.

"Infinite Life Buddha~~"

When the other two great Buddhas present saw the Buddha's passing away, they couldn't help but let out a long sigh and sat down one after another to pass away. Their rules were condensed into a relic.

The three demon heads frowned and picked up the three relics.

"Brother, they are Buddhists" someone hesitated.

"They are always nagging. They don't know that they are no match for us, and they are just disturbing our Taoist minds." Another half-step master said calmly.

With these three relics, they can almost pretend to be Buddha and take charge of this religious lineage!

This makes them happy.

After all, they have failed too many times since they came to earth.

The Taoist ancestor couldn't go out, and he attacked the Immortal Empress but was counterattacked. He attacked Taoism and had no choice but to join forces with an alliance. Now he finally controls Buddhism.

This is a true victory.

"In this way, we are the Three Great World Honored Ones." They all took their seats and sat on the lotus platform. The leader of the Buddha said with a gentle smile: "According to what those strangers said, I will secretly call him Wutian Buddha."

In the past, Buddha burned lanterns.

Now Buddha Tathagata comes.

The future Buddha Maitreya.

They had just been full of ambitions, but suddenly the leader Wutian Buddha noticed something.

"What is this??" He realized that the twelfth-grade golden lotus flower he was sitting on was actually the Buddha's teaching treasure of Buddhism, embodying the power of the rules of all Buddhas.

So in this way, with the power of this rule, he still has some hope of resisting the three of them.

Although you will definitely not be able to live, you may not be able to break this barrier. Tell the world before you die, so that the people of the world know that you, the black-handed existence in the world and secretly in the world, are trying to seize the general situation.

"Why doesn't he expose us?"

"Why didn't he resist?"

Two deep questions began to take root in my heart, and I couldn't help but recall the kind and peaceful smile of the Buddha who passed away.

Wu Lang stared at it for a moment and couldn't help but shake his head, "The three of them are not as mysterious as these half-step masters think."

They knew that once they were born, God the Father would definitely know about them.

Therefore, Father God will definitely stand up for them, and they will definitely come back.

As for why they didn't reveal it?

It's because your gods are not stupid and know how to leave the choice to your father, God, to decide whether to expose them or not.

"The hearts are connected."

Wu Lang sighed and continued to practice silently.

I will keep a record of the affairs of these three people silently, and I will settle the matter with them one by one when the time comes.

The other side.

At the Tower of Babel in the west, the gods who are high above rule the four continents, and fifty tribes in the world come to worship and bow their heads.

"We have a great enemy in this world, in heaven!"

"The gods of the Western Lands, in the era of development, will fight against the Thirty-Three Heavens!"

The King of Gods, who holds the truth in his hand, is already the pioneer of an era. He has risen strongly and rapidly promoted his rule!

The times are becoming more and more peaceful and peaceful. Countless churches are established and countless professionals are born. They are rapidly accumulating strength like an army.

Nearly twenty years passed in the blink of an eye.

In the dimension of the Cave of Time, the head of the gods of the Western Land, the Immortal Empress, has been ruling the world for ten thousand years.

The ruling era lasted for tens of thousands of years throughout the mortal world. Countless faith churches and countless golden immortals broke out, entering the era of great explosion.

During this period of time, the number of Golden Immortals has reached more than seventy, spread all over the earth.

Today is the birthday of the Empress of the Human World.

Churches and powerful men from four continents came to celebrate, sending all kinds of rare treasures with great fanfare.

Above the Tower of Babel.

A great goddess sits on a throne, holding the scepter of truth.

Behind him are professional goddesses dressed in different styles, hundreds of them, gathered into a vast picture of Western gods.

Wow! ~~

Countless people looked up at the towering gods of Babel.

"Look! Our era is great, because the Jiejiao has intercepted the future of hundreds of millions of people at the bottom, so we are highly unified, the strong ones are highly concentrated, and the gods are all our power."

"Yes, we will not have internal strife and internal strife, and militarized civilization practice, such as steel mechanical chariots. Look at the Taoists. They are hiding like mice, but they are still fighting among themselves crazily and consuming their own strength."

"Taoism? It's nothing more than cultivating gu, a backward system."

"Buddhism is not much better. They practice good and evil karma. They are more united and more friendly than us. They are monolithic and have no internal friction. However, they are individuals and cannot practice as fast as us!"

The strong men who serve the gods are very proud.

Looking at the head of the gods in the sky, a great existence destined to be passed down for eternity.

"Look at the appearance of our empress. She defeated the Golden Immortal with one blow and scared off the other three Golden Immortals. Now her cultivation has become more and more unfathomable. It is estimated that she will rule this world for tens of millions of years!"

"Her Majesty the Empress will remain immortal forever, overlooking the vast land, promote the prosperity of mortal civilization, and finally fight against the heaven!"

Everyone said with a smile.

And just when the world is celebrating their birthdays.

The mutation was born.


Somewhere in the entire sea of ​​suffering, a huge energy tsunami is suddenly erupting, as if it is giving birth to some earth-shattering and magnificent life.

"what is that?"

The gods suddenly looked sideways, and their hearts palpitated inexplicably, but the King of the Gods, who was holding the scepter of truth in the center of the throne, seemed to know what it was in an instant.

"It seems that senior has given me a big gift."


[Your Taoist companions, Li Qingrou and Li Hairou, have completely merged and sent birthday gifts to your immortal goddess. 】

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