I'm the Master of the Yellow Springs

Chapter 478 Counterattack

The gods of heaven stepped into the underworld and instantly set off a world-destroying storm.


"how come?"

On the Huangquan Road, countless wandering souls seemed to have entered a big steamer, and were instantly evaporated by countless golden lights, and disappeared into the underworld with screams.


The Huangquan Road paved with soul mud cobblestones collapsed into a loess desert.

The mighty River Styx in the underworld is steaming, covering the sky and the earth.

The Naihe Bridge collapsed, and the Sansheng Stone was more like a living creature, with drops of blood seeping out. It seemed to be a sad scene of injustice and disaster, and the Sansheng Stone was crying.

"The ghosts in the underworld have been cleared."

The leader of the Five Elements True Monarch shouted in a low voice: "These wandering souls were evaporated in an instant, and Samsara cannot be retrieved! This has proven that we have the initial strength to encircle and suppress the reincarnation emperor of Hou Tu."

Clearing away the ghosts and ghosts in the underworld is a test.

Who is Houtu Empress?

That is the great emperor of heaven and earth who controls the cycle of life and death, the cycle of yin and yang, and rules the true spirits of billions of lives. He is the ultimate existence that stands at the apex of life in the entire world.

One of the three supreme beings in heaven and earth that governs the ultimate three days.

If thousands of Tao Lords can't even break her self-circulation of six reincarnations, and her true soul is retrieved by her six reincarnations, then there is no need to fight, she is immortal.

She is dead.

It will also return and be reborn in the six realms of reincarnation.

But through the test, they got a gratifying answer.

Their encirclement and suppression campaign resulted in quantitative changes and qualitative changes.

Even for the return of life in the "Six Paths of Reincarnation", their cooperation is enough to resist reincarnation.

So the gods were immediately overjoyed, "We have a chance to win -"


The next moment, the gods were slapped and flew towards them, and more than a hundred Dao Lords quickly flew backwards. Eighty were seriously injured and twenty Dao Lords fell.

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed.

"What a monster!"

"Quickly retreat!"

"He has actually reached the heyday of the Emperor of Heaven, even though he has no time! How did he master his power to the limit in just two days!"

"Could it be a miracle of the evolution of life? Does it have similar abilities?"

All the Dao Lords immediately knew in their hearts that the other party was powerful.

One hundred Dao Lords were knocked away with one slap, and twenty of them fell instantly.

What a terrifying number is this?

Is this the terrifying power of an emperor in his heyday?

No wonder the Heavenly Emperor of the Immortal Realm, who only has 10% of his strength left, is not afraid of the more than 200 Tao Lords of Thirty-Three Heavens and allows him to develop as he pleases.

Everyone felt deep fear and shock.

This is another real calamity!

The last time the Gods were summoned to measure the calamity, everyone was killed by hundreds of thousands of contemporaries with great talents, and the mortality rate was extremely high.

The death rate is also frighteningly high now!

Twenty fellow Taoists died with one slap. The Tao Lords present already had the intention of retreating.

"No, it is estimated that even the Immortal Emperor cannot reach the level of combat power of the Houtu Reincarnation Emperor. The Immortal Emperor's time is skill, and she is good at moving a thousand pounds in four ounces, because she is the strongest Life Emperor in the world, with pure brute force, powerful and immortal ultimate Life is so exaggerated.”

Let’s break down the three supreme rules.

The Emperor of Life is the least flashy.

It is the strongest frontal combat power in the world.

"What a shame, where is His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven? Didn't he command the battlefield? Didn't he tell us about the future and return to the present so that we can avoid it?"

"Your Majesty, you haven't restarted time for us at all! He is letting us die!"

They became afraid.

A deep sense of fear came over me.

Without the Emperor of Heaven to coordinate, constantly restart time, help them see through Emperor Houtu's moves, and arrange their troops, how could they win this invincible ultimate existence?

A group of wind, fire, thunder and lightning, even music, chess, calligraphy and painting, as well as swords, guns, swords and halberds are just thousands of paths scattered across the sky and earth. How can they be the real opponents of the Supreme Emperor.

Quantity without some special medium cannot beat quality.

Three thousand pieces of tofu can never beat a stone.

"How ridiculous"

When Emperor Houtu saw a trace of timidity on their faces, ranging from fighting spirit to panic, he only found it interesting. Yingying smiled and said: "How stupid are you? How can you be so simple?" You know him, why don't you go back to the past for you? ?”

"Because for time, your life is not valuable."

Her voice was mighty and mighty, covering the entire underworld and spreading heavily, as if it was pushed to the thirty-three-day fairy world and entered the ears of countless people.

"The most precious thing about life is life itself."

"The thing that despises life the most is often the so-called time."

Empress Houtu seemed to be expounding the principles of the rules of heaven and earth.

And all the Dao Lords were shocked.

They are so smart and understand the meaning instantly.

The so-called knowing one's destiny and cultivating one's destiny, as weak as a mortal, as strong as a Taoist monarch, or even as high as the three heavenly emperors, cannot escape this way.

Cultivate life and cherish life the most.

Time despises life the most.

The Emperor of Heaven regarded them as the most insignificant tools.

"We and the three supreme emperors have distorted time and space."

"Even if he wants to restart the past related to this emperor, he will need to spend hundreds of times the mana of ordinary time travel. He is a cautious person, so he must hide his secrets and reduce consumption."

