I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 466 The Arrogant and Terrifying Ancient Emperor

"There are seven vanguard troops who have secretly entered our fairyland?" At this time, the combined empress showed a little surprise, "Why didn't I know?"

"It would be strange for you to know." Wu Lang shook his head.

You two are so promiscuous and show your face everywhere. All living beings in the world know what you and Queen Houtu are doing. They are hiding it, so how can they know?

They are not stupid!

In order to hide the Houtu Empress from the investigation and avoid any abnormal status in the underworld, they even went to the heavy tank.

The most terrifying thing is the black hand who endures humiliation.

After Wu Lang explained the matter carefully, he added: "I originally wanted to help you cancel the information, but after thinking about it, forget it. You are not as calm as me."

"Who is like you, a young lady who has never left home?" Li Hairou was speechless and laughed again:

"Let me go! There is such a thing? They turned out to be the three Buddhas and the Four Heavenly Emperors! I said their qualifications are a bit outrageous. They look high-sounding, but they have such a dark history behind their backs?"

Empress Houtu also laughed, "In order to hide her identity, she endured the humiliation and hid her body's [earth net], but could not hide from the master's [tianluo]. When they attacked those gods, they had already noticed it, but they Even proud of it.”


I only found out when they opened the free mic in front of me.

Li Qingrou frowned, "The seven half-step masters are very strong, but if the three of us join forces and sneak attack on them, we should be able to win quickly."

"The Emperor of Heaven is at the end of his rope."

Empress Houtu pondered for a few seconds, "Half-step master is the greatest combat power he can bring out, but how can he stop the three of us holding the divine weapon?"


As a princess, Li Hairou can still sense something secretly, and said: "In his eyes, he is probably a life emperor in the mortal world. A single divine weapon can kill seven and a half-foot-step kings, but he didn't expect that the human world can kill all three of us." A person! He can’t kill him!”

Wu Lang still shook his head.

These two people really fell into a trap.

To be honest, when the seven of them first came to the human world, Wu Lang thought the same way. He felt that these seven and a half step masters were the greatest means for the Emperor of Heaven to raid the human world.

At that time, I also fell into the trap.

If he hadn't been fully informed and peeked into the future, he and others would have been plotted to death long ago.

"These seven people cannot be killed. The Emperor of Heaven induced us to kill them." Wu Lang explained the reason carefully.

The two people's hearts trembled.

I didn't expect the Emperor of Heaven to be so evil-hearted.

"As expected of someone's old father." Li Qingrou exclaimed in shock.

Li Hairou ignored her and couldn't help but ask: "Then how did you know?"

"I know everything." Wu Lang explained simply, but did not reveal the specific form of his knowledge. Even if these two people can be completely trusted, the fewer people know, the better.

The ghost knows what the Emperor of Heaven has up to him, and he takes the opportunity to know his own trump card.

Anyway, it’s Gou.

"By the way, you know everything and spend a lot of money?" Li Qingrou asked suddenly.

Wu Lang sighed helplessly. This man's thinking was really sharp. He guessed that he couldn't use it continuously, so he couldn't deny it: "It's very big, so we can't deduce it at any time."

"Actually, I have a plan, you can give it a try." Li Qingrou suddenly said: "Since he is positioned at two points, why don't we use it to our advantage?"

"Just follow the plan?" Wu Lang was dumbfounded.

Li Hairou also suddenly smiled and said something, and laughed sinisterly:

"Yes! We distort the time magnification and let these seven people die at the wrong time. The Emperor of Heaven will get the wrong coordinates. In that case, he will come to the wrong past and future, and the cause and effect of the long river of time will backfire greatly. The Emperor of Heaven will bring him If you travel through thirty-three days, you will be able to..."

Instant death!

Po Meng and Empress Houtu looked at each other with fear in their hearts.

This woman wants to kill her father!

So cruel.

She is worthy of being a loving father and a filial daughter.

Wu Lang's eyes also showed light, "This plan seems feasible in theory??"

Someone's woman happens to have the spiritual root of time, and can pretend to interfere with the time coordinates, so that she can subvert the heaven and kill the emperor without any effort.

"You can give it a try!" Po Meng also said excitedly.

Wu Lang thought about it for a while. Although he was excited, he felt that things would not be that simple.

He does not plan to execute it immediately, but plans to collect some more resources, wait for a simulation, and read the huge information data to peek into the future.

"Short of money?"

Li Qingrou saw Wu Lang's actions, "Recently, I have built small star worlds, preparing to become new fairy worlds. Countless lives have been born in them, and I have created clones that are as golden as the real body, to the fairy world. I went on an adventure and there is no shortage of resources.”