"Why would I waste my heritage on you? When you die, there will naturally be new people."

She smiled lightly: "Look."


The avenue of heaven and earth is shaking.

However, he saw that in the immortal world, there were more than two hundred golden immortals, Dzogchen, who were realizing the Tao, replacing the twenty dead Taoists.


Familiar faces entered the battlefield one after another.

"Aren't these people among the twenty Dao Lords who died, the old enemies who once competed with them on the same rules track in history?"

Everyone’s color changed completely:

In history, the genius who fought with them is still alive.

He had long been saved by the Emperor of Heaven from calamity, traveled through time, and was secretly rescued, and was regarded as a substitute for the Tao Lord.

"Hateful! Hateful! It's simply hateful!" The gods were suddenly shocked and angry. Those were their old enemies, and their enemies were extremely jealous when they met.

What a heavenly emperor, no wonder the banquet didn't show up.

They have long been regarded as disposable waste and consumables.

When they die, their contemporaries will compete with them!

"See, that man doesn't care about you."

Empress Houtu has a gentle expression, as if she is an ancient mother of all things. Her embrace seems to return to the original warm ocean, which makes people yearn for it.

She finally grew up.

I have learned from the Emperor of Heaven that his words are gentle, but his words are thorny and have ulterior motives. He is a bad person and sows fear in the hearts of his enemies.

She pointed to the phantoms high up, "Do you think it's over after conferring gods to measure calamities and defeating old enemies one after another?"


"They are still alive, watching you from above and acting as your substitutes."

"You have fought for a lifetime, been glorious for a lifetime, taken risks, worked hard, struggled, and been passionate. What ridiculous things did you get in exchange?"

"The old enemy just faked his death."

"The Conferring of Gods is still going on."

"This is the second test. If you die, your old enemy will take your place."

"The Emperor of Heaven is a terrible person. He has already merged two calamities into one calamity and is waiting for you to continue."

"Yes, his plan is not wrong. Three Thousand Dao Lords will be resurrected again and again to surround and kill me, but in this form."

Empress Houtu shook her head and chuckled: "So, take a good look and recognize the dog chain hung around your necks by the Emperor of Heaven. Who do you think you are in his eyes??"

The minds of the gods are buzzing.

Empress Houtu has a gentle and kind personality.

But after replacing Wu Lang as the pioneer of the era and overthrowing the immortal clan as the saint and hero of the era, Wu Lang even learned the speech skills of inspiring people and confronting the immortal clan perfectly.

After all, she had been following Wu Lang for the longest time.

"You are still young and full of passion. Now you are also benefiting the people in the era of cultivation, establishing your mind for the way of heaven, and your destiny for life. You are in the wonderful era of youthful spirit. I don't believe that you have become corrupt."

Empress Houtu snorted coldly: "What did the Immortal Emperor say to you? That the underworld is corrupt and that this emperor is a disaster?"

"Look at my life, this is the attack that I started as a mortal and opened up for the world!"

"If you cheat, you will be judged by heaven and earth!"

At this moment, scrolls appeared in the sky.

Everyone seemed to see a hero who opened up an era. He rose from humble times in Jingzhou and opened up the gate of immortality for the mortals in Jingzhou. During the foundation period, he was besieged and killed by nine states in the world. He faced the immortal clan and chaos of the overlord during the tribulation period, and was burdened with The roar and cry of the times ushered in a truly prosperous age.


No one knows the origin of this statue.

Because she has been blank for the past three hundred years.

But now, she has revealed all her life experiences.

"This is?"

"This is the life of this statue that ushered in a prosperous era of cultivation!"

"Woooooooo, I have the ancestral scripture in my hand. I thought it was the Immortal Emperor who opened it, but I didn't expect it to be."

"He eliminated the plague of mountain spirits and beasts, killed the old emperor of Jingzhou, and for the common people resisted the bloody Taoist priests, benefiting the common people."

Countless Dao Lords watched this scene with turmoil in their hearts.

At the same time, they sensed the world and knew that everything the other said was true. This was the wonderful life of this great saint who ushered in the era of cultivation.


It's true.

At this time, Empress Houtu continued to reveal her life, and she was extremely convinced that the person in the picture was herself.

She herself is the natal magic weapon in the man's mind that suppresses the sea of ​​consciousness.

She is in the picture.

She didn't lie, but they misunderstood that the person inside was her, not the magic weapon, so it was their problem.

"Tell me, what does life mean to him?"

Empress Houtu’s voice was low.

“Life in the eyes of time is like weeds, they grow again after being burned.”

"In the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, for hundreds of billions of years, he has never looked at your Taoist Lord from the Immortal Realm. Why??"

"Because he was sitting on the Supreme God's Throne high up, and he kept thinking, what kind of boring junk things are all down there? Dao Lord? Competing for fame and fortune? Just a bunch of weeds from the era."

"Time pushes, repeats, repeats, he never lacks heroes like you."

“What is decay??”

"A king with a glamorous appearance still controls history, rules a dynasty, deifies himself, and fools the people. This is corruption."

Empress Houtu pointed at the sky, pointed at the fairy world high above, and shouted: "When his praises are deified and erased, and the legendary history is hidden, that high things are just toys. Please take a serious look at what you are seeking refuge in." what."

The sound is as loud as a bell, shaking people's hearts.

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