"Really?" Wu Lang was surprised.

"Much richer than you."

Li Hairou laughed, "If I remember correctly, your organization has only attracted more than 300 Golden Immortals, right? I have already killed 700 Golden Immortals, venturing in the fairy world to find resources, and the number is still growing exponentially! "

she expressed.

The more resources he steals, the more clones he can create every year.

There will be at least tens of thousands of Golden Immortal clones in the future!

Sure enough, he was following Li Qingrou's old path again, sending clones everywhere to level up and grab resources.

Wu Lang sighed after hearing this. He was worthy of being the protagonist of the original era in history. "I have always supported you before, but you will support me in the future. My system and the speed of acquiring resources are not as high as yours now."

"No problem." Li Qingrou nodded.

In the past, the Human Emperor System had been frantically acquiring resources to help them develop, and that's how they got to where they are today. Now that the Human Emperor System's resources are not as good as theirs, it can naturally be reversed.

Anyway, the fairy world is really rich!

Resources are not hard to steal.

Just one of the immortal heavens, with tens of billions of years of accumulation, can support Wu Lang's mortal world and underworld, and develop to a mature stage.

Li Qingrou took out a storage ring and said, "Take these resources and let's see how that ends?"

Wu Lang nodded, very pleased that after raising him for so long, he was finally back to raise him.

He began to peer into countless information data, perceive the torrent of information from all over the world, and simulate and deduce the entire future.


In the thirty-three days, the golden light shines in the palace.

The Emperor's expression moved slightly, "Seven of them are dead."

"Your Majesty! Why is this man so powerful?"

A divine general was immediately surprised, "The seven half-step masters are all ancient and modern in history. The opponent is at most a golden immortal. Even if he holds the Dao Order artifact, he is definitely not an opponent. I'm afraid something unexpected will happen." ?”

"It's normal for accidents to happen. We don't know exactly how the seven false Dao Lords executed it and what they encountered. Actual combat and theoretical results are two different things." Another god general spoke, "In short, the other side won. Another miracle was created.”

"It's a pity that he didn't know that it was still the second trap." General Youshen said, "Your Majesty, we can go down to the lower realm."

The Emperor was silent for a few seconds, "Two-way positioning, I have completely known the specific location of [the current world], and can lock it at any time."

Just like two ships, as long as he knows the distance between the current ship and himself, the speed of the current ship itself, and himself, he can calculate where [the present world] is at any moment.

This is a simple junior high school physics question.

"You go to [the present world] and have a look." The Emperor of Heaven spoke slowly, pointing at a large Luo existence, "Go."


This kind of Da Luo existence was sent to this world without hesitation.


The Emperor knew the answer instantly, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Your Majesty, did he succeed?" the gods general asked.

"He is dead, twisted to death."

The Emperor of Heaven still smiled gently and whispered softly: "There is absolutely no problem with my plan, and my hands are very clean! I was confident that no one could find my coordinate marks on the seven people, but they were still discovered, and even made In order to fight back, he planned to plot against me and trick me into dying."

Everyone looked in disbelief.

The future becomes mysterious and terrifying.

They felt a dark and strange world in the dark.

He has unknown systems and structures, unimaginable supernatural powers and civilization, practices different mysterious and extraordinary systems, and transcends their traditional cognition of the fairy world.

"Your Majesty, how did he, his future new emperor, do it?"

A god general looked horrified, feeling that he was almost dead, and said: "As far as I know, the three supreme rules, life and space, do not have magical powers to predict the future, or to peer into the past!"

"Is it possible that another Time Dao Fruit has appeared!" Someone was surprised.

"No, once the Tao Fruit appears, it will be unique in the past and the future. No matter the past or the future, there is only one me."

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven shook his head and showed a warm smile. He sat on the throne and looked at the sky silently. "Obviously, if all possibilities are eliminated, then even if it is unbelievable, it must be the only answer."

"In the distant future, the fourth highest seat appears."

"That person will rule the future world."

"That person opened up an era of civilization just like me."

"He is not time, not life, and he also has abilities similar to mine."

"He is calculating me in the future and scheming against me."


His gaze was deep, as if he could see through the sky, and he looked at Wu Lang who was performing the deduction, "Are you looking at me?"


The two people looked at each other for an instant.

The two old enemies seemed to be meeting each other for the first time across vast and endless time.

It was a pair of calm, yet indescribably majestic, indifferent eyes.

The moment their eyes crossed each other, Wu Lang's hair stood up. He felt a rush of blood rush to his head in horror, and his head buzzed, "This monster"

